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Show -- Thursday, July BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Page Eigh cannot come In to report, such or friends will itpma bv -parents . 'F - LIBERTY Friday and Saturday "High Explosives" BUCK JONES In "Dawn of the Great Divide" Sunday - Monday Tuesday Power - Ami Baxter in Tyrone "Crash Dive" In Technicolor Wednesday and Thursday "Song of the Island" with Betty GraMe, Jack Oalde Geph ait OUR BOYS IN SERVICE e ME3f IN VITATION TO SERVICE Toe publishers invite service to write men, wherever they are their experiences. of Leader the such We shall be glad to publish which letters of or parts letters, will pass censorship, and with about one hundred of your soldier friends from this section getting that the paper, we can assure you inbe read with will letters your terest and appreciation. Service men and missionaries receive the Leader in the islands of the South Pacific, the Aleutians, North Africa, England, South not how America, and we know letters so your other places, many will reach many of your friends even though far apart. We also desire to publish accounts of advancement and news on of service men who come home themselves furlough. If the boys Stores Co. be very much j appreciate. J El-wo- od : Dean Compton come up from Camp Kearns Sunday and spent the day with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Erie Compton, at Thatcher. Anderson to Salt Lake City left by Monday when Kenneth, air for training train that evening at Shepard Field, Texas LOCAL NEWS NOTES Lt. Willard R. Larson reports he was happy to be able to contact Pvt by telephone from Chicago,Edwin of son Harold Isaacson, Isaacson of East Garland. Lt. Larson was enroute to his new base ' at Dale Mabry Field in Florida. pense, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Mr. and Mrs. Arch Slatter of sus- .. Of , Mrs. Bernice Peterson and family of East Garland were made happy by receiving a telegram from her son Darrell Hansen informing them that he expected to be home in a few days. ,...r SHORT? .... .... YOUTHFUL1 to see . . . PRODUCTION MOVIE '4 ."A. V i Jl Notice is hereby given that D. E, Peckenpaugh, receiver of the Garland Tremonton Milling Company, a cor poration, will sell to the highest bid der at public auction on the front steps of the Bear River State Bank at Tremonton, Box Elder County, Utah, on Monday the 26th day of July, 1943, at 12 o'clock noon, for cash money, free of tax liens, the fol lowing described real and personal property, Real Property: Beginning 2296.5 ft. West, 664 ft, North of te SE corner of Sec: thence North 160 ft; thence East 116 ft tot Railroad; thence SW 162 hence West 109 ft to beginning, ft; located in Sec. 3, Township 11 North, Range 3 West Tremonton Townsite Survey. Lots 1 and 2 less Railroad, Block 10, Plat "B" Garland Townsite sur vey. Lots 1 and 2 less Railroad, Block 11. Plat "B" Garland Townsite Survey. Personal Property: 2 Multograph Bill Registers. 1 Mouth Spreader and Water Gun. 14 Light Globes, various sizes. 1 Burrough Adding Ma chine. GARLAND THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, July 15 -- 16 17 -- LIBERTY THEATRE WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY July 21 and 22 Produced fcy Purina Mills in the inter- -, est of FOOD FOR VICTORY and! brought to you through the courtesy of .a Bargains 9. SIZE ft $ 'U $o3 9-5- 2! ?7.90 dark rayon sheers spiked with white! crisp Gay designs you'll wear on into Fall, every hour of the day. Sizes 9 to 15. Cool, FOR MISSES I 1 I 7.90 1 Frosty rayon sheers take you 'round the clock. So cool . . . k;, 4 so easy to care for! Dark or pastel shades. Cleverly trim- ," : '.-- 1 i med. Sizes 12 to 20. Check Protectograph Machines. Underwood Typewriter. 1 Mosler Office Safe, 1 Heater-typ- e Coal Stove. 1 Office Desk. 1 Wooden Filing Case. 1 Office Stool; 1 Old Chair. 1 Brass Measuring Bucket, Miscellaneous tools as follows: 15 wrenches, 1 hand drill, 2 hammers, 2 files, I pair tin snips, 1 screw driver, 1 saw, 1 compass. 2 hand trucks, 1 canvas truck cover Miscellaneous flour and grain sacks. 1 drum of disinfectant, partially full, 1 roll of sewing twine. 2 fire extinguishers, 2 scoop shovels, 1 grind stone, 1 electric fan, 2 sets of platform scales. 1 Westinghouse Motor No, 1136390. Miscellaneous packages of Purina Lice Powder. 1 box Powdered Epicoa. 2 kegs partially filled with nails. 1 wheat tester. Said property will be offered for sale together, or in separate parcels as uie receiver may deem advisable. Dated this 15th day of July, A.D. Bear River Farm Supply Garland Utah a o a a 1943 1st pub.. Last Pup. U E. PECKENPAUGH, 2 Receiver times. 7.90 v. . '' ' )" Slimming as a diet tiny dots tVu or figures on dark back- - 'Spicy grounds. white or bright trim -' I mr" w Sizes 38 to 52. Mm immure!- 1 JUST ARRIVED! BUY t: 2 1 oap "The War Against Mrs. Hadley" "American Empire' FOR JUNIORS NOTICE OF RECEIVER'S SALE of the Assets of the Garland Tremonton Milling Company . ! n SIZE Flattering designs for sizes RECEIVERS SALE to-wi- Wi ;4 Next Thursday, Friday, Sat. FOR WOMEN pemnw&! Don't fail FOOD "Reunion in France Eliminate your dress problems at Penney's! Pamper your budget too! parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Barfuss and other relatives during the past week. He left Wednesday to return to his camp at Fort Bliss, Texas. nnaannaaaaa DIGNIFIED? , at Corporal Voy Anderson left Monday to return to his post at Tampa Florida. Corporal Anderson is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Anderson and has just spent a seven day leave at home with his parents and friends. He'lef t just a year ago on the 6th of July and has received training in the army air corps at West Palm Beach, Florida, and Kansas City, Missouri. Private Lyle J.. Barfuss was home for a short visit with his Joan Crawford, John Wayne here is dress your Acel E. Thompson who has been serving as assistant cook with his company in Gilroy, California, has become such a fine cook that he has recently been transferred to the Tanks company as head cook. Acel left home in March 1942. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson of Tremonton. D Sun. - Moii. - Tues. - Wed. July Store-wid- e Sor-ens- en of East Garland were relieved to hear from their son Dyal who stated he was safe and well at his base in North Africa. "BUY FOR CASH AND PAY LESS" "Deep In The Heart of Texas" Mrs. Abba I Miller left Tuesday for Twin Falls, Idaho, to visit relatives. She expects to make a trip to southern Utah and California before reurning home. . Dinner guests of Mrs. Rose Peterson Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Curley Eichel of Ogden. Lane J. Mack Brown in Rosalyn Theurer is in Logan this week as a guest of her sister, Mrs. Verna Wood. $ Frist-ili- "Silver Queen" J. H. Laub returned Tuesa, day after enjoying a visit in Washington with relatives. She also visited two days in Boise " on her return trip Lamont Gardner of Deweyville was home on a short furlough from his post in Texas. He returned on Wednesday. ducted into service. After over two months of George Brent, Ta-com- a 10-da- Friday and Saturday Mrs. , of Mr. and left Wed.Anderson Mrs. Roy to be innesday for Fort Douglas Orpheum Mrs. Sarah Stailey and son Stanley, of Downey, Idaho, and daughter, Joan of Hollywood, were guests at the William Hawkins home Tuesday. his mother. He left again Tuesday He was glad to be home and Lloyd proved to be a splendid tonic for his mother. Bill Anderson, son I Mr. and Mrs. Percy Burbank and and family of Salt Lake City visited the first of the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Burbank and other relatives Lloyd Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thompson, arrived Saturday from Tennessee. He was called home from his Naval training school because of the illness of Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. .Anderson Ken-net- h accompanied Mr. and Mrs. of Mr. and Harvey Peterson, sop of Thatcher, Peterson Mrs. Chris for Fort evening left Wednesday y a Bliss, Texas, following furlough. Hazelton, Idaho, visited Friday with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Woodward. Foy Mortensen 3rd Class Petty Officer in the U. S. Navy called his father, Sam Mortensen of from Olympia, Washington. Foy was glod to be on U. .S. soil once more after participating in the conflicts in the Pacific. . I 15( 19,3 Penney's Shoes for the whole family! BOYS WORK SHOES sturdy built for long wear 100 Wos Play sr No stamp needed All sizes, 4 Growing Girls SERVICE OXFORDS Leather Soles Rubber Soles Pair to 8. 0 New plastic soles for. more wear. While They Last pair -P- ENNEY'S-for best quality JUST ARRIVED! Boys Boulder Cord WoirEi: Wool and Rayon Take the place of Gabardine Tailored to fit Priced: Sizes 12 to 20 Pants overalls. Sanforized. O Washable. Sizes 6 to 14 years r |