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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER goW to Don Traditional Sari Shown by Indian Dolly Curly-Heade- d In a Cute Pinafore -- f K, jTS jT". M Farm Accident Costs V Continue to Mount Most Losses Can Be 9 i Via4 naJ'w Prevented Entirely 5 e j ihe sari Is the traditional costume for women In India. It Is a garment, really just a long 1 It Is six to nine yards In of doth, reaching from waist to ankles and fastened with a drawstring. lift sod has neither hooks nor eyes, but may be elaborately embroidered. The wearer picks up the bor-- I . the sari with both hands and, with a quick twist of her body, wraps It about torso. one-piec- j Accidents to farmers. In a typical year, lost double the amount of time needed to produce the average annual wheat crop of the United States. The economic loss from accidents of all kinds occurring to farm people is nearly a billion dollars per year. In a typical year: 17,200 farm people were killed. 4,500 were killed at agricultural work. 1,500,000 rural residents were Injured. Of the 17,200 accidental deaths among farm people, nearly half were the result of accidents similar to those in urban homes, due to falls, burns, poisons, firearms and drowning. The greatest number of fatal accidents to farm workers occurred - Ill'l !'M I - lotiwstJ ITI1U Rk msTAMsr y i tJ-'- ,.n '- Ul UHfc .Ail ,.-J TTilE lucky little "mother" of d this rag doll will be the envy of her playmates. Dolly's plump arms and legs are curly-heade- movable. WANTED AT ONCE & Baka Bomb No Longer Secret but Still Suicide An excellent opportunity for ambitious young roan to join t he advertising sales staff of Ogden Radio Station. The position oilers a splendid future with a This cute rag doll has embroidered features, yarn curls. Easy to make. Pattern 7077 has pattern, directions for h doll, clothes. Send your order to: Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept. Box 3217 San Francisco 6, Calif. Enclose IS cents for Pattern No Commercial Sale Manager RodU Station KLO, Oadan, Utah AHHrpct RV Don't adjust moving belts. while oiling, unclogging or adjusting moving farm machinery. Some farmers were killed when tractors tipped over, but, next to maaccichinery, the commonest dents were caused by livestock by the startled horse or the bull that everyone thought was tame. Motor vehicle accidents not associated with farm work took the lives of 3,700 rural people. The week commencing July 22 has been designated by President Truman as National Farm Safety week. means the latest secret weapons used by the Japs in a desperate attempt to stop the American advance Mrord in the "baka" bomb, Jap ward for "fool," name given because it is controlled by a suicide pilot. A suicide pilot controls the craft from the drawing shows how the Baka resembles a "flying torpedo." canopy. Rockets in the tail section furnish propulsion. The bomb is launched from bomber. One of ! Blue Grass Keeping Flies Dry Quadruplet Calves ' A STIFF JOINTS " and Muscular Aches and Pains BRUISES Sprains Strains Km Bm Wore U S. War Eo.uL e2)o fol 2)lspo3e of JlicmiI V Hunt Started for Meatier Market Fowl -M Major poultry associations, key poultrymen and U.S.D.A. specialists have undertaken an assignment from the A & P Food stores to draw up specifications for an bird and to superIdeal meat-typvise distribution of $8,000 in awards which the company has posted.The committee, headed by D. D. Slade, secretary, International Baby Chick association, believes the program will crystallize thinking n among poultry breeders and on a chicken wth an abund dance of "carvings." A chicken would mean more economical growth, more meat per pound of feed consumed, and more profits to poultrymen. A prize of $5,000 will be given to the poultry-ma- n breeding the best bird- at the end of three years. Annual progress awards will total $3,000. hatch-eryme- f broad-breaste- I ft e V1 cJ: organiza- hard-hittin- g growing, tion, pi us considerable more than average income to a Write, wire, phone or call FRANK KAULL , .,J i - 1 Vi 1 1 s! - Water for Chickens it 1 & In order that fresh water may be provided for the chickens and be the covdean, kept er shown in this illustration is. recommended. It may be used with water basin or some form of automatic water , fount. Fisherman Lee Studeny of Pittsburgh "dunks" bis flics in silicone oil jle Eve Is the proud mother of quadruplets born on the farm of before starting for his favorite "cas near Dyer, Ky. Little Eve is only 5 and her husband, Adam, stream. The new oil keeps dry flies from sand and coal 'J old Bth are pure bred Hereford stock. The event of quadruplets dry. It Is derivedwith brine. The fly s in combination ! as In or once as "nusual about every among humans, ItoiT Urths. a for remain will long period. Photo shows mother and children are doing well. dry j Come Shoots 'Round Curve on In, Captivity's Fine! Alfalfa Adds Nitrogen When alfalfa is fed on the farm where it is grown and the manure is returned to the land, there would be a large gain in nitrogen and the phosphorus and potassium loss would be greatly reduced. At the University of Illinois, it was observed that when a ton of hay Is sold, 37 pounds of nitrogen obtained from the air goes with no gain to the grower, but rather as a gain to the buyer of the hay. By feeding the alfalfa and using manure, this loss is reduced. - Hormone sprays, or fruit - drop inhibitors, containing naphthalene acetic acid as the active ingredient, were used both In spray and dust form by many apple and pear growers throughout the country in 1944. pre-harve- st 1 ' i, )' 7 4v . 4 , A (:.. IV 1 lb u i i I I J I ' ...... headCaptain Sharpc of ordnance a GerLondon Inspects in calls quarters IPPlIfr'SOner of war and n Interpreter broadcast megaphone man secret weapon, used to shoo! Amcr-inJ- 'r n OUnawa. tclUng them that surrender to me Uim V around corners. It Is more terrifyfst tt. The broadcast is made from a landing craft rc"ons to ihA 4.. ing than accurate, despite special t L'3 AIV V V VHI V nut vw unarmed and swim Vrlfl " a.aUMVU l0 . Alanv sUhts. , .a.tr piea.a.me invitations. . ... .... I. Add Water to Tires There are no ill effects from filling tires completely with a water solution of calcium chloride. Completely filled tires have an advantage in that pressure is automatically increased as the tires are overloaded, thus avoiding the usual necessity for adding more air and using higher pressures in proportion to heavier tire loads. Resistance to bruising end punctures is not affected by the percentage of liquid fill. The World, the Peace An important thing about Andy Gribbin's education is that his whole early life is spent in learning the essential business of cooperation, of getting along with fellow-being- s. First, ho has to learn how to fit into hia immediate family, learn the necessary to get along with brothers, ' sisters, elders. Then, after a few years, his world enlarges, he is sent to school. Pretty soon he learns how to spell But about this same time he learns something much more valuable, which is that he mustn't pull the cat's tail because a cat is a being, and give-and-ta- ke T. therefore entitled to certain inalienable riglits. He also learna that 1 plus 1 equals 2. But much more useful is learning that 48 equals 1, that 48 states make 1 nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. As Andy grows up his world will continually expand. At church, at school, in business. And through it all will run the theme of cooperation, of getting along with people of different religious, political and economic beliefs; with people somo of whom ho doesn't even like. But and Andy Gribbin history is that the Andy Grib-bihave not learned that in a constantly shrinking world, cooperation must extend beyond the borders of the country; that just as it is necessary to get along with neighbors and neighbor states, so is it necessary to get along with neighbor nations. And today, with no spot on earth more than sixty hours away by plane, with oceans shrunk to the width of rivers, with the age of rocket-travupon us, all nations are neighbor nations. There are hopeful signs that finally we are awake to this. Even so, a lack of deterrnina-tioof responsibility, of effort could again ruin the peace and set the stage for World War 3. What can you do to help make sure that war will never come? You can . . . ns el n, First, get and keep yourself informed about the specifa proposals for peace and international cooperation which are now before ns. Second, Interest your friends in these questions. Get them discussed in groups to which you belong. Third, write what you think to your Congressman and Senators, to your newspaper. Declare yourself. the tragedy of world IfltMltl IT 111 IK III IHCtTISIII CIHCIl |