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Show 1011 jrsday. July 27, BEAR RIVER VALLEY Page Threa conducted during the three quarenter the college for the first ters, be said. time to send a transcript of credits to- the registrar's office in preparation for the fall term. Former Ftudents who will return to continue study also must notify the Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hess and tegistrar's office in order that regfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Delbeil Wat-ter- s istration books can be prepared. of Ogden were Sunday dinner New students upon piesentation guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred ttri SUMMER of a transcript of credits will be HEAT OUT assigned a faculty adviser with whom they will consult on any problem during their first college U. S. A. C. Fall Jensen family. Clea Lamb and Carl Starr were On Thursday the Deweyville in Clarkston on business, Sunday. ward will hold their ward outing Don R. Lamb, Jess Lamb and at Brigham Canyon park. children VerNon, iAMont, Char-leeMr. and Mrs. Duett Loveland Joyce and Joan, were Bear received a letter from their daughter-in- River City visitors on the 24th. Aces' Italian Art ELWOOD LEADER will - n, A&-U- vrs H. Kimball, 3 f Uaiigh-j'u- r s and Mrs. Amos P. iian- " lot Friday by plane tut 01- v,rgiaia, where she expects,d her husband. Lt. (is, Kay-LnA. Kimball. has jttendimj jjes Kimball -law, J California and would be home soor.. Mrs. Eliza Madsen has returned from Oregon, where she visited with her daughter, Mrs. E F. Veteto. She also spent some time in Portland. n school at the U. S. A. C , she completed her graduau f lf- -- NX- - ijrk. William Hakalo and daughta niece of Mrs er from Price, a few daya spent os Hansen, week. last them r;tB is with her Mrs. Ralph Bishop Mrs PLYMOUTH . Vern Brough and children among friends and relatives weekend. She is feere with hei pending the summer pother, Mrs. Hailing, in Mantua and Kay Annetta, Carolyn, of Mr. and Itompson, daughters u Trent Thompson, spent tthe reekend visiting their aunt, Mr9 C. Bryan in Salt Lake City. Miss Blanche Zollinger, of Ogden weekend visiting her spent the sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. over the j Thompson. people from here enjoyed in Bear River City celebration the ,a the 24th. Alden Many Trent Thompson and Mrs. Thompson visited with Mrs. M. Grant last Thursday, it be-r- g her birthday anniversary. Mrs. Junius . "Mr. and Mrs. md Hr. last G. M. Wagstaff family, of Perry, visited with and Mrs. William Petersen Sunday. Reed Petersen returne- d with them for a vacation. L. C. Petersen Mr. and "Mrs. daughter, Lavern, and Mr. and Mrs. William Petersen were in Ogden on business one day last and week. 4 r v The USAC catalog containing the complete curricula offered in the seven schools at the college y will be released in by college editor W. D. Porter. r IT'?11?1 Women students can secure liv M keeps wimter:; ing accomodations in two women's 11 HEAT l?l 'T' residence halls. Freshmen women will reside in the new women's dormitory on the campus, while upperclassmen will live in the Eccles dormitory on West Center Street A survey for apartments and board and room is being con ducted by the college housing ' bureau under the direction of C. itaViiM' inn L. Pocock, housing chairman. 4 hl of 20N0LITE n better ttiM 4 mdwi Extra curricular activities on the corl n our home. It will not uttl M campus again will afford liimit-les- s iMtenH io. niny opportunities for individual exYOU INSUU II YOURSELF pression and practical development to Dan If. Ludlow, according president. A full proTremonton gram of student affairs will be Phone 33 With the announcement that of St. John, Idaho, who has been visiting her jegistration for fall quarter at father, Robert Nish, returned home Utah State Agricultural . college has been set for September 25, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Leo Lamb returned home plans for a full year of college from the hospital Thursday. activity are being outlined this Mrs. Lawrence Hess, for a short time, after gliding a week at the Budge hospMrs. rusted year. Quarter To Open September 25th mid-Jul- njrents ital. Mrs. Darrell Loveland, raying she was leaving San Diego, t'v Italian artists have found a profit Mrs. Don R. Lamb, Miss Mable week by college officials. Regisable outlet for their ability amonj Pierson and Mrs. Fred Kohlhepp trar Williaim H. Bell reported tomembers of the air force whose de received medical treatment at the day. Mr. Bell urged students who sire for jacket art in oils runs froir Ijospital, Friday. a Varga girl to a zooming plane. Mrs. LeRoy Pierson, of Oakland, California, who has been visiting relatives here for the past month, returned home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Lamb were Ogden visitors July 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Established 40 Years M"'BtrwyrwMiw of Aberdeen, IdahoGeorge are here visitBRIG HAM CITY, UTAH Wednesday evening at the Ward ing relatives. hall a mothers and daughters party was held, sponsored by the y. L. M. I. A. President Virginia Blackham was in clurge of The following program was enjoyed: Communlt", singing, lead by Barbara Snow and Mrs. Lettie D. Snow at the niona; prayer, M. G. Perry; each mother was given a corsage; table games were played by the younger girls. Visiting and looking at a collection of pictures of friends and relAt" atives was enjoyed by the oMer folks. A tray luncheon was served and benediction was by Mrs. Orpha Ault. Mrs. Layle Campbell and little daughter are at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sudbury. Mr. Campbell came to visit his wife t ? .... and little daughter. He is in the CONSISTS of two simple words. Merchant Marine in the Pacific. If ' Mrs. A. A. Loveland and grandi Yet every soldier who's worth his salt covets it. daughter, Pauline Gardner, visited relatives in Ogden a few days last This title is simply: week. "Good Soldier." Ernest Hansen is visiting his a few for here weeks. parents It isn't just happenstance that so many women 5v. Sunday, the Primary and Kinin the WAC have earned this title the proudest dergarten of the Sunday School held their classes on the lawn ef in the Army. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Blackham's, For wherever Wacs are working, both here and where stories were told about the first settlers and the Indians and overseas, there you find a job well done. And done the classes were told the story of with a spirit so gallant and fine that high Army the tree near the pond, used as Afita officers a whip by Bishop John C. Dewey. everywhere say of the WAC Refreshments of ice cream ajid "They're soldiers. Cood soldiers!" cake were served by Mrs. James Barnard. The stories told by Mrs. Orpha. Ault were true stories about her mother, who lived on the Dewey farm years and years ago. Mrs. Henry Nielson and children, Mrs. Earl Hansen of Brigham City, and LeAnn Marble of Tremonton, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Marble on Sun3 "Good Soldier it day. Dr. Arthur L. Marble returned to his home in Los Angeles, California, after spending several day.s here visiting Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Marble and other relatives in Brig-haCity. Mrs. L. Campbell, of Nevada, visited her son and daughter-in-lai - i, Mr. and Mrs. Layle Campbell and the new little granddaughter. She is a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sudbury for a few 4 5 days. Mrs. June Marble chaperoned several of our ward young folks s tc Ogden on Monday. Sunday at Sacrament meeting a program of history, stories and singing, honoring our town's pioneers was given by Chris Hansen, Mrs. Addie Gardner and Mrs. Let-ti- e Snow read the history of the - S. NORMAN LEE DEWEYVILLE lluMfd-u- H ' Farmers' Cash Union Tne proudest title in t ate - I ABSTRACTOR ro tyvw - the Army It t toivtzea, IK ... ' :f ,. if 4 S.?- f: J five million Americans are overseas. transports have carried thou-and- i of troops. Everyone of these boys needs ten civilians behind him to produce food and munitions. workers must travel. This is what is crowding the buses. Single Your travel will be more comfort-iM- e Take vout vacation !jte September, October or in the "inter. (2) Don't travel on week-ds- . (3) Travel light one bag. (4) Arrange rour trip in advance you ( I ) if all our agent for details. 'our trip will help win a? home. (5) Unless the war rwhti trtHltni. I iMMiHeati Im uir U sutl itleken jrwrl LtagitH. WtiuMlyth trm.J MIDLAND HOTEL Phone Tremonton 88-R- 1 Am CONDITIONED BUSES OVQRLAUO by OprM UNION PACfRC Good soldiers... STAGES. INCORPORATED 0k m r fir P lUE'RE OH THE PJ3-ARC- "7 Makinq strategy maps for combat if.' WOfAENS ARMY CORPS r Li H w l Utah's great State Fair in Salt Lake City will be a colorful: exposition of the products of a bounteous wartime year . . . highlighted by a daily grandstand show of entertainment from Hollywood and Broadway. Enjoy a day at the Fairl about the Women' Army Corp; go to your nearest U.S. Army Recruiting Station. Or mail the coupon below. FOR FULL INFORMATION Checking pilots to and from war zones L- - t '4 .J wan Pea r "no Hon, UTAH STATE Are vn.. k na 50?. -- v 'en 've y0ll V . mr li". 0 a gn m 4 l ai -- PHONE A f It SALT LAKE CITY No; hih yearg of tchool? f.-- |