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Show T5DAY, JULY 11. 1946 --BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER HOWELL BOTHWELL and Mrs. Orland Hess gave Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Anderson visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Udy at Riverside on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Summers and family were in Oden Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Porritt and family and Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Scholer and family spenr the 4th at Box Elder Park. The officers of the Relief Soc- - who was seven years niirtyfour guests were pre-delicious lunch was serv-- f lawn. Many gifts ca the received and a good time had Terry. 'ill A H. Hawkes has been from the navy and -- Robert , Varced ar-ho- me this week. Mrs. Ralph Deakin Xjr and from a very returned j family -c- trip to essful fishing Park. Yellow-Cj- iety and Primary, gave a supper party Monday for Mrs. Thomas Summers who moved from our ward. There were 30 ladies present. The afternoon was spent in making a friendship quilt. Refreshments were served. Delora Marble has had as her guest for the past week. Miss Robinson of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. William Cooper and family and Lt. and Mrs. Juliana of California were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Marble and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Summers De-lor- es - Pase Three Tremonton, Utah- - entertained at a family dinner Sunday. There were places set for 26. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Welling and Mr. and Mrs. George Hemmert, all of Ogden. Kir. and Mrs. Vance Lind and family, ReNae Firth, Kathryn Anderson, Eldon Lind and Tommy Christensen were in Logan on Saturday. CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE SELECTED out-of-to- A centennial committee for Bear River City has been appointed and will plan various pagrams to be followed by the oldest city in Box Elder County. The outstanding program is a homecoming for old residents of the city. Committee members are Carlos Jensen, Austin Johnson, Mary Andersen, Adeline Andersen, LuSmall Farms Vere Andersen, Almost 63 per cent, numerically, anda Jensen, Cliff Muttia-so- n Christensen, Harry of the nation' 40 farms contain and Mrs. Cliff Barker. acres or less. Mc-farla- nd e RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS I suffered for years and am so thankful that I found relief from this terrible affliction that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for information. Mrs. Anna Pautz, P. O. Box 825, Vancouver, Wash. Pd. Adv. Labratoriea NUE-OV- Lock Foisona Keep insecticides, lye, and poisonous or Injurious cleaning compound! out of children's reach, preferably in locked cupboard. ''qu5U at the home of Mr. and Homer Kotter Sunday were: I and Mrs. Elmer Kotter and ''rjv from Washington Terrace Mr. and Mrs. Ben of Plain City; Mr. Kotter and Wendell Ui MrsFred Mrs. and Mr. ,rjy; Mrs. Leo and daughter of Every City. Brigham Viler delicious a enjoyed present social visit. c:k dinner and a Ander-o- f ),fr. and Mrs. Preston Howell announce the ar-of a baby daughter on July Hod-fami- ly C(Vden; - Mc-Cjya- nd BEAR e I ?J j Ruth Gunnell of Mesa, Arizona the Mason home. s visiting here at 'lilx, and Mrs. Marton Hansen ?i children and Mr. and Mrs. were visiting 'ilvin Anderson Id) Mr. and Mrs. Orland Hess, 1 "fcday. for last week) Forsgren has left for Cas-- C Wyoming, to visit with her (Too late 1 Lois D. H. Buckley. gr, Mrs. , Loubin and wife of ii ':$a, Arizona are visiting at the lae of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kernal KJ l:;rsgren. Chambers and Shirley of Ogden are visiting at .i none of her sister, Mrs. ArAnderson. ;:i Mrs. Marie Fonncsbeck and Mrs. 1 rjghter 3 Eunice, of Logan, were in Howell this week. jsting I Mrs. Viva Munk was in Salt ik City visiting with her sister, 'jijghter, i u- - Parkison. Mrs. Reva Holt 5fe. and children of City are visiting her .."or, Mrs. Lu Anna: Sorensen. I Mr. and Mrs. Orseri Hyden and 'If. and Mrs. Orion Summers of ?!remonton, left Friday for' a trip rough Yellowstone. Park. I Lamoine Cowley represented ne High Councilmen at the Sun- 2j Sacrament meeting!" I ' Lake TO pOTICE The I WITH LOUD SPEAKER SYSTEM 3 WEIGHT GROUPS following applications have pn filed with the State Engineer '3 appropriate water in Box Elder iCounty, State of Utah, through-.- tt - - - - UNDER 2700 lbs. UNDER 3000 lbs. entire year, unless other-designated, all locations be- M p I TUESDAY EVENING JULY 23 at 8:00 p. m. UNDER THE LIGHTS WATER USERS the LJVy I OVER 3000 lbs. $185.00 IN GASH PRIZES ENTRIES LIMITED TO BOX ELDER COUNTY TEAMS Judging Will Be Based On Dynamometer Records. SLBM. from Jim - J. Arlo Summers, RFD 2, Tremonton, Ut., .015 sec. of i'. water for domestic use from yKn. well bet. 150 and 250 ft. 49.5 ft. and E. jpat li.a point N. r ITT .1 il ii. irom tne aw Uor. dec. ' I PARADE and BABY SHOW 11:00 a. m. I R3W. TUN, - Mrlvin '412 p No. 2, $25.00 CASH PRIZES Hnmpr X7 Tremonton, Ut., .03 COMMUNITY PROGRAM & KIDS' RACES 12 water for miscellan-?- a purposes from Salt Creek f fines, tributa rv tr Snlr rie, at a point N. 725 ft. and WO ft. from SE Cor. Sec. 6, M, R3W. The water will be ;;N a distance of 1000 ft. in a pipe and used for domcs- A stock watering, irrigation and tt. of Hi-oa- ISILIL 2 BEAR RIVER CITY vs CORINNE 2od5 noon Wo QQUo X4 cooIinfT. I7 "Reuben H. Fuller. Tre- Ut, .015 sec. ft. of water '?, .domestic use from a 2 in. well WO and 450 ft. deep at a a rvtt. - 'Km F.I TV and W. 2M5 it. c nrnivT ii . - Peter MrKVIhr 17537 Wm- - ,er Ut., 2 sec. ft. of water for Ration purposes from an 8 in. :elJMft. deep at a point S. 1320 and E. 99 ft, fmm Ml, Pnr 52.T4N,R19W. The water iou acres .t ungate J land c " i " Tii pmkroj RODEO FEATURING JOHN ADAM'S STRING OF BUCKERS" $50.00 BEST BAREBACK RIDER $75.00 BEST SADDLE BRONC RIDER $50.00 BEST CALF ROPER BOX ELDER COUNTY SHERIFFS MOUNTED POSSE and tor year-rou- nd in- ,;iUu aomestic and stock water- ,., ,v 17338 . pctcr McKcllar, Wcn- ff nf water fnr purPses from an 8 in. ft deep at a point S. 2640 r' Ut., 2 Sec. 5& . l'W TUne water will be used 'lTPte 70 acres nf Innrl rm . Sec. 36, ,dccV c and stock tttests ' ns T4N, R19W,. i"1 wunai IPfl watering foregoing l .i inciuenta applica-;.rcas- i ns therefore, must form Wlth extra lf,l!cd vvith the State En-'Statc Capitol, Salt P 1, Utah, on or before Wlt ir ,ly "sJ5t 31, 4c 1946. Ed. H. Watson, STATE ENGINEER 3 |