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Show Page Four ' Local and Social Items If r - - -I I- ' J ' "J1 Tre-mont- BROUGH FAMILY GUESTS AT DINNER Mrs. R. G. Brough entertained at dinner Sunday for members of the Brough family. Covers were laid for Mrs. Jane E. Brough, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hansen, Mrs. Arthur Kroksh of Los Angeles and Mrs. Lewis Dodd of Logan. BISHOPRIC ENTERTAINED AT GREEN HOME Mrs. D. B Green entertained at dinner Thursday evening for the O. following guests: Mr and Mrs. BenAarl Mrs. and L. Brough, Mr. nett, and David Stander, members of the First Ward Bishopric. andau- - VISITORS GUESTS AT BROUGH HOME Dinner guests at the O. L. Brough home Saturday evening were Mrs. Jane E. Brough, Mrs. Amos Hansen, Mrs. Lewis Dodd of of Logan and Mrs. Arthur Kroksh Los Angeles. liMUiMi&jrcuiiiiiiuiiiiiiiii I A Suggestion: Have Your jj FARM IMPLEMENTS REPAIRED NOW j Why wait until you are ready to use them? g I I H. C. ROHDE p Blacksmith and Machine Works 1 I "Mends Everything- But People's Ways" on STUDY GROUP MEETS Mr. and Mrs. R, Z. Heppler were hosts to the Study Group at their home Sunday evening. Refreshments were served at the close of a pleasant hour. Fronk. EMMA EGLI WEDS CALIFORNIA MAN Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eggll nounce the marriage of their ' ' ""' i M fg RECENT BRIDE HONORED BY PARENTS Many friends of Mrs. John R. Evans, the former Vera Edith Kay, were entertained Sunday afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kay. The rooms of the home were beautifully decorated with roses 3' C MR. FARMER! Harvest time will soon be here. Prepare now for your needs, we have on hand a large stock of good quality . BRIDE HONORED Mrs. Aaron Weese entertained at a miscellaneous shower at her home last week in compliment to Mrs. Leo Ellis, a recent bride. Twenty-fiv- e guests attended the affair and presented the bride with many beautiful and useful gifts. servDainty refreshments were ed by the hostess. RECENT BRIDE MOTIF FOR SHOWER Mrs. Reginald Goff acted as hostess Monday evening to the young girls of the Sunday School class at a bridal shower in compliment to Mrs. Leo Ellis, a recent bride. Mrs. Ellis Is the former Miss Frances Roberts. Games and a mock wedding were features of the entertainment. The guest of honor received some beautiful and useful gifts, and refreshments were served by the hostess. NOTICE TO CREDITORS out-of-to- Ta-com- Og-de- ' . Uncle Sam Asks That You Secure Your Winter's Supply of while transportation is available When you think of coal think . . . CASTLE GATE COAL UTAH'S BEST SOLD BY "Your Good Will Our Best Asset" Phone 35 Tremonton T" 15, Mr. and Mrs. A. v. Allen turned this week after a few with Mr. and Mrs. Orson erson in Portland, Oregon. V" Mrs. Clarence Brough children or Columbia are this week in Tremonton. visiting tess Wednesday evening to the ladies of the V. G. S. club at her home. Luncheon and needlework were the diversions of the evening. n; ETHEL M. POTTER MARRIES IDAHO MAN Announcement Is made of the marriage of Ethel Madsen Potter and Carl G. Smith. The ceremony was performed May 9th at Evans- - .VJUU LEGAL NOTICES Estate of Joseph Scothern, Deceased , Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Tre monton. R. F. D. No. 3. Utah, on or before the 7th day of September, fri(p, HANNAH ELIZA SCOTHERN, Administratrix of the estate of Joseph Scothern, deceased. WALTER G. MANN, Attorney for Administratrix Date of first publication July 1, 1943 Date of last publication July 22, 1943 NOTICE TO CREDITORS MRS. RICE HOSTESS TO CLUB Estate of Amelia Jensen, Deceased Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the Mrs. Ral Rice was the gracious hostess to the members of the Thursday Bridge Club last week at her home.. Mrs. Archie Richardson was special guest of the hostess. Following luncheon, ' the game was played with Mrs. William Storrer, .Mrs,. Parley Archibald, and Mrs. Aarl Bennett winning the awards office of George M. Mason, No. 23, First National Bank Building, Brig-haCity, Utah, on or before the 15th day of September, A. D. 1943. MARIE JACOBSEN, Administratrix of the estate of Amelia Jensen, deceased. GEORGE M. MASON, Attorney for Administratrix. Date of first publication July 1, 1943 Date of last publication July 22, 1943 jo) Cemt fa for Year of FREE COfr rt New FIRESTONE lookef SUMMER CARE off he WAR GARDEN fncfudlng INSECT CONTROL Eligible Car Owners Can Now Euy the Famous Perma-Lif- c Battery m ENTERTAINS W. S. C. S. Mrs. William H. Beyer was hostess to the W S. C. S.. Tuesday afternoon Mrs. P. E. Ault and Mrs. T. P. Meister gave interesting talks on the Island of Hawaii. Tasty refreshments were served by the hostess. " A& A. D., 1943. THIS - fat v Bui St with AMERICAN -- M'ADE 11.95 EXCHANGE SYNTHETIC RUBBER If yon are eligible and require new tires, come in and let us help you make ont a tiro certificate. rationing " Classified Ad Column free guarantee recharging if necessary! Specially built for warar time, slow speed low age driving. mile- s CASH for live poultry. H. A. Gam, 435 N. 2nd W., Brigham. Phone 12-1- 1 698. tf j SELL your dead and useless horaes and cattle to White's Trout Farm and receive more money. Phone, collect. Hyrum 11-R.- 2, r farms, Protect Your or dry. List with: James Brough, Realtor. Tremonton. Utah. tf Irrigated FAMILY DINNER HELD AT BONE HOME Mrs. R. M. Bone was hostess to thirty-two- members of her family Tuesday evening at dinner. The guests included her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Capener of Garland and their sons and daughters who were in this vicinity to attend the golden .wedding of the I INSECT 37c SCHEEN I and Winterfront 6p FOR SALE $5250, one story brick dwelling, 1 blk north of Main Street. Light and well ventilated. Basement. Holland furnace, stoker and hot water heater. Home well built, in good condition. Joseph N. Stohl, 580 So. 13th E., Salt Lake City. Phone 44481. In Tremonton Tuesday and Wednesday. FOR SALE modern brick house, lot 100x15a Call Leader of- LEONARD W. MILLER MARRIES BRIGHAM GIRL The marriage of Miss Doris n Jr., of Brigham City and Leonard W. Miller, son of Mrs. Abba Miller of Tremonton has been announced. The wedding took place July 6th at the Logan Temple. Mr. Miller is employed as display manager' at the J. C. PVnney company store in Ogden. He has been employed at the Kaiser shipyards since January, but recently returned to Ogden to work. & POLISH pint. POLISHING 3?c LIQUID VAX I pint. 39c CLEANER Radiatorl FOR SALE 7 room home on two city lots. 1 blk north of post office. See Mrs. Chris Beck couple. y,L 10-1-- HAVE BUYERS for good 01-se- Farmers' Cash Union ton, Wyoming. Mrs. Smith is a daughter of Mrs. Eliza Madsen of DeweyviUe and Mr. Smith a son of L. C. Smith of Twin Falls, Idaho. He is employed by Garrett Truck lines. The couple plan to make their home in Thursday, July V. G. S. .CLUB MEETS Mrs. Radcliffe Henrie was hos- a, ATTEND WEDDING Mrs. Ervin Stohl and her two daughters and Sophie Warner were in Ogden Sunday to attend the wedding of a friend, Miss Verna Elliott and Charles Sipple. Mrs. Sipple was a former resident of Tremonton, having graduated from the Bear River High school, after which she attended business school and has been employed at Ogden for some time. The groom is from Kentucky and is in the service. BINDING TWINE Now and sweet peas. The tea table was centered with a lovely wedding n cake and was presided over by White and Nona Bunderson, Assisting with the serving and in the gift room were Grace W. Orme and Ardella Kay. guests Among the who were present were Captain and Mrs. A. H. Dulmes of Bush-nel- l, who acted as best man and matron of honor at the wedding of the couple which took place in Washington In March. Also present were Vera Croch of California; Mrs. Floyd Garfield of Mrs. Wallace Penrose and daughters, Laura Mae and Darlene, Mrs. Herbert Penrose and Mrs. Ada Garfield and daughter Fay of Salt Lake City, and Mrs. Clarence Brough of Logan. Private Evans who has been spending his furlough here left Thursday to return to camp, while Mrs. Evans remained with her parents for a longer visit. Af-to- enter, Emma, to Mr. Joe Palmer. The wedding took place July 2nd at Glendale, California, where the young couple will make their home. The bride is well known in and vicinity, having lived here until a few years ago. TOWN CLUB ENTERTAINED Members of the Town Club were Wedgraciously entertained last Elmer nesday evening by Mrs. Winzeler. A delicious luncheon was served by the hostess and Bridge was played during the evening. Prizes at the game went to Mrs. D. R. Waldron and Mrs. Jack 1 -- BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER PEE-WA- 3?c PASTE CLEANtK-12- -ci. 39c POLISHING WAX 3Se POLISHING CLOT- z. 39c yourVotor during freezing weather. Spcrkling fice. figsuf LOST Ladies Elgin gold wrist watch in town Saturday. Call Afton White, 716 ltp. for Summer Entertaining! H- size. 10-y- Will keep your radiator free from leaves, bugs and dirt and later on will protect CLEANER X pint. ROV) OIL AND TAR 39cCKEMI-CLOT- H I8"x27". 39cCKRCMIUM POLIS- H29c KAR FOAM Coo ss the Spray of the Ses! 73-0-- 3. FOR SALE 1 grain binder, 1 two way plow, 1 potato planter. See Glenn Mason, phone 6 mimk 79-0-- 1. 13p. r osid 12 TeJ32BLSRS Ocean Breeze Seat COVERS v. Set "r -- ''A 1 Kb .1 $ I I I 1. , fi $ WUCAfl ' 0 -k '' . J i ik." at 7 1 i' -- 1- h f! O I ,G,ll.fiJ H O C O M ? A rJ Y j reduced driving, your oil is constantly exposec dust and other abrasives carried and, at tl:c same time, it is exposed to through the air burn-jfuel particles! the harmful effect of ' limited C:'.'. with r: lover speeds, your Also, today's engine does not get hot cr.cr;!j l "co:'i off" the water which is formed by coinju:.l.n r.a condensation. is the oil you should have because of its high quality. It's also time for specialized lubrication . . . complete lubrication of all moving parts with fresh Vico lubricants and inspection of transmission and differential lubricant levels. mm Let your Pep your crankcase and change your oil every time jcu clmge coupons! Vico KELP TOUB GOVERNMENT, mott irvnng. D,i WITH d 88-Vi- fi-r- 't W?cn you change coupons Joi. ft. - it's Big, splashy floral pattern in red, yellow, green and cool white. The pitcher ha an "ice lip" to keep ice from spilling when your summer drinks are poured. The tumblers are all 9 yt ounce size. ud.r 3Skat..alg. you, cn. dfiw . & 7.45 4.95 COACH 10.95 A SEDAN & Tirei nd Drtrit Rcpp!ng Spark Pluqi Brk Auo Lining Accuor!i Muiie 12.95 Plaid twill fiber and cloth with leatherette panels and binding. $11 THE EXTRA VAIUK IN FIRESTONE MERCHANDISE IN EVERY Rdioi and time COUPE Homa Appliances Hardware Houtawarei Lawn and Gardaa SupDliai Whaal Goods CEPARTKINT Rcr(ion Support Toy Gmi eed Boob Plnh Clothing Leather Goodl to change oill . . . tltak-t- o Ear. M unn. u..,. , L7QNK rilONK 20 (CEIEVCdDLET TREMONTON, & U"8 ( |