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Show LrrjpDAY, JULY 11, 194 G srs ! Mr. and Mrs. Ray R. Canning anJ Mrs. A. M. Sanford Provo and Mr. and Mrs. Noel of jauchtcr, Junclla, of Boise, Cook of Salt Lake were week-en- d itg were guests on Tuesday of guests at the home of their paru and Mrs. Moroni Ward. ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cook. I attended a Lucinda Jensen J Celebrating the Fourth at Bear ".jjon at the Salt Lake Coun-- ;; Gro-- " Lake were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mrs. of a as guest Club Mrs. Rich was honor-- i Garfield and son, Darrell, Mr. I members of the State organi- -i and Mrs. Hamp Bradshaw and 'an f Women Legislators who family, Roscoe Heppler, Joel Nelson and Fanctte Hill. previously acted as host to national organization. Mrs. G. J. Christcnsen and I L daughter, Tamara of returned home Trotter Albuquer-Leta New Mexico, sister of Mrs. from a two weeks' visit in Declo, V. Franklin, has been visit -- Idaho. home this at the Franklin Jesse Garfield is in California She left Thursday even-CfPullman, Washington, and on business this week. inland .Oregon, to visit with before returning Floyd Garfield of Salt Lake cr relatives was a week-en- d guest at the Jesse i Garfield home. Miles Woolley Mr. and Mrs. LdMrs. Mathenson and daugh- Mrs. Wm. E. Jenkins, Mrs. Sandra, were callers Saturday Duane, Campbell and Evan JenI 'the Vincent Chiodo home. kins of Freedom, Wyo., visited over the week-en- d with the Mel-vi- n Four-;it- re I on the visitors Lake Hamiltons. Bear Mr. and Mrs. Londy Har-th- e Norman Maughns and Mr. David and Jimmie Hamilton are Stohl. Ervin on a vacation in Freedom, Wyo., SjMrs. visiting with their grandmother. Mrs. M. H. Turner x. and I Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Cochran d family of Washington, D. C, with his par- - and family visited for two weeks listed the week-en- d and Mrs. A. M. Tur- - in Western Montana jwfth Mr. ;tS) Mr Cochran's relatives. n. Tremonton, Utah PUBLIC HEALTH j For the week ending July 5, local health officers reported a total of 230 resident and nonresident cases of communicable diseases as compared with 297 cases for the previous week. For the second week in succession Salt Lake City reported a case of diptheria. The patient is an adult male and the source of his infection has not been determined. Salt Lake City also reported one case of poliomyelitis. The patient is a boy nine years of age. Since January 1, 1946 of this year a total of 13 cases of poliomyelitis have been reported in the State. According to press reports, some of our neighboring states seem to be having poliomyelitis in epidemic proportions. One case of epidemic meningitis was reported from Richfield, gj, ) f, J .'j or 1 MRS. CHURCHILL HONORED . . . Mrs. Winston Churchill, wife of Britain! wartime premier, is shown In academic robea after re ceiving an honorary degree of doctor of laws at Glasgow university. Five Renae Get had as her guests over the week-enShirley Siegfried of Chicago and Emma Woerner of Peoria, Illinois. d, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Cannon and son of Salt Lake visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Bjorn and family this week Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mortenscn returned home from a ten day trip through Yellowstone Park, Montana, the Dakotas, Iowa and Nebraska. Dance Treatments Many crippled people can dance easily and smoothly even though they walk with a decided limp. gitis, 1; mumps, 56; pneumonia, Dancing is being used in treating 4; scarlet fever, 4; tuberculosis, 8; disabled veterans as well as people suffering from mental shock. undulant fever, 1; hooping cough, 17; gonorrhea, (resident) Chinese Inflation 17; gonorrhea, (nonresident) To get a realistic understand 8; syphilis, (resident) 10; syphilis, lng of what inflation means, itfive-ce-is nt necessary to know only that a (nonresident) 3; malaria fever, 3; and rheumatic fever, 2. Capt. and Mrs. Art Hansen of Utah. Chicago, are visiting in TremonIt is interesting to note that ton and Garland with friends and officers reported only 4 health relatives. Mrs. Hansen is the cases of scarlet fever throughout former Bebe Strand. the State for the week. Eight cases of tuberculosis were Mrs. Frances Herman and Mr. reported for the week. One of and Mrs. Wes Landvatter of Arizona visited at the these was listed as a nonresident. One case1 of undulant fever was Elmer Gorringe home on their reported from Duchesne County. way to Arizona this week. According to the attending phyMr. and Mrs. Jim Ransom and sician the,exact source of the infection has not been determined Mr. and Mrs. Alford John and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Thirkill Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burgess celealthough raw milk is suspected. and Ronald, and and son of Los Angeles are here brated the Fourth in ais, Darwin Three cases of malaria fever Logan. and Mrs. Steven Jepperson, visiting with her sister, Mr. and enjoying a rishing tnp in Mrs. Guy Ballard. lillowstone Park. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Hamp Bradshaw family and Oleen Shuman spent jd Leslie Garfield were in Og-- a last week in Yellowstone Park, and-fami- Pae were reported for the week. Two of the patients are listed by the attending physicians as nonresidents. According to the attending physicians, the infections were contracted outside the United States. Box Elder, Grand, Morgan, Piute, San Pete, and Sevier Counties reported no cases of communicable diseases for the week. No reports were received from the health officers of Brigham City, Price, Daggett and San Juan County. The totals for the week were as follows: chickennox. 26: rim- theria, 1; poliomyelitis, 1; measles, 57; German measles, 11; menin- ! COLUMN j I I BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Phyllis Cock left this week for a vacation in Mesa, Ariiona. NEWS LOCAL - American candy bar costs $300 in Chinese money. FARMERS . . . Save Time and Work Have Your Welding Done At Home! Dependable Auto Repairing At Fair Prices. ly OFFICIAL INSPECTION STATION BOWCUTT GARAGE GARLAND, UTAH t Monday. Dan Briggs and daughter fevonne. visited Saturday "and ;ynday in Springville with Mrs. IZella Carter. Yevonne remained Mrs. :.t Mrs. is R. Homer Hansen of Salt visiting with her sister, M. Bone and family. and Mrs. Filburn Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Andy Fred-:;ks- Mr. nd last week. paii td on were in Ogden, Tuesday Visitors at the Axel Frederick-se- n home last Monday were Mrs. E. M. Painter and Elvera Tensen. Ogden; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pick- rord, San Francisco, Calif.; Mrs. Charles Ledwith and son, Don Kent, Lincoln, Neb.; Susan Kathleen and Capt. Don Painter of Ogden. The occasion was Mr. Fredericksen's birthday anniver nOlV! L f Plentiful and ct tfftir test et ' 1 iv. Reed's Tasty Cottage uiuuou 17 ib Fresh Grade A ,qt. lb. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hill, the ) ) ALL APPRECIATE APPR E C I AT Seymour Hills and Mrs. Edgar Nelson and family were in Box Elder canyon, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H Guy Johnson I O N ) are visiting in San Francisco on a two week vacation. SPRAY PAINTING HOUSES CHICKEN BID ' - COOPS GARAGES - BARNS ETC. FENCES JOBS - OR MACHINERY RENTED BY HOUR SPRAYING Is Very Satisfactory KEM-TON- E PAINT CENTER Quality Paints Acme Phone 6-- J Lin-- X Home Brightener Tremonton BEVERLY VINEGAR THE DOBBS TRUSS I S DIFFERENT 0 BELTLESS O RULELESS O STRAPLESS O MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN REASON SHOULD TEACH YOU NOT TO PLACE A BULB OR BALL IN OPENING OF RUPTURE WHICH KEEPS MUSCLES SPREAD APART. No matter what truss you now wear you owe to yourself to see DOBB'S the new patented TRUSS. Free Examination and Demonstration by factory trained experts at the following towns. Bring this ad with you and we will give inspecial discount. Two sons of for Ask sales. hold ventor will Mr. Dobbs. 3U LETTUCE 16c Sno-whi- SODA A.&II. Raking: oz. 16 CINNAMON Shilling's ALBER'S Corn Flakps oz. 1 ....18 oz. CHERRIO'S Popular Cereal oz. 7 RALSTON Shredded 2 DUFF'S Ginjrer Erend i 14 oz. 13 12 Porter's 12 L 22 oz. pkK Old Iiiitflish !b. HIXON'S Coconnut Cust. pkg. NUT MEATS Light Walnut ft lb. COFFEE Edwards ....lb. COFFEE lb. Airway REAL ROAST Peanut Uulter 2 lb. FRUIT JARS Kerr Regular ...dot. JELS RITE I OS. Pectin PAROVAX 29 KERR LIDS Regular Size dot. 7 ABOUT THE FOOD! WW, I WHEN 28 20 79 19 Tea Bags Tea Dags 19 10 T, Ita 11 16 9 23 12 oz. 18 maKe wjir:zmy b. 16 27 Ph one 131 Tremonton uart 8 24 Taw- li 46 y- - 2 aa IN MV PACT OP KWH.Sism SUSAN. we have . a rwe cheese sweetened with a spoonful of honey or jelly. HfJ 1 A for Director The Homemakers' Bureau Palmolive H'lri "tar. An Extra 20 RELISH HASH Matches box Carton 21 Sert iet :l?rL. 23 .!::i:uf. 2314 u.!i?z1' SOU? LIBBY'S AND I NOTICED A STORE JUST LIKE IT, AS I CAME AlONG THE STREET OOWN THERE. m PON 7KNI WHAT TO DO .' iJXiT 10 Old Dutch 9? I VLJ - ',20 Pop. CUnner 91 I Y.AS SAYlNtS. SAUY, OUR f! MIL SPENDS TOO IAUCH FOR GROCER I S. .r J HJf- White Magic M ...BUT AS k lb. iTr H:, W 7HE WSWER fZf W ADAM'S DRUG Canterbury for Ice Tea Y EVERY DA Y VALUES The Dobbs Truss representative will be here Tues-Jul- y 16th for special cases. If you are interested appointments at. Ideal A") Tom Juice .Nol'ioun f!e ib. 24 Neb Hill Krispettes SWEAR. 17 .T::::"v ...46 oz. n!9 i a! Grft. J. 14 5c?zca, I I I 24 .ra sownncuse ",!, NO EXPECTS NOWADAYS j 7:13 Gpe. Juice Turkey Crunch Sqs. Raisins 9 i ib. Zepher Root Beer Ccn.Ury "tttn 23 10 10 There's no better time to enjoy foods in the raw than right now whei. vegetables and fruits are at their best. RAW VEGETABLE QUARTET Shred separately equal amounts of raw cauliflower, carrots, new beets and cucumbers and marinate in a tart dressing for 15 minutes. Place a serving of each in individual lettuce cups and arrange four cups on each plate. Serve with crackers spread with peanut butter. SEAFOOD SALAD IN TOMATO CUPS Cut tops from tomatoesand scoop out seeds and pulp. Ciiiil tomato cuj:3. Combine pulp v.iJi flaked canned seafood, sardines, cold chicken or meat, or chopped walnut meats. Add a bit of grated onion, salt and pepper to tasts, a dash of Worcestershire sauce and a little silad drespin?. Refill tomato cups and serve with Meiba toast made from leftover bread. FRUIT MEDLEY DESSERT Combine cj?3 s'icH p?r?he3 or apricot halves with 1 cup me'on cubes and 1 cup fresh pear slices. Add juice from 1 orange and lemon and mix in honey to taste. Chill for 15 minutes before serving. Serve in berry dishes with sliced or chunk cheese for accompaniment. FRESH FRUIT IN MELON BASKETS Cut small melons in halves, remove seeds, and cut out meat carefully. Cut into small cubes or chunks and combine with sliced or whole berries, orange or grapefruit sections, whole white or red grapes, or any other fruit in season. Refill melon baskets and top dessert with cottage Coeffcg $evcrs$$$ r-.- 53 ib. Viays to serve fresh produce uncocked :i.:... Topss Hamburger Betty Lou Peanuts WE KNOW, MOM-- 1 J 1 Mustard 50 yS, SALLY NAD talk f you GirasfWCE Spag. i oz. Emerald cn Bay Peans with SAFEWA 12 Lb. pkg Mac. or Spinach Philips Frank's o. 22 ib. 5 9 FRJCLS SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGES Gerbers Baby 3 Food cans Baby Food 3 cans Clapp's Pierce's Diced Beets No. 2 can Pierce's Carrots No. 2 can Khmann's Olives Chop. 4?i oz. Mustard French's 6 oz. Frillettes Needles .16 oz. pkfj. oz. 26 te FKODUCE skn' ju,cy Th,B fedds tor Vshy SALT lb. 31c tzbii -- IF SAU.Y MONEY THERE, IT MUST BE QUITE A STORE! FIND i ce ir onaB l rsi arc CAN SAVE Ais6frTR lour about 4r?..r iv i 7M4r . "A" Sl2e Red su"ki8t ypw 19)BwW POTATOES CORN LEMONS CARROTS JMWrZ&f Ripened '....ib. - 49 c COMPARE THESE PRICES vrnr ' GRAPES, seedless qt. PUDDMS Holds muscles together with a soft concave pad. Keeps rupture tightly closed at all times while working, lifting, Light walking or swimming. weight. 15c PLUMS LIMES Old Mill Cider 2 CANNOT SLIP ib Quality FNut Butter MALT-O-MEA- Ruptured? WAmCLUUrtJ Mild Western CHEESE sary. . tXABIES week. the ake Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ashcraft and family were at their cabin in Northern Idaho with Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Ashcraft for four days summer FRUITS and rr, Susan END OF THE MONTH VOUU FIND AT THE a 15 v fi0 'J L |