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Show THE TREMONT TIMES. At Published Every Thursday Tremonton, Utah. CHEAP! Win. H. (apwell. Editor anil Manager. Entered as yo-- l J at the . l(,t 't of iali, under the II chairman of Board, J A Fishburn. Member ' ; " EM Wyatt. .V TOWN March 3rd, 1S7D. LOTS To Ee Sold Now On .25 SB Clerk umlcrstaixl that a bill has bees presented to the legislature of the regulation of the th y Instalments liquor traffic, modeled somewhat on the lines of the South ( "arolina dispensary law. While we are not fully informed of its provisions, we have an idea that its passage would ' be a good thing, in that it would put the gale of intoxi. cants into the bauds of a state or county officer, and as no liquor could be sold except on a permit show ing the purchaser was not a continued drunk ard, and that as none could be drank on the premises, the habit of treating could not be indulged in as much as it is nowadays, and less money would be spent by those whose families are in need of all that TREMONTON, Sdme of the best Locations in Tre- monton can be had on terms that will please you all. K Dr. Miles' Meldrurr V Cure Headache STATE Governor Almost instantly, and leave no bad effects. They also relieve every other John c cutler. pain, Neuralgia, Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Backache, Stomach ache, Ague Pains, Pains from injury, Bearing-dow- n pains, Indigestion, Dizziness, Nervousness and Sleeplessness. Charles S Tingey. Secretary M A Bredden. General Atty. Auditor J A Edwards. treasurer James cnnstiansei Supt. of Public Instruction A C Nelson. State Senator 1 District W S Hansen Representative BOX ELDER COUNTY To get a lot for a start towards a home. Judge 1st Judical District Willard W Maughan. ' Dist Atty F J Holton. Chairman County Com. A W Valentino. Co Commissioners M B Hart D E Adams Sheriff Joseph Josephson Treasurer S N Cole Christena Madson UTAH. Recorder Jlerk imS. m7VJi Willi Nephi J Valentine. B. C. Call Attorney Melvin Nebeker iurveyir f choice. SAMUEL SCHRENK their fathers can earn, but which is now spent for intoxicants. Temperance people have tried for years to prohibit the sale of drink and in sjme instances have apparently succeeded, but it generally has been found that the laws have been evaded bj unprincipled men whose greed for the C. E. in IREMCMANN, SEWING -A MACINES At $0. and Up on over-exertio- n, "fill r" '" 1 CONFIDENCE Confidence in the people you deal with is an important factor in the business world. In letting us do your .printing' you can depend on us we keep all promises and never misrepresent, pur job printing department is one of the best in the county and you make no mistake in sending your orders to us. ijfY OFFICERS JUSTICE CONSTABLE Jimes Knudson C. F. Nelson red Mmm Alma Iverson Uric. Nelson I'.iix Wider MantuiuM ill- Jcppeson ( IH O. A. Cheap advertising like cheap shoes is dear at any price. Our advertisers get results, which accounts for our having the largest advertising Andersoi W. W. Lasley E. Hnnsaker MmW 11. N. (liiiriiier H. J linonni - ','K H rum Jensen J. 'lwmmnm ('. J. Elmer 1!. 11 to the Best. NO. 44324. An Imported French Percheon weight 2150, w ill be at ('has. SchmtiU's Farm, 2V4 miles west of Tremonton for season of 1900. Terms of service $20.00 live foal. For further particulars apply or write to Tremonton Horse Breeders' Association, I Any old thing will do But if you want the "best" work done on Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, goto J. W. BOOTH! LEWIS, Practical A. E, Holmgren H.PThorsen E. It. Sherman Ohas Kroksh Sunset II. ('. Vanausdeln T. E. Secrist Riverside L. H. Kennard Jas. G. Smith T. F. Coombs Job Welling Fielding .Uulad E. li. Hadley Sylvester Owens E. 11. Rudd Plymouth J. Nish J. E .Gibbs Hans Knudson Portage H. W. Adams T. W. Sandal Ilavvlius Promontory Geo. N. House Chas Stokis Curlew C. W. Robbing A.L.Peterson Park Valley D. Hirschi J. A. Eckersley Terrace F. Hylaud John Nilason Clem- Creek O. I) MclntireC. L. Kempton Tremont Times, Tremonton, Utah. INriKFUNIlKNT AND BETX PHONES Blacksmith Shop have bought the Blacksmith Business of Peasnkll and w 1 Drake. I will run a first class shot) and do a General Blacksmith Business. My work is all guaranteed and will le promptly attended to. 1 - S. Babbit t Junction T. II. Blackburn Jr. II. C. Yates QrottH Creek Phil Paskett C. C. Tovne Watch Maker. Oakland, Utah. WPORJK Call us up and Standing Beafljiver Breed patronage in Box Elder county. get our rates. Win. F. Bowen Manila HQ Horse Shoeing Printing for Every CDRIIIE K I II Ikivc some letter heads and ftrinted with ymir name, linsipes ness nd addtass on thein for the use ( f you i Ifnnd family:' We can furnish then it very little more than the I. lank ones OUld cost and thev look mm h nie ifl when in town and let tl er. show on samples and tell you the cost. The Timks, WM KaiTreiriiintou, limn Here, bui good healthy stock. Apple trees 10 per 100, two years old and five feet tall. None better, Place Your orders now mmmm m tmm B URGE Top UTAH ARRIVE a tifnna ortr1fntT n Rkotrh and dpxrrlnf Inn n our OfMnfrM free whether n quickly Mcertntn ts prohntlr pfitentaMe. ( ommunlrn ti tlnnsntrlctlycoiiildoMtinl. HANDBOOK on PutAiitt for PPMiM MUM . lent fre. Oldest aiirenry I'ntentf takrti thniiiith Mmm A ( o. recelre tjcltil notice, without chwrge, In tho Jl Scientific American. hmirtiiomiilr llltiirtrntwl weklr. r.nreet iir fiilntlnii of nnj mlentmp Jnurnd. nM Sold br npw.Vfl1pro. ((if: four nionlhs, A S3 St. h Oft!"? T fit No. 1:10 WM 0:3.1 0:W 10::C 10:W 014 t:48 t'M 1130 11:88 7 07 11:88 IV 12 01 100 p.m. 7:10 7.20 7:38 8:30 nrifhom M. 9:40 V. (ihlrji Il i P. M. i Cormne UM Wankegan Evans JM)7 01 BonlU Centrnl ..--, X:.V. HtiW N,10 f. 3:30 1:40 8:40 8t9B 823 VM 8:21 8.1 SM TREMONTON . u N(, 5., a. W. 0:10 0:90 0:8 10:27 82. i , P. 10:S1 11 x. 81 Onrland Riverside. Fieldinu' Plvmoitih Washakie Mated Alt . ' DEPART i I YEARS- - 60 L. TIME TABLE. MALAD VALLEY BRANCH. EXPERIENCE CAVRIfiMTl Ar. Pmli'-- I O. S. NO W. Trade Marks S. LOHR, mmmf mmm mmm Specialty. TREMONTON, A. M. for what you need UTAH hand. A - No Diseased; no Dried Up Trash D. ROBERT body. r supply of the best Oil and needles ai" yt Sacretarj Membeis aSand, li. E. Adams, fatn is sure to fellow any strain or weakening influence upon the nerves. It may lie caused by heat, intense mental effort, colds, indigestion, or any cause that depresses, excites or agitates the nerves. So sensitive are they that the least pressure or strain causes suffering. By soothing, strengthening and quieting the nerves, Dr. Fills relieve the pain. Jtfi's' Anti-Pai- n They are sold by druggists, 25c a box, under a guarantee 9 that the first boxw" benefit, or money refunded. Never sold in buix. J MILES MEDICAL -- O.. Elkhart. lad PREWIJVCT Agtnt TremoDtno, Utah. Chairruai VWiYA Located on the west bank of Bear River in Oorinne. 40,000 Km it Trees, and Roses. Come to the Nursery and select your trees and save a good sum of money and get Trees that GHOW. ron H OF HEALTH. BOARD A. E. Rich, n. a. H fclcnssly. my 5 V W. Valdntine, :r. MOINEAU. holrt by n1borlsr4 Charles Cheai V. U- Hear" Jonstabl COONTiy almighty dollar overcame all s tuples of conscience they may have had and who sold to every body who had money no matter what the result wan the buyer. But with the sale in the hands of an officer accountable to the State and no chance to profit by the sale, it may be possible to regulate the traffic so that many of the obnoxious features of the present license law may be obliterated and much resultant crime and poverty nfMra Vmi D..K. ln.A)KMVra THE NtW HOME ItWIM MaCHII! OOMf AIV ORANfiE. Miny Sswinj Machines are madetosell regnrd-la- u ot quality, but the ' Xw Home" is made U v.e&r. Our euaranty never runs out. We make Sewing Machines to suit all conditions cf tlittrddo. Ths " X'W siandsattin tcad ot el Hlgh-grad- r tamiiy tewing machinoJ khool Slipt Justice I Peace Elias Jenser A E Jenser, Andrew Funk Pain Nerve P ain jiiniii liST Call before the rush and get ycur The death of Fred Seiz, while a verv sad affair, il but another evidence that it is not good for man to be alone. Jlr. Seiz was a hard working German. Jle came to this country to belter his condition. He lived alone and at some distance from neighbors. He bad no one near with whom he could talk. He spent his time at bard work. When ill he had no one to rely on for aid and probably he often suffered for the need d a friendly hand. Under such circumstances almost any one are not the most sanguine and cheerful disposition would naturally become the prey to melancholy and insanity might be the result. A wife or sister or mother to minister to man's needs often prevents disaster to him in more wavs than one. AntiPain Pills Peter Clegg. The Best Opportunity I Was .:,!: , Marshal! Mon Gates. George Shuman. John Shum:.n. Treasurer .75 We Jc D e Roush. 81.50 I An TREMONTON j congress of Snbseiipt ion rates. One year in advance fcix months in advance One year not in advance CHEAP! Chea elass matter April-office at Treiunutoii. IMMMj MILE Psiii IPtHs Official Directory. The mixed fmin ct tlif Pftiteh h dffily rsrrept Sunday. 8 7:53 7:15 .) ::o 4:i:i 2 52 8 25 120 |