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Show -- Page Four SOCIAL EVENTS BEAR EIVEFw VALLEY LEADER Tremonton, Utah - Two Student Groups To Present Recital ENTERTAIN FRIENDS Mrs. Harry Canficld was hostess at a delicious dinner in Hansel Valley on the Fourth. CARTER-MA1SAHOXORED ON BIRTHDAY Two groups of students of the Places were laid for Mr. and MARRIAGE AKKOUXCED Mrs. Alford John entertained Mrs. Sam Chiodo and Mr. Theatre Studio" will "Children's and her of honor in Miss LaRcne Carter, daughter Saturday evening be presented in recital by their Mrs. Jewel Harris. chicken CarA husband's Lawrence Mrs. birthday. J. of Mr. and teacher, Mrs. Phyllis Pope, on H. served. was and dinner Garland Roger ter of Saturday, July 13th and TuesdecMaisak was table Mr. Carl beautifully The of son Maisak, day, July 16th at 8 o'clock at the of Tremonton were married June orated with a birthday cake. studio. Out of town guests were Mr. SELL Your The following programs, which 29 in a double ring candlelight freshly dead and useand Mr. the of home LaRue Mrs. Yates, the and the culmination of a six week's at are ceremony less horses and cows to White's bride's parents. President Robert Mrs. Shelton Thompson, Mr. and trout Farm for will be given: highest prices and term, Mrs. Mclvin Jones, Mr. and Mrs. J. Potter officiated. p. Saturday, July 13th Phone Hyrum quick pick-uThe bride was lovely in a Joseph George, Mr. and Mrs. 011-R- 2, Little Players JoAnne Korth, collect. beautiful gown of lace and net Owen John and Mrs. Afton Nel"Pretending" and "Conspirator." "A FIRE INSURANCE PREMover white satin. She carried a son. Starlets Billy Woodh.ead, centered WILL BREAK IUM NOT white was asters of dancing. The spent evening bouquet "Anguish" and a trio, Billy YOU." "A LOSS MAY." See Woodhead, Carla Iverson and with an orchid. Her sister, Doris, n. James Brough, Fire Insurance Don Lee Aker in "The Sick wearing a gown of yellow lace FRIEKDS ENTERTAINED maid of honor, Agency. ninon was the Peggy and Tess Johnson were Betty Mnisak in a gown of blue, Footlight Folk Elaine Fran-cohostesses at a delicious steak sup- FOR SALE All kind used farm Marble in chiffon, JaNae pink "Never Again;" Moana Robbins Implement. following equipment. Irene Fridal wearing blue ninon per Tuesday evening 'The Old Love" Carol Korth, 3 blk. of R. Station. Phone R. N. and Joanne Carter in pink satin the ball games. "Bess Does Some Ann Cochran, 1. tfc Eleven guests enjoyed the evenand net attended the bride as Joan Francom, Telephoning;" bridesmaids. Marian Carter made ing. black "Cleaning House;" Ronna Lee, registered, American saddle stallion. Harry "Stragety;" Dianna and Betty a dainty flower girl in white satin and net with pink ribbon. The HOSTESS TO VGF Taylor, owner. Phone . Iverson, "When Love Is Very 448 tfc Very Young" and Marilyn Hamcarried attendants Mrs. Richard Calderwood was LaVern Maisak, bro- the gracious hostess to the VGF nosegays. will pay ilton, "Shopping With Lottie." UTAH the of ther Little Theatre Bobby Wood-heagroom, acted as best Club at her home Wednesday cash for dead or useless cows, hor-sefrom march The man. wedding "Driving Lesson" and evening. 6heep or hogs. Phone TremonLohengrin was played by Mrs. A. The evening was spent sewing ton 159-- J or Garland tfc Evelyn Johnson, "The Chase." D. Rich as the bride and her at and delicious refreshments were Tuesday, July 16th CASH for Live Poultry. H. A. tendants descended the stairway. served. Little Players Billie Ashton, Mrs. Elmer Gorringe, Lena SutGuests of the hostess were Mrs. Garn, 453 N. 2nd West, Brigham "The Owl" and "Despair" Janto 1 p ice Hansen, "How ton, Mrs. Blaine Morse, Betty jLulu Johnson, Mrs. Alice Harris, Phone 698. My Shoes Go" GarMrs. Prescilla Christenscn, Mrs. DO YOU WANT A PIANO? and "Cuddle Down Dolly" Clark Jean Morse and Klea Faye field assisted at a reception which Ethel Kerr and Mrs. Cora At no obligation our salea van will Holdaway, "The Robin Family" The Coombs. followed the ceremony. and "Reminding The Hen" and stop at your door and you can flowers were attractively arranged Jeanette Iverson, "The Circus" choose a piano from among six. and by Mrs. Wynn S. Hansen and ENTERTAINS AT CO. PIANO "Disappointment." Write today. HART Mrs. Art Felsted. Gene Halliday FAMILY DINNER Starlets Don Lee Aker, "Ber6 tfc Idaho. Preston, of Salt Lake City played music Carla Iverson, "Cry Baby;" serk;" Mr. and Mrs. Milton John- GLOBE FETand Baby Hicks during the reception. Jaleen Harris, "Playing Postman" Mrs. Uel Gam and Mrs. son entertained at a dinner for at Utah Hatchery, Brigham City. and "Tomboy;" Jenele Bennett, several members of her family, "Faces" and Sherleen Mohr, Wayne Garn were in charge of YOU BEFORE "SEE ME Saturday evening. the gift room. Mother." Covers were laid for Mr. and BURN." James Brough, Fire and "Helping The bride is a student at the i Footlight Folk Robert Green. ' Mrs. A. H. Yates of Denver, Mr. Automobile Insurance. Bear River high school. The groom An Animal Taxi" and "A Fallreturned last year after serving and Mrs. Lee Holmes and daughCut." ing five years with the armed forces, ter, Kay of Idaho Falls, Mrs. kinds of fire, Little Theatre Glenna Franinsur, auto, crop three years of which were spent in Sara Monson and three daughters ance and loans. Phone 1. com, "Invitation;" Senneth IverChina as a flight engineer with of Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. "The Lady Takes A Lesson" son, tfn Israel Yates of Logan. Chenault's Flying Tigers. and Sharon Kroksh, "Girl At The GOOD USED FARM machinery. Movies." The couple are on a honeymoon 1 used hay rake, 9 ft.; 16 hole ENGAGEMENT in California. Plays will be staged July 20th ANNOUNCED grain drill; hay derrick in good and 22nd. Parents of all students who are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hadfield shape; rubber tired tractor spreadLEADER WANT-AD- S PAY 6 sections harrows in good in studio activities announce the engagement of their er; participating shape, steel; hay loader, John are invited. daughter, Ardclla, to Marvin C. rod Deere; McCormick-Deerin- g Barfuss, son of Mr. and Mrs. new feeders; weeder, new; grain Charles Barfuss. ' and hand and tractor scrapers The marriage will take place Robbins Implement Co. ABSTRACTOR " in the Tremonton Second plows. Monday 1. tfc Phone Established 40 Years ward chapel. Following the Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Derrick of BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH ceremony, a wedding dance will "WE INSURE EVERYTHING v Lake $alt City are viisting at the honor the young couple. BUT THE HEREAFTER." home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis LarJames Brough, Fire Insurance son. r Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Derrick of Agency. $alt Lake City spent the Fourth RASTBimRIES with the Larsons. Petersen's farm and pick your John W. Larson left this week Mrs. Mary Mortensen and dau- berries on about July 10. Blain for Seattle to see his children. He 4 ghter, Ethel, returned home after Andersen in charge. 2tp went by bus to Boise and then spending a week with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. FOR SALE Weiner pigs. See continued on by plane. A T T II E Mrs. Gwen O. Ballard enterRoscoe Anderson, Bothwell. Henry Jensen of Oxford, Idaho. tained her club Wednesday evenPat Joseph Kirkham was in atltp the home of her mother, at ing Na-Detendance at our meeting Sunday PIE CHERRIES Mrs. Leo Oyler. Six members APRICOTS, evening. The council he gave to and summer apples now ready. were present. our young people was timely and Claude Mr. and Mrs. Reed Oyler of Tolman, Honeyville. interesting. The meeting was con- Phone 3261. Tremonton spent the Fourth at ducted by the Sundtv School. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stokes FOR SALE Majestic coal range. Oyler. have purchased the Roy Richard-se- n Cheap. Take it away. L. A. Dodd. LADIES' and MISSES' Alma Soderborg of San Franfarm and moved here to live. Itc cisco, and Elmer Soderborg of Tuesday evening the High Salt Lake HOUFFORSALE City spent the Fourth 5 rooms Priests of the ward were enterthe Larsons, David, with visiting tained by their wives at the home and bath in Garland. Jerome Paul and Louis. Alma was recentgreatly reduced. Bowcutt. of Bishop Reginald Hunsakcr. ltp from the army after ly discharged Following dinner, games were LOST Set of keys on brown spending two years overseas. played and Orson M. Christcnsen leather case. Mr. and Mrs. L. Francis PeterReturn to Leader won high and Mary Mortensen Office. son were guests of Mr. and Mrs. ltp won consolation prizes. Bowen at a Logan canyon Grant M. W. Hansen is reported as Saturday. party One group to recovering satisfactorily after his Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sorensen operation Tuesday morning. of Mar Vista, Calif., spent a day One group to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hatiway of this week at the home of Mr. and Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Eph Peterson. Nicl Hansen of California have CLOSE-OU- T been at the bedside of their father, Mr. and Mrs. Durrcll Grover and daughter, Judy, and Mrs. L. along with all local members of of children's L. Canfield of Fort Morgan, Colo, the family during his illness. came Sunday to spend a week Hansen P. Mrs. Carmi and Mr. A. By and family spent the fourth in Friends; The good old season for visiting with relatives and friends. Logan canyon. cussing the Umpire is back in full Tuesday the Primary elertion Sizes 7 to 12 The monthly Relief Society swing, in spite of the lure to go was held at the ward chapel. turned out to vote. work and business meeting was fishing in Idaho or Yellowstone. Thirty-thre- e -- 0held Tuesday. Judges were Essie Peterson, Loda ll Oyler and Lottie R. Potter. Lewis Hunsakcr of Logan spent One reason Americans enjoy We must make room for more than football is because the week-en- d at the home of his New Fall Merchandise son and family, Mr. and Mrs. they don't have to have a college education to play softball. EsReginald Hunsakcr. pecially around here. K CLASSIFIED ADS Kit-te- m, 72-R- 5- -9 AT-STU- 38-R- old-fashio- THURSDAY, JULY 11, i946 NWS ed his discharge from the Army and arrived home Satimv Sgt. Roberts served four Wrt in me racnic and participated three major battles. OF SERVICEMEN At home again with his parents is Hughie L. Thompson, who was discharged at Ft. Leavenworth. Kansas, on July 3rd. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson. He served as an automotive mechanic for 17 months in the European theatre. He wears the European African Middle East Theatre ribbon, the good conduct and Victory medals. Hughie entered the service in August 1944. 1 FOR THE KIDDIES is i Sgt. Jesse J. Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. Roberts, receiv- - News of4-CLUBS H SEE OUR LINE Q F STROLLERS d, s, 35-J- 3. I ! 7-- 6-- : SCOOTERS WAGONS The Clever Cookers met at the home of Donna Petersen, Friday. After a short program the evening was spent in preparing sandwiches. Games were played. Mareen Andersen, reporter TRICYCLES and IRISH MAIL The Happy Sewing Club met at the home of Lu Wanna Harris. Mrs. Heaton, our teacher and four members of the club were We worked on our present. SHAW & IVERSON slips. Refreshments were served by Lu Wanna and her mother. LuWanna Harris, reporter FURNITURE CO. Tremonton 82-J- KMMS S. NORMAN LEE EAST GARLAND 6-- 20 72-R- ELWOOD JULY CLEARANCE CHILDREN'S PLAY SHOES BLOUSES Wedge heels. Asst. colors and sizes Rayons and Cottons White only. Sizes 2 t0 !6 $o :': ; TuhjseF $1 rr 3.00 immt DRESSES 52.98 THE NEW OPENING KATE'S BEAUTY SHOP midland hotel building MONDAY, JULY 8th One of the boys in the league claims that an umpire may not be a jeweler, but he is a high authority on diamonds. $2.50 U, 1.00 "ftr MILLINERY PLAY SHOES Summer millinery reduced to clear Large Straws Dressy Hats . Broken sizes. (f iyy $1 i; ' 1 to $2.00 50c OXFORDS BLOUSES Platform soles Brown and Beige Fussy and tailored styles checks and plain colors. $2 00 $1.00 and $2.00 LADIES' COTTON JUST RECEIVED Ladies' Percale Pinafore BLOUSES DRESSES Shirtwaist styles Just the thing for White only. summer wear. 50c s2 50 Place Your Order Now! WE HAVE PLENTY OF GOOD -- 0- of the "Buffing" that Ashcraft Diamond Cutters took Tuesday evening, they still know how to cut up a diamond on the field as well as in the store. Expert Hair Styling O Licensed Hair Cutting ' In spite CALL -- 0- v slipover long sleeve soft-ba- -- 0- ...J asst. colors reaucea to , 7-- 11 tiUU SWEATERS Asst. colors and sizes SUITS & COATS 7-- 11 GIRLS' & CHILDREN'S PLAY SHOES 7-- 11 "L'' v 60c - $1.00 - $2.00 Platform Wedge Tie 7-- SHOP i.0H nn , e ANNOUNCING f LADIES' COLORED 7-- 11 PRINT CO Clearance , Softball is a standard sport for Americans, just as our recaps arc standard among hundreds of users right here in the valley. 0 Permanent Waving err v TIRE FARMS' Tremonton 35 CASH MM Utah |