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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Page Four July l, AMERICAN HEROES Local and Social Items BY LEFF SCENE OF REUNION Members of the family of Mrs. George M. Potter met at the home of Mrs. LtRoy Bunnell Saturday for a reunion, and a visit with one e, of her grandsons, Pfc. Harold a wno is enjoying furlough. Those present were Mrs. Potter and Carol Braithwaite of Nephi, Mr. and Mrs. John Argyle and Pfc Argyle of Blackfoot, and the family of the host and hostess. '' J. S. S. CLUB ENTERTAINED Mrs. Golden Harris was hostess Wednesday to the ladies of the G. S. S. club and a few guests at her home. Mrs. Royal Gunnell and Mrs. Londy Harris were special guests for the evening. A discussion of the book, "Gospel Standards," was given by Mrs. Robert Anderson, and the rest of the evening was spent in needlework. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. Ar-gyl- SISTERS VISIT WITH MRS. FANK DALTON Dal-to- IS t' 7 f Hr--- Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Shaw left Saturday for Portland, Oregon, where they plan to visit for a short time with their children living there. The Distinguished Service Cross haa been awarded Staff Sgt. Doyle gun and Kimmcry of Huntington, Texas, for manning a enemy planes during the Jap attack returning the fire of on Hickam Field. When his ammunition wa gone he ran from the cover of his truck to get more, and kept firing until the truck wm bombed. lie showed bravery beyond th rail of duty. Figure out for how much yon can invest in War Savings beyoiid w. hat you your'-!ere ua, now. t - r TmUM 1 ;, 'I ; it?) roriY 'Bf PARTY HONORS BIRTHDAY OF PETER MARBLE Carolyn Jensen is visiting this week in Henifer with relatives. The families of Leon Kerr, Earl Marble and Wayne Sandall attended the party at Box Elder Canyon last Saturday, honoring the birthday of their father, N. Peter Marble. Ration Reminders GASOLINE "A" coupons No. 6, good for four gallons each. Application blanks for renewal of "A' 'books are now available at service stations. MRS. SUMMERS ENTERTAINS CLUB The members of the Thursday Bridge club were graciously entertained last week by Mrs. Reg Summers. Mrs. Londy Harris was a special guest of the hostess for the evening. A delicious luncheon was fojlowed by the game with prizes for play going to Mrs. William Storrer, Mrs. Quentin Allen, and Mrs. Aarl Bennett. THCRKTON SUGAR Coupon No. 13 good 15. Coupons No. 15 and No. 16 are good through October 31 for five pounds each for home canning purposes. Housewives may apply to their local ration boards for more if necessary. COFFEE Stamp No. 21 becomes valid for one pound July 1, and expires July 21. FRIENDS OF DORENE WHITE ENTERTAINED AT iMRTHDAY PARTY SHOES Stamp No. 18 (one pair) is valid through October Saturday being the 10th birth- day of Dorene White, a group of twelve friends enjoyed a party 31. MEATS, ETC. (Red Stamps) Stamps J, K, L, M,N expire given by her mother, Mrs. Z. V. White in honor of the occasion. Games and luncheon were enjoyed during tre day. June 30. Stamp P became valid June 27 and Q becomes valid valid July 4. PROCESSED FOODS (Blue Stamps) Stamps K, L, M, continue good through July 7. Stamps N, P, and Q will be valid from July 1 to August 7, BIRTHDAY PARTY HELD FOR LEOLA KOFORD A birthday party was given at the home of Leola Koford, Wednesday evening. Games were played and refreshments served to 17 inclusive. MR. FARMER! Harvest time will soon be here. Prepare now for your needs, we have on hand a large stock of good quality Presidential Order Extends Land Bank -- President Roosevelt signed the the time in which Land Bank Commissioner loans can be made to July 1, 1945, according to Harry Drew, secretary-treasurof the Tremonton Group office of National Farm Loan Associations. He pointed out that the Department of Agriculture recommended the extension of Commissioner loans because it will assist tenants and former farm owners to purchase family type farms on a long time amortization basis, since loans up to seventy-fiv- e per cent of the normal agricultural value of the farm may be made. Commissioner funds supplement loans made by the Federal Land Banks on first mortgages in many cases, and applications for both types of loans will be taken as in the past by National Farm Loan Association offices. Commissioner loans have been very popular with farmers in California, Utah, Nevada and Arizona, and in the past ten years they aggregated Almost half of the loans were made in 1934 when loans closed reached $41,763,100. According to Mr. Drew, outstanding Commissioner loans to June 30, 1942 total $375,000.00 in Tremonton Group office in Box Elder county. CHATTERER FRIGHTENS SAMMY JAY pHATTERER, THE RED SQUIR- REL was tickled mightily with himself yes, sir, he was tickled mightily with himself. You see, he had found a way of getting into Farmer Brown's corncrib where was stored so much beautiful yellow corn that it seemed to him that there was enough for all the squirrels in the world. All he had to do was to go up to Farmer Brown's dooryard very early in the morning, before Farmer Brown's Boy was up, climb the tree with the branch hanging low over the corncrib, drop down !onxthe roof and slip through the hole he had found close under one edge of the roof. Now the more some people have the more they want. It is the very worst kind of selfishness and is called greediness. Chatterer had found a way to get all the corn he wanted without working for it, and there was enough to feed him as long as he lived, though he should live to be a hundred years old. To be sure, it wasn't his. It was Farmer Brown's. But Chatterer looked on Farmer Brown and Farmer Brown's Boy as his enemies, and he could see nothing wrong in tak-- , ing things from his enemies. Per- haps he didn't want to see anything wrong. s After Chatterer had made a few Cliff Beard, who was injured f successful trips to the corncrib, he in a fall recently, is now able to look to own. his He as it upon began move about a little with the aid would sometimes hide in the old of a crutch. He is hoping to be stone wall, where he could watch able to get back to work soon. Farmer Brown's Boy open the door of the corncrib and fill a basket with yellow ears to feed to the hens Miss Irene Holland, who is emand the pigs and the horses. At ployed in Ogden, is spending her such times Chatterer would work vacation with her parents, Mr. himself into a great rage, as if and Mrs. Joseph Holland. Farmer Brown's Boy was stealing from him. But there was nothing he could do about it, so he would go back to the Old Orchard and scold for an hour. But what made him still angrier was to see Sammy Jay help himself to a few grains of corn from between the cracks in the walls of the corncrib. He forgot how Sammy had first told him about the corncrib, and how Sammy had warned him about Shadow the Weasel. That is the trouble with greed- -it forgets everything 'but the desire to have and to keep others WANTED TO RENT OR BUY from having. Chatterer didn't say Modern five or six room house. Two adults (or couple). Address anything to Sammy Jay, because he knew it would be of no use. BeM. W. Moore, Leader Office. sides, if he did, Sammy mieht find tf him over in the corncrib some day and make such a fuss that Farmer CASH for live poultry. H. A, Gam, Brown's Boy would find him. 435 N. 2nd W., Brigham. Phone 698. 12-- n Finally, Chatterer thought of tf pian ana chuckled wickedly. The SELL next morning he was over in the your dead and useless horses and cattle to White's Trout Farm corncrib bright and early. This and receive more money. Phone, time he stayed there until it was time for Sammy Jay to arrive. Peep collect Hyrum ing oui oi me noie oy which he came FOR SALE Wiener pigs and broodana went, he saw Sammy come fly. er sows. C. G. Eldredge. Phone irom the Old Orchard. Sammy ing mane no noise, lor, you see, Sammy t3c meant to steal, too. Presently SamBay gilding, 3 years old, my found a crack against whith an LOST ear of corn lay very close. He beweigmng about 1000 lbs., roached mane, one crooked hind foot. gan to peck at it and pick out the grains. Chatterer stole over to it, Notify Sheriffs office, Brigham. taking the greatest care not to make t2c a sound. Presently Sammy's black WANTED bill came poking through the crack. Someone to clean my Chatterer seized it and held on. apaituit-n- i Saturday mornings, 3 nours work. Good wages. Poor Sammy Jayf Me was terri-blMary E, Burns, West Apartment Theurer frightened. He thought that it was some kind of a trap. He beat Bldg., Phone 58.a-l- . 4 t2p his wings and tried to scream but FOR SALE couldn't because he couldn't learipr his mouth. Then Chatterer Jetopen Good condition. Rcnsnnnhio tM.. go so suddenly that Sammy almost fell Korth, phone 76.a-l- . 7.1 tip to the ground before hp his balance. He didn't wait to see FOR SALE 1937 Ford 1.rlrwr Cn $450. Can be seen Saturday. E. what had caught him. He started A. Peters. for the Green Forest as fast as his tip wings could take him. and as he WANTED Used baby walker. went he screamed with fright and Charles McNeely, Bothwell anger. Chatterer chuckled and his chuckle was a very wicked-sount2p . ing chuckle. HAVE BUYERS for good I guess," said farm, Chatterer, "that Irrigated or dry. List with: Sammy Jay will leave my corn James Brough, Realtor. Tremonalone after this." ton, Utah. xt j Classified AdColumn 6-- BINDING TWINE O During The Slaying Season Avoid Those Costly Delays sure your derrick cables are in Good Condition We Have a New Stock of ll-R.- 2, 74-0-2- 10-1-- 43 . 6-- 24 6-- y Hay Slacking Cable farmers' Cash Union "Your Good Will Our Best Asset" Phone 35 Tremonton 12-fo- ot Sheet Metal Work o EWER PLUMBING & HEATING Phone Mrs. Lester Barnes returned recently from a two" weeks visit in California with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Kirkham and daughter Sally and son Ronny are visiting in Ephraim, Utah while on vacation. 4 Mrs. A. L. Cook visited with her sister, Mrs. Miller, at Farmington. and Mrs. John Shearer. Mrs. CJeorge Larsen, of Rexburg, Idaho, and Mrs. Floyd Kenison, of Dillon, Montana, left Friday evening after spending several days with their sister, Mrs. Brig Williams. Mrs. Heber G. Koford was a Christensen guest at the Wallace home here last week. She is spending some time in Firth, ho, before joining her husband is at Fort Ord in California. ilihi.iwmj njjjfsrwvmj 1 now Idawho mjgamnj.a, A7 I I y Hor-to-n Mrs. C. M. Hacking and two daughters, of Thornton, Idaho, were guests of Mrs. Lamoine Cowley during the week, as they were making a short trip to Salt Lake. and Mrs. William Hornsby, of Albuquerque, New Mexico, are visiting here with her parents, Mr. I gjm.jM.jw Tremonton itj Mr. a 126 (UP whiz OM BANG! America zz-- z brates her Independence crackers from dawn to midnight ature war . . . . . . cele- with fire- like a mini- with Tommy getting "wounded" from a stray spark.. . . .with "Where you going over the 4th?" sung for weeks ahead and . . . highways jammed with cars full of excited kids and squealing babies and bananas and chocolate cake . . . and America at peace celebrates her Independence. JULY 4, 1913- - . . . and America is at war defending that Independence. .No more firecrackers, kids Uncle ... Sam needs all the gunpowder he can . get the roads look pretty empty gotta save our tires and gas for the duration Tommy home today soldier.. . .. - . . . funny without seems so young to be a A different sort of Fourth this year? It's different all right, but it really means something. Americans at war celebrate Independence Day only instead of taking a holiday we're fighting all the harder. We know what we're fighting for. And we know there can be only one ending Independence! yj ri 7-- d We Also Do ter, Mrs. Garland Puzey and family last Saturday. $84,-904,5- . ' o and Mrs. J. M. Bezzant, of Magna, visited with their daugh- er " Repairing Mr. bill extending I and Kennedy Seager and children visited Tuesday and Wednesday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Seager. Commissioner Loans time for Furnace Cleaning Another such class with leaders was conducted Monday of this week with LeRoy Bunnell and Mrs. Shurtz in charge. &UR02SS i is the sion. W, ; for five pounds through August , fub-iuarlii- ved. Mrs. H. G. Waples and children, of Riverside, California, are visiting in Tremonton with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Watland, and other relatives. r&4 g n. MRS. SCHAFFER ENTERTAINS AT DINNER Mrs. J. M. Schaffer had as dinner guests last Thursday, Lt Ted Sorenson, who has just returned from his second six months of active service in the Aleutian Islands, Miss June Stocks and Mrs. Maxine Dockum, of Bountiful. , 7 VISITING TEACHERS ENTERTAINED Honoring the visiting teachers of the Second Ward Relief Society, a social was held Tuesday afternoon in their rooms. In charge of were Mrs. Tekla arrangements Gertrude Iver-soand Mrs. Stenquist They were assisted by Mrs. Fredonia Dixon. A program was given and refreshments were ser- n Five sisters of Mrs. Frank with weekend her, spent last as they do each year during the month of June, that being the birthday of Mrs. Dalton. Those present were Mrs. Stella Davis, Mrs. Cora Boothe, Mrs. C. R. Harmon and Mrs. L. J. Durrant of Provo, and Mrs. R. F. Hughes of Spanish Fork. J NOW! The canning centers at the Bear River high school and the Garland Ward kitchen began work this week to those groups already signed up for that service. Mrs. V. D. Bishop and Mrs. Fanny Hall are in charge of the Garland center while Mrs. Bertha Clark and Mrs. Fielding Barjow are handling the high school center. If other women desire to do canning at either of these centers they should make appointments by calling Mrs. V. D. Bishop, telephone No. 144.J on Bell telephone. All members of the canning class will be required to furnish their own dish towels and aprons. Canning Instruction Given Detailed instructions were given last week to all the canning center leaders of the Bear River Valley, by Mrs. Nettie B. Lund and Mrs. Oenta K. Shurtz. The importance of food preservation, care of the pressure cooker and sealers, and methods of canning vegetables were the main topics of discus- friends. BUNNELL. HOME Be Canning Centers Prove Popular 1943 Cowley' s v -8 ,,, l"1 |