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Show The Tremont TltFMONTO.N. BOX F.LDFU COUNTY, UTAH. THURSDAY. DIED FROMEXPOSURE. Llve Town Monument. Town Locals. farmer, hut by miing the Fjed Seiz, a rt invest of Trc-hun miles w isely two a about live, ing ingredients dead b the side of a iu n dty b sine to result. As ar- - montou. was found from his home, on mile u half ranged by the printer it appears a moot! haystack, ment, but it must be understood that not Friday last. The deceased had not been well for all mouuwenls ueed be erected for dead live is some h nn as sl this issues, days and was called on each day by emphatically n. oae. It will apply to Tremont his neighbors. Friday morning as J. S. tii it Cantwell was passing near Mr. Seiz's Vim place he noticed the rbor open and on Push investigation fiuud no one at home. He 11. M. Roller, deputy assessor, was Snap iminediatelv notiiied some ol the neigh around this week finding out about his Energy hors and George i'unu and Uotlleib Schools. neighbors' riches and incidentally their truthfulness. Foueht went to the house and found Mr. Morality Churches S. ('. Allen of Garland, Wm. Pougk.fi Seiz's clothing piled on his bed as though Har mony and I.E. Puffin of Ogden, and J. H. he had just got out of bed but had not S&k Cordiality Lake were of Walker registerCity put them on. In the snow they found Advertising ed at Hotel Kent this week. Talk about i' tracks which they followed in various Cutlery, Cans, Ammunition, Gun CovWrite aboat it directions across fields, through barbed ers and Hunting Coats; at the Hardware vail of It Speak wire fences and othei Impediments lor Store. Healthy location uearlv two hours, until tbev found his A. V, Lawrence has acarload of heavy Help to improve it in the Valley horses which he bought Advertise in its papers body, clail only in a shirt, by the side of ready for shipment to Los Angeles. He Good country tributary a haystack on the G. M. Winzeler farm. will load them at Collinston as soon as he Patronize its mercltan is At what time of night he h id left his can get a car. Elect good oil) M home no one knows, as he was an unmar( 'all at the in prices Ronost compatitl (Wilson; Hardware Stoie, ried man and lived alone. From what and get one of the most beautiful Ci Uke the atmosphere healthy is known of his illness it i supposed that endars of the season (1007). exhibited Fji.Ii by good works Matthew Baer, wife and son Richard Fire all croakers, loafei and dsadbest. he had become insane, jump"d from his left lor a trip to Peoria, Morton and Tie Let your object be tho waifare, growth ed and wandered away to his death. meat, II., where they will visit friends and promotion of your town an i. i peo Mr. Seiz was 42 years of a::c, and came .hi I relatives. In returning they will pie. Speak well of the public spirited from Germany about four years here men, and also be one of them yourself. stop in Kansas and Colorado. ' Bts fellow e had no rclatlvft In this country men. U0Ul'st a" your ago Thomas Davis, manager of the Promo and could not speak any English of con tory 'St Jck Company, was in town this is He stock morning. reports that their sequence. He had purchased sixty acres Portage Pointers. doing better this winter than ever before. of land and was apparfntly doing well Cold weather and plenty of snow give We are having a great deal of suow. as a farmer. He was a hard workin Ciemau appetite and they eat everything It is about twenty inches deep in the upright man a devote! member of thi e.,.an j d'lds nd along the fences, and through German Evangelical church and highly Slohl Bros, are selling all kinds of thick brush it is piled about three respected by his neigfchsw. the carpets, rugs and linoleum this season; feet When the news ofhis death became deep. Since it has quit snowiu'rl the ihplr atrwlr is alwuvu bw and Is I. ol i known Esquire E. K.jShermuti summonThe clerk of the weather has been weather very During the week Messrs. Milton II. ed a jury and with thle aid of County quiet charitable this week in giving us ice producing weather. The tner- - j Welling of Fielding, Moroni Ward of tomey Call, who coraje up from Drigham car? marked two degrees above zero Riverside, and I. I). Zuudd of Woodruff for that purpose, at inquest was held were bB8toess to pur little burg. who rendered a that deceased Monday morning, two below Tuesday week a of crowd the our Dunng young (.ame to his deUh by exposure from moruing, and six below Wednesday moiniae. tern msnchoao'up sides for a rabbit hunt. wandering thr nigh tjiie snow' Rave you noticed or attended Cook's 'The use of lire arms was prohilited. porarily insane. TlL jury was compos in Hans Knudsou amLOliver Hall were the ed of G. G. Rector, Jacob fighrcnk and as advertised siles Saturday The boy. were permitted' to Godfrey Anger this paper? If not it will be wei'l to looks-o-ainn and clubs. After a three horses for are out Funeral service the Tro- them, they bargain givers. had and hunt haurs the capboys mon cm Baptist ch sport afternoon County Attorney Call of Brighan made oi neigh- our offlice a pleasant call Saturd ty morn- - t.ireil sixty t wo raowts, each side having attended by a larg . Then they chased bora. The services ted by iag and left his h.isinass card for inser- - csught thirty-onefor bunnies hour the o He in in i Wol longi our columns believes Rev. t Theodore advertising and knows "The Times" On the second count it was found I hat 'ment was in El wood will do the business. Mr. Kuudson's side bad slain 83 rabbits We understand t V has a Good Music and a good Are! Come and Mr. Hall and his crowd had bagged brother and sister in V Who in and enjoy them both these cold days 3J TLe bfl notifled of hU sad ,ofiing skle gave a tree dautv. at Wilson's Hardware Store. Mr. Levi Wise of Garland has been Spelling School. Come one aud all lo visiting with us for a short time. When Saturday's Fa the Fraternal Hall, Friday evening Feb. h: returned home be took a large load of Meeting. 1st, and spend a social evening. Au old dry wood with him. fashioned spelling school for entertain We arc fortunate iu having hills that Saturday afternoon the armors' Pro- ment and a lunch served by the Baptist more less or produce oeia'inn held mahogany, cedar, tective and Comnierieal Ladies Aid Society . Lunch 15 cents. and quaking aspen wood. Mr. in adjourned meeting in u Tremonton mtple Riv. Theod)re Wobua was q lite unHall ordered a car of coal in June and it schoi house. Presiden J. I.. Holmexpectedly called upon to preach a fun-er- has not arrived, so our boys are still s sen rrreil was in the chair an il In the absence sermon on the death of his parish wending their way toward the west hills of the secretary Mr. P. Combs was inner, Fred Seiz, but be acquitted him v the aud returning in the chosen to act for the time morning self well iu the embarrassing position. e ening with a cord or a cord and a half The first business was he discussion The sermon was in German, most of the ot woou. wood is worth from W.oO to of a proposition to merge thel association congregation being of that nationality. 3.00 per cord. with the Cash Buyers' l uioVi. .Mr. Yo Get a Cole's Hot Blast Healer of A great excitment prevails here over der it President spoke in favor of it, Stchl Bros., it is the or.lv stove that The developments. mining and others the dif bx mining Holmgren birns nunc run. or slacked coal without c. aims on tue ease side or tnis valley nave fereucc between the tv institutions, vasle E.E. Brcnkmann and daughter left ou bjen incorporated with Joshua Hawks bowing that the Fiiiou wlis a corporaJ president, R. C. Harris as vice presi-fiolion for the purposes of tltde only, and Tuesday for Chicago and Elgin, III., where they will go to Moitoi and d ml , T. D. Jones as secretary treasurer that the Farmers' Assoi!ion was for Tremont, 111., and in returning their plan d attorney. The board of ilirectora their own mutual protccBn against the J .... fC !..-..- . 10 r ",ucuwouuV:uui: "u. 'Au a e not known to the correspondent. It ,rreed of land companies others who ' lev County. Kansas, to visit with tneuds re capJUIlzea at U,W0-OM million f rob wished to farmers the their earn- and icla.ivcs. They will also make a j at shares three cents each. There are i.i will sec iuss. ColonHo wlifire thev ntnn 10,000 shares for sale, the most of which friciK s at MontS Vista. Jlr. Ilnnakfjr asked if tljrv were not Coal is scarce now is the time to buy h already sold. The following Lave the same'people who madejup the mem- a I) )Ugut Kvan. h of both associations. di.. u This was majestic naugc oi large blocks of Mock: does the work with less luel than any ,roB. Jen kin Jones, lull Jenkins, l.eona lo Hllmgren, who by replied other range. Zundel and others. that vas the lease to some J. W. Ilalford is preparin to go out staled thai The ladies of the M. E. church have extent, that the Union wssM stock cou been giving their houso of worship a gen trapping. rl o any who :il honsccleaninf the nasi few dsvs. von Whoi mvnimn t)irnul,i.ini,iu t;mn cern whose shares were so commendable sLcwu a but the wished KM Is at have it them spirit 0f it the sounds actualbut TJicy odd, year and great acvd.on t tne tausc w uo ly a tact John Lawrence and Hugh ells anciint anv one stockhol ould hold this work in such inclemcDt weather, ale threshing and they will be for two was limited to two hum ban s and aud everybody should turn out to the weeks yet. Association Protcc Farmers' the that services on Sunday and iu that way give Thomas P. John was lately married to in w. the mein recognition to their enterprise, Jf for no Miss Phillis Stanley. We wish the n a was a mutual uftion fee was i titer reason. I ami such only fifty bership pleasant jouruey through life. This is cold weather' Why not buy a las small annual assessments Buzz. might be pair of those good Horse Blankets; they to protect the righfo at law of necessary can am nan at tne naruwnic store. Methodist Church Services, -- On Ma any of the member-- . The coal bituation was about as bad as it dny next IU'V. K. K. Gilpin will preach After considerable di .eussjlon a m .1 ion could be in this town this week, many a- the M. E. church in this place both iu families bciug entirely out and burning the aftcrnoou at I o'clock, and in the eve was made by Mr. Aflncv that the Farm The subject of the altei- era' Protective and Commercial Aieoeia Mige brush for cooking as well as hcatiug ning at 7:30. purposes, and threats of holding up n ion sermon will be True Service brings tiou remain a separate asor:iatiou. This traius that were carrying it to the Gar- - rrae ureataeas. ot the evening si was seconded and unauiniously agreed laud sugar factory were 'reel y iudulged mon, "The Sin of Omission." Every lo. ed in. But the tensiou was relieved seats free. uody in itc-The election of oflicers followed. John niMiay by the arrival of two carloads . ... which fouud ready purchasers a; . F. Holmgren was chosen iresident; . Alison's Sleigh Bells: Jingx! was stuff than but better It poor prices. Wm, 9 Hansen, vie Millar Also OWlilM II attrs, presldrtW; no coal aud everybody was thankful. Head Light Kerosene Oil always on hand at the Ilatdware .Store. Joshua Schrenk made a business trip to Corinne Wednesday. Uishesy Well, yes, they are at the Hardware Store in any quantity. Mr. Thompson, proprietor of the Tar py Ranch was in town Tuesday. The beautiful sunny days thst wc have had this w eek have improved business in all lines. It has been laid well-to-d- t j nv-nt- I , e - ver-lic- i f r-- 'mars' . 1 - a! I - ' , 1 JANUARY 84, IM7. secretary and Moroni MorteJi;eu, treasurer. An eiecutive committee of niue mem Fielding P. F. Combs. Riverside M. J. Richards. Garland David Larsen. Thatcher 1). K. Adams. IVniost James Nelson. Iowa String Waller Green. Klwood K. H. Fridal. Hear Uivcr City Alma Ipson. Corinne J. Y. Ferry The report of Treasurer Morten, en was read by the secretary . It showed that the receipts for I he year had been tlS$SS, and the expenditures tSOiS, leaving a balance of '.IM.:j:j on hand. The remainder of the time was devoted principally to a discussion of ways to get a new drainage law enacted. Sever al propositions were made, but none seemed feasible to all those present, and after a wordy debate, principally by Mr. a commitand Mr. Boche, Adncy tee consisting of F. Alan h. Ro he, 6 . N. Cole and Louis Cetz was appointed to confer with Representative W. S. Hansen and try to bring he matter be fore the legislature in proper form as i -8- Commercial Club Organized r- I V 1 r F.S . Baptist. Motixi.su Skrvici STA UTS OFF WITH AM) KNT1 1 :00 A M Y P.I StlBday School 12.00 A Preaching 1IASM Evkninu Ssuvicr.s: 7:30 P M Preaching Prayer Meeting Wednesday night at 1 I Everybody Interested and All Will Hustle for Business. 7:30. All Services are held in the Baptist Church. You are cordially invited. A. H. Bhattuck, Pastor. A large and enthusiastic meeting of the bu sines men of Tremonton was held at Fraternal Hall Wednesday evening. The n.ec ing w hs called t. dis ess means of creating an interest among the busi ncsi men in inducing trade to con. e to thetown.but before it ended it went much farther and the ort ani.at ion of a Commercial Club was cnmplet ed officers elected and a committee appointed soon as possible. formulaic rules f r its joverumeul , Many suggestions were made us to The Cash Buyers' Union. wnvs - of oeloein.r nnnnta to come here lo ,, .... II ,. trade and do business At n IM o Tb Cash Buyers' Union held a meetiAMM to have a gala dav on the upon adjournment ing immediately TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, The man of the Protective Asrpxuatlon. at which time a band will lie engaged. ner in which its affairs were to be prizes will be given, and general good ducted was explained to those present t jmcs will prevail with a free dance for and the articles of associat ion were read. the young people in the evening. Verily, there will be something doing The amount of the capital stock had not in TremOfiton OB February 5th. Just hi it been will lixed but probably yet run w ait and see .... .i.. ...... ...... .. o.uoo.eacu i. s.uue ..i me ,u rmuo o,r Walch The Times for further paiticu live dollar. Some fifteen persons sub lars. scribed for stock, but as it was getting late the meeting adjourned to meet al Utah Boy Leads Naval Academy. the same place Saturday afternoon, Jan uary 20, at which time it is proposed to Midshipman Mervan Bennion of cy take subscriptions for as much of th h. who wasapoBted by Re pre stock as possible and eofcgrfc c Howell last June to the naviil zation of the Union. LEGAL OP PETITION FOR of CORPORATE LIMITS. In the District four: of the First .Judicial District of the Stale of I'tah, in and for l he County of Pox Elder. . T. I). Iloldlway, J. M Haws. K. II. Fridsl, I.. I) Haws and J. W Haws, ou and ih real prop-lin- t behalf of Ihemselves ,,, r-- -r . ou e ' s II ui i i ills, vs. e 1110:111 u Tremonton. a municipal corporation, dc- - lemlant Notice of pel ii ion for restriction of corporate limits. Tut: Stats or Utah to the saip Dh ' KMX DA XT i:stki : ASP TO ANY PKKSOS 1ST tilt You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this Summons upon you if served within ho county in which ibis action is "Drought, otherwise, within thirty days after ihis service, and defeud the above entitled action, and in case of your failure lo d' so, judgment will be rendered against yon according to the demand of the coin plaint, of which a copy is herewith served upou you. I . . , NOTICES. 2I0TICE I at J.I). Pate of dt CALL. First Xat'l Bank B'ld'ir, Brigham City. Utah. fjrtamiiou. Jan. 10, ltior. P. (). Address : ESft NOTICE. academy, has beeflicially designated STATE OF UTAH, I as leader of his clasaf;" consist lug of 250 ToVu of Treiiionwm. ) " j i hsv'irnT'y piMWnfrtf 'IIISiL ir V ntoh; mepuici-- f in-ierdo.'ciibed animal lawfully impounded.; Since entering lh(( acadeuly Bennion has which if not claimed and taken away. '' not: received a single demerit mark. lit will be sold at, public auction to tiie highest, cash bidder at the cstray pound stands number one in his class in English, in Ihis town, on Saturday the Gth day law and language, and high in niathe of January liKIT.al, the hour of '! p. m. OlSCHIPTIOX OF ANIMAL. ifi Sties and other subjects. One black horse colt, two years old, Prior to entering the academy he was star in forehead, two white hind feet, a student at the Latter Day Saints' I'ni one fore foot partly white, branded j2 Lake at Salt vcrsity Cily. ill left hip. Said animal was impounded in said on the ltfth day of January, 1007. town Card of Thanks. K. F Mki.dki m, Town Pouudkecpet. We wish to thank our friends and ESTBAY NOTICE. neighbors who assited us BO faithfully during l he illness and death of our be STATE OP UTAH, I ' loved wife and mother. County of Box Rider, t Oilman ('. Polish and family. In the Raw lins precinct of said county . 1 have iu my possession the following described which, if not claimed animal, A smart active girl Wanted be sold at public and , will taken away to learn typesetting. Small wages HMtion to the highest cash bidder at my to begin with but a paying busi- residence ill Rawlins precinct, on Tucs-lay- , ness when proficient. the 2!tth day of January, 1907, at he bear of i p. n, The Times, j Double Wedding. j fw-i- y From the Garland Globe we learn" ' hat ' , Charles and Henry Wood, brothers, highly respected young men, both of Farmiugton, were married at the Salt Lake temple on Wednesday, Jan. ltitli. The brides were Miss (.'lair Leavil, d i'igh , ter of Mr. aud Mrs. J. Q. Leavi:.t of who becainj the wife of Charles Wood, and Miss Dorothy Callop of Ala pleton who became Mrs. Henry Wood. The young men are sons of Mr. aud Mrs J. D. Wood of Farmingtpn and are both well known in Gar laud. , Gar-laud- B. C. . CALL, Lawyer, County Attorney. Practices iu all al) the Courts. Offici CotisT House, Brigham, Utah. P. O. Box D72, Both Phones. : Sub3;ripticns Paid. that a receipt for a subscription to the local is a certificate of Rood character. We have lssuea the following "certi ficates" since our last report: Matthew Baer to September, 1907. J. L. Niharl lo March. 10UT. .. ,,,- t j , .1. neagei lo i ruoiio i i.iui. The Dushore Iteview says - red heifer, coming two years old, ,vilh label iu left ear bearing name of Q", Fuhnmau, Providence, Utah. No brand On- ou can get The Semi Weekly Sal' Lake Tribune one year, 104 issues, fro il .)0, or less than a cent and a half pel copy of ten or twelve pages. Cheat enough isn't it? And it is the best gen oral newspaper In the interior est, too Try it a year. Most postmasters an . , FOR SALE -- GoOtl fSWCet cider li anJ ri(lpr vinpc,ar CM on btacmrnoa ot animal. Tremonton. agents. bible. Said animal is held by me to secure the damage done by said payment of upon the premises of .1.0. Watt ou he 10th day of January. 1007. T. W. SA.NDALL. Poundkccper for Raw lins Precinct. ani-9Sa- . j Saturday Sale. I Getz Point Lookout, Utah. Saturday at our store means money-savinday. It is no :m in believe thai so ads We larger; ju( expression many wc bave demonstrated to the people along thr "Banks of the Malad" that we DO SAVE THEM MONEY on Saturday Sale days, ank that it pays glance shop here. Just through what we offer von, January 28th; g It Is No VVbnder t- - j - SI J Pre-ide- - N Pleaching every alternate Sunday 1.(0 p.m. Sunday School 2:00 p. mj Preaching E'.ICN'INf! Skuvicf.s at l.'-'- p. ns. All services at the Methodist church. You are invited. R. E. GILPIN. Pastor, FOR TREM 1 j Methodist. A VT I It X 0 . A No 48 . Church Directory. ABIC 1 , Vol bers was chosen as fMlows: s one-hal- nnes. 1 That men smoke when they see our line of smoker's supAnybody would. The tobaccos are of the finest variety and of the most expensive cure. The pipes give solid comfort to the old and young smoker. We won't mention our cigars especially, but smoke one of our leading brands and you will smoke no other. Twenty Dozen pairs of the Celebrated "Cracker Jack" brand of Overalls, something hat gives the wearer saiisfacFor 10 days, bcirinnius lion. hat unlay, .lanuary 80, ue wHIfYjgt sell these goods at Ladies' Furs Wc haven few left. Also Ladles' Wslsts, Skirts Underwear, Bte, We want to L'ive them a chatHc. On Siitiir day they w ill m :il plies. Riter Bros Drug Loan Co. The "Shumate" is a Hollow round Razor, Electrically tempered, and is surpcrior lo snjr t&OO blade on the market. We guarantee these Kitcrs and wl" exchange without question .f Bot t.nlMy satisfactory. The 'Shumate' tloniag Strop has no superior. hither sent $1.00 postpaid on receipt of fl Cost ( and- y- A hie lot assorted ( BOCOlatei ed fresh from the IxQH haven't bought have missed a treat. ; us Ml of delicious just receivfactory. If any vet you Speeinl lot Men's Fine Wool Ribbed Underwear, tine, soft qualitv. Keeps the body warm. our price - Thev'arc sold at B0 Ctl per pound. .:.). Batordai m IdallO. 2.00 j . i O 4sJVs Just irv them Snturday at U e liave a complete line of Conklin QwVCS, None belter In the market. We have a com plM line at a reduction from retail prices, Saturdny only fiarland. Utah. Tablet.-"- , Paper, Envelopes, Pen-- . Ink. Mucilage & Preston Franklin, Monlpclicr. Sets, Candy, Pocket Cutlery, Tobacco and Cigars. & i SlJ j( Tremont Mercantile Co. 20 per ct Toilet |