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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Page Six Seabecs Move In as Battle Rages Thursday, July i5( Wounded Raiders Flown From Behind Jap Lines In Prison at 13 "" LJUB" " " m I " " 11 I? 'Or 4 ! I t y .' .. .. ? 'j V. ' t.' V i V 1 . : .1. " r-- 1 iuse ier; i I ..... :. i A J ;':l W A J i He v (antji would '3:1 I anff trf, ve it J , to smile as he is fl0Wll' Despite wounds and jungle sores, Pvt. John Yates, a British raider, (left) manages railroad and disrupted blew lines, supply depots, that one up of the was He raiding party from Burma. . At iptifir. raiders hoard nnn nrncs iucmuu t.... ....c . that airnlin. in tYirtt r school communications :i ... linn, Edward S. Dow, ..l. c '"-- j ;uo woica jaiiunc . ... ,. rnn'iitinn --- i muit. mi jicimmiclntii frnm RAP fliprs hv thpir- hprlrasr?Iprl boy of Newburyport, Mass., is pic- new inem uc uuu6uuvu r wmer oacn 10 jlucj maj , a ,nnn., rtnttx - rnna gi Ti - drinks water inside the nil no tured striding into the state prison irom ayseuiery sivuunuiu n&u """s to begin a 14 to 20 year term as SUIIering the youngest inmate in Massachusetts history. lie was convicted of Victory manslaughter in connection with the t .- - sjttere: "Pleas- . '.hp"cha f-u- a.r -- s nth 'yiueuc , I Sammj righi h mu( (7 btinthi Weas hbatterer hammer death of a spinster. 'i would .at him jvery si Reunion t I "Am jnyou I FACT 7 lit , Soldier Tells Miners of African Girls Aid China Even as American and Japanese forces on the Aleutian island of Attu blasted away at each other, Seabees of the navy set up bases, supply centers, and generally started military housekeeping. Here a truck carries supplies from a landing boat somewhere along the shoreline. & E - S "N(MH, j i 4 INCOME PAYMENTS AND TAXES 5 as if say it. "M yo j!" ask j "No," j smptly "Well, I TUlAl INUJMt rAT merit oiiuwii l I ;jmy mi 4 TOTAl INCOME PAYMENT: J115 BIUIQN TAXES: $13-1- Bill INCOME II III Mil ' llllllllll IlilliillillKfitiahlf ' I, PAYMENT; $135 BILLION llliMWiim. A wounded veteran of the North African victory, Sergt. Ted Varnef chapter of the Camp Fire Girls present Mme. Chiang relates his experiences to a group of coal miners in Dickson City, Ft with money for the adop- A third strike of the United Mine Workers was ended by an announcemeo tion of two Chinese war orphans and by their president, John L. Lewis, who said that the miners would a record of their donations to United back to work under Mine Custodian Ickes until October 31. The BILLION TOTAL Milium 5 Mei-Lin- g Kai-she- k J China Relief. Senator Barkley of Kentucky proudly poses at Randolph Field, Texas, with his granddaughter, Dorothy Anne, daughter of Mjr. and Mrs. D. M. Barkley. This was the first meeting of Miss Barkley and her grandfather and was the first time the senator had seen his son since 1941. Art Aids Healing of Fighters Alben Graduates See Rescue of War Wounded World Series Award ;3 Y ! r V Underwater Ballet 1 J KM; amy. "; ?sl won' y ' living. Sam: Chatter A night fo made i j.adow, for, :adow and adow. Bi Now ': .11 i il ' V- - aJ 4. '"V ft ' C It 'Iff' i-r-.. A A painting by Marine Pvt. Charles West meets the approval of Miss Florence Hislop, New Zealand member of the American lied Cross who instituted a program of occupational therapy for convalescing service men in a U. Si naval hospital there. Included in the program are the arts of leather tooling, painting, and wood carving. 1) July in the North Atlantic ' jf Scene from an underwater ballet routine performed in a Los Angeles swimming pool by Belita, an star, and her partner, Bob BiJlard. Belita claims that underwater ballet helps to perfect her sense of rhythm and grace. i Br ;"orer in Indeed!" 7 generou ;s"'t belon j j ave just i have." A group of New York high school graduates watch in awe as mer bers of the army air force demonstrate the mass evacuation of wound from a battlefront. This was a feature of a g military exhibiii staged for the 35,000 graduates by Maj. Gen. Ralnh Royce, command of the First air force. The planes used were DC-- 3 transport planes V4V - continue! 4 working j me j ! Jl i way promise. 'Sow?1 At a Lady Leatherneck Training Camp ! whe: 'you and h cai But in "ereyou A 1 "!r' would J'ead that n rSdPromis , pron I w 5s I tell y ,J0U'" .ver ( 1 fi. 5 i - ' C - JMTvi' J ... -- 0Vei start iln ' For Promise Forest , woui (tattr on I ' i , to , ' what 'Pfead hi ; - ,' i ,. t It see tit I hid have i ? b;jt Jr. ' as rnthe era. f tks ; nd-f" j day-lon- Flying Garage - P where I e to all -- i - Chatt n you'll I ice-skati- 1 .s art. r' a minute, last year. i , kno mind jmy mi. t Billy Southworth, manager of the St. Louis Cardinals, is presented with a diamond ring by Baseball Czar Kenesaw M. Landis, as a reward for winning th world series r Jldn't his u Mr y-- .w - s s : - L she It's summer, but these bluejackets on a United States navy aircraft A jeep is shown being loaded into carrier scrape ice and snow off the flight deck as their ship lies at anchor at a North Atlantic port. The planes are Grumman Avenger one of the huge gliders being built torpedo bombers. A German publication recently explained the reduction for the army. The noses of the In activity by stating that the use of aircraft carriers to pro- gliders are hinged. They are towed tect Allied convoys had taken the Germans by surprise. to the destination of their cargo by bomber planes. at . . ... raiuP1 in snappy snarp catience a unit or women marines (at top) march smartly to their classes t New kit N. C. The lady leathernecks are jeune, River, their raincoats. At lower these marines check the water and oil or a jeep. This is wearing part of the toughening up course which through before they relieve a male marine so that he can get into a more active post. As Pa" course, women marines must take lessonr. in sair-!- r. A -- rrn h shewn at rlrht in sailboatsmost pleasing experiences for the girls at tnen Camp Lejenne is being served by male waiters in -- f s out? s fI ( 0( f - j hethe |