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Show J914 flarsday, July 27, BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER past five days, has returned home. FIELDING f2IJ-,I'- visiting with her pai-- l Jlr and Mrs. Owen Hess. Johnson, who has jan-ifor the m Sheridan, Montana . -s ! s i ye" ; S w,- -- fT-mTr-,, I! , week J - ' Hss. of Ogden, spent c Addresses Monetary Conference Mrs. Beth Green spent Wednesday shopping- in Ogden with Fay-oll- a j Robbins. j a Mrs. Madge Anderson and daughter of California are visiting : with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo V Earl for an indefinite period. Mrs. Jennie Nielson and sons, of Erigham, were guests at the home of her sister, Mrs. Alta Johnson on Sunday. ' ' ' f I fS Mid. Noreen Turner, of Salt if Lake, visited with her father. Bud Earl, last week. Maureen Welling and a girl i : friend, of Salt Lake, were week end guests of Miss Welling's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Marve Welling. Mrs. Faye Jones and sister, Dor is, and families of Los Angeles, California, will spend the following f 'Mr- two weeks with their parents, Mr and Mrs. Leo Farnsworth. LueUa Garn, who is employed at Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau Jr. addresses the openBrigham, spent Sunday with her ing meeting of the Bretton Woods Monetary conference, now meeting to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Garn. parents, the reconversion of industry back to a peacetime basis and the discuss Mr. and Mrs. Von Holt, of Sam means of encouraging international investments and other financial s are Francisco, visiting at the home that will arise in the postwar period. of his parents, Mr. and Mrs Eail Holt. Mrs. Edith Welling spent Saturden to visit their parents, Mr. and too long hours; and always greatday at Brigham on business. Mrs. Ethyl Snow and Mrs. Mar,' Mrs. I. L. Isaacson, on Sunday er numbers of accidents follow. afternoon. Standing motored to Ogden or County Agent Stewart is asking Saturday. club the cooperation of all Mr. and Mrs. Glen Upton, of members in Box Elder County, Far?m Tooele, spent the weekend with and all other farm boys and girla Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holt, Mrs. Upto cooperate during the National ton's parents. Farm Safety Week to remind Dale Udy, son of Mr. and Mrs. everyone on the farms to guard Bert Udy of Ogden. is spending against all avoidable accidents. his vacation with his cousin Lex President Franklin D. Roosevelt Gather into sacks or boxes all IMy. has declared the week of July 23, glass, old pieces of wire, etc., that Mrs. Johnny Laws, the former 1944 aa "National Farm Safety might be scattered on the ground. Colleen Udy, who has spent the Week." Water ditches, matches accessible past two weeks visiting in Sar Since the beginning of the war, tc small children, projecting Francisco and Los Angeles, reon mowing machines and farmers and farm families in Box turned home Sunday. Elder farm machinery located and all other binders, agriCounty, Mrs. Effie Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Johnson made a bus- cultural counties in the United where children and animals may iness trip to Logan on Saturday States have been greatly over- run into them, and many other worked. Fatigue is the result of objects all lend themselves to ac- Mrs. Ezra Richards, Mrs. Stephen Richards anl Mr. and Mrs. e Cannon of Fielding- are ir Alhambra to visit with Mrs. Lewis R. Cannon - l' i W Nv; . Z i - '' - Looking at LVWOOD II ascended into the J) cinematic heavens years ago and ability is so solid they've re are now taken for gained at the top. nOME stars, who 1 ! I panted by mosi we ucgui them rf us. because it they've been around so long. f e point up jokes since ,t them, names are Iteir I t Laughton job so we Charles, Hollywood's genius of character portin "mixing his-- ofbelieves rayals, He won't take the easy ferings." one great charaway of establishing cter and then playing it for the rest of his life in different settings He keeps searching for and plots. new stories, different characters, and putting all his energy into sincere portrayals of these. paunchy the Gamut Remember "Sin of the Cross"? whose only whim He played Nero was the death warrant of hundreds. 2,000,000 injured, 1 and hired help; money loss, time loss, doubld the amount of labor necessary to produce the annual wheat crop of the United States; food loss, 4i days' food supply for every person in the country. By being careful you can do jour part in preventing farm ac cidents. Locate the danger spots on your farm, and get rid of these dinger spots. Mrs. Charles Nelson and children of Los Angeles, arrived here thi3 week to visit with relatives. Mr. Nelson has been here for some time working wnth his father, Cirl Nelson, on the new addition to their home. i YOUR NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Godfrey Angrr, Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of George M. Mason, First National Bank, Bldg, Brigham City, Utah on or before the 1st day of October, A. D., 1944. Ernest G. Anger and Pauline Louise Anger, Join Administrators of the estate of Godfrey Anger, Deceased. Mason M. George Attorney for Administrators First National Bank Bldg. Brigham City, Utah Date of first publication: July 20, 1944 Date of last publication: August 11. 1944. " OLD MATTRESS MADE NEW Send it to us and we will clean and rebuild it into a new comfortable National Safety Week Declared By The President Roll-Edg- Mattress at e LOW COST TO YOU We Will Now Pick Up and Deliver Regularly 2 PHONE 23 or and our driver will call. S0-R- cut-terba- rs EVERTON MATTRESS COMPANY 51 BRIGHAM CITY EAST, FIRST SOUTH Eu-pen- - EAST GARLAND there was "Henry the Eighth." Then -- people; farmers, members of their families 4-- H I detect this symptom in many of and Charles Laughton's admirers Runs 'farm LEGAL NOTICES rroo-lem- taisehold institu- - f , e iuiec. flons. their acnieve- nients all too Charles quickly and lie in wait for them to do a bad tan take pot shots. enemies. cidents. The following is the farm accident toll for 1943: Dead, 20,000 . ' I Page Seve most dominating old roue who ever swept a camera off its feet, the "Ruggles of Red Gap," the gentMiss Yerda Johnson, of Ogden, gentleman who did the Mr. and Mrs. Max Johnson of most inspiring rendition of the GettMr. and Mrs. and Art Brigham address ever heard since and leman's ysburg Johnson of Garland were Sunday Emancipator himself uttered the evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. immortal words. R. J. Potter. Whether Laughton will be a big Miss Gwen the "Canterville Ghost" or not the hit in to be seen, but I do know he's put his all into it, and he's honest enough to say. remains Can't Be Stopped Welles hasn't been with us Orson is long as Charley Laught5n, but for i young man of 29 summers he's made theatrical history. When he f " , . I ' ' , first arrived he was the butt of everybody's jokes but the critical tne town t part j stopped laughing after Citizen He had snmpfhintJ in that Kane." f x 1 Li V i IA tnat received praise from al1 over except the Orson Welles minor portion of the press which aight have been prejudiced against iim. Orson discovered a whole new lough of actors and actresses which' be brought out bodily from the Merely theater. "The Magnificent Ambersons," which he directed, was Mother film okayed by the critics. What's in store for Orson nobody " bows not even himself. As an actor he's hurting his career by mak- in rariipal cnAatltm I decide politics Slow whether von want to or be an a? tor, hi- - in ' but Sure Climb Walter Pidgeon's ken around a another who's He also ent back to to find a Broadway ,cond career, but there's no chance shoving Walter around. He and Greer Garson have been teamed so Gften they've become our top male tod female combination. We don't have to pause over Bill 'well. He goes from one part to toother with the greatest of ease, tod not until he appeared in "Heav-Body-" did I ever believe that po'ell could be unfunny. long time. Old Man River We've called Bin Crosby every' actor. Now, after run-hidown, critics have come In proclaiming jj unanimously not only a fine actor, but many 8g even went so far as to say Bing jMd have done "Going My Way" thout a song. For the Poaner, he could ask for no greater "g except well-know- n Praise. Brli Karloft is our greatest .P?eyman. As Frankenstein'! morl- r he rose from the grave more 'nin J'0" Have flnfirS on two rf h i didn't wait here Jot Z 11,w him around; he took him-f- t Broadway and started pue&. f People In "ArjMiTc end Old ' a.nd ffid fortune ion't mind ft loo much when ourselves Vegln treating some "our it Art as though they were Remember, if we didn't tem and think they had what kei we'd Ignore them complete v. nd what would happen then U didn't tee their names in print? Oyler had as her Sunday guest, Petty Officer 3c Oleen Shuman of Penrose who is home on leave from Rhode Island. Oleen gave an interesting talk in Sunday School. Other dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Johnson, Kay Shuman and Elaine Hunsaker. A recent house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Rhodes was Mrs. Donna Kennedy, of Burbank, California. The ladies are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grover and family, accompanied by members of the R. A. Christensen family from Tremonton, spent the 24th in Logan Canyon. Paul Kennedy, nephew of Mrs. Alva Rhodes, and his friend Bob Snider of Burbank, California, are i the summer at the spending s Rhodes' farm home. D. E. Adams and family members joined with Mr. and Mrs. Don Bourne and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Boothe in Ogden to celebrate the 24th. Miss Yvonne Grover came up from Salt Lake City to spend the weekend and 24th A'acation with her parents. William Eades, of Salt Lake, spent several days last week as a guest of the R. J. Potters. The grandparents and other relatives of Sgt. Durrell Grover and Mrs. Grover were made happy upon receiving the announcement of a baby girl, which arrived July 24th, Mrs. Grover is with her parents at Ft. Morgan, Colorado whik the Sgt. is in the Islands "way down under" and may not get the good news for several weeks yet. Mr. and Mrs. John Oyler Jr. er.tertained at a family canyon party on Sunday afternoon in Logon Canyon, complimenting their son, Pfc. Eugene Oyler and wife. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs Vincent Davis, Perry; Mr, and Mrs. Mark Jensen and fainily and Mr. and Mrs, Dick Jensen and Mr. and family, of Collinston. and family, of Mrs. Douglas Oyler Perry. Mrs. Ida Rhodes visited relatives in Brigham City, Tuesday. "Mrs. John Oyler, Jr. had as weekend guests, her sisters, Mrs. Mcda Racer of San Francisco and Mrs. Lon Kerr of Idaho Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Isaacson and Bon, Burke, of Ogden, accompanied Pvt. Eugene Isaacson from Og- la-s- Why wait unUl you to use them? Ha C. . ready iiOHDE ttliUkfcmith and Machine Work "Mends Everythir.g But People's Ways' v ,A v h , v o-i- - " ' 'il , I ;w -i .'. j o n l There's a day coming when the enemy will be licked, last beaten, whipped to a him. vestige of fight knocked out of And there's a day coming when every mothers to cheer sort of us will want to stand up and yell, ourselves hoarse over the greatest victory in history. But let's not start the cheering yet-Iall-o- ver here. Let's fact, let's not start it at he leave it to the fellows who are doing the job-twhen it's done-- to beonly fellows who will know n la o dangerous job, a bloody job. And they've told us what our own common sense confirms: that if we at home start throwing our comhats in the air and easing up before the job's more dangerous-bloodiepletely done, it will be slower, r. us to buy War Bonds Right now, it's still up to -- and to keep on buying War Bonds. till we get Let's do that. Let's keep bearing down such the news of final victory from the only place news can come: the battle-linto join the If We do that, we'll have the right cheering when the time comes. e. , "Buy ' J 44 -a til If .. . V over again Our leaders have told us over and the smashing of the Axis will oe a siow juu, Have Your FARM IMTLESiEXTS REPAIRED NOW ' , gin the celebrating. ,A SuffffestiOi'ii 7-,-" k t .K,: Your Invasion Bonds Mow! |