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Show UTTERLY WORN OUT. A SIMPLE FORMULA THE PRIDE AND PRESCRIPTION OF AN EMINENT SPECIALIST IS GIVEN. Cost THE GOSSIPS Little Ingredients Necessary and Can Be Secured at Any Good Drug Store Will Break a Cold Quickly. Mix half ounce of the Pure Virgin Oil of Pine with two ounces of glycerine and half a pint of good whisky; Bhake well and use in teaspoonful doses. A noted authority on diseases of the throat and lungs who estab- lished a camp for consumptives in the pine woods of Maine, declares that the above formula will heal the lungs and cure any cough that is curable. It will break up a cold in twenty-fou- r hours. The ingredients can be se cured from any good prescription druggist at small cost. Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) is put up vials for dispenonly in sing; each vial is securely sealed in a round wooden case with engraved wrapper, showing the name Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) prepared only by Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, O plainly printed thereon. There are many rank imitations of Virgin Oil of Pine (Pur'), which are put out nnder various names, such as Concen trated Oil of Pine, Pine Balsam, etc. Never accepl these as a substitute for the Pure Virgin Oil of Pine, as they will invariably produce nausea and never effect the desired result. Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) is also Bald to be a perfect neutralizing agent for uric acid. half-ounc- HEADS e SHAPED TO ORDER. Gsrman Doctor Explains Causes of Various Formations. At a recent convention of German aaturalists and doctors Dr. Walcher, of Stuttgart, in an instructive paper put forth a sensational theory to ex- plain the formation of the shape of the head of infants. He maintained that the head of a child could be molded artificially. He found by experience that when a medium-shapehead Is placed in a soft cushion the child turns on its back, or rests on the back of its had, in order to free mouth, nose and face. In this manner the head rests smoothly, and a short head is developed. But if the medium-shapehead of a child is placed on a like a hair mattress hard umler-rest- . child's head or rolled carpet, the turns aside, as it cannot stand any more on its head than an egg, for the muscle of the back is weakened. Therefore, with continued resting on the side a long head is developed. To prove his assertions the lecturer a child whose mother and sis The child at its ter are birth had a short head, now after 18 months it is long skulled. If the child had been placed on its back, according to other experiences its head would Dr. Walcher have been short-shapedid not deny that the shape of the head was inherited, but asserted that It could he greatly influenced by the way the child rested. d d pre-fjjLie- d short-heade- Novelist's Early Earnings. of Mr. Thomas A posket series Hardy's stories is to be published soon, and lately a complete edition oi his books in 20 beautiful volumes was Issued in America with success. When Mr. Hardy took the manuscript oi "Under the Greenwood Tree" to the late Mr. Tinsley that enterprising pub lisher offered the novelist the sum ol Mr. Hardy $125 down for the book. accepted the sum, although he owned that he was "a bit disappointed," add to 4ng that nevertheless he "meant keep on." Next came his book "A Pair of Blue Eyes," for which Mr. Tinsley gave the novelist $500, saying: "There Is no money in the book, but I can see that Hardy is going tc get a grip some day." Has Seen Much of Life. John Avery Mcilhenny, recently sjominated a civil service commissioner, though only 36 years old, has put two girdles round about the earth, has killed big game in Africa and has fought in a real (though small) war. Besides being a former rough rider, he Is one of the richest men in Louisiana. His pepper farm on Avery island, Iberia parish, is famous, and so is the huge factory in which he makes peps per sauce. Two years ago the entertained the president's older daughter, now Mrs. Longworth, In their New Orleans home at carni-Ta- l time and last year the president himself was their guest. Mcll-henny- COSTLY PRESSURE. Heart and Nerves Fail on Coffee. A resident of a great western staff puts the case regarding stimulants with a comprehensive brevity that is admirable. He says: "I am 50 ycanJ old and have had con siderable experience with stimulants They are all alike; a mortgage on re served energy at ruinous interest. As the whip stimulates but does not strengthen the horse, so do stimulants act upon the human system. Feeling this way, 1 gave up coffee and all other stimulants and began the use of Postuni Fond coffee some months ago. The beneficial results have been apparent from the first. The rheumatism that I used to suffer from has left mo. I sleep sounder, my nerves are st :nl ler and tny brain clearer. And I bear testimony also to the food Hit Bf Postum something that is lacking in coffee." Name given by Postum Co.. Hat lo Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Head The Rond to Weihille," the quaint little bock in pkgs. When they arrived at their new boarding house you could almost see the rice falling out of their pockets and of the folds of their clothes, they were so evidently bride and bridegroom. At dinner they were the cynosure of all eyes. They endured the stares and covert jokes pretty well until they got up to their own rooms, and then the little bride had a good cry. But they were too happy to be embarrassed for long, and at the end of a week or so their embarrassment and the sensation they had created subsided. Then the woman in the second floor front took it into her head to call. She concluded that two people must get dreadfully tired of one another's society when they have it all the time. It so happened that on the particular night she selected for her visit the bridegroom was called out on important business. He hated to go, but finally tore himself away, and, of course the lonely little bride was delighted when the woman from the second floor front knocked at her door and said she had come to visit. "Never mind, my dear," she remarked, with uplifted eyebrows and a significant smile at the bride's blushing apologies for her husband's absence, "I know just how it is. My husband is that way, too. You'll get used to it after a while, though I wouldn't have thought he would have begun it so soon. But you never can tell. This town is so full of pitfalls and things. Of course, he fiay have only gone out for a quiet game of poker; but as I have always said, there are only three things to take a man out at nights, drinking, gambling and women; and it's hard to say which of those is worst. For myself, I prefer gambling, if I've got to have anything, but you won't know for years what it really is that attracts him away from you. Just come up to see me if you get lonesome and I'll try to cheer you up." When her husband came home that night he found the little bride up with her hat on and her eyes red. She had gone over in her mind a hundred times the blasting things she was going to say to him. She would not quarrel! She would merely let him oh, no! know that, she could not be fooled. When finally, after a storm of reproach and weeping and a lot of patient pleading on his part, they got to sleep, both of them realized that they had had their first quarrel. A few days later the woman who lived in the back parlor and whose husband was an unknown quantity a matter of conjecture, since she had not seen him for many years honored the little bride with an afternoon call. "Now, my dear," she said when they had got comfortably acquainted over a cup of tea, "of course you're young and very much in love and you're just beginning, but take a little advice from one who has had a lot of experience. Make him give you an allow ance. Oh, I don't care if he is as generous as Solomon and if you have got money of your own, you've got to get him trained from the start. They always begin by a show of generosity, but take my word for it. if he hasn't offered you an allowance already he on means to put the thumb-screw- s you after awhile. You just put the proposition up to him this very night." And that is what the little bride did. She was somewhat dumbfounded at her husband's ready acquiescence, and more than astonished at the curious coldness he displayed toward her for the rest of the evening. Somehow, it gave her a feeling of shame when he had been so generous. Then she got to talking with the stenographer from the second story ballroom. "Oh, I've just had such a dreadful stenographer. time," said the little "My boss got fresh and I'm going to leave. I'll tell you I won't let my husband have a stenographer when I You never get married. No, since! can tell what a man is doing all day when he's away; and I suppose a pretty girl around the office is an awful temptation to them. Your husband has a stenographer, hasn't he? She's a beauty, too. I wouldn't stand for it if I was you." Then the maid came in one morning. "I seen your husband in the hall," she said. "He's awfully good look1 wouldn't keep ing; but If I was you him around a boardin' house with all these women. I know wiiat young men around boardin' houses is like. I has to give 'em all the glltterin" eye myself." And then the little bride woke up. That night, when her husband came home, he found her lying tired and worn out on the divan. But she just drew his head down on her shoulder and patted it lovingly. "Harry, dear," she said, "I've found the cutest little flat. It's only got four rooms and It faces on a dingy old court, and the kitchen's the size of a good clothes closet and I'll have to do without a new dress this winter, but we'll move In there next Monday if we have to eat off a box and sit on the window sill and sleep on the floor. One more month in this place would take every bit of the honey off our moon. I've Rot a new cook book. too. and if you can stand my burnt steaks and doughy biscuits for awhile. It will come out all right in he end." "Amen," snld her husband, fervently. Truly, when gosMp conies In at the door love files out Of the window. I '' . !,,..!""H Vitality oappeaj uy with Kidney Trouble. u.. V..-- nf Eeonomv is the road to wealth. PUTNAM FADELESS DYE is the road to Cln nr- naL-Q- wuumj. Capt. J. W. Hogun, former tin, of Indianola, now living at Tex., writes: "I was afflicted for years with pains across the loins and in the hips and shoulders. I had headache also and neuralMy right gia. eye, from pain, was of little use to me for years, The constant flow of urine kept my nervous system depleted, causing chills and night sweats. After trying seven different climates and using all kinds of medicine I had the good fortune to hear of Doan's Kidney Pills. This remedy has cured me. I am as as I was twenty years ago, well and my eyesight is perfect." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-MilburCo., Buffalo, N. Y. to-da- y French President's "Double." Fallieres was, until recently, believed to be the only president of the French republic who had no double, but his counterpart has been found. The man who most resembles him physically is a respectable merchant of the Rue Saint Honore, who plays his part with decorum and dignity. He wears exactly the same kind of blue butterfly necktie with white dots as the president, the same kind of hat and exactly so oddly cut a beard. And on his promenades he is always accompanied by a frend who could easily be taken for the president's private secretary. Dignified and with measured steps, the enviable double walks through the Faubourg Saint Honore and feels overjoyed at being saluted on all sides. M. THE DISCOVERER - 1 Many a man smacks of freshness, but freshness gets no smacks. TO ( I KE Pinkhatn's Vegetable Compound, th Great Woman's Remedy for Woman's III Of Lydia E. ONE DAT I K UltuMu Tafce Quinine Tab eta. refund in.iiiev il it tank lu MIS 1L gs UKuVE S a.guaiure is on eacb box. c. A COLD I.N I"ir W Man cannot be altogether cleared from injustice in dealing with beasts as he now does. Heraclitus. To recover quickly from bilious attacks, indigestion or colds, take Uarlieid Tea, the mild laxative. Guaranteed under the Pure Food Law. beginning of every thing, both in heaven and on earth; and he who would be blessed and happy should be from the first a partaker of the truth. Plato. Truth is the good Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, a destroy the seni-- of smell mercury will sun-land derange the whule system when entering It through the mucous suriscee. Such article should never he used except on prescriptions from reputab.e physicians, as tile damage they will do is ten fold to ttie khj(1 you car possibly de-Ie from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, Byas ofacta red by F. J. Cheney 4 Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken luternaliy, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh cere be sure you get the genuine. It Is taken Internally anil made In Toledo, Ohio, ty F. J Cheney 4 Co. Testimonials free. Hold by Druggists. Price, 75c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation. Can You Answer? If you have a friend who thinks he knows it all ask him to explain the difference between an Alexandrine and a woman of Alexandria; a masher and a mashie; adenoids and aneroids; six of one and a half dozen of the other; neoplatonism and platonlc friendship; macaronic, macaroni, and Marconi; a referendum and a referee; lrreligion and birreligion; the jungle Arminlans and and Port Sunlight; Armenians; a carpet knight and a rug headed kern. Chicago Tribune. LYDIA E. PINKHAM No other medicine for Woman's ills in the world haa received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of feinaJe illnesses ox sue Compound. hosts of grateful friends as has Lydia E. l'inkhiun's Vegetable For more than 30 years it has been curing all forms of Female Complaint, Inflammation and Ulcoratiou, and consequent Spinal Weakness. It has cured more cases of Backache and Local Weaknesses than any other one remedy. It dissolves and expels tamer in an early stage of development. Always to Be Depended Upon. Irregularities and periodical pains. Weakness of the Stomach, Indigestion, When a person gets up in the morn- Bloatino-- , Nervous Prostration, Headache, General Debility quickly yield to it; sensations and backache. SCALY ERUPTION ON BODY. ing with a dull headache and a tired, also deranged organs, causing pain, dragging in harmony with the female system. acts it circumstances all Under an certain almost it's stretchy feeling, t care and It removes that wearing feeling, extreme lassitude, "don Doctors and Remedies Fruitless Suf- indication that the liver, or bowels, diznervousness, irritability, excitability, feeling, 10 Years fered Completely or both, are decidedly out of order. . These or "blues the melancholy flatulency, ziness, faintness, sleeplessness, Cured by Cuticura. At such times Nature, the wisest are indications of Female Weakness or some derangement of the organs, and best of doctors, takes this means which this medicine cures as well as Chronic Kidney Complaints and "When I was about nine yars old to give warning that she needs the Backache, of either sex. small sores appeared on eacn of my help and gentle assistance which can Those women who refuse to accept anything else are rewarded a hundred thousand times, for they get what they want a cure. Sold by Druggist lower limbs. I scratched them with a best be obtained from that old fambrass pin and shortly afterwardghoth ily remedy, Brandreth's Pills, which everywhere. Kef use all substitutes. of those limbs became so sjore thut has been in use for over a century. I could scarcely walk. Whi n I had They are the same fine laxative been suffering for about i month; tonic pill your grandparents used the sores began to heal, b it small when doctors were few and far be- appeared wiiere the sores had been. From that time onward I was troubled by such severe itching that, until I became accustomed to it, I would scratch ihe sores until the blood began to flaw. This would stop the itching far a few days, but scaly places would appear again and the itching would Mcqm- pany tnem. Alter i irrrP& al to ten years I made a etto' this effect a cure. The enL ,v of time had appeared ... v,.,, .,x.,..,,f ,1... c...3a illpaijt usjuub. The best doctors in my m BSssm.. cbiin- small ty advised me to use arseni doses and a salve. I the bathe the sores in a mixti! gave almost intolerable pain dition I used other remedi issssB as iodine, sulphur, zinc salve isssH Salve, Ointment, and in was continually giving some remedy a fair trial, never using less than All one or two boxes or bottles. this was fruitless. Finally my hair began to fall out and I was rapidly 's , becoming bald. I used but it did no good. A few months after, having used almost everything else, I thought I would try Cuticura used Ointment, having previously Cuticura Soap and being pleased with it. After using three boxes I was completely cured, and my hair was restored, after fourteen years of suffering and an expenditure of at least $50 or $60 in vainly endeavoring to find a cure. I shall be glad to write to any one who may be interested in my cure. B. Hiram Mattingly, Ver million, S. Dak., Aug. 18, 1906." Bcaly eruptions rcd on,r iB BSBSl tween, and when people had to have a remedy that could absolutely be depended upon. Brandreth's Pills can be depended upon, and are sold in every drug and medicine store, plain or sugar-coate- Those who believe in use Destructive Yellow River. Thousands of men work all their lives at securing the banks of the great Yellow river in China. Yet every now nd then the tide sweeps away all 01 tosition and the loss in human life s greater than any war Nineteen years ago the ever cause river burs its bonds. Day after day the torrejplf flowed, 20 miles to the hqrr:"3tf miles wide and ten feet deep. e flood has been described as that lof five Danubes pouring from a height for two months on end. For 2,000 years the Chinese have been embanking this river. Way Up In Maine. "Well, no," said the cross-roadstorekeeper up in the quality BAKING POWDER 25 ounces for 23 cents Made from pure, carefuliy tested materials. Makes all baking healthful. Why pay more for inferior powders ? s VUFc s re- a. ain't got them articles in stock at present, but I guess yew can find the olive ile at the post office and the canned tomaters at the barber shop. Sayew shot a moose, did yew? Well, that's reel fine, but I kind o' hoped if gion, "I yew was goin' to have an accident yew'd shoot Hen Pussley, yewr guide. I ain't vindictive, or anything of the kind, but he's been owin' me Ave for I d'know how long, and kind o' think I c'u'd c'lect it easier out o' his estate than I can out o' Hen." Smart Set. shil-lln'- s 1 Fine Feat of Engineering. The feat of moving a lighth without taking it apart or dismant it In any way has recently been ac plished at Ashtabula. The range weighing 65 tons and standing 65 high, was placed on a lighter towed along the river a distai 750 feet, and then successfully fc on a new site. II was raised by use of jacks and moved on rjllera and from the lighter. Guy rups hi ft In position while moving. cm 'aA uisFI n5SV jaquf.s MFG. ca uiieago . BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for 1 Autocratic Revivalists. The earl and countess of Tan! Tllle have been holding crowded llglous meetings in Shropshire, I Both are much interested land this kind of work. The countess v is Miss Lenora Van Marter, an Amerli tn girl, and the earl ,ent much of is youth in this country. He is an ei member of the house of lof ds his wife, a great lover of art like and, The sea level canal from Marseilles to the Khone river is to be completed In seven years at a cost of Il3,t".0,-000- . Garfield Tea purities the blond nntl disease. Tile it for soRitipatidB lie I'urc Food iiii'lci iu.ir.iiilo, Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Burns, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. CARTERS! HBWITTLE IIVER cr.til-icate- s . .1 ' a kindness to The last person . forget . . i. Is tne one w no does jl Id I 0 TO 14 DATS. ril.I'M I PAZOoi.vi'MKvr is guaranteed locum any esse ID or nf turning, Blind, Bleeding I'miroding llles 60c 6 to H days or money refunded. A man's shows up Mr. good Um "lay judgment after. WlMsloss'n usually soothing 9ft up. Pol ehlMren leethintr. soften tUa gums, 'educes ift. national cuiaa wiM colte, tt a bottle. a,taja iin. If miii right ;!' tO ii CUT )iine Hill dog vm !..' Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1. SICK HEADACHE regulate tbo Bowels. SMALL PILL. CARTERS Sold by all Druggists. Positively cured by these Little fills. Tbf y also relieve Dls-itr- s from Dyspepsia, In- digestion and Too Hearty A perlcet remEating, edy tor Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Had Taste la t'.io Mouth, Coated Tfmjriifl. Pain In the Side, TORPID LIVER. Thoy Purely Vegetable. SMALL DOSE, Genuine SMALL PRICE. Must Bear Signature iTTLE WlVER LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS REFUSE lj l vJ Mring to buy any- - lliinii advartised In columns should insist upon whal tllM n:k for. refusing all taring tubsu tules or imitations Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST PRICES BY PAIICnDIJII uflLirUnliifl .an A.N.KXLLOCC NEWSPAPER CO. 7) W. Adams Slrcrl. CUICA0O pills. av r XJ it SUBSTITUTES. rv alpud Pimi it, nuuiss. -- ii IftuAdrj work W. N. U., Hig..- - ooi7 lIMO'Farial St , Saa fMHtHttSa DEFIANCE Cold J ssmi, Water Starch ptoMuji 10 oi pkg ion Salt Lake City, No. 3, 1907. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Colormnr ooods briohtfr and latter colors thin ny other dp. One 10c packno" cnl.ut nil flbcu. to De. Bleach and Mm Coldrs. any gsrment without ripping ipsrL Writs lerlfM ooklt-- Mt Th in cold MSjrMttt than uy nlhrr &r: MOMROE OftUG CO.. Unlonvlll. Misnyurt |