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Show tbc Uotrd to place a valuation for M iii Itl tell one at re in Bee. 9, T 10. N I! V .. tor travel pit for Itt, The prnjioatefinnrnt pnrpnwi upon thr lmt wst w ion of Bear River which i f Mr. ncneptM) upon motion irrigated lit It was the sentiment of the fron the tJaounund canal. The astipaii Mrs. Ilohn furni-- h llart, providing sheepmen gathered in Salt Lake or was instructed to use his jodeirteal tUnl tberefov. last week that new woolen mills anil HMD Mid laini at its cash value. l'Ku motion of Mr. Adams the license should be established in the wool ( ' imiiiiHiicntion from Jobs M. Sauixl of Wallace Patterson toeondiict tbe husiproducing fields. And we think ers regarding services in notify Ing poll I neat of selling liquor was revoked and t ie plan will be carried out. tax workers, and from Hoekel Blank1 tbe Sheriir instructed to close It at once. All the argument which drag liooUCo. relative to price and style Of Tbe appli ati in of X. J, Valentine et ged the iron mills to Alabama shelves for Recorder! vault, clerk in itl. for anallowar.cc of 10 per montli to may be used in favor of establish itructed to to said the was presented sad action Thomas T T. company notify i:iK woollen mills in the moun shelves tbeir bid. as steel furnish the deferred. per tain country, where wool is prosaid shelves to match those already Petition number forty was granted duced. It costs less to ship the motion of Mr. Adams. there. finished product than to ship the moti in of Mr. Hin t 152.17 was apThe Upon pet it i in o f A. K Jensen et al askraw material. The employment" for the the appointment of Or, 11. A to Treasurer the to ing pay of labor in the field here at home propriated as fot Pearse County Physician, and tbe apnresents advantages that no one taxes of Mrs. J. A. Cramer, pauper, of Dr. E. A Rich for the positbe plication will deny. The possibility of D tion of County Physician were presented. Ttc hou,u "f H,M sapplving our people with wool- - ubWa. k. L'pon moti, in of Mr. Mart, Dr. Rich was Jntlc, a Want Woolen Mills They Mtked I . 1 - tI 01 Ix-i- CLEARANCE SALE Continues. I IX - w im . ei goods at price aa. profitable t the manufacturers and yet Holmgren, Justice, tad C were approved. J wer to the consumer, is a con- - Comuble, PeUt NebeUt "M" sideration if the first importance. j . Auderon, ip pointed Coufity Physician, l'pon motion of ( bait man Valentine the County Hoard of Ilea It w as organiz .5llo i of hi aon, Mel via, the recently elected (,. , compised of the ( iinnu-i- loie-- - and with M. li, Hart as than I nd qulied Surveyor, and asked thai Cntnty Physician the Count v purchase for the use of the 'biirma n. There adjourned for survt'-v"rMl 1,1 A- - ln ,l,'!l11 t will be established in Utah are at present found here. ' is no reason why a grade of goods incuts. u as tine us any in iiine country can Tbe application of John M. Roberts not be produced in Utah mills. for the position of gardener for the year And with the passing of the 191)7 at 180 per month, seven months vjars there will be a smaller pei- - Bch U HS Presented, ahw the PPr. C mtage of shipping wool to the 'ate ..i ot .i. w snemeid tor cation the post East, and then shipping cloths to of the tion and at Court gardener janitor the West. The work will be done here as well as it can be House al $550 per annum was presented done anywhere on earth. And and considered, lion. F. W. Fishbnrn the freight and the labor will be appeared and spoke favorably of Mr. factors in the betterment of the Sheffield, l'pon motion of Chairman paople of the state, and the re- Valentine the application of J. W. Sheffield was granted and he was allowed gion in its immediate vicinity. 1590 per annum Republican. te&k.. 11 -.. 1' Inter-Mounta- . in There are two ways of spending a dollar. You can spend it at home, gain an easy conscience make another friend and perhaps get the dollar back tomorrow, or you can send it away, feel that you have sinned, offend the home merchant and forever lose the dollar and the blessed influence for good to yourself and neighbor. Idaho Enterprise. One law that our legislature should take up is that of equalizing taxation. The way taxes are levied at the present time those who are obliged to borrow money are not only at the mercy of the money lenders from outside the state, but they have to pay the taxes that ought to be paid by them. A farmer who is in debt for his farm has to pay the taxes on the farm and the interest on the debt, while the man who has loaned him the money and holds his note or a mortage, and has, by virtue of t'lese certificates of debt, an e citable interest in the property", goes scot free. This is not ri?htand it is the duty of the legislature to remedy the matter. Will they do it? l'pon motion of Mr. Adams, the ?30 sent the Attorney by I.. W. Standing of Fielding w as accepted as back license to Jan. 1st, 11)07. Call for the Dry Farm ing Congress was read. The Assessor's appointment of depu ties was latitied upon the motion of Mr. Hart. Mr. Adams reported t lint P. X. Pierre had 'phoned him that Mrs. Rohwer Trans-Missour- Hoard of Couuty Commissioners met regular session Monday Jan. 21, 1907. , II. Kennard of Riverside appeared and stated that he w as conducting a gen rial merchandise business on a small scale in connection wjtlt tbe post office, and asked that he be grained a license without fee for conducting his business, l'pon motion of Chairman Valentine. Mr. Kennard was granted a free license for the year 11)07, and the hack license rebated Frank .1 Walker of the fanners' Com inercial A-- Produce Co. appeared and stated that he was williug to pay hack license for the time he had been doing business from August 1st, 1900, but did not think it right to pay what was due while Mr. Wilcox was in the business. I pon motion of Chairman Valentine the clerk was instructed to issue Mr. Walker a license from Aug. loth. 190$, to Fcbr. 1 3th, 1907, for 190.00, tier, A. 1. Hansen appeared and asked thai tbe Methodist parMUiage which iiad been sold lor taxes be declared errone PUSlj sold, and that said property be e Vpi from taxation, inasmuch as said i want ing job work office when . In Its New Home. The Salt Lake Tribune la how occupy ing its commodious and elegant, new six story home at 145 Mjiin street, where it would be pleased to receive a call from any of its friends when they are in the New bargains are thrown on the table every day, so you will not be disappointed, no matter what day you call, If you are in need of anything, or think you will be within the next sixty or as nowhere ninety days, now is the the time to buy, and this is surely the place, i else ill a Ml .i r. me ouiity win our uuitars addii ion to its new building, practically the entire equipment of The Trib I n -- It is, as a whole, the finest line is new and most complete newspaper plant in the West, and represents an expenditure approximating 9930,000, These n w and trgely increased facilities have been made necessary bv the constantly growing business of The Tribune if vou have not heretofore uafcn a reader of The Tribune, now M to begin. It is published dail and Address THE TRIBUNE, Salt Fake Ci V, Uta I m m OO YOU DO ALWAYS BEST AT CAN I.. . m $m led wf Lh Choice Goods That Are Needed by Every fousekeeper. ALL BABOAIN SEEKERS who wish to get more than their money s worth should pay us a visit and look over our stock. FT COSTS NOTHING TO LOOK, and if you buy you are sure to get a When it comes to Tin Ware, Enameled Ware, Queens Ware, Stone Ware and Galvanized Ware, .1 good Seeing Machine, the BEST Washing Machine or Wash Board, those "GOOD BREAD MAKERS' Table Cutlery, or, in fact, anything in the Hardware line. Paint line, Glass line or STO E line, property was used for religious purposes. James Nelson, Jr., appeared and stat rdthata Mrs. Ililbert and grown soa were living in a dugout in Rawlins sad were in a destitute condition and that the son was apparently only halt witted. and asked that actiou be taken iu the matter. Ejjsi Jensen aw.sor, appeared and FEED, SALE L El S. Give me a call at the Proctor teed as represented. HODE WOOD, oo Proprietor, I tarn. Tremonton. THE GERMAN OPTICIAN Will be in Tremonton on or near January loth 1907. THE KENT HOTEL OO C& SHORT ORDER HOUSE. Meals 25c. Served From 6 A. M. to 10 P. M. . Good Meals and Good Booms. Satisfaction Guaratee Tflerthone Conrecion With Both Lines. UTAH. L est it ic mi ENT urn f finer vnik l iii.K BICVC1.K catalogue write for our showinc the mostbij eomnlete line rf BICTCLKB, TIKKS and 8UNUKIK8 at PKJ' ES DSLUW any other manuiaclurcr or dealer in the world. hich-prad- e DO NOT BUY A BICYCLE Buy it at Wil- Wilson Lumber Co. Uti Tremonton, E. A. KENT, Prop. Don't fail to call and get one of our beautiful Calendars, the Climax for 1907. zm 1 EXCHANGE Will handle all kinds of horses, draft, roadsters ami saddle animals. All horses sold or exchanged guaran- w m t' ILf Sft VVivw RJcr Regular r crt .....Price PIINnTllRF.PRfiiil- - TIBPQ whw vim iivwi nifcW t w Introduce mm Will Soli You a Sample Pair (CASH for WITH OnlyORDER To Wo 4 NO MORE TROUBLE lljr: or on any kind of terms, until you have received our complete Free Cat- Uww1Uh ........ i t i t i,;u IItiaICT Dicvt ies, oiu pauerns ana latest tiuxieis. ana learn nt our remarkable LOW PRICKS and wonderful new offers made possible by selling from factory-direc- t to rider with no middlemen's profits. WE SHIP ON APPROVAL without a cent deposit, ray the Freight and auow iu vmjM free mai and make otner liberal terms which no other tioustf in the world wil1 do. You will learn everything and get much valuable information by simply writing us a postal. We need a Aoant in every town and can offer an otmorltmitv to make money to suitable young men who apply at once. ,l son's. TREMONTON, C& s TAB Building Material in any quantity and for any Headlight Kerosene is the best. w Dr. William Mack, Right Now Our Store Both Phones, No, ONE PRICE AND THAT THE LOWEST. m . . . Stores at Brigrham and Tremonton. 6l fmmmmmm purpose. OO . FISHBURN'S We are "IT." OO . puicjjtuuug 1 'bargain. OO bmvjj Notice the 25c table of Underwear. ATTENT1 Bargain Se m H ,,,,,...1,.,,,:.,,-- 1, , Semi-Weekl- Stiff "SS.V7 ue 1 city. 1 County Commissioners' Meeting. in . Don't forget the Times THE GREATEST BARGAIN EVENT EVER ATTEMPTED IN THESE PARTS. cAll Winter Goods must go. No matter what you want in seasonable merchandise, you get it at a Bargain Price during the remaining days of this month. Don't miss this Great Bargain Event. m ww NAILS. TACKS OR O N fa L Mm V A PER PAIR F '- i.li --- --- ri - ii - m T&M -- - 1 GLASS WON'T LET THE AIR OUT $4.55) FROM PUNCTURES. Result of 15 years experience in tire danger from THORNS. CACTUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. making. No Notice the thick ml; her treac "A" and panotcre "U" Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can and "D," also riin strips strfj) "H" to prevent rim cutting. This be vulcanized like any other tire. tire will oatlast any other Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual use. Over make .SOFT. KLASTIC and Seventy-fivThousand pairs sold last year. HY ItlUINU. Made in all sizrs. It is lively and easy riding, very durable and lined DESCRIPTION with a special qunlity of rubber, which never becomes porous and which closes up small punctuics without allowing the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customers stating that their tires have only tveen pumped up once or twice in a whole season. They weigh no more than an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being fjiven by several layers o? thin, specially prepared fabric on the tread. That "Holding Lack" sensation commonly felt when riding on asphalt or soft roads is overcome by the patent "Basket Weave" tread which prevents all air from bein squeezed out bctweeu the tire and the road thus overcoming all suction. The regular price of these tires it S.3e per pair, but for advertising purposes we are making s special factory price to the rider of onlv J4.80 per pair. All orders shipped same duy letter is received. We ship C.O.D. on approval. ou do not pay a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented. We will all off 8 eush discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price 9 4, lift per pair) if you HMd FI'I.L CASU WIVH OKDKK and enclose this advertisement. We will also send one nickel plate. brass liand pump and two Sampson metal puncture closers on full paid orders (these metal puncture closers to ne used in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashes). Tires to be returned at (Hilt expense if for any reason they ure not satisfactory on examination. W arc perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a bank. Ask your TV a master. Hanker, Hxpress or Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper nbout us. If you order a ,,air f these tires, you v ill find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look finer than any lire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleasol von wnnt hirvrlr vou wilt cive US vour order. Wc want vnn to S"tiil us n mnll Irisl l,nt rdcr at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. - - sndrlles. nriln!.. r' find renair. n ,1 everything in the bicvele line are sold by us at half the usual prices charcctl by dealers and repair men. Wrue tor our big f i MIHt catalocne. e m-i- ,! WE CAN DO YOUR JOB PRINTING. The Times, Tremonton. V BAMa t , think of DO NOT Dut Write us a pos.al today. buyim; WWMll bicycle or a pair of tires froii anyone until vou know the new nn j at II costs wc learn onlv i post wonderful offers aie making. everything. Write ft NOW. SJU lwMt KM SYGLE COHPAHY, Dept. "Jl" CHICaHO, 111 |