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Show Thursday, July 26, 1945 BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, tal domestic purposes. 2, Tremonton, Utah, .334 sec. ft. for domestic use from an well nereaiter, the above quantity of bet. 60 and 125 ft. deep, at a point water will be diverted at a point N. 13.86 ft. and W. 104 ft. from N. 1605 ft. and W. 1077 ft. from SE Cur. of Sec. 9, TUN, R4W. SE Cor., Sec. 8, T13N, R2W, and 36562 James A. Campbell and used for the purposes above des Ulen W. Jones, Naf, Idaho, 6.0 j i the desire is lnen ani fellow man. WATER USERS applications have the State Engineer with been filed or canse water in 'o arrror"ate State of Utah, jjox Elder County, entire the year, unless throughout locations all designated, otherwise The following from SLB&M. bong CHANGE: 8 Charles TO A. Mason, Jackson Avenue, Ogden, Utah, proposes to change the point .056 sec. ft. of 0f diversion of by Applicatiacquired water right on No. 15426. The water has teen diverted from John Mason 1686 ft. and Spring at a point N. SE from ft. 1400 Cor., Sec. and used from 8, T13N, R2W, '436 to October 30th to irri' cate 5 acres of land, embraced in W2 V2 SE!4, Sec. 8. TBN, inciden- j;W, and for 1st April stock-waterin- g S-i- cribed. will to see the good in NOTICE TO and year-roun- d , Charles A. Mason, 2436 Jackson Avenue, Ogden, Utah, proposes to change the point of diversion and nature of use of .067 sec. ft. of water rk'ht ac quired by diligence rights prior to iyU3. lhe water has been diverted from a spring area described as follows: Beginning N. 1163 ft. and W. 300 ft. from SE Cor., Sec. 8, T13N, R2W, thence on the fol lowing traverse: N. 70 15' W. 840 ft.,N. 10'45'E. 160 ft., S 70 15' E. 840 ft., S. 19045'W. 160 ft., to beginning. The water has been used from June 1st to November 1st, for the irrigation of 40 acres of land embraced in Wy2 E2 SEJ4, Sec. 8, T13N, R2W, and for year- round incidental and domestic purposes. Hereafter the above quantity of water will be collected from the spring area above described at a point N. 1440 ft and W. 1030 ft. from SE Cor., Sec. 8.T13N, R2W, and conveyed to a small storage reservoir where the water will be stored .indoor used from June 1st to November 1st to irrigate 5 acres of land embraced in El2 SEJ4 Sec. 8, T13N, R2W, and for incidental and domestic purposes. stock-waterin- stock-waterin- g g ft. for irrigation use from Water Canyon Creek, tributary to Clear Creek, at either points as follows: (1) W. 583 ft. from NE Cor., Sec. 35, T15N, R13W, and (2) S. 1459 ft. and W. 68 ft from N!4 Cor. Sec. 35, T15N, R13W. The water will be used from April 1st to October 1st to irrigate 160 acres of land embraced in Sections 26 and 35, T15N, R13W. sec. 16600 Bar B. Company, First Security Bldg., Ogden, Utah, .018 sec. ft. for use from a well, '200 ft. deep at a point S. 1436 ft. and W 5184 ft. from NE Cor., Sec. 16, T9N, R7W. 16643 Hjalamar Johanson, RFD No. 2, Brigham City, Utah, .015 sec. ft. for domestic use from a well bet. 60 and 100 ft. deep, at a point N. 2060 ft. and W. 2520 ft. from SE. Cor., Sec. stock-waterin- g 6-i- 4-i- 2, T7N, R2W. Protests resisting the granting of any of the foregoing applica tions, with reasons therefor, must be in affidavit from with extra copy and filed with the State Engineer, 403 State Capitol, Salt Lake City 1, Utah on or before September 8, 1945. ED. H. WATSON, State Engineer. 1st publication, July 12, 1945. Final publication Aug. 9, 1945. 16259 Leon W. Dunn, RFD sec. No. 2, Tremonton, Utah, .015 ABSTRACTOR ft. for domestic use from a Established 40 Years well, bet. 100 and 150 ft. deep at BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH a point S. 123 ft. and W. 189 ft. from NE Cor., Sec. 7, TUN, R3W. Mr. and Mrs. Myrl Perry are C. W .Green, Tremon16382 a few days on Bear Lake. spending ton, Utah, .015 sec. ft. for domestic Mr. and Mrs. Charles Norr atuse from a well, bet. 150 and tended the Rodeo at Ogden Sat300 ft. deep, at a point N. 145 ft. and E. 670 ft. from SW Cor., Sec. urday night. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sudbury 16, TUN, R3W. and daughter Dorothy left Satur 16452 Ervin C. Peterson, Trea few days at Red monton R No. 2, Utah, .015 sec. day to spend use from a Bang, Logan canyon. ft. for Mrs. Helen Campbell and little 100 and bet. 200 ft. well, Bonnie Jo are spending E. daughter, S. 333 ft. and a at deep point a few days with relatives in Salt 233 ft. from NW Cor., Sec. 14, Lake City. TUN, R4W. The water will also Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hayes and be used for incidental irrigation, family were recent visitors of Mr. domestic and dairying purposes. Wendell C. Hubbard and Mrs. Veral Barnard. Mr. 16481 and Delbert E. Cook, RD No. 2, Hayes is a patient at the Bushnell Brigham City, Utah, .125 sec. ft. hospital in Brigham City. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Perry have use from a for anew granddaughter. The parents well bet. 150 and 250 ft. deep at a and Mrs. Ellis Perry of Mr. are ft. 45 and W. S. 3211.8 ft. point from NE Cor., Sec. 9, T7N, R2W. Bear River City. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Snow are 16506 Bert Eliason Jr., Snow-ville- , Utah, 2.0 sec. ft. for irriga- very proud of their first grandson, REDUCES TEMPERATURES well, 194 born July 19th at a Brigham hostion use from a ft. deep at a point N. 1206 ft. and pital. The parents are Pfc and 8 to 15 in sumoer W. 1378 ft. from SE Cor., Sec. Mrs. Jerry Litchford. Glen Sandall of Alhambra, Cal33 T15N, R7W. The water will SAVES 20 TO 30 be used from April 1st to October ifornia, is visiting relatives here. oa heating costs fa wista 15 th to irrigate 360 acres of land He is a guest of Woodrow and embraced in W.34 of Sec. 15, Donald Snow. ta m mh bbl I pml k far km Mr. and Mrs. Kermet Hansen T15N, R7W. TREMONTON LUMBER and family of Salt Lake City spent 16540 Bar B Company, First of July here and at Bear 24th the HARDWARE CO. Security Bldg., Ogden, Utah, River Phone 130 They were guests of for ft. City. .1547 sec. Gardner Martin 50 to bet. well Monday evening. a from use LUMBER CO. of .San Francis; ft. S. 12 Spackman Perry a at ft. 200 point deep, Phone 11 and E. 52 ft. from WJ4 Cor., Sec. co, visited relatives here last week. Lt. (j.g.) and Mrs. Norman L. WILSON DUMBER CO. 30, T10N, R6W. No. RFD Perry of Oceanside, Calif., spent Phone 148 16557A. N. Wight, two weeks here and at East Garland visiting relatives. Lt. Perry is r the Marines as a dentist and has spent the past two months at Camp Pendleton. Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Duett Loveland and family went to Logan canyon. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Norr and Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Jensen were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sudbury and Mr. and Mrs. Duett Loveland Sunday. IN YOUR POST-WA- R Monday night, Mr. and Mrs. FARM Alvin Norr attended the Rodeo at Ogden. Most universally used farm power Mary Hess and Gencive Gardequipment. ner of Ogden. spent the three-daEconomical Long- Life holiday here and at Plymouth. operation Sunday evening a splendid proAlways a complete part and repair service gram was given by the Daughters available. of Utah Pioneers with Captain "YOU'LL BE AHEAD WITH A CATERPILLAR' Virginia Blackham in charge. A life sketch of Geo. C. Dewey was NORMAN LEE S. TO APPROPRIATE: n. DEWEYVILLE stock-waterin- g vi!'ii;iM;CiI?i.C stock-waterin- 2-i- n. g 8-i- stock-waterin- Page Five Tremonton, Utah read by his daughter, Mrs. O. W. Snow. Colleen Bowcutt sang two Pianos For Sale "Sirr.hng Through" and "Like A Rose." Mrs. Barker, of Brigham City gave a talk on the D. U. P organization and a num- BUY NOW avoid high taxes on post-wa- r pianos. her of short stories and poem hon Avoid big increases in cost of labor and material. oring the pioneers. Val Leavitt sang two solos Uver the Dark We have available several fine pre-wBlue Sea," and "Memory Lane." upright All been have less at than ceiling prices.. Mrs. Virginia Blackham anpianos tuned checked mechanical for defects, sanitized, nounced a meeting of the D.U.P. and polished. to be held at her home Friday at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Lucinda Jensen of See Bear River City will be a visitor. Nolan and La Dean Barnard 332 24th Street Ogden, Utah spent a few days with relatives in Monday evenings between 6 :30 and 8 :00 p. m. Mendon. Mrs. Lester Pierson and daughter Lois of Deweyville and Mrs. Dewey Pierson of Brigham, spent Mr. and Mrs. Mart Hansen and Strand is now stationed in the a day last week in Ogden. sons and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pacific. and lamily spent Christensen Wednesday at Logan Canyon. Mary E. Christensen and Mr. and Mrs. Mart Hansen were Sunday dinner guests at the Wallace Have Your Mr. and Mrs. Floyd S. Christen- Christensens. FARM IMPLEMENTS sen entertained at a family reREPAIRED NOW union last Tuesday for the Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Strand A. Hansen family. Forty-eigh- t of have learned of the arrival of their Why wait until you are ready te use them? the fifty-fivfamily members were first grandson born in the Hill present. A son St. Sgt. Edward Field Base hospital Sunday evenC. Hansen and bride were especially ing. This day was the birthday anBlacksmith and Machine Works honored guests and Mrs. Hansen's niversary of both his mother and "Mends Everything parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas his grandmother. The parents are Abel were also guests. A But People's Ways" Oliver G. Williams of the Lt. and Mrs. Bert Strand. Lt. Navy was also home on leave and able to attend. There are two other members of the family in the service of their country.. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen have ten living children, forty grand children and two great grand children. A buffet supper was served, games and social chat filled the MEMBER FEDERAL WAREHOUSE SYSTEM soL ar MR. SUMMERHAYS ELWOOD A Suggestion: e ROHDE H. son-in-la- evening. Wholesale and Retail The meeting Sunday evening was given by the Tremonton camp of the Daughters of the Pioneers. Mrs. J. A. Jensen of Buhl, Idaho and son, Lt. Dec Jensen of the U. S. Air force visited among relatives here Thursday afternoon and evening. Lt. Jensen is a pilot and expects to leave for over' seas duty after his visit home. B-2- 9 00 ri- - SOYBEAN PELLETS A number of local people stopped work long enough to enjoy the FEED CORN parade and rodeo in Ogden, during the pioneer day's celebration. A number also enjoyed the festivities in Bear River City on the 24th. 0 STEAM ROLLING GRINDING CLEANING 000 LOCALNOTES Mary E. Christensen returned home from a two weeks visit at the homes of her sons, Earl Christensen and Melvin Christensen at Thatcher and Wallace Christensen at Faust alley. WE BUY ALL KINDS OF GRAIN i PHONE 41 TREMONTON g 6-i- E Include A Caterpillar TRACTOR Y- PLANS Mi O Give thanks ! . . No "scorched earth" scars our U. S. A. Ever beauteous... enriched in interest . . . she'll be calling someday for f U 1 J car ywu t tome see. nna HARVEST SEASON WILL SOON HERE .... WHEN IN NEED OF THESE ITEMS We Have a Large Shipment of Grain Blowers To Lighten your Grain leading and storage problems. Come in and see them. . O O 0 O hi Peterson Tractor ALBERT EARL, Mgr. 9 your TREMONTON v: '9 v II M a thing unleashed, when able CONOCO to get NEW-DAyou are Y Bronz-z-- z Gasoline. into your tank will be the latest results of the research lavished on Transferred war-winni- ng You'll know gasolines. power ...pantherlike getaway . . . and mileage aplenty. You'll know strictly new-da- y gasoline unsurpassed CONOCO BRONZ-Z-in your NEW-DAContinental Oil Company high-octa- Y JAMES BROUGH REALTOR Tremonton ' will go like Quick and Reliable Service Service phone 90 O O Fire Insurance Automobile Coverage Public Liability Property Damage Comprehensive Collision All typos of Surety Bonds Crop Insurance Hail and Fire Auto Medical Real Estate Loans Automobile Loans 1 TiXy iff y - BE fa C&lfVskPw - UTAH fauv ne Z. A tpFA 'f - 1 -- You want assurance today, that your gasoline is made to deliver all the performance possible under current restrictions. Then go to Your Conoco Mileage Merchant where you nee the big red Conoco Triangle sign. That's hii Station Identification makfi it yours I ., . And |