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Show Page BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Eiht Jul y i. Maritime Asks For Men In All Branches Of Service NOW UNDER MANAGEMENT OF Sari Ma rfole COMPLETE LUBRICATION SERVICE sr. been transferred to Colorado. H is the son of Mrs. Frank Muir, formerly of Thatcher. NEWS FROM OUR BOYS IN SERVICE Second Lieutenant Keith Elden Rohde, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Rohde, of Tremonton, has come pleted the Pilot course at Hobbs Army Air Field, Hobbs, New Mexico, according to the announcement of Colonel Joseph P. Bailey, commanding officer at Hobbs Field. Keith was commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant and received his pilot's wings at Roswoll Field, New Mexico on April 12, 1943. Transition-Four-Engin- Mrs. Nels Nelsen received word that her nephew, Private Allen an-toni- o, married recently to Miss Alice Hall of Long Beach, California. Private Blain ha3 since Blain was Pfc. Lee Stenquist, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leander Stenquist, spent five days at home the past week visiting with his relatives. Pfc. Stenquist has recently graduated as a meterologist from the school at Grand Rapids, Michigan, and has been transferred to West Palm Beach, Florida,, where he was to act as weather observer. A letter received this week from him, however, said that he expected to be shipped out in the near future and would no doubt go overseas. Orpheum Friday and Saturday , ILONA MASSEY in "New Wine" COMEDY - WESTERN "Calaboose" Cpl. Ivan D. Barfuss is visiting at home, on a two weeks furlough. Cpl. Barfuss is the son of Mr. and Sun. - Man. - Tues. - Wed. ROSALIND RUSSELL and FRED MacMURRAY In Mrs. Charles Barfuss. He has been located at Camp White in Oregon. 'Flight for Freedom' Wayne Beebe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schenkel, was home recently on his first leave since enlisting in the service. Wayne has been away from home for nearly a year, having taken training in a camp in California and is now located in an aviation school in La Grand, Oregon. He says that he is very interested in his work and likes it fine. Next Thursday, Friday, Sat 'Young and Willing g Lieutenant Willard R. Larson, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Larson, of East Garland, is home for a short visit He received his wings and commission at Foster Field, Texas, June 26th. He expecU to leave Sunday for Dale Mabry Field, Florida, an operational unit for attack and pursuit planes. Enroute home, Lt. , Larson visited with his cousin and family, John W. Larson Jr., who is engineer in charge of designing at the large, new Consolidated Bomber riant at Ft Worth, Texas. Lieut. Larson received his B. S. degree from the U. S. A. C. in June, 1942, and left for San Texas in September. This is his first return visit home. "Northwest Rangers" can i In Imai Mr. and Mrs. Park Stumm were delighted to have their son, Pvt. Glenn Stumm call them for Father's Day. They report that Pvt. Stumm who is located at Camp Claiborne, Louisianna, has completed his thirteen weeks basic training and taken his examination, has his drivers permit and has already driven ton and 8 ton trucks, and the real thrill came when he took a ride in a tank. He is a mechanic in the Ordinance Division. Ether Westmoreland, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Westmoreland, leaves Salt Lake Sunday morning at 9 a. m. for his first training in the U. S. Merchant Marines, having enlisted about two weeks ago. Ether has just completed 3J years of service in the mission field for the L. D. S. Church. He filled a two year mission in Texas and upon his release was assigned to South Carolina, where he presided over the Rock Hill Branch of the church for 18 months. He enlisted soon after returning home and received his call Wednesday, this week. 9 ipDnaffft G "Buy For Cash And Pay Less" Cowboy Boots Log Just received a new shipment O.P.A. REVERSES Rubb er Bo 018 For Irrigating Season STORM KING or KNEE BOOTS 0 Tough IuT - Durable won 5iioe Heavy Composition Soles pair Sizes 7 to 10 Gephart Stores Co. "Buy For Cash And Pay Less" emergency should communicate at once with the U. S. Maritime Service, 610 Denham Building, in Denver, Colorado, or 433 Utah Oil Building in Salt Lake City. Those wishing to apply in person may do so and they should take with, them two certified copies of their bicth certificates, each copy bearing the seal of the issuing authority. Those men who are unable to supply a birth certificate may communicate with either office for information pertaining to satisfactory evidence of their birth and citizenship. Men under 21 years of age should write for parent's consent forms to be executed by parents before making application. 8 Mrs. D. E. Adams entertained Saturday at a party in Brigham Canyon in honor of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle J. Adams and family, of Burbank, California, who are visiting in the valley. RULING ON USED TIRES AND RECAPS Motorist Must Show Cars Used For Essential Purposes The severity of the present tire shortage was brought home to motorists all over America by the OP A announcement that "A" ration book holders are not eligible to buy even used tires and recaps unless they can show that they use their cars for occupational or other essential purposes, F. M. Christensen, chairman of the local war price and rationing board, said today. Stating that this drastic restriction on the issuance of grade IH cars will tires for 90 days, at least for last probably the local chairman pointed out that the new policy made necessary by the extremely stringent tire supply situation is a complete reversal of previous OPA policy to allow such tires to every car owner, regardless of the use to which it was put Coupling his announcement with an appeal to motorists to observe tire conservation measures strictly, the chairman emphasized that reducing speed to a minimum, even below the limit, is most important now. He said, "With hot weatheV such as we have now, unless conservation measures are strictly adhered to, many cars in this area may be forced off the road, because there are insufficient replacements for those that fail." Car owners were also advised to have their present tires recapped as soon as they are smooth. .! In addition to showing that the car is used for essential purposes, a motorist with an "A" ration, allowing 240 miles per month, must show that he has formed a club where this is possible, or that there is no alternate public transportation available to him, the chairman said. Eligibility of drivers with monthly mileage rations in excess of 240, who get new tires when they need replacements, as well as the regulation covering purchase of inner tubes and allowing any motorist to have his tires recapped without board certification, are not disturbed by the present change, the chairman indicated. The changes affect only eligibility of "A" book holders to buy used and recapped tires known as grade LIBERTY al Friday and J&t Th Axis stops Don't stop (l 7 ' at Mffaig at 10. .V. for ffdom'i Sok Vflf Saturday""""""" "She Has What It Takes" "Wild Horse Stampede" 1 Sunday - Monday . Tuesday JOILV PAYNE, ALICE and JACK OAKIE Fv in 'Hello, Frisco, Hello' Wednesday and Thiii""" RETURN ENGAGEMENT as $10,085.00. r At Regular Mr. and Mrs. John S. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jones and daughter, of Salt Lake City, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Brough. Admission "Reap The Wild Wind" To Our Friends We wish to express our appreciation your loyal support and patronage since have been in business in Tremonton. for we! We have enjoyed the friendships we have made, and it has been a real pleasure to serve you. ... We wish to recommend to you the Ken Slusser Co. whom we know will continue to serve you well. Mr. and Mrs. DeLoss A, Harris, of Los Angeles, announce the ar- Yours Sincerely, - rival of Edward Michael, born June 21 at Good Samaritan Hospital, in Los Angeles. Mrs. Harris was formerly Miss Mary Fridal of this city. MR. AND MRS. E. A. PETERS , - PETERS' VARIETY STORE Change of Owners hip Open for Business i Buy War Thursday Stamps With Your Savings July 1st We have this week purchased the stock and fixtures of the Peters' Variety Store of Tremonton. We are going to remodel the store and add several new departments. . . . We are closing out many Odds and Ends at very low prices; also reducing prices on many wanted items. fourth r blades Sly wallpaper We are closing out the wall patterns . Your favorite brand is here . . m& TUMBLERS tea COU Fine Fire Polished STEEL WOOL V 1 Glass large package . car-shari- 1 So interested in training for worthwhile careers at sea and for service to their country during the Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Rogers and family spent Tuesday in Salt Lake City. 35-mi- le New Shipment Men A very interesting program was heard at the meeting of the Blue Star Mothers last week, with mus--icnumbers consisting of a violin solo by D. B. Green, accompanied by his daughter, Joan; and a ladies trio, consisting of Mrs. Garland Mervin Holt and Puzey, Mrs. Mrs. L. J. Cummings, with Mrs. Adam Brenkman at the piano. Other numbers heard were Emma. Rae Anderson giving her oration on "Americanism," and a review of "Guadalcanal Diary," by Miss Ruth Johnson. Mrs. T. P. Meister read an original poem which she had dedicated to her son for his birthday. A final report of the bond sale, sponsored by the Blue Star Moth-- " ers as given by Mrs. James Walton, president, gave the total sales -- non-essent- ial aft The U. S. Maritime Service announced today the urgent need for men to enroll for training in all branches of the service. The Regional Public Relations officer has announced that quotas are open for enrollment into the Engine Department Deck Department Hospital Corps and Ships Clerk school. Radio school and Cooks and Bakers school. Men between the ages of 17 years and 6 months and 35 years may volunteer for enrollment in the department of their preference. Also, it was announced that physical standards have been substantially reduced and that men up to 60 years of age may volunteer for service in the Merchant Marine as messmen. - is- BLUE STAtt MOTHERS MEET Lot GLASSWARE his 0i A w lam ,aC'1 Limit 6 to a Customer TT JJoIS( Values up to 25c See Our rent Til, CLOSE OUT FLY SWATS MORE TABLES Unbelievable Values leu Slusser WAR BONDS Co. (Successors to Peters' Variety Store) TREMONTON, UTAH if BOHijS V |