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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER loon YkiAeX Pnmhlnal lAni Ic idor, Truck, Power Plant and Car Associated Newspaper es the and embodies jeep, automotive Plj car, the postwar adapted to the 'v en rail-f- f Sfarms, factories 8870 Not the kind you're dreaming of and drooling for but the slick accessories yon wear with that new cummer suit. Don't be guilty of murdering your suit in the first second and third degrees with the wrong gadgets. Don't kill your costume with clutter. Here are the suitors you'll find at the teen gadgeteria of your favorite store. Box Bags No more of those salvage depot handbags. This year your suit bag is a trim little box shape with a big mirror inside the top. Or it's a small i I Simple Princess Frock for Girls A Smartly Tailored Two Piecer Features WATCH YOUR SUITORS ( plow, Haul Hay, Family to Town re-Pil- WNU BY NANCY PEPPER IfillRunBuzzSaw, UouSTclosely SEfflXG CIRCLE PATTERS S "GAY GADGETS" mines, oil fields i'itanber camps. ds, pouch with bracelet handle. You'll ex- after I5 use nostwar find 'em in the is researcu. evnpnmenj r: Teen Gadgeterias. com- d Bow E louses L. new unit has the same Your For such jobs as plowing and harrowing the postwar the identical power is well blouse this spring jeep suited because of the special transmission. This one Is 3 in more man fastens high up at the neckline witi pulling a s motOT ha3 plow. It can drag a single-bottoas a perky bow. Not so many shirts i: d,nT plow just miles easily. re than 10 billion this season more "softies." It has. test of all-- war. ments have to been added aid in the Swoony Scarfs Everybody's wearwhich-givpanel, the governor permits regulatanr Innovations attachment of implements, and to ed engine speeds from ing square or long scarfs knotted to 1,000 2,600 vehicle cnaratiM the loads of heavy draw bar rpm in steps of 200 ascot fashioa Pick your colors rpm. Ctw most important differ-th- e absorb work. for Four-Wheaccent and coscarefully and bright Traction. military jeep tume harmony. Tuck the ends inRear shock absorbers were mountBy no means new, but increasingjfwstwar Jeep are the special ed at an angle to provide a level ly effective for postwar use, is the side your suit neckline. V takeoff which can be used floor. New seats for greater com- four-wheSissy Sailors Your favorite suit drive, never before availi ;&e spline shaft for direct pow- have fort been installed. makable to civilians in a vehicle of the hat is the sissy sailor in felt or with the belt pulley, thus The gear shift lever, for greater jeep's size and weight This feature, straw with the little ribbon streams Impossible to apply up to 30 HP to a convenience, was placed on the which helped build a world-wid- e floating down the back. You've been rep'"aivthing from a buzz saw ra-utation for the column. This wearing Dutchies and cloches so promthe gear military jeep, changed steering improvement er, and transfer will save wearing effort on the part ises to play an equally important why not try something new? in the transmission, of men and women of all ages who part in hundreds of peacetime asDark on Light Don't be afraid to Jjtttd axles. This latter revision while will drive the new jeep. the wear signments. By a black, navy or brown blouse spreading efficiency jeep's maximum is .s Additional features have been drive over four wheels, tremendous with your pastel blue, maize or tine at a necessary farm pace tractive power is achieved and the aqua suit. Then match some of your i vehicle becomes a glutton for tough accessories to the blouse. terrain. It is particularly effective on uneven or loose soil, where veLIFE'S BIGGEST MOMENT hicles driven from only one axle freThe day I started school when I quently push their front wheels into was six, the ground and stall. On the jeep, And graduation day Gee, that the front wheels do not push, they was greatl pull. I nearly swooned the day I enThere has been much discussion 12-4- Fl " l VXA AkiW i ? 1 fir Willys-Overlan- r favorite Vine, lit f two-botto- m Si 12-in- in h r II II e el I j l Due to an unusually large demand and current war conditions, slightly more Umo is required in filling orders for a few of the most popular pattern numbers. Send your order to: K tered "Hi." about the jeep's gas consumption I REALLY swooned the night record. Extensive field tests have of my first date. proven the postwar vehicle's econThese memories, once cherished, of with other forms omy compared now are gone, --.-tractive power. On the highway, it like Forgotten, disappeared will deliver up to 19 miles per galsnow-Si- nce last year's lon. It is also economical in belt last night's dance, when all pulley operations. It is well to rethe gang stood 'round member that gasoline consumption TO WATCH ME LINDY WITH is a matter of how efficient the enMY O.A.O. gine is, how heavy the load may be, the quality of gasoline used, whethTHAT MORON'S HERE AGAIN! er time saved is more to be valued Did you hear about the little than gasoline consumed and whether the vehicle which is being tested moron who drove a nail into the is moving over roads, bowl because he wanted to Spike the through mud or sand or loamy soil. Punch? The jeep, of course, is built for And the moron who climbed up on use. It is a the rafters to get on the Beam? even relatively light vehicle with an distribution of weight and a center Well, as the sick dog said, "It of gravity which prevents overturnshouldn't happen to a Man!" ing. Unlike other vehicles for general use, it pushes no great load in 7; "VT. front. The weight it hauls is at....jt!f - ' tached and is pulled in most inPower from the Minute yfiake-U- pi be can new of the stances. Jeep conveniently placed :j!ied to dozens of conIn connection with gasoline farm machines, such as buzz saws, feed grinders, By GABRIELLE payers, cement mixers, corn pickers and hay balers. sumption, it is well to discuss draw bar pull briefly, for draw bar pull 13 to 7.5 miles an hour. A gear added to the new jeep, either as has to do with the load, and that is & is also provided to give a road standard equipment or as accesso- one of the determining factors in ."sedof 60 miles per hour. Thus the ries. Among these are seven-incgasoline conumption. Another name spcan pull heavy equipment over headlights which meet all legal re- for draw bar pull is traction. It ex3 highways at a rapid rate; and quirements, a tail gate which en- presses the amount of work a veas a innandlight tractor jobs with ables it to function effectively windhicle will do. The jeep will pull a pick-uefficiency, such as plow-truck, an automatic trailed load of 5,500 pounds over the shield wiper, a large tool box, and harrowing. highway, with adequate reserve Ser differences between the mil-- 7 front and rear tops. for steep grades. ieep and the Owners of the vehicle will be able power postwar jeep are where continuous In the field follows: to purchase a list of special accesfor long periods is 'WW required pulling combustion chamber has sories which widen the range of the snow of time the jeep has a rated draw designed. By means of altered jeep's usefulness, including bar pull of 1,200 pounds, which has lesions in the cylinder head plow and grader attachments, spray been shown A by numerous tests to be and others. combustion chamber, perfected painting equipment, most agricultural work for e light and adequate of the newest eneinepr- governor is. available to provide ample reserve as and constant wherever be can installed iciowledge, the power of the post- of load, is well for unusual conditions. P over the military has thus engine speed, regardless The jeep can compete on a basis increased. required. Tangerine is positively THE Hollyof instrument economy and performance with the radiator shroud trolled from wood color! A tangerine wool dress was added to more effective has a hip line, a cooling for continued brown hat to match. Plaids are also on driving ''arm and in nitio. tops in favor, matched with velvet bonnets. Go completely dramatic in hroud in tests vvza us capacity jade green, with coral velvet gloves. protecting the engine operation Very smart! - mucn neat. Ledger Syndicate. WNU Features. 4 At hard-surface- d belt-whe-el ' , M r 1 8782 VI 4 Back-to-Scho- yr$. Frock ol gay little princess HERE isforayoung girls that buttons to the hem. An ideal style for that lively grade-schocrowd. Make it in floral prints, checks or stripes and accent with bold ric rac. back-to-scho- SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 149 New Montgomery St San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 25 cents In coins for eacb pattern desired. ...Size Pattern No Name Address ol ol SNAPPY FACTS Pattern No. 8782 is designed for sizes 6, 8, 10. 12 and 14 years. Size 8 requires 2V, h material; 4 yards ric yards of rae to trim. Skirt and Jacket morn till night you'll look pROM your best in this crisply tailored with its graceful skirt A and smoothly fitting jacket. style that's smart season after two-piec- er season. Pattern No. 8870 Is designed for sizes and 42. Size 14. skirt, marequites 1 yards of 35 or h teria); jacket, 2 ',4 yards. 12. 14. 16, 18, 20; 40 m UOUSEHOLD pi HUTS I It's very restful to your feet if, when ironing, you will stand on a large piece of corrugated paper or a heavy rug. Tiret which were Introduced to th public eighteen months before Pearl Harbor, to waken the nation to the necessity of mass production of synthetic rubber, were created after fourteen years of Intensive research In synthetic rubber by B. F. Goodrich. The Japs are reported to have reversed the process for making rubber out of oil and are making gasoline and oil out of natural rubber. One of the largest tire repair shops overseas, operated by the Ordnance Tire Repair Company In Italy, turns out 534 repaired and recapped tires per day. - h ;( p W l belt-drive- j n Successful cleaning depends chiefly on taking1 a little extra care on using clean cloths and plenty of clean water. For the best possible fit in making slipcovers, cut each section of the cover on the grain of the ma- terial. Beliooflfieli To lengthen the life of baby's rubber panties wash them in thick, mild suds, rinse well and dust them with talcum powder. This should be done each time they are taken off. m t-y- t-J S1 5nap,CrackktPop! brown-swathe- d low-ge- '"h f? ads' startinS neces-,- t difficult, and to provide new clutch has been n- -t more S AH r??! enSaged. the capacity to tranfor " f ..ffie L the encin ,Uonal !ay stress 13 neces" u ine cnange in getting ' j. y d,mculties Aviates Mer i Way ".wage has been rede- - LIn.fdcr t0 Provide ease of 5r cc roiling, safi. cross L egotlate "6 and to sharP turns. arrangement has requirements .1 ''tSssi,ri,gjdity has U been built into alon.r- At front and - u'e irame, reinforce- - roads. S'n Still in U. S. . "Vi1.iK.. i dren "MUU' i.ouu British . . Dtxuc Light as it is, the jerp Is remarkably powenui te of speed a -- od at of 5,500 load pounds a can It pull wheel traction. and rough overcome to steep grades and has sufficient reserve power 1 , . A Sana--! ra'ds!ltedstillbecause of are in the ' and some don't ,r to back- - Education ter pm.e K. Law told C.Jard ..Tor., '" 8aid that more 2.000 ' 5 J ave pHe if ,i turned nd TEL rrffi t F ACT CASOUNE RATIONING, U. $. 1945 any other vehicle of similar size and, in many cases, has proven itself superior. This is of particular importance since it offers in one vehicle the basic functions of the tractor, light truck, passenger conveyance and mobile power unit witn many specific functions in each of these four categories. It was not built specifically to compete with any highly specialized equipment, limited In function and representing heavy investment. Yet, it compares favorably with all of them. On the other hand, it was designed for constant use, all day the year around. This is in sharp contrast to the astonishingly limited hours of usefulness provided for the farmer by specialized equipment, which sits idle for many days. The jeep will rarely be resting. Gestapo Unit Is Found In Hiding in Zagreb ZAGREB. YUGOSLAVIA. A unit the Inof the sinister Abserstelle ner circle of the gestapo has been uncovered by Yugoslav pouce here, foiling apparent plans to keep alive Nazi ideology through underground "The Grains Are Great Foods" I Kellogg's Rice Krispies equal the whole ripe nearly all the protective foodrH f ele- grain a In ran-- i Inn it ill in riiimnn yii vu UM'UM A,yA4l rvH otinnt MUMS tVMbUWM W MtiHWU . r mMm kABBERGlRi! that wa d0 so without c lling. ll w 'or. Guaranteed Good Housekeepi "SO tOMHN etrtcTivt if' "We give fhi teal lo no one f he product hat to earn says Good Housekeeping Magazine regarding this famous seal. methods. A high Croatian government official said recently that the unit had a headquarters equipped with radios and evidently was just getting ready for operations. lA VV r Look for it on every Clabber Girl package. |