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Show - UU ORPHEUM U Tremonton "DICK TRACY" 'Throw A Saddle On A Star' Cartoon fn the chaos caused by the veto Utahns were given reassurance by the announcement of George L. Nelson, Salt Lake City, president cf the Utah Council of Retailers, that there would be no runaway inflation in the state. "The challenge implied in the veto can and must be met by the retailers themselves," said Mr. "Nelson, who heads a group consisting of approximately 5,000 re- - t tv1""Hh P0'"' it No vt Sew western tones for western homes tailers in the state. "Merchants never asked for anything so a brupt. They hoped for orderly decontrol, not a sudden release and wild inflation." The policy of the American Retail Federation was urged upon all members of the Utah Council. It had three fundamental prin(1) Keep prices where ciples: on goods now in stock. are they As new goods come in at (2) higher cost, mark them at the lowest prices to yield a fair and reasonable profit. (3) Make all available to customers, goods without favoritism, or without tie-ito move slow merchandise. This policy means that the re tailers will retain their present very low margin of profits on present goods, and if new goods are priced higher by the whole salers or processors, they will be marked up with only a very reasonable margin of profit. We are more vitally interested than you would suspect in keeping prices down," Mr. Nelson said. "The president has challenged business and we will meet that challenge. We have faith in the average American business man and the law of supply and demand. There may be a few who violate the principles of good business, but by and large we will hold prices to a reasonable price. All we, in the retail business, ask is that the public compare our retail prices with wholesale. We'll be in line." ns MARBLE FAMILY CELEBRATES AT BEAR LAKE MSN Employment Head - I t , v If , I ! . ' . "PARTNERS IN TIME Residential Ccimmercial COLUMBIA ELECTRIC DISPLAYED AT LJLENQUIST BROTHERS FIXTURES FOR EVERY ROOM Come in and see them Phone OAK CAFE COMPLETES REMODELING The Oak Cafe opened f0J business this week after undent ins extensive redecorating ie- -. The Cafe now hmct.-- f modeling Each family is to bring his lunch. a row ot new modem booth Horace Hunsaker is chairman which will add to the comfort oft its patrons. The whole appear- of the affair. ance of the building is improved? and the management is to be com- - f WSCS GUESTS OF mended on the effort and progress f LADIES AID Members of the WSCS were snown. guests of the Ladies Aid of the Mrs. Charles Edington of Salt Presbyterian church in Brigham Lake City is spending the week City, Thursday. A lovely picnic was held that with her daughter, Mrs. Ray Cap- - States Jobs Still Available For Vets 'hi L..L1 ,il ATI UBEfflY Tremonton MEN ENLIST IN FORCES Till ing viU fi bee con Jul: sho hal "BEHIND GREEN LIGHTS" "CODE OF THE PRAIRIE" "IN FAST COMPANY" - V v stai m., will She A cm ed tern a so ed i Poss At augi te t May abr A celet amo: Snov Da m. orchi On Sal 10:3C at 7: spea sacrc Sei I TOrk make lie in a Salt Lake speech before the Kiwanis Club, urged a "cleaning out" of "queer Utah Laws." "Utah has 150 aueer laws nr t the statute books," he said. ... ext "SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY" WOULD OUST BAD UTAH LAWS U. S. Attorney Dan B. Shields Tremonton 2-- I Matinee at 3:30 Saturdav "GAY CAVALIER" LIGHTING FIXTURES 5 "HOTEL RESERVE" HUNSAKER FAMILY HOLD REUNION The Hunsaker reunion will be held Friday; July 19, at Lorin Farr Park in Ogden with dinner at 12 and a program at 1:30 p. m. Ko-foe- Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Marble and their sons and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. La Rain Marble, Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Marble, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Marble, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Romer and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Brough and their families were at Bear Lake during the Fourth. ! Lum and Abner and Pamela Blake in Mr. Douglas Miller, Veterans for Employment Representative this area pointed out yesterday that while laborer jobs are in maI jority there are many other jobs available for veterans. Most veterans have registered with the Employment Office and may have been offered jobs below their abilities at the time they registered. These men are urged i$ to call in at the U. S. E. S. for a reinterview and to check on the ener. afternoon in Box Elder Canyon. available job openings. To remain in the active file and t -receive consideration for a job every veteran must report to the U. S. E. S. every 30 days and reATOM BOMB . . . Mrs. Caroline new his application for work. Swancutt, left, mother of Ma. Many veterans may have been YVoodrow Swancutt, who was sein the inactive file before lected to pilot the plane carrying placed suitable a opening developed. For the atom bomb over Bikini, rethis reason we urge all veterans ALL EVENING SHOWS START AT 7:30 P. M. ceiving telegrams from friends. MATINEES START AT 3:00 P. M. Seated next to her is Swancutt's who are unemployed to contact the United States Employment sister, Mrs. Ralph M. Sloan. Office in the First Security Bank Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, July 14, 13 and 16 Building at Brigham City, or YOUNG MAUREEN O'HAR A JOHN PAYNE contact the Veterans Employment CONNIE MARSHALL in and BENDIX WILLIAM Representative in Tremonton each 1 1 :00 from m. a, to ARMED Thursday 4 :00 p. m. in the Utah Power and with Sir Cedric Hardwicke and Glenn Langan Mrs. Marilla L. Spencer, clerk Light Building. of local board no. 3, announces CARTOON NEWS that the following Brigham City TAYCEES ENJOY CANYON PARTY registrants enlisted in the U. S.1 Wednesday and Thursday, July 17 and 18 the month of June, Double Feature Program Army during The members of the Tremon and will be credited to the July CAROLE LANDIS and WILLIAM GARGAN in ton Junior Chamber of Commerc call, namely and the" partners numbering James Woodrow Hadley, son of seventy-fiv- e enjoyed a delightful d, Edward Hadley, Dallas Lund canyon Wednesday evening party son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto also SMILEY BURNETTE and SUNSET CARSON in in Logan canyon. A. Kofocd; William Vosco Call, A steak supper was the main son of Mr. and Mrs. Vosco P. of the evening with other event Call; Gale Maddox, son of I. B. entertainment to make the party MARCH OF TIME Maddox and Evan Owen Shaw, a huge success. son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shaw. Grant Garner and Katherine Friday and Saturday, July 19 and 20 Evan Shaw became the 2000th re Kerr were in charge of Double Feature Program cruit to enlist in the army at the Salt Lake recruiting station. THE DEAD END KIDS in All these boys are eighteen and CARD OF THANKS nineteen years of age and their We wish to express our apprecenlistment was prompted by the iation to all those who have helped also GILBERT ROLAND and M. GARRALAGA in fact that for 18 months service in any way during the illness and they would receive thirty months death of our mother and grandfree schooling in any college in the mother. Cartoon and Serial country. of Mrs. Sedell Anna Family Official notice was also received the local office to the effect by that Jay M. Mortensen of Elwood had reenlisted in the Army; John Fredrick Christensen of Tremonton, Robert Chas. Turner of Fielding and J. Alan Price of Brigham, had all reenlisted in the Navy. These reenlistments took place during the last week in June at Salt Lake City. ,;' Lli j Thurs., Fri. and Sat., July 18, 19 & 20 James Uason and Lucy Mannheim In "Bad Mans Territory" Also Ken Curtis & Adele Roberts in of the OPA continuation bill, by President Harry S. Truman, THURSDAY. JULY 11, i91c - l Retailers Promise Customers A Square Deal In OPA Death ft EAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Tremonton. Utah- mmm UUUll, l l Friday and Saturday, July 12 and lu Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 14, 15, 16 and 17 Morgan Conway & Anne Jeffreys in RANDOLPH SCOTT - ANN RICHARDS and GEORGE HAYES in B Page Eight Ifchc - I X ' opera fi ' - consl Catle 1 Cutle Mar Mountains Draw Pleasure Seekers IT'S TIME FOR FUN! We are headquarters for all kinds of sporting goods fishing tackle - reels - rods - 22 rifles - shot gims - soft ball equipment. -- NORGE ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES RCA VICTOR RADIOS PAINTS AND PAINT SUPPLIES HALL OWELL KEY SET SOCKET HEADCAPS PHILLIPS AND SLOTTED SCREWS ALLEN WRENCHES (n ORDER YOUR WINTER'S SUPPLY 0F BLUE BLAZE ihe mountains of the Cache National Forest received the heaviest use by recreationists on July 4, of any day in the history or tne rorest, according to a report by James O. Stewart, Forest oupervisor. Over 9,000 people used Logan canyon tor recreation purposes I his docs not include another 4,000 people that traveled through Logan Canyon over the highway to and from Bear Lake. Another 1,000 people went to High Creek, omithtield Uanyon, Green Can yon, and Providence Canyon for recreation and to get out of the heat ot the valley. At Monte Cristo, 2,900 people spent all or a part of the day. On the South Fork of Ogden River, 11,UUU people used the picnic area, while 10,000 people were at Pine View Lake and in Ogden Canyon recreation areas. Out for a car ride in the Ogden Canyon and Monte area,' but not stop ping at any particular place were o COAL "i Tht i comp' liers: 130 Tremonton Lumber and Hardware .. i r ' le; A ' LAn : . Blue selv; V0MS secret ent gent. 0a ".1 : ..1 - Ethei " " i ,i rn n ii ' " '. Tremonton The centage were fishermen. Box Elder picnic area at Mantua was used by 1,000 people during the day. Pichicing was the principal pastime of the recreationists. How ever, all the better fishing streams were lined with fishermen, not ably South Fork of Ogden River, Blacksmith Fork, Locran River Cub River, Eight Mile Creek, Creek Bloomtngton and St Charles Creek. Earn Exti Look Before You Leap Into Any Loan Arrangement! You want to make certain of exactly how much cash will be put into your hands without deductions not clearly explained to you in advance: you want to be wary of hidden clauses in the loan agreement in regard to possible late payments etc. In short, you want to make your loan where your interests are protected to the fullest extent. So seek our advfce first! j.MHJ more people. Blacksmith Fork was visited by 300 people of. which a large per JUST PHONE Phone130 I Chair IT'S TIME FOR SPORTS 'l S I the f Ses ol nas step j i n entire Births Mr. n. oi Dr. Mr. ha Jany odart Bear River Siate Bonk MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM and FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ;ions WldEBniiii't H t '"ienp j; Kay lW Mi TIMI PAVMINT rer rr. a |