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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY 1044 Sunday. July 27, Bishop and Mrs. J. F. Petersen and family enjoyed a canyon trip from Thursday to Saturday. PENROSE m J B Shuman and da ugh-- I Yorna and DeAiuie, and Mrs. e Petersen and daughter, T were Brigham visitors Wed- I l I I Loig Jensen and children of JL" are visiting wiith her moth-- 5 Mrs. Shu- Mrs Sarah Shuman. a trip to from just returned spent a month with her son, John and at Portland, Oregon, and Tson Titus and family at Lodi, iifornia, and daughter. Mrs. of Califjietty Hunter and family i coast, where she Qy fornia. and Mrs. J. B. Shuman and Shu-tPetty Officer 3c Oleen and Miss Gwen Oyler, of Garland and Mrs. Sarah Shu-- 1 were Tuesday evening dinner ests of Bishop and Mrs. J. F. I Mr j Zi I J Petersen. I Kay Shuman spent the weekend parents. Mr. and Mrs. frith his j, Shuman. Miss Gwen Oyler, of at the J. East Gar-ja- d, B. Shuman Sunday. and Mrs. jome, Mr. 'amily Joseph Eggli and attended the 24th celebrati- at Bear River City, Tuesday. Mrs Fred W. Petersen and Mrs. onard Mi Petersen and children ittended the paade, program and aces at Bear River City Monday, visited in Brigham with Mr. and Sirs. Virgil Pearce and family, and enjoyed a picnic lunch in Brigham on Canyon. and Mrs. Morgan Miller and laughters, Gloria and Virginia, snd Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Petersen attended the beautiful and impressive Capping ceremonies of Cadet Corps, held at lie Nurses L. D. S. Seminary iin Ogden, Hiursday evening. Miss Faye Miller was one of the cadets to receive a cap. Nurse Cadets Faye and Marjorie filer spent three days leave this reekend with their parents, Mr. Mrs. Morgan Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Call and laughter, Mrs. Douglas Miller, and of tfr, and Mrs. Elmer Hopkins Brigham, visited Sunday at the Some of Mr. and Mrs. 'Engvar Mr. Mr, and Mrs. Fred V. Petersen and son, Scott, visited in East Mr. Clark M. Pmussen, manGarland Wednesday with theii of the Brigham City ofnce ager and Mrs. Orval daughter sister, of the War Manpower Cuiu ViGrover and family. sion's United States Employment Mrs. Jewel Johansen left FriService, today gave a summary o' day for Moscow, Idaho where she WMC's new manpower controls. plans to join her husband, Seaman is the gist of the War ManHere 1c Orden Johansen, who is at- power Commission's new and drastending a school of communica- tic, yet "voluntary" priority refertions there. ral system for the direction oi Fred W. Petersen and son, Leon- workers into industries and areas ard, were Brigham visitors Friday. where critical labor shortages now The Seminary instructor, Jess' impede the nation's war effort: L. Roberts, and Petty Officer 3c 1. Local and national war inOleen Shuman were the speakers dustries are put on a manpower at Sacrament meeting Sunday priority schedule to insure getting evening. A vocal solo was given first and most important war jobs done first. by Bebe Okada. 2. Ceilings are placed upon emEmerson Earl and Miss Emmii Lou Stander visited Wednesday ployment of all workers in Utah evening at the home of Mr. and to limit use of manpower to minimum requirements, prevent hoardMrs. Perry Stanfill and family. Mrs. Alice Miller and daughter, ing and improve utilization of local labor. Joy, left Monday to visit in Salt 3. Manpower is rationed with Lake with their daughter and sisto local and national preference Mrs. Lucille Johnson. ter, industries of greatest Miss Myrl Miller, of Salt Lake, importance through (a) requireand Miss Oleta Miller of Brigham ment that all male workers bt spent the weekend with their par- hired through the USES or other ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Miller. approved channels, thus "exposing" Mr. and Mrs. Preston Petersen such workers to most critical job and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith offers, and (b) referring of avail-Fbl- e were Ogden visitors Monday. workers to most suitable jobs Mr. and Mrs. Perry Stanfill were in the order of employer's priority. 4. Workers will not be forced Salt Lake visitors Friday. Miss Ann Palmer, of Brigham, to take certain jobs or move to visited Wednesday with her grand- new areas except by limitation of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Engvar referrals to most vital war jobs after consideration of local manPetersen. needs and worker's qualifiMr. and Mrs. Sid Petersen and power as well as of percations, daughter, Lynda, were weekend sonal convenience questions or hardship. of Mr. Mrs. and Leak. Jack guests 5. Employers will be widMrs. Elvina Hewitt and children est latitude of workergiven selection and Miss Verlene Nelsen of possible under local labor market visited Monday to Wednesday conditions. with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 6. Success of the plan and avoidCarl Nelsen. ance of more drastic controls deMrs. Doris Johnson and daughter pends upon public realization that Dixie Sue, of Promontory, visited the "hard part of the war is iusf a few days this week with her beginning" and home front manparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford' power must accept voluntarily Miller. more difficult assignments while Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leak and fighting front manpower has little family visited in Brigham, Friday choice. evening. A large number of Penrose people attended the funeral at Gallon-a-Day" Brigham on Tuesday, for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ersol During" Berchtold. A new policy In granting gasoline to members of the armed services on leave or furlough will have a good affect on morale, stated F. M. Christensen, chairman of the local War Price and Rationing Board. Beginning July 25, a serviceman or woman on leave for a period of three days or more will be entitled to one gallon of gasoline for j. each day of his leave," the chairman said. "The new rule replaces one granting a flat five gallons regardless of length of the leave she and Petersen. Wil-lar- d, , j Soldiers Granted Furlough GOODYEAR tt m m t? v Fjre Diinner guests of Mrs. Wednesday evening included Mr. and Mrs. David Reklau, of Toledo, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Getz. Pet-Meiste- war-winni- B. visited Summary of New WMC Control On Labor Given LEADER &s and CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank the many friends and neighbors, also the Bothwell Relief Society for their Golden V. Adams, his wife and kindness and consideration in the baby, of Salt Lake, spent last week be-with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. W. A recent illness and death of our loved beaualso for the mother; Adams. tiful floral offerings. Mr and Mis O. A. Seajrer spent Mr. and Mrs. Val Cowley and The Payne family j Monday and Tuesday in Ogden. baby, of Alhambra, California, art guests of his brother, Lamoine Cowley and family, while he is on leave from the U. S. Navy. The group spent the day Wednesday in the canyon. j Vem Marble, oi Salinas, California, arrived here this week to help his uncle and grandfather with the harvesting. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. LaRain Marble, and is staying with Mr. and Mrs. S. A Marble. Mrs. Laura Poulson and daughters, of Petersboro, and Mr. and Mrs. John Knudson were Sundiy dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Rauber. CLASSIFIED ADS pir(5u00($ FOR SALE One Alaskian Shepherd and Chow sheep dog. 8 months old. Good price. See Li la C. Cook, 2 miles gouth on George Cook's farm. tip 1 5-- FOR SALE 1 Red raspberries, ready now. L. C. Peterson at REG. 3.11 tip Supreme FOR RENT A house in East Garland. Phone or inquire at G. H Coombs. Quality Elwood. 5-- . 45-R- 2 farther! Hides better! Wears longer! Fully Goes 5-- Call house. ' tip 5-- 8. FOR SALE Electric fence and posts; 200 used grain sacks. C. Richardson, Phone Til SMF 67-R- 2. H res. Up 5-- Life-Tim- 5-- FOR SALE One medium size, dome type water heater. Inquire at Leader Office. tfp LOST tic 7-- 27 on any other kind! 59-J1- Sizes Now In Stock For Passenger Cars All Types 5.50x17 5.00 x19 6.00 Inner x 16 For Trucks x 16 - 6 ply 6.00x16 -- 6 ply 7.00 x 16 - 6 ply 32x6-1- 0 ply 7.50 x 20 - 8 ply . 08e GAL The new wonder in paint! Dries Beau- Coven 23. foot clrculr one hour! tiful pastels! Area. 1! Four-Purpo- Bally faced, brown old horse, branded Bar V on left thigh; wearing hacki-mor- e and has saddle marks on both sides. If found, see Melvin Robbins or Phone tic 1 Sprinklers REG. 98c 2.1!) WANTED ' - Til 2;79 ft e LOST Brown Shaffer pen. Lost at Bear River City. $5.00 reward. Return to Andy's Barber Shop. tic Will buy horse pow er electric motor. Gamble Store. Coaster se 10-ye- ar 5-- 6. -- PAINT FOR SALE Small used All is Chalmers combine. In excellent condition. Telephone 252W Brigham City, Utah. tic FOR RENT I v. & HOUSE t2p 5-- or furlough." "It has become evident that the Holstein old policy, which resulted in giv- FOR SALE A well-bre- d cow. Will freshen about middle ing too much gasoline to serviceof August; 1 heifer that will men who got many short leaves, freshen last of September. Delos was unfair to the man serving out Adams, East Garland, Phone of the country and returning after a long absence. To eliminate this tic remarkthe chairman unfairness," ed, "the new rule, tailoring the INSURE your grain fields and hay stacks against damage by amount of the ration to the length fire. James H. Miller, Phone of leave or furlough, was worked 646-Logan, collect. out by OPA In conjunction with and of the Army representatives FOR SALE frame house, Navy. James location, Brough good now range Furlough rations will 6 tfc Realtor. between a minimum of three gal three-day Ions for a leave to a Band instruments, maximum of 30 gallons for 30 days. FOR SALE Olive Hall, reconditioned. newly At the suggestion of the Army and 6 1. No. tfc R.F.D. Elwood. Navy, no ration will be granted for or passes (to Army personnel) Cash for Live Poultry. H. A. Garn, liberties (to Navy personnel) or 435 N. 2nd W. Brigham, Phone for leave or furloughs of less than 698. three days. To receive his ration, the ser- PERMANENT WAVE, 59c. Do viceman or woman should apply own Permanent with your to the War Price and Ration board Charm-Ku- rl Kit. Complete equip having jurisdiction over the automent, including 40 curlers and mobile he expects to drive, and . shampoo. Easy to do, absolutely present his papers. The ration will harmless. Praised by thousands be issued iin the form of coupons Fay McKenzie, glam or gasoline purchase permits, or a including oroue movie star. Money refundcombination of the two. ed if not satisfied. Ken Slusser people ride on Goodyear Tires than We desire to expre." our deep appreciation to all our friends and neighbors and all those who helped in any way in the search for Henry Shizuo's body. We shall always be grateful for the help, kindness and sympathy shown at the time of his drowning. Mr. Kaku and family. r WAGON A n RES. 5.95 15-R- 2. More Five 4A4 small Makes itepladder, larcn BteDlad- J 4 y -- AAA nd scaffold, T extension. n y Wo- - m I Solid construction est quality! WAS 7.95 (fifty i YOUR CHOICE 2SCeachI M htttFnim. , 7-- TUBES 6.50 7-- in Stock No Ration Certificate necessary for inner tubes THE GOODYEAR STORE Winzeler Motor Co. TREMONTON, UTAH rr BS Help Us and Help Yourse ORDER YOUR COAL NOW! assure your family's comfort next winter order your COAL NOW 0 Shipments are made to us on Our delivery facilities will be limited. 6-- 1 Company. 8-- ?.a r j m Porch Mall Boiet (W.r. Chain Giard (Wt Modl Planet (WV Record Storage Albamt V Cooklo Cutters Wm 79el Tea Aprons ! ..Haul your own coal if possible YOU'LL BE DOING BOTH OF US A REAL FAVOR PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW. .Parniers ' Cas'h Union For best live poultry market call afc A. R. Bennett. 44-R- 2. 4-- WANT TO BUY Hay and grain. Call Leo Thompson at Fronk tfc Chevrolet Co, Phone 20. modern brick FOR SALE home, full basement, hot water furnace with stoker. Two blocks north of Post Office. Prefer tc noil furnished. See Herman Land-va- t ter or phone Stor9 (Wtr Bogs Clothti Drying Rock (Wm 65e) Model Nines ....(WV. Garden Baskets. .(W.rt Bike Saddle Bags (W.r 1.00) 8. (Wero 79) 49c) o 95c) 98c) (Sot of tfc) 1.49) 1.79) Bowling Shoe (W.rt 1.39) Bags Golf Club Covers (W.r 1.59) Children's Record Albums (W.r. Window Shelves .(We-- . 1.59 1.95 Garbage Patlt (Wer 1.98) Rural Mail Boxes (W.r. 2.49 GleattoHcal AKCIIEUY SET f.j. 4.95 NOW Don't jack up your car for the duration. War workers need it. It Js worth more now than it ever will be worth ogain. We pay cash for used cars and trucks. Fronk Chevrolet Co. tfc (Wi 59c) 1.25) (Wero 69c) Coffeemaker ..(Wet 8--19 Br mli m ei Two-Ca- p 77-J- for Li (Wr 69t) Blk CASH PAID for dead or useless cows, horses, shfep or hogs, Colorado Animal l; or Gar Phone Tremonton, tf land. 35J3 TYPEWRITER RIBBONS, sale at Leader office. $1.00. Duttr Covtrs tlOp 3 (w.s ?',) (Wt tU) Eltctric Mixer - Clothes Vegttobl truth PorkH M (Wtre SMALL SIZE SALES BOOKS 10 for 50c at the Leader Office. To monthly allotments Itlts Vntion Blind Ment 3.GG Eight-piec- set. Tree booklet! Reg. 1.95 Archery Sett 1.S7 I 5.1)5 Car Cooler air condiHere's low cost tioning at its best! Easily installed. Fronk Chevrolet Co. 1. ' W w 0 tfc Phone 20 Tremonton, Utah |