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Show & July l, BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER -- ELWOOD WAR TJEEfS Bishop, chairman of the Elder county AAA commit-- 1 revealed today that at a con-nc- e of AAA committeemen and w held in Denver. Colorado, representatives of the 13 in e western region the Sowing were among the recom- consid-Jdio- n (nidations submitted for in drafting the 1944 AAA farm program: Ration, state and county goals should b3 established for all important crops for which increased acreage above normal are being guested. No goals should be established for those crops for which is necessary or for na increase decreased a acreage is tf&ich Before national goals are announced, tentative national and ftate goal3 should be checked with tye war boards and other appropriate, persons in each state in order that suggested modifications jnajr be considered before setting gnal national figures. County goals should be determined by consul- fieldmen for ) I '' i jj REPAIRED NOW wait until you are ready to use them ? isiiy 1 I H. C. ROHDE . and Machine Works Blacksmith "Mends Everything But People's Ways" I Nye 'Jh and-childr- Have Your ... 1 FARM IMPLEMENTS I ... per-hea- Suggestion: I DEWEYVILLE r d. A page Hirea tation between state and county S iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin program was enjoyed by all attend- USQA war boards. i i All goals should be established mg. ine epeaKers were uariana inz J Mr. and Mrs. Alton Perrv. of Masr- - ev. Elder Morris and President K. Mrs. Thomas Ault as early In 1943 as possible. Once Mr. and Mis. Vernon Hansen are na, visited relatives here Sunday. II. Fridal. Miss Francis Landvatter established, goals should be mainAt Sacrament meeting' a special sang two solos. rejoicing over the safe arrival of & Mis. John Leggett and daughter, tained without change. son, born June 2Cth. This is the first of Bingham, visited at the home of The county war board, in acson. Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Marble. cordance with instructions from A son arrived at the Valley hosthe state war b oard, will estabMr, and Mrs. Sid Heas and son, lish individual farm goals for pital for Mr. and Mrs. Marian Miller. Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Drummer Mother and son are doing nicely. and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. those crops adapted to the county Mr. and Mjs. W. D. Richaids. of Mathias and son, of Brigham and for which the national Wayne Carey, Idaho, were guests at the City; Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Oerden. will be difficult to attain. In goal adhome of Elias Anderson Saturday. and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Lish and! dition, farm goals may be estabMiss Betty Lee Anderson is spendlished in any county for any crop family of Deweyville, met at the ing the week in Logan with her home of Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Lish, which represents a major grandmother, Mrs. Angehne D. Han- where a dinner was given honoring lem in the county. The probsen. war board should be allowedcounty their father. Members of the Elmo flexMiss Rhea Nielsen, of Honeyville, Lish family from California, also ibility in determining farm goals The Fourth of July is a symbol of all we are leturned home Sunday after spend- were gTjests. in order to meet local fighting problems. the h(-ing weekend with for all we are of cousin all of Penalties for failure to meet we be! to Theda of hope a Oeden. Barrett, spent farm goals should be eliminated. Jean Mortensen. weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Junius and Thompson Establishment of individual James Barnard. d Dahrl, are spending their vara- farm goals for livestock Mrs. J. W. Spackman visited a fev tion in Salt Lake City with their should not be necessary. Livestock with her daughter, Mrs. Marva days ana daughter. Mr. and Mrs 6 production and marketing can be taster 2 Johnson at Ogden. Blaine Hansen and family determined on the basis of the The following program was given Mrs. tuva B. Hansen and Mrs a best utilization and cohservation at the Sunset services on the lawn .1- L. Cook spent last of fed resources. Wednesday at the cf Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Norr Sunday n- Each farmer should be asked to U. S. A C. where thpv hi,-,of Beaver Floyd Johnson,, evening. lecture on Popenoe "Mental Health Dam 5 prepare in consultation with his in the Home." , , Ward was the special speaker. local committeeman, a farm A vocal trio by Mrs. Afton Binerham. plan Miss Evadine Forsgreen. of Idaho showing the crops to be grown, is viriting among old time friends Mrs. Elaine Johnson and Mrs. Norma the poultry and livestock and pronere. bhe is the guest of Miss Ida Johnson was enjoyed. The M. I. A. ducts to be raised and theme was given by Barbara Snow. marketed, and the production practices to be Heslop. Sherrell has also visited here Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson and among his friends. They are spend carried out. The amount of detail sons, Mack and Kay, and daughter ing meir vacation here and in Both- for any commodity will depend up. , Shirley, of Preston, Idaho, were dinwell. on its importance in the ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. type of ' J '. i IS farming of the area, but the farm oi LeRoy Firth and Keith Anderson, Perry on Sunday. uothwell, afternoon spent Sunday plan should be designated to enA family dinner was enjoyed by witn Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hansen. Mr. courage maximum sound use of and Mrs. Alton of Magna, all land and other facilities of They are friends of Boyd's who have Utah, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Oliver Peterson neen kept fighting on the home front each farm. of Petersboro, Mr. and were deferred They for farm labor To be of maximum use in enand try to visit the homes of the boys Mrs. Kllis Perry and children of Bear River City, at the home of Mr. couraging production, farm plans should be made available early in who have gone. Each in his own wav and Mrs. 'M. G. Perry on Sunday is doing a big job. the season (not later than SeptemMrs. air. and Clarence Perry and lit Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson, of ber 1). If this is done, additional tie daughter were special Ernests. b ban rancisco, California, arrived Clarence information that could be obtainSunday for a few days visit With Mrs. tor our just returned from service ed on such things as labor and ma country. father, Mr. and Mrs. p' Mrs. T. L. Wheatley and son, Zane, chinery would be of little value Thompson's W. Christensen, and other relatives and therefore should be eliminatspent a few days at the home of Mr. and friends in this vicinity. ed. A very splendid program was giv- and Mrs. Virgil Stoddard of Hooper. The farm plan should be simamer s ciay, members of the Barn en evening honoring Farrell, ard plified so that it will not reauire son Sunday family met in Box Elder County of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Francom. the use of more than one sheet Park and enjoyed a family diniw who has gone into active duty with of letter-siz- e xnose present were Mr. and Mrs. paper. the Marines. Dr. Chambers of Gar- Homer Barnard and La roe Barnard Support prices and ceiling prices land, represented the Stake presiden- of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. should be used to maintain the Verl Barnairf cy and gave some timely advice. Con- of correct price relationship between Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mar rad Steffin of Tremonton, was the ALL SUMMER! ble, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Heusser. products with high food value and for which increases are desired and guest speaker and his suggestions Mr. and Mrs. Horace Barnard. Mr. apply to us at home as well as to and Mrs. J. P. products of lower food value for the Barnard and Mr and TOWNCRAFT SPORT SHIRTS boys who go into active military Mrs. James which no increases are desired. Barnard and several He advised duty. to Farrell live near If the desired production of to God rayon in cool open grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. J. P.j daily, seek out his church Barnard attended short sleeve crops for which increases are remodels! fne collar, dinner. and attend when ever possible. Al Mr. and Mrs. John Becker. quested is to be obtained, farmers, ways Friday, plan on returning home. Prayer of should be given assurance that the Ogden, came up from Ogden. Mrs. has been an empty form, war has shift in crops will n ot result in tiecKer visited here with her mother, a loss. To accomplish this, use made it real. A soldier learns to ao- - while Mr. Becker motored to Preston, Clear, crisp patterns in light, sturdy 1 preciate his country, the magnitude xaano. x. r. Ault would be made of loans, war crop accompanied him, rayon poplin and gabardine fabrics ! of our industrial production, America insurance and direct purchases to is were dinner guests of Mr. and like a great slumbering giant, yet They fit the commodity and conditions to be Mrs. Duett Loveland. awakened. We will awake. involved. from Willard visited at Other features were the Pledge of theRelatives Where direct purchases are ushome of Mrs. Lucinda Loveland Alegiance, led by Lvle Munns. a one ed, the procedure should provide day last week. Leola Romer: a duet by Le reading. Mr. and Mrs. James Etherington for (1) the maximum of local conNee Kroksh and Lola Mortensen. have as their guests, their little trol and operation, (2) the miniBishon Fridal made some timely commum number of steps, (3) partiof Ogden. granddaughter ments. The nrogram was conducted Mr. and Mrs. George j Jensen and cipation of as few agencies as posT. by Ed Heslop. sible. ramiiy were visiting relatives here araa were guests of their mother, Mrs The control of all factors afPeter Jensen. fecting production and marketing Put every dollar above the Mrs. Couch, of Garland, mother of of farm products should be cennecessities of life into War Mrs. .Walter Sudbury and Mrs. C P, tralized in one administrative body fiplsa Bonds. Payroll Savings is Jensen and Mrs. at state and county levels. Axel Hassel, visited the best means of doing your with them last Saturday, best in helping your sons and Fern, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs friends on the fighting fronts. FigLoans Barley, Rye Lloyd Gardner, is improving from a ure it out yourself. tew days of illness. Rates for barley and rye loan3 Jay Norr and Blaine Saunders left were announced today by A. W. LEGAL Sunday to visit in California. Bishop, chairman of the county Mrs. Gene Schibe and daughters, of AAA committee. The rates for NOTICE TO CREDITORS Portland, Oregon, who are visiting No. 75 are cents a 1, bushel barley Estate of Joseph Scothern, Deceased relatives here, spent a few days in (48 pounds); No. 2, 73 cents; No. Creditors will present claims with bait Lake City with friends and rel 3, 70 cents; No. 4, 67 cents; and vouchers to the undersigned at Tre- auves. No. 5, 60 cents. Cleo Norr returned to her work monton, R. F. D. No. 3, Utah, on Loan rates for rye, for all eliin or Salt Lake City Sunday, after vis before the 7th of day September, gible rye grading No. 2 or better A. D., 1943. are 75 cents a bushel. HANNAH ELIZA SCOTHERN, There are Administratrix of the estate of Joseph Scothern, deceased WALTER G. MANN, Dairy Equipment Released From Loss By Attorney for Administratrix The Food Administration has auDate of first publication July 1, 1943 thorized manufacturers to distriDate of last publication July 22, 1943 bute 100 per cent of their authorized production of milking maNOTICE TO CREDITORS PRACTICAL FOR VORK AND PLAY! chines, farm cream separators and To Your Crops Estate of Amelia Jensen, Deceased farm milk coolers. Jacket type blouse and nicely cut slacks, Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the Rayon and cotton gabardines! 3mart! DON'T DELAY P Prevent Fires office of George M. Mason, No. 23, See First National Bank Building, Brig-haTWO-TONE- D SUMMER BEAUTIES! Farmers were cautioned this on or before the Utah, City, ' week against fires which annually blouse with contrast slacks. In 15th day of September, A. D. 1943. Bright Og destroy millions of dollars worth MARIE JACOBSEN, cool summer with fabrics, pockets! roomy of property and many lives. Administratrix of the estate of Farmers should be more and Amelia Jensen, deceased. TREMONTON, UTAH more concerned as their crops ripCOOL, SLEEK RAYONS Richly Trimmed GEORGE M. MASON, en and the danger of fire increasAlso see me for REAL ESTATE Attorney for Administratrix. buperbly cut slack suits with attractive es. The following points should Date of first publication July 1, 1943 LOANS Low Interest Rates novelty pockets. Clever belted fashion! be observed when burning brush Date of last publication July 22, 1943 or to clear land: j 1 1 j . en A ..... 7k. b Tj) I Light-as-feath- 1.65, .vy,',,.,...; I A MEN'S SPORT SLACKS machined piston as slick as glass. But it through a microscope: brightly looks te That snaggle toothed saw edge can rip Cfimott gouges in 4 cylin- der walls in a That's why you use mo-lto keep cylinder and flash. ot oil apart. And that's why an oil like WRPM"; that won't leave bare piston jou need ae crawling away from heat, or draining mto the crankcase when the tngine's idle. Special compounding makes RPM Motor spots, by h engine Gil cling stubbornly to told metal surfaces. hot or Now, W cars and parts are s-switch and Oil, es-- right cr preciou- to RPM Motor change it every 1000 on the dot! NOTICES A fe PROTECTION HAIL - FIRE rj i 1 m I rr t I JAMES BROUGH Agency Jl I n 03 STANDARD GASOLINE Mokes your the most of mileage coupons Mofl DAVID YowOrd.r Today STANDER J grass 1. Always get a permit from the county fire warden if you burn between May 1 and October 31. 2. Always plow or scrape a good trail around the area to be burned. 3. Never burn during unusually hot, dry or windy weather. 4. Always have plenty of help on the job. A total of 31,854,124 acres of U. S. woodland was destroyed by forest fires in 1942 compared with 26,404,385 acres in 1941. distributor 121 SAVE YOUR OLD MATTRESS r Bring it to us, and unless completely worn out, it may bci cleaned and made into a comfortable, useful mattress at LOW COST TO YOU. We Pick -- DACK UP i ft jit 4 TOUR BOY Increase yeor payroll savings U y:vt hrrflf limit EVER TON MATTRESS UPHOLSTERING CO. 51 East . 1 OA and Practical styles . . . frothy ones, too! Choose from fluffy sheers that are so dressy or bright prints that go everywhere! Styles for every occasion and every costume, bizes 32 to 40. Up and Deliver Phone 23.J, Tremonton And Our Driver Will Call Tremonton I' I 90 X First South, Brigham City, Utah & 1 00 n no Popular dirndls or your classic favorite tailored stylesany kind of skirt you could want! Pleated or gored styles in plain colors or prints that are. a? colorful as the tropics. Size 24 to 30. |