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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER CLASSIFIED DE P A R T M E PrxAn (r run tor Vaitei i y WHAT EASY HE YOU HAE-A- NP LOOKS JU5T LIKE -YOU, MRS. j- A 3OR3E0U J fW . PHOOIE f MAKES ME OH OH HE HAS A BA3Y, TOO- WELL, I SUPPOSE ONE MORE KISS. KIIN' Pf?AT SICK-P- YUU UT GOTTA PO IT TO GET VOTES-NO- W I'LL VISIT. ' WON'T POC STATIC ANP WIN HIS HURT SUPPORT zzz jl)f f trZl J VtiI I " "y - fL, ' & ACCEsT I fim U51D CARS '-- . n 1 j --- 'l !oe'r StMtes neu for MY, MY, MY T j AUTOS, TRUCKS By BOODY ROGERS SPARKY WATTS Jurr pws wax wax SENATOR wbwAKEYOO haw m T "iUilf7! INSTRUCTION BARBERS ARE IN DEMVIT"'' Barbermg taught in a lew month? i a permanent business with a hi - " SALT LAKE BARBElt COlLPr Edw. F. GUlrtte. MgI. 170 EeSL TO YOUR Success in Beauty Culture "Th. Sch..l y. Ch year, 07dfe ing and traimnjr skilled operators "u M ny time. Writtjor freicataiov. n 7 J :'-& fliZf 7 p lftbst2 yKvTT-- -- SWlt Jr"HrTlC3Sr' PiCL- - g3 miscellaneous' 5ENATOK--'yJliriH-- LITTLE HALFPINT POESN'T LIKE A STKANGEI?'Sr OSCULATION ft'F ftllT IKh ficti rurniture. Files. Typewriter! kt Ing Machines. Sales, Cash Register! SALT LAKE DESK EXCHANGE 1 M Waa BroiUwar, Sail LaA, Offlc Buy War Eonds LET ME SEE. IX P1NHEAR, v QUISH SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTUSf Sail lake Uy 336 So. Mala Strorf By GENE BYRNES Expert Needed REG'LAR FELLERS what """That? YOU THINK, MAY HARDEJc AN u ADOFO PVPOV DAY ARE. GCTTIN ! TUvi K TUPWNV-SI- X fOUR. TIMES FOg&IS SIXTEEN AN CHNti is W J CAN BE--1 HELP NO YOU! '( ( THEY' RE TERM01&! USB . YOU LOOWN' MOM? 1 HARDLY A MfltF If I rl II L ssWEftTEsri: 111 II A LI If II ill JI ! 1 - r 1 At home Any No cooking No n. No ke crystals whipping No icorthed flavor 20 recipes in each IStpkg. e Please send this ad for free iom-pi- e offer, or buy from your grocer. 1 71 LOflDOHiy 0 Brand Homemade Ice Cream STABILIZE niinuuini HUTimiil.W - tonuwnur.rmi - ojo nunnnu. ann rnnn(,i)i;U4, WHY v BE ..... i. 1 CALIf, FAK? V Get slimmer J without exercise I A 1 1 LEN KLE1S r By Still the Boss POP 1 "" WELL, MA HOW PO VOU J J. MILLAR WATT Leading Drug Counter Everywhere Mow DO YOU LIKE 1 -- FINE ! a CAPTAIN MATE ol x "V. I 1a DO of cases showed clinical improve ment after only 10 rlavs treatment with T SORETONE in impartial, scientific test. l ; SOMEBODY'S STENOG I'M A BUM ;SKATER,BOSS, 'AF'n RPTTTD v 1 . I GET BACK ,W2 J. yv TUF NU m . nctie ..l-.UQ- I - Rlniiwl hf- Th t BH Bm lst iijBLf .x onnrTrlllF 111 la r Allnr ifc v It Comes Back to Him! SKATE THIS IS AM OLD TRICK I USED ROMANICS WATCH FOR HEALTH AMD 1 You may lose pounds and have a more slender, graceful figure. No exercising. Nolaxatives. No drugs. With this A YDS plan you don't cut out any meals, starches, potatoes, meats or butter, you simply cut them down. It's easier when you enjoy delicioMS (vitamin fortiaed) AYDS before meals. Ahflftlutelv harmless. in clinical tests conducted oy medical docwr more than 1(10 persons lost 14 to 15 Ibtarer Bge in a few weeks with AYDS Vitamin Candy Reducing Plan. supply of AYDS, only J2.25. Try a y Money back on the very first box if you to'l get results. Phone tV't---SyV B f RJM TO" I ,1 Or: tUSED TO DO THAT ON ICE SKATESv NOT ROLLER fm DO TO, 1 A I 7 guarante raeney-bac- KM anf! $1.00 V iMlHM a witb 1 Lii MadibyMcKissonlRobbinj Sa!4 1 - PI ft Here's a SENSiSLt wan 'Jj ta relieve IV10HTKLY .pnnnu PAIDJ... njirj: F in !0PlCE2il Si r not only pound is famous riodlo pain but iTerrous, tired, blghstrung t when due to Junctional turbanccs. Taken rcgul sucn w fculld up resistance against hew toms. Pinkham's Compound Try turet PoUow labd directions. FORT SiAFTfcn I T V TTTXTTT VV IX u ' 3M Tlf v PRIVATE CROSS BUCK TOWN if By f or lou ' ,. Clyde Lewis Roland Coe rr-- ft io' "- - Well J . ' 1 2 boor, every i "l" week, never stopping, t" blood. (M the from matter 0 mtomora people were aarare II cons anUy , Wdneya must acidi sncl w plus fluid, exceas stay mtn mutter that cannotheaHh. , to without injury h ba better understand kidByi whole system iaups'1"0 to function ProPe"y-,1fwnuentoetfc;r Burning, scanty or W:. j Hon sometimos warns suffrt U wrong. You may B, headaches, ache, tnt j .dS"we!" b. usiynn. ";.Vi "I! only old man Edwards would run out of goll balls too, we could close the club tor the duration and save money l" nSw; .ut'-Sr- S "'J country ' ,prWs ofth. kidneys flush out poisonous- ""', (,"" wiV'offlrtj btoi. They wjui- "m vrj At all drug stores. "The folks will certainly be surprised when I write back home and tell them I led a squad of snipers today 1" |