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Show t,day, July m3 15, BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Page Seven n -- I, ll'l . tTTEKER AND SAMMY JAY MAKE CP rtf iV rel i 5 Chatterer the Red Squir- heard Sammy Jay say that eoing straight to the Green ;?.!st to tell Shadow the Weasel chatterer was living in the Old great 'ear filled his heart i?fcrot his quarrel with Sammy, f torgot his greed for all the corn 'farmer Brown's corncrib. He t everything but his terrible ' of Shadow the Weasel. It was !iuse of Shadow that Chatterer the Green Forest to live j ieftOld Orchard. If Shadow fce find him here, he didn't know '"it he could do or where he could :, ! ilar'd a ' i lJi knew that Sammy Jay just what he said, for, though Cfould be a dreadful thing to do, He H- f5lBt - dreadful things when they angry; and Sammy Jay was y very angry, indeed. He had spread his wings when fLple do !t l -- I 111 v - al-d- -- iid' jitterer spoke. I he begged. jv," (I III l! II ill it llil- - i UHBBM IP yo r nr. don't do that, Sammy "Please ' IUI hi "I I didn't mean bad things I have said." Jay's eyes snapped. He i& right away that Chatterer was -j much frightened and he knew jr. Sammy f jtin the future, so long as Shadow Weasel was anywhere around, 'jatterer would be so afraid that C would do anything Sammy might at him to. You see, Sammy Jay J sharp. , I any v;ry ' Aai a more of a thief are?" he demanded. repnea cnatterer slow- it were the hardest work you i if as i ijayit. 'WJ1 you play any more ;"" asked Sammy. Every time you boost the amount into War Bonds . . . ' of your pay that you put 2 .... You slip bullets into the rifles of your friends and relatives overseas. Thus You help to bring the happy day this war will end. addition lo tricks on replied Chatterer, more this time. Well, I'll think it over and make 'my mind in the morning," said "No," ; ' ;xptly i You tie another anchor to the prices of the things you have to buy today. And You make dead sure you'll have money for the things you want to buy tomorrow. Because . . ... 6 You pick the world's 6nest investment absolutely safe, and one which pays you back $4 for every S3 when the Bonds mature. Besides ... ummt iia km promise!" j"l cried E Chatterer astily. "Perhaps I will and amy. v W" ,f ' LI, f' i 'l I, ,.-- '( . '. ' 2A per- ils I won't tell Shadow where you 3 living. I'll think it over." ww Sammy knew perfectly well at 7 Chatterer wouldn't sleep a wink at night for worrying. Already he imade up his mind not to tell , adow, for, like all the other little sadow and forest people, he hated i(adow. But, of course, Chatterer , didn't know that. He had so made plus mind, and a great fear that ,amy might tell clutched his You help guaranree a strong, prosperous America after the War, with a good job for yourseif and everybody else. And last, but not least ... JV .Ut Chatterer thought very hard ' minute, and then an idea came. "If you'll promise not to tell where I am vou-- vnn are wpI- to all the corn you want at raw Brown's corncrib," said atterer in a very meek voice. Indeed!" reDlied Sammv. "Hnw 7 generous of you, seeing that it ("at belong to you, anyway, and e just as much right to it as You get the swellest feeling in the world! The warm, proud feeling that comes from knowing that, when your country asked your help, you toed the mark. - COMES a Swp - si RSI? VnfEREIlL um mmmm pu lending all you can? Weren't there a few dollars in your last pay envelope that could have gone into War Bonds but didn't? Get out your pencil right now use the forms below as a guide and see if you can't boost the percentage you're putting aside for Uncle Sam and yourself I HrREfS WHAT IT mi's IVHAT GOES. car: ( ) What ccmss $( ) What pes For Leaves WAR BONDS J have." I'll help you get his sharp Chatterer, J working their hardest to think me way to get Sammy to make promise ?ni-and-- well, j i connued "How?" asked Sammy suspicious get it be- bring some out ;!2U and hide it in the stone wall i; eyou can find it," replied his heart he said that (jwould hide it so that Sammy 15 have to hunt a long time to ?eemed aImost as if Sarniat es "Kht, for, cocking J on one side, he said: '" promise not to tell Shadow ClPrromise t0 get me corn want it and put it just ; teU Chat-Vlf.uV- .n JW .a K you adT A H Promise that 83 !" cried Chatterer This Message is a Public Service Feature of the Bear River Valley Leader two scamps of the ,"?a,de UP and Panned on i Farmer Brown's corn. WTJO'S is. K,?,? ?5hcnUi SWIMS PLAN 1 irih!Se tW PAYROLL idea at do? He Sany synga if he was lhAS?1 very instant for L mom THE to." f2r ldidn,t like th could he ?it ! t?3 PIT T I you can't ly,",c when acxs, i u wnn f' about your havtwfry different wom-J- H Kels bflck from the Y", but what if she n QMENTION IT Wheth" U'i raining or not. - - -- - - -- - -- - ''' 4t M''lW'WW ml U.S. j i in . s |