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Show LEADER BEAR RIVER VALLEY Page Four Mrs. Don Homer and daughter, Karen, of Redonda Beach, Calif-ar- e visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Homer. Social Hems EAST TREMONTON FARM BUREAU ENTERTAINED The ladies of the East Tremon-to- n Farm Bureau held a lawn party at the home of Mrs. Doris Fridal last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. P. E. Ault, whose birthday occured a few days previous, wa the honored gMest. Mrs, La Vera Garfield played several selections on the accordion. Miss Bessin Hansen gave a numerous reading: entitled "My Garden." Mrs. Ault was then presented with a beautiful blanket in appreciation for her faitMulness in club work and in every responsibility given her. Mrs. Olena Homer, Mr. and Mrs Melvin Homer of Tremonton, Mr. and Mrs. Don Homer and daughter, Karen, of Ralnoda Beach, Calif., Rebecca Costly and daughter, Margaret of St. Anthony, Idaho, Mrs. Sarah Clark of Clarkston, and Mrs. Emma Moore of Soda Springs Idaho were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Donald J. Homer and family on Wednesday. Mrs. Donald J. Homer gave a birthday party on Saturday honoring her daughter, Carol, on her Refreshments eighth birthday. were served to twelve guests. 4-- H refreshments were served by the hostess, who was Delicious assisted by May Fridal. TOWNE CLUB ENTERTAINED Mrs. Douglas Cannon graciously entertained the members of the Towne Club ajid Mrs. Harry Drew Wednesday evening at her home. A delicious dinner was served, followed by Bridge at two tables. Awards for the game went to Mrs. Drew and Mrs. Guy Johnson, LOGAN CANYON Mrs. Lewis Christensen had at dinner guests on Monday, Mr. anu Mrs. Reed Hams and family, anu Mr. and Mrs. Roland Christensen and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Broug.. and family spent the weekend at Bear Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fronk, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Waklron and theii families and Mrs. Grant Valentine and daughter, Nancy, of Brigham, were among those who visited Bear Lake for the weekend holiday. VISITED Logan Canyon was host to a Mr. and Mrs. Will Roberts and great many families from Bear family, of Sugar City, Idaho, spent River Valley over last weekend. of the weekend with his One group who enjoyed Saturday part Jesse, in Tremonton. brother, night and Sunday there were the Melvin Robbins, R. A. Christen- Mrs. Russell B. Waldron was a sens and the Merle Norrs. Salt Lake visitor Friday and MRS. STRAND ENTERTAINS FOR SON A group of relatives gathered at the Oscar Strand home last Sunday to honor the birthday of Lt.. Bert Strand. Those present were Lt. Strand and his wife of I'oca-tellIdaho, Mrs. C. J. Carlson and daughters, Elsie and Ruth, Guruiei Spjut and two sons, Raymond and e Reed of Salt Lake, and Miss Vowles of Ogden. o, Mar-jori- CIVIC CLUB ENTERTAINED Members of the Tremonton Women's Civic League were entertained last Thursday by Fern Kirkham at the Fred Gephart home. Other guests of the hostess were Mrs. Adam Brenkman, Mrs. Lamoine Cowley, Mrs. Joe Burgess and Mrs. Conrad Steffin. The program was given by Cleo Nye and company of Salt Lake, who entertained with a variety music program. Dainty refreshments were served The holiday on Monday was enjoyed by the Aarl Bennet and Reed Giles families in Logan Canyon. Sunday and Monday the families of Ervin Stohl and Rudy Miller enjoyed an outing at Bear Lake. Mrs. Clyde Morris and children have returned from a two weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Warburton, at Et na. Utah. Mrs. Richard Klnsey left Friday for Stillwater, Oklahoma, where she will join her husband, who is stationed there. Thursday, July 27, MUs lone Peterson has been seriously ill. She is improving satis- THATCHER factorily at this writing. of Miss Elaine Christensen. Brigham. visited over the weekend and holiday with her parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Alben Borgstiom and Mrs. Melvin Christensen. entertained at a family dinner o.i j Mrs. Merlin Roche and children, Sunday. Covers were placed for of San Francisco, are visiting at Mr. and Mis. Leslie Hawkes and the home of Mrs. Roche's parents, children of Blue Creek, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson and Mrs. William Burton and children, Mrs. Mr. were the guests of Mr. and and children Kay Borgstrom Mrs. Jack Winn of Tremonton and Borgstrom. Cm Monday Mr. and Mrs. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Sunday. visited with relatives in Anderson week this Johnson Mrs. Albert were Mrs. Melvin Durfey and chil- Ogden. A large number of our people atdren, of Pocatello, Idaho, Everett Johnson of Corinne, and Mr. and tended the celebration at Bear River City on Monday. Mrs. Leland Johnson of Mr. and Mrs. Hewett Tolman and children, of Logan, visited here over the weekend. Mrs. Alben Borgstrom accompanied them to their home where she will be their house guest while working at the Logan Temple. Lt. and Mrs. Con McClurg, of Salt Lake, and Mrs. Anne McClurg of Virginia City, Montana, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. V. DREW PEARSON Borgstrom this week. Lt. McClurg is a nephew of the Borgstroms and has been stationed at Fort Washington, D. C. Douglas for the past 26 months and has now been transferred to CREDIT WHERE DUE Across the Potomac, in the sprawl- Missoula, Montana. Mrs. Annie Mcing Pentagon building, Gen. George Clurg is a sister of Mr. BorgC. Marshall, U. S. chief of staff, strom and will remain for a short gives all credit for U. S. invasion visit. The voting precinct formerly success to the boys over there, their officers and to Genera Eisenhower. known as the Rawlins, has been However, those who have watched divided into the Bpthwell and lean, craving General Marshall Thatcher precincts. Mrs. A. W. close-uduring the tense months of Borgstrom is registrar for the the war, know how he too has Thatcher precinct which extends Iworked, planned, dreamed almost from the Zollinger corner to the every detail of the invasion. Fred Barfuss residence. Three years ago, before we enHarvey Christensen, of Vernal, tered the war but when everyone Mr. and Mrs. DeVere Christensen knew it was a certainty that we and triplet daughters, Miss Mabel would, this columnist asked General Christensen of Brigham and Deon Marshall what chance there was of Hanke of Montana were Bozeman, invasion. a British the guests of Oscar Anderson and "Do you realize what it takes to A mali a Anderson, Tuesday. land an army in France?" he replied. "It takes not merely ships and men and naval vessels tcpro-tec- t It also means those ships. docks, warehouses, railroad terminals, and freight cars by the thousand. But especially it means docks some place to land. In the last war, we didn't have to worry about any of these things. The French supplied them. But in this war" he shook his head ruefully "it is different." As he tallied, Marshall thought when he was only back to 36 and a captain. At that time, he performed a modern miracle of maIIJ'UUJ'I)'IIIII"I"I" Wasatch Chief ' " Oil A High Grade Eastern Oil In S.A.E. No. 20 In - No. 30 - No. 40 - No. 50 5 Gallon $3.50 Spout Cans Indian Penn Oil PURE PENNSYLVANIA OIL 100 In 5 Gallon Spout Cans All Weights $4.75 A COMPLETE STOCK OF Lubricating Oils and Greases Blackmer Rotary Gas Pumps Bal Crank and Alemite Grease Guns Diesel and Tractor Fuel p e Wasatch Sales & Service Phone West Tremonton cross-chann- 61-J- 2 Amounting THE APPOINTMENT OF Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Landvatter spent the weekend at the Elmer Gorringe home. Additional dinner guests on Sunday included the neuveringsecond only to that of Herman Landvatter family. the present second front. He worked 1917-1- out for Pershing the plan whereby Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Kirkham and one million men were transferred e son, Ranald and Miss Elaine Gep trom the St. Mihiel to the were for in front. hart Sunday to tliirty-lffh- t. the rodeo. Nineteen railroads, 34 hospitals, 10,000 tons of ammunition, 93,000 BEAR LAKE DRAWS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meldrum horses, 164 miles of railway, 87 supLOCAL TEOFLE and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burgess and ply depots and 4,000 cannon all were Tremonton people who spent the son Jimmie, spent the weekend at moved up just beyond the Germaa weekend holiday at Bear Lake had Afton, lines and the enemy didn't even Wyoming. no need for feeling strange, it know it. would seem, for there were many Garfield Christensen left Mary local groups who enjoyed the lake COOPERATION WITH Saturday for Wisconsin to join her during those days. husband, who is stationed there. EISENHOWER The following were groups A general in modern warfare those who vacationed there: among Fred Jensen and wife of Provo, does not ride into battle waving The families of Milton Johnson, R. were calling on friends in Tremona sword. He sits behind a desk, Z .Heppler, Radcliffe Henrie, D. ton this week. The Jensens will And this time General Marshall, B. Green, Cliff Kerr, Ed Kerr, be remembered as the former owninstead of being close to the Merwin Christensen, Arch ers of the cafe now operated by battle-fronhas done his planand W. A. Allen. Ern Hansen. ning from behind. And unlike the situation In the last war, Marshall and his European commander cooperate J L beautifully. They are close friends. In the last war. General Pershing was in bitter conflict with Gen. Tasker Bliss, the V. S. chief of staff; later with Gen. Peyton March, who succeeded Bliss. Today, Marshall and Eisenhower are considered Pershing's boys. He is strong for both of them. And every Sunday before the war got too tense, General Marshall went out to Walter Reed hospital to chat with his former chief. Pershing still believes he can win wars, and gives o Marshall his opinion on various strategic problems. After each See Interview, Marshall rises and salutes. "Thank yon, General," he says. "Thank you, General," Is the reply. NOTE General Marshall Is one of the few chiefs of staff we have had who did not go to West Point JOHN DEERE Due to the fact that his father was CATERPILLAR about the only Democrat in Union-towand HOLT for Pa., during the McKInley adTRACTORS ministration, he could get no West Point appointment, went to Virginia POWER UNITS Military Institute instead. COMBINE MOTORS ADAM'S DRUG STORE Tremonton, Utah Meuse-Argonn- Og-de- AS A FRANCHISED OUTLET FOR IK - the new f.-- Rad ionic Hearing Aid Rich-ards- n t, I W i ' t ' A Plenty of Binder Twine One Model 0n Zenith's finest. Ptica No extras A READY TO WEAR Complete with Radionic Tube, Crystal Microphone, Magnetic Earphone, Batteries and Ona Quality Battery-Saver-Circu-it. Liberal Guarantee. no "decoys" and Bailing Ties Us For Your Fencing Needs We Can Supply REPAIR Headquarters PARTS ! MAGNETOS THEY DIDN'T KNOW EITHER War department officials are laughing behind their hands at the CARBURETORS and Water Systems Aceetylene and flccthc WELDING " " r,i"iii-'y- u 1JH.1111.H PETERSON Tractor Co. Phone 90 ALBERT EARL, Mgr. fact that military intelligence, supposed to know all about everything going on behind enemies' lines and inside our own lines, chose to move their offices. In the Pentagon building, where military IntelliIs housed, moving gence, or s day was called They "invaded" their new offices. But never could they have chosen a worse day to move than the Allied Other war department kept calling up asking for information. "Sorry," said the operator, "but the telephones are all torn out. J Is moving." y u the Cost of Hearing. If you are hard of hearing if you have friends, relatives, children, whose hearing is impaired come to our retail salesroom for a demonstration of the sensational new Zenith Radionic Hearing Aid. It brings the best that modern science can produce within reach of thousands now suffering in silence. A fine precision instrument created by Tremonton Zenith leadership in radionics, at the price of the better type of vacuum tube aids. Here you may inspect its exclusive advantages at your leisure. Try it on, listen with it. You will not be pressed to buy. Zenith's problem is one of keeping up with the tremendous demand. We sell only to those who can be helped. No high pressure salesman will call on you. Accepted by American Medical Association Council on Physical Therapy one-four- th ONLY ZENITH GIVES YOlh n, HARVESTER MYERS PUMPS We are proud to be the representatives in this city of Zenith's Crusade to Lower I The ftn precision quality thai modern knowledge and engineering make poitibte In a hearing aid . . . yel priced at only $40, complete, ready to wear. No extras, no "decoys." One model, one price, one qualXy. You need not pay more or accept leas. Tone Control. The flick of your instantly adjusl it to right combination of lew, mc Jium and high tones for individual need in varying surroundings, hearing deGdencies in ny ranee. No further adjustments necessary. Four-Petiti- fing 3 Special Battery-Sav- or Circuit. Inmirefl low tery consumption . . . makes better to three times as long. y. ofll-ce- There are cases In which deficient hearing is caused by a progressiva disease. Therefore, we recommend that you consult your ear doctor to make sure that your hearing deficiency is the type that can be benefited by the use of a hearing aid. rs G-- 1 G-- lt Xenlth Quality, Zenith Guarantee. Zenith, world's leading manufacturer of radionic prod ucts exclusively, ia fortunate in having the preci ion production facilities to supply this quality hearing aid in quantities that make possible Jts low price. Guaranteed for a full year, wiib unique service insurance plan. A G-- "G-2'- bat up Make Appointment For Demonstration |