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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Page Six r I EAST GARLAND J James Johnson and small son, Yuba City, California, returned to their home Thursday after having Mrs. and negotiable securities. XIX fault, for if I hadn't made Victor Donna Green is visiting in Salt Lake this week. o rn.. icAfirri WAITT Urn Albion grimaced, pointing an oar at the ruins of the ched. "That's Lane!" "Then where's Old Man Brown?" o yelled Uncle Wylie. "Let me, please," Victor aid. "She's filling fast You, of course, were Old Man Brown, Mr. Parker? You came here and established yourself in that old shack as a recluse, for the sole purpose of taking vengeance on Lane, whom you knew was coming to the Head. That right?" I! ji.iuii.mji u ji.MU'j av TOMORROW fjro$fone 2eJ!uxa Champion Tires are now being built with "God, yes! I adored my wife. She she wanted to go on with her career as a magazine illustrator. I let her. She did movie stars for covers of movie periodicals, most-- I ly. Among others, several paintings of Gloria Lovelace. Lane," Potter cried bitterly, "was always hanging around Hollywood actresses-lavish- ing money he'd stolen on them. Kept my wife strapped, after the first infatuation had worn off. Played her for a sucker, though I didn't know it till she came home, broken-hearteafter he'd cast her aside for a new pretty face. Arlene was found in her car in the garage. Monoxide. Paper said it was an accident, but I knew better." "You knew where 'Lane kept his misbegotten funds? He'd told your wife he would repay her loans that d, -- : RELfASi ness I tola you about. Wasn't In New York. It was here. Lane was one of my deacons the elder Lane, I mean. How I'd like to have the case reopened! His suicide, tantamount to a confession, brought about my pardon. The church funds were on deposit in the bank. There was a forged check. He must have suspected his son was responsible for About ruined me. I everything. dropped the Smith from my name when I finally was allowed to preach again." He hadn't, Potter said, found any books or other papers. Only cash CIIAPTER The leaky bat in which he had tried to escape was sinking fast, as Albert Parker told us more of his story. No lonner the meek little artist, Albion Potter, who had appeared to share our fears, Parker spoke with the determined accents of a man who has at last accomplished some thing he had set his heart on doing. Clustered on the shore, we listened as Parker, just a little way off shore, talked auicklv and without Americcn-fAcd- a any sign of either fear or remorse. What was done was over with, fin Rubber Synthetic ished, and that was that. Parker had told horn he threw RodSince 1933 Firestone right?" Lane's revolver over the cliff. dy has been the leader in Parker, or Potter as I thought of That was what Lily Keaidall saw. the production of him, leaned on the oars and bowed He knew right away, of course, what his head. "Let it out to Arlene, just it was that and and synthetic tires; had as he did to Quincyls daughter, he so he killed her. frightened her, as a result of this had a big wad hidden in the baseAnd he had told us about old man leadership and experience, the Firestone Deluxe ment of the' church. I dug it up. Brown. and It seems there wasn't any for safety, mileage, strength Champion Tire, It's now what's left of it, about such The body found in the Bosperson. of in bank a upholds the Firestone tradition of "Best in Rubber, $200,000 deposited of the shed was Roddy charred ruins and are require eligible ton. Discovered it the day before Synthetic or Natural." If you new tires, come in and let us help you make out your Lane came, while I was ostensibly Lane's. His wife, Arlene, had come home tire rationing certificate. fishing off the rocks. Hope at least a percentage can be returned to to die after Lane cast her off for another pretty face. And Parker the rightful claimants." his wife so much that he had loved old a as deaf man, "Disguised sworn disrevenge. whom nobody ever saw very Coo as the Prompted by Victor's questions, tinctly? The ear apparatus, thick lenses and the stoop made an easy he talked on and on as the police the Seel Spray impersonation. Not very difficult to boat drew nearer. "Tell me," Victor said. "You get yourself up as a recluse. Suppose your business as a director killed Lane the night he came to a i IK ' made that second nature. But how the Head, didn't you? Rigor mortis did you dare to come to the inn in must have set in, judging from the Exchange) the role of an obscure artist?" way Judy described that hand. How "That," Potter said, "was to be did you happen to leave him there? Yes. when the sea was so my alibi. Lane had never known A good - quality, low cost me. I doubt if he'd ever seen me handy?" Hugh cried. battery guaranteed for 12 in passing. My wile women aon t "I wanted the body. Had to have months (12,000 miles) with their husbands with their a body for Erown. Used all Mrs acquaint Interlocked plates, their boy friends. As Potter, I Gerry had in her kerosene can and selected cedar separators. was safe, I thought. I don't really the gas from Lane's car. That was paint, as you must know from the stupid of me, but I wanted a big church picture, but Arlene taught fire, and De Witt's breaking the win me a little just for fun. It came in dow of the garage made it easy handy, or I thought it would. Really She burned like tinder, as you saw. it led to my undoing. But skip it. Took off the ring and put it in Ju COUPE The thing was that Old Man Brown dy s bag. Sorry, my girl. I was was established at the Head. You pretty desperate and nearly beyond know they saw the light burning in thinking. Otherwise, I wouldn't have & the fish shed last night. I'd left it risked that fingerprint in the com to make folks think Brown was at pact." COACH & SEDAN home. After the fire, Brown's "Hurry, man! It was you that and earphone would be found Quincy and Judy saw running along glasses Set & in the bushes, instead of beside his the bluff last night?" f8 charred body. If Lane vanished the "No; that must have been Nor Plaid twin fiber and cloth same night, it would look as if Lane cross," but guaranteed he said. "He'd gone the with leatherette panels and against chipping . . . they might have killed him, wouldn't it? back way, through the woods, up have the genuine Libbey 11 the Left the outside binding. big earphone the strip of beach and climbed to "Safedge". Numbered from fire area to do away with any theory the church." 1 to 8. 12 oz. size. of accident Lane's fingerprints on "But you took me to town!", Wy it!" lie objected. "The victim used as the killer!" "Be quiet!" commanded Victor. Victor emphasized. "Mighty clevPotter. You drove to town "Hurry, er. Regular movie style." three times, didn't you? Afternoon "Wasn't it! I could get my re- to the movies for the stub alibi, 4 4 I venge and make my victim the supAgain with Wylie and De Witt after posed murderer in hiding. That's supper, when you knew your chance why I left a time bomb at the had come because Lane had come bridge to supposedly give Lane a to the Head. But you only stayed head start and confuse the police. until dark. Then you came back. Smashed the boats for the same reaafter phoning the; milkman to co son, but it was a mistake draining operate for a reward. Told him it his car too clever. Cut off his was a Fourth of July prank at the means of escape. bridge. "Milkman received a phone call "Right. He said the old bridge from Rockville to leave the milk at needed repairing and that was one the end of the route, on the Fourth, way to get it done." and keep his mouth shut about what "So you left the time bomb, know he saw, and he'd find an extra $20 ing you'd pick up Wylie Gerry, and Reg. in one of his milk bottles the next the only other car out was the minCleaner 3? day. Give it to him, will you, Judy, ister's?" Liquid Polishing W out of the fund I sent you for the 3fe "De Witt had said he'd be back church? You see, I wasn't sure I'd early. Wasn't much of a chance. Cloth 19a Ptili!iing find Lane's money before the aucLeft my car in the woods, off the "l!7e tion, so had you buy the church road near Gerry's barn. Luckily, I where I could browse around later, met no one on the Neck, and no 11 11 I For Junior Robin if necessary. It wasn't necessary, one at the Head saw me. my ' i i;rse Hood' I till and I'm truly sorry I let you in for lights out. Then I made Kept II for the tl Contains 4 hard- Ut suspicion. However, keep it for what church, after reconnoitering a bit, I wood bow, leather you will and don't think too badly through the basement door via my I hemp grip, sturdy Hero's a real bargain In a of me." 4 pass key. Miss Kendall was asleep ) arrow?, string, cm clean-uI felt my eyes filling as he looked on the church steps, worse luck, but I special paper quiver, I gor.uine rirestone Cleaner target and iustruc- my way. The water was up to his I had to take a chance to get Lane V I tioa book. knees! Any moment I was sure the out of the chest and into the shed." r.nd Wax plus big old Eleanor would disappear into "He was in the chest, then? Since knitted polishing cloth. g the bay. The of the pothe night before? While the auction 14 lice launch was growing louder and was going on? Why?" louder. I couldn't speak. I could "Listen, will you? Can't you see the way this tub's filling? The night only nod my head and cry. ilJaU-IUiib- t Bessie Norcross screamed: "He Lane came I was hidden in the did it!! I didn't! I didn't! I only church basement. I was disguised confessed to save my brother." The as Old Man Brown. I watched Lane VAIUES IN NKISTCNl A'IKCKANCUl IN EVZRY DEPARTMENT US THE fact just seemed to dawn upon her. digging where his treasure had been Tir "We know it. Take her away, taken out by me. Then I came out and Rtcapping Home AppHancat Recreation Supplier of the shadows and told him who I BaHri Hardware Norcross," Victor said impatiently. Toy Houiawaraa Game! and Bookt Spark Pluqt He could see the nearness of the was. 'Get up and fight like a man!' BraVe lining Lawn and Garde Paint police boat, too, and the creeping I cried. He was an awful coward. Auto Accattoriaa Suppliet Clothing water in the other. He fell at the first blow of my fists, Radiol and Muiie Wheel Good. Leather Good But Hugh merely, turned to quiet then he pulled a gun. But I got it Bessie. He put his arm around her away from him and struck him with and I saw her bury her face against it. He went down and didn't get his coat. up again. I had a skeleton key De Witt asked eagerly: "Find any that would unlock anything. I wantledgers, Potter? That church busi- - ed to go get my little cart from the shack and drag Lane's body there. TlIONi: 20 TREMONTON, UTAH W: Jfr ti'M ROCKET BATTERY -- full-siz- of 0m e, KJMRLERS wilh numbers! fflff L39 Thin-blow- Ocean Breeze Seat COVERS . 7.45 4.95 .95 12.95 n SPECIAL! Pr-- u 1.05 0 0 p fr-y- chug-chu- 3.W mu , IJEOME: CHEVROLET CO. jt someone coming. That Kendall woman was always hanging around the church steps. So I opened the chest and dumped him in. He wa3 quite dead. As evi dence against Lane, the gun might come in handy, so I kept it. Later it seemed best to hurl it into the sea. I was afraid to fire it for fear of being heard by the person outside, and I wasn't sure it had been fired to make it look like a murder weapon. Besides, I had to be sure the body wouldn't be recognizable before leaving the gun. Then poor Miss Kendall " he broke off. What Potter was saying about the gun as he stood off from shore in the boat didn t make sense to me. Later Victor went over it again: How Albion couldn't tell in the dark basement whether it had been discharged, and therefore though it would have been damaging evidence against Lane if found by the sup posed body of Brown was a risky weapon to have found on himself. He'd locked the chest with Roddy's body before he remembered the gun. But Lily Kendall had seen it on the nocks near the Pirate's Mouth, just as Victor had; only Victor d kept still about it, while Lily showed her suspicion. In a way it was my spent several weeks visiting in Utah. Dean Johnson and Cliff Richardson of Brigham City, were Tuesday evening guests of Lyn Larson. Julv i I heard go down to hunt for Bessie's key after our rehash ol tne auction, Lily might not have come upon Pot ter trying to retrieve the gun. 'And she thought it was yours, bne Quade," Potter was saying. told me to get that revolver, one believed you'd killed Lane with it. She never had any fear of me, when I asked her to show me where. But when she leaned over, I struck her with a rock I had ready. She screamed once and my heart stood still. She didn't scream again. I had Norcross' blue scarf in my pocket, and you know what I did with it. Then I scrammed around the cliff, to the beach, to the woods, to my car in Gerry's barn. Heaven alone knows why none of you caugni me, though the beach isn't visible from the inn. Same as the night before, after dragging Lane from the chest to the shed in the cart I'd boueht for the purpose, which burned up in the shed. Then I put out the shed light and went through the woods to my car, drove to town and picked up Gerry. Saw De Witt's car and got him to help me persuade Gerry, who was tight, to come home. Strengthened my alibi. But Judy nearly caught me in the church basement. If she'd come out the rear door she'd have stumbled over my little wagon." That saueaky door! I shuddered at me. If a! Potter I'd taken the cliff path! "While you were pushing Quin- cy's chair out the front way, l was loading mv burden onto tne wagon I knew it was now or never. I'd meant to go back the night before and finish the hiding of that body in the shed, but well, maybe I got cold feet. The little cart was right behind you on the path at a safe distance, of course. 1 was well greased; didn't rattle. I hid behind some bushes while you investigated the shack where the light was still on. The minute you passed, did hustle! You'll find the thick glasses if you hunt in the brush." "You'd cut the phone wires ear half-erinn- lier?" "Before going to town the first time after supper, that is. And the boats were hacked the night Lane died, when I got the gas for his pyre Norcross, your club I'd picked up where De Witt had left it. Used it as a blind to confuse the issue. Also your sister's coat. It was lying in the hammock all last night. I wore it part of the time, in case I should be seen running through the dark ness. Sotry about the spot. I really tried to cleanse it. He gave the oars a shove into the sea. The police boat was within hail, and shouting at us. We didn't shout back. The drama unfolding before our eyes left us paralyzed. The water had crept up until it seemed as if Albion Potter must drown where he sat. "Jump for it, man!" begged De Witt. But Victor said not a word. The police boat was almost upon the Eleanor. Would it reach there in time? Just as I was wondering, she slipped into the sea. Hugh Norcross yanked off his coat, but Victor and Uncle Wylie only exchanged understanding incli nations f the head. The minister began to pray "Dust to dust! Ashes to ashes!" Bessie grabbed Hugh's legs and hung on. Aunt Nella and I stood weeping together. After the wash of the boat well, I won't go into it. We saw him again for a moment. Then a few bubbles floated on the water. , "Better so," Victor said. "He's paid his debt to society, Hugh said. " 'Vengeance is mine! saith the LoSd,' " murmured De Witt. It was Aunt Nella who brought us down to earth with, "Lookitl what he done to Wy lie's nice boat!" The police launch came chugging up after it was all over. From then on confusion reigned at Pirate's Head. I think I answered a million questions, not that it did any good. How well had I known Roddy Lane? Was it true that I had sold a radio script about Pirate's Head? Newsof4-- ! R CLUBS ine Hiemoers of tho "1L X. Thimble Club of East Ti met at the home cf John Wednesday, Ju:ie 23 at 6 vT'l with Ann Palmer as fAfter the meeiinj,' CSV to order book3 wire ou for the year's work Visitors were Mr3. Darreli H i ton, Mrs. P. E. Au!t. Barbara visand Mrs. .Palmer. .li-r' the program to be held the at First Ward .:' j night were made, and a delicious lmf vuu woo ari v xrx. The next meeting will be hey ' Irene Fridal's home. . Roma Jean Hill, Report or- - stt-i- 3 n! " w 9 , i i THATCHER 1 - Mr. and Mrs. A. II- - V. tsersw-- . accompanied their grandson. Or Diousuaw, ui lifiiionion, to Or Tuesday, where he left by train military camp in the East f Mrs. James Hall and little sor 4 turned to their home here Satmi following a two weeks visit w sister, Lucille Walters, of Magna, i Miss Irva Ray, of Ogden, 4 Sunday here with her parent v and Mrs. Joseph Ray. Mr. and Mrs. A. V,'. Ber'st4 j i had as their guests Thursday, FV Norberg, of Denver, Mr. and Adam Brenkman and Mrs. Geo? f Bradshaw of Tremonton. l"T Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams i children visited with relatives i Mantua and Brigham, Sunday. Mrs. Amelia Anderson and l.j Chris Peterson spent Sunday at sen land, the guests of Mrs. Emma Artf isr. bald. Mr. and Mrs. John Cranier! f Corinne, accompanied them. rM Wednesday evening Mrs. Earl J derson entertained at a chicken ner in nonor oi nimery Nelson, just recently was released from Bushnell hospital and will soon lei for active service. Covers were pla tski I jj'icti for twelve. 'en" I; Thursday, pressure cookers tested at the school kitchen. Hi f Waldron, president of the Relief! i f ciety, was in charge. eft Tuesday evening the following men attended a meeting on "C: mil I of Foods" at the high school ill ?ar Anderson, Gunda Bergstrora, l4 51ha Clark; Fossie Nelson, Rosetta a son, Hazel Waldron, Verna ;al Leda Burton, Laura Ray and if I Newman. tip Mr. and Mrs. James Wise and and Mrs. Merlin Larson spent tlhe al days last week in Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Audi mi had as dinner guests Sunday, and Mrs. Reed J. Wight and ctiii m pay Mrs. Iona Coombs and children. Billie and pry Bernice Anderson Hstiei son, who is employed at Salt City. Mrs. Wanda tAdams and the f 'f!c club Erirls. 3rd year, went to j aess evei Crystal Springs Wednesday swimaf of so or an right hour Following a delicious luncheon was served 8 girls. j 3ecai Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Bailey? ;e wo at Pocatello, Idaho, are visiting busy home of Mr. and Mrs. Bard Bi :'aiyt j-- j s hp G bi The Axis Stops at Nothing;. Don't stop your War Bond Payrc'l F?v!"! rt 10. Every soWf r is a ifK pcrccnier. V .i yourself. ig-c.- c ot Hug 1 'Oh h wj 15 No -- Hue :ini W .av( A.- C After - bad. Mi i - - (Concluded On Page Seven) 5 been .;': bew Y01 3, J. MetcairtCtottLoft Shady Valley fom M MB3 MBS MBS MBS 8.-1- :30 h:30 8:00 Stanley 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:l& 10:1S 10:30 10:45 21 :00 12:00 12:00 1:00 1:00 MBS MBS MBa MBS Reviewing SumaM BoaKe Carter, MBS MBS MBS MB3 MBS 2:00 ;SS-MB8-- ; ITkii f A "all Lutheran Hour MBS MBS JMN Brazilian On tne H0. 5:00-M- 1 6:00-M- Myf-er- ai.fornia 8.00 Slncm- MB3 - Vinent MBS :30 Shertoc MB M 1 mbs Fie"' ,? MH-H- M K I " ff. Jtr, , .sat, Pol tl 'SO in Very ant nC, 10..-MH-- cr,,! , ; to hu iefced r (SoOl tji 8 8 30 MBS aturt t a tnMHS Tonient n nn uuuOanriei Ktiltoo :00-M- B3 ,.ao J-r- ; P. ,frl) (Widieri g oo ll T: Wed) ren. - MBS :au ,9u 1,, JUino"' M Ke- BS BS 7 30 i l AH-- 1 u, 0, 9:30 7.30-M- J f jrMoB. Confident.-();15MB3 ..n.. m.- - a. tier B :o MB3 lane a 7 t , ff.f , t J" i'"'"' MB3-Am- encan 6:1 shad ' y Ca; i'eai (f , MBS MBS a "Jit," b uM ' BS aboi ;"5ed ,soc) M 5:30 6:30 so. 3 i CI!- - BS 4 j frrt (f ji-- Jf American Vo.ee MBS ulton 5 Ha (Jj Bulletin Boj Orumm ildo. ( do $ , rW, H.-n 5:00 i " Waiter Comptoo MBS-Bu- m H et4,!f,!; 3:00-MB3- -Nary 3:30 ;djCi j'Wll Elmer Davu Cheerup 0n BS 'be ' Arthur -oun 2:30-MB.- 2:30 3:00 ! CMa'" Moot News The Pticrlra Cedrie Foster 1MN M iTdlm My B i ilhy Gaetfl. ne wi to letter! too ! ' Party i y Artour MBS MBS 2 00 Dixon. a Hay Keadi W Mary Lee raywr 1MN 5; ewhi MBS Army-Nav- studio. , '7. 9:00 1:30 I rtainoow UouM Billy Kepaid. Ge, "'"'nn'of or, or e ' ,i |