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Show ESAJl" iih3 iscGirr r iin VALLEY LEADERi "Northwest Passage" Coming to Urpneum, Notice for Admission iA To LADIES! You'll Enjoy the State Tuber- ROYALTY INSPECTS TIUCTORPLANT j Starting Sun., April 7 culosis Sanitorium Cowling, too! ld0 TOUBSPk APRIL Bren-na- n lUtrrt Young and Walter To a!l persona who wish to apply with Tracy Trio Form Adventure for admission to the State TubercuRoberta' Kenneth that losis Sanitorium. it is urged Who Wrested an Pioneers of be made immediately. Also, Story Indians and the the vc innrrtatff1 if anvone who Tmir from i, V,U.V. lt .,.1,1,1 t"" has knowledge of a person, wno m "- .,,.. is eligible for admission, his .ODinion . r u: ontireiv in lecnwcuiui uu would Inlorcn sucn person ui ardu0U3 Md iae ihwdi. t, ing , v.,.,.r nttemnted by a motion pic, 'He necessary bijui.""" V i n,H Psage should be obtained from the county tare company -; clerk cf the county in whicn the pros- - tegms us un. FrancU TrauttimuuiMlorff, Archdukes FelU "inese a is resident, ujwu orptieura (Left to Right: Count active patient tractor on the assembly Am and Otto of Austria, inspect an unfinished forms are to be filled out In duplicate of tne picture star Tractor Co.) The Court. Tracy, of District his Spencer Caterpillar and filed with liiie In the huge plnt Brennan and natienfs credentials will then be in Robert Young, Walter ether Hollywood acorder and a district court hearing will several hundred in the wilds of Archweeks Two them be had to determine the appu-rant- a tors spent six back- colorful the nhtain tn r.i..v to the Cater-pilla- r eligibility for admission m grounds which figure prominently sanatorium. State Tuberculosis g . v,Qf th rr,v,pr-ts- ' - novel. 13 Plant TOO law IOr aunussiu" MUVlun mm se- ct,Qn ,a made hv th.r with the exception of a few early ..r.. entire prothe story. Interested in American inrin- cpatient or may be made by the parent, ouences of The Ogden District of the Utah me m ouwwi was made ' of famous Archdukes of the House two is UUV friends incompe or any association Economics guardian State Home location. . this of baiur-dayduring Hapsburg, Otto and Felix of a tent patient." to hold its annual meeting on are leisurely strolled through the Epic of Adventure tria, Plans April 13, in Ogden. most afIllinois, plant of Caterpillar Peoria. and old. can enjoy. The picture is heralded as the for morning being completed film ever Co. on Easter Eve. They sat adventure an Tractor nf Utah R. the ternoon business sessions at It's healthful, it helps keep your waistline slim and it s a lot believed to furnish both Power & Light auditorium and tor a at the controls of Diesel tractors, as11-1- 2 is and ed Of fun, too; Mop in .sonic anauwii wvn cnnWr Tracv and Walter Brennan, noon luncheon at the Hotel Ben Lo- ked a thousand questions as to the me. chanics of the machines, and minutely e ; tUrt, Academy Award winners for mond. : . Medicine liow, ,r the long assembly lines. of the year. roits nprformanCe3 to Mrs. Hazel McCarty, inspected "The Virginian, a for line According pre-ththeir of setting Archduke Otto, eldest son of aw any .tdutance which Only committee chairman for the morning j last ruler of will be presented by the dra-- 1 beit was ractemat Yng I, line matics and debating class of the Bear receives the greatest opportunity of v,Qofmr three outstanding speakers tor tne mo, wnicn inclirf. naw spokesman to 11 and present are being contacted River High School on April INSTRUCTION FREE WHEN REQUESTED ed his younger brother, Archduke ft. his career and Hollywood is predicting in the fields of home decoratrends 12 in the school auditorium, at 8:15 the young for and their secretary, Count stardom lix immediate and preservabe used tor tion, food preparation f. The three were enroute, p. m. The proceeds will of his work. result as the will player fortion, and textiles. The speakers interviews with go?, numerous trips to be taken by the debate squad. physical after chronicling The story, be announced at an early date. as The play is a western classic wun in Washington, leadersc before surpassed never I eminent titude R Y. WESTMORELAND. Proprietor a lot of excitement. Every scene of screen fare, is of a band of Rogers' Mrs. Nettie Lund, chairman cf the farm lands, which dupli. Iowa inspect the play is different. One scene is out to wipe out a committee arranging for the two cate the soils of their native Hungary set who Rangers the announces that plans especially good because it shows were to return to their home t of marauding Indians. Enroute o'clock session, to have all ag They within a month. s are back porch of the house on one half villageelude enemies, carry huge completed being Paris 'of the stage and a room from the they over a mountain top, crash their encies carrying on home economies and house on the other half, witn acuon hundreds of miles of programs in Weber, Box Elder, through way various m m urn:-:-ctheir both 1 I M" places. counties outline going on in swamps, cross a river torrent by form Davis two-gua is role The title nrnrrnras. crush the MA URINE COOK, Loral Correspondent Phone ing a human chain, and then attack. cowboy hero, guaranteed to Indians All homemakers, commercial home an in surprise amazing playfeminine home economics teacn all set The remainder cf the story involves prnnnmists. and en- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Richardson and ed by in informat;on Larson. His sweetheart, ' The Ladies Faculty clubntwerehierh interested are men who ers Lynn of the courageous Inco the famiiv . it ..... , nf Plain f!itv. Mr. and Mis. or the school teacher, Molly, is the struggles district vebuicu the meeting the iw.v,i,vtj and food pretty without ' n flifHo Merle Norr, Mr. and Mrs. Arch to make- their way, Mae should, Ralph association bool. Hoaiesses weie .rn v,.j Manning. Ethel Economics played by to safety and Home and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. CT.iis- - Thomas, another admirer cr juony a despite Indian attacks, Morris. Mrs. Andiew Heggie, Miss ntart Miss Ruth Peterson, chair time this is acnievea. the Sun-lashelter. the at By were June Stayner. tensen guests Rhoda Larsen and Miss e part 0f the villain. Chalk battered and man, Ogden District Home Economics Winters Butlue of Logan home of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Richard-- ! eve, a iriena omi member of Trampa' -- the men are r?hf . association, Weber College, Ogden. ' L. Stanfill. torn and the ranks badly depleted. son. iiwiewed the book. "What a Life." gang, is played by John Koles In Prominent who friend Honey, Chalkeye's devoted Hunt Stromberg, producer, sent Di- Munsingwear shorts, shirts, hosiery Mrs. Richard Cildrrwood is visit- - in alwavs in trouble, is being played Mrs. Ethan Neilson is visiting this CLIFF'S CLOTHIER Y Vidor to the Idaho locarector week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ing this week in Kaysville at the home by JamS Lai kin. Verle Waldron is tion to King colscenes the record against of Steve, a follower Mr. and Mrs. George nnrt nf her ,,! - . narents jhA v.. "Walt Smith, of Salt Lake. " fLj.riiife t Rolling, cleaning, grinding. Stohl's. tne neim.-- , orful country never before photograph Scoffield. Nchraskie, of Trampa's. are trio the with leading cd. Featured and cowardly man, is played by Jack Ruth Mr. and Mrs. Dan Briggs were the and Nat Pendleton, with Hussey All kinds seeds. Stohl's Warehouse. aris this' nf the tell portrayed week Mr. Hughey Reports Anderson. characterizations fillgtiests Sunday at Springville at the other prominent at by Evan Jensen, and Mrs. Hughey by home of Mrs, Briggs' sister, Mrs. rival of a daughter, Maich 29th, Hector. Robeit Barrat, - the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reeves, Irma Busenbark. The pait of Mr. ed by Louis mothMrs. Grosbeck. Briggs' How long will it last? Donald McBride, IsaMaxhje Hare, Lumsden with of Brigham City. Mrs. Reeves will be Addison Walton, Mim it . mis, viin bel Jewell, Douglas Tcom-ethem to her home in Springville after remembered as Laon Spencer Riqhards, Hugh Sothern, Regis Open ApriVs months. four The (ir here Matthews, Lester "Caterpillor" Dlsic! Trod', virtttlng Montagu Love, Dr. Wra. EU Hawkins left Thurstver built it still working on reguis' who others and3000 Nature: Mother Truman dear Bradley schedul logging " ,hB S'ero NryaJa in company with his son, John My nnrtrav Ransrers, Indians, British sol --- Get Mrs. Ernest Cornwall was honored day, Will you do quickly, fiejt mountains, me ursi for California, of Hawkins, Logan, drawn told for farming i likewise urning oi diers andthe other characters .Sunday at a birthday dinner at her where he will visit with relatives in A number of favors ? Bros. n;or its regular duties for Schuder from Roberts' novel. hoine. To case and help me guests were Mrs. PORTER-WALTO- N Oakland, and Stockton. Woodland, California. Cornwall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. WilI have a large number From the standpoint of hours many and liam Harris, of Portage. Thirty memtheir Taylor is played by Jay Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Woodward and "Mountain.. Of kiddies on hand. "Caterpillar" Diesel owners report bers' of ,the family were present. his wife by Eugenia Rogers, juuge tractors have worked 15, 20, and even Mr. and Mrs. Leland Crystal visited Who are eager to skip 30 thousand hours and are ttill go'3 in Ogden. Henry,. whose cattle the rustlers steai, Their way through the land. Calderwood has been a Thursday evening is played by Blaine Hickman. Lyle strong. this querist guest this week at the home of Mr, Johnson is the judge's cmei cownauu. Glen was hostess to I need some fleecy clouds, Drop in and we'll answer Howard Mrs. Ounce the and Larkin By David blue. are of more and Mra. E. D. Lynch, of Ogden. cowhands fully. shades in Other Wrapped the G. S. S. Bridge club at her home what Mich Fukin. Joe the bartender, is By the Pound- or Friday. Prizes were won by Mrs. This is precisely ao: This is the fifth in a series discussing Sttffin. Conrad to the want by Veda Woodward remember whin I Mrs. you Package played Miller, By Ralph important points to are by played a at party Guests tractor. and Mrs. Dave Stander. leUcting o Awaken the flowers Cleo Costley, Phyllis Cullimore, CamAT anu naps. From their wintry mile Bourne. Elizabeth Austin, INTERMOUNTALN Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Homer and TKEMOMOS, Ul.Ali Adorn each peeping duu AHms Hansen. Three old ladies who Larene Mrs. and daughter. Louise, caps. & Hamster With sweet perfumed like to gossip are played by Margaret Scott were Ogden visitors Tuesday. Friday and Saturday ana iviau Ruth Manning, Vodys Aiirea Shower some with dewdrops, Rnencer. rain. some with Tremonton, Utah Rnrinkle ' TVia Tviav HOW ij sfrirt v western anu Phone 110 - A. E. ROCimW Con Clothe them all in sunbeams; action and of comedv. laughter full ' YOU CAN Whiff them down the I ane. 4-- H Ji'iVWifc'iy'i'" rtiy mm minm ii mm Cluh especially action. It is adopted from the well known book "ine vngiman, I know that every child GEORGE O'liRIEN in A new educational contest on a na Will appreciate, by Owen Wister. tional basis is offered girls in The wonders in review, OF national the Titled foods projects. That peek at each date. Munsingwear shorts, sdiirts, hosiery it contest, demonstration foods CLIFF'S CLOTIIIEKY dairy do to encourage the use and All thirty children la desle-neBehave as a rule, appreciation of dairy products in the Velvon seed barley. Stohl's Warehouse or con Tues. Mori. Among them all there is Sun. homes and among all classes Just one little fool! sumers. in By Charlotte Paik un two SPENCER TRACY Girls will work in teams of and leaders club of direction tier the 5 will be county agents in developing their dem 11 J,ivti.io. ctato winners " to to the Na must n warded cmstratlons. which pertain trips some rhase of the preparation of milk tlonal Dairy Show. Harrisburg, Pa. where they will com milk drinks, dishes such as custards rvtnhcr TO MAKE YOUR HOME IN TECHNICOLOR cream and cheese ple3, cream puffs, r.ni fnr national honors. Members MORE LIVABLE salads and ethers that emphasize tne comprising the highest ranking teams (Filmed In Idaho) into your home with sunlight Bring use of milk and other dairy products. in each of the four extension sections hricht. cheerv wallpaper. See our The State Extension Service will pro- will receive gold wrist watchthe complete selection low prices! Thursday Wednesday vide information and suggestions for es provided by the Kraft Cheese ComHANGING PAFER EXPERT MATERIAL carrying on the contest. pany of Chicago will all other awards. The two highest rating teams in- Further Information and regulations E. Tremonton - Inquire Th. 64a-1- 5 each county will receive gold and sll- may be obtained from extension ag You Need! I IIVINO R.00M ents. ThriU-Pack- ed yo: ; , am ; mi, "; ; i Ann Famous dukes Inspect Tractor Ogden District Home Association Meeting Scheduled for April best-sellin- . i j;o; A 1 ortost " Classes to Present "Virginian" Apr. R - LADIES' SPECIAL two-tim- I , Wa Thursdays Other Days iy a at ( vu Austria-Hungar- ! 0: r' Is S 'fit i jj Is I :M Aft ' flP! is t i ' urn J? y, st fro ubs Tremonton Billiard & Bowling Ti to UK seed whale-hnnt- , Local and Social Items I n. I Mir big-heart- ed llll: G0-a- -2 r, hearts-aflutte- Till1 i Evil 1 . - Kicti-ardso- ! half-starve- ll v Tue Hie is 'as i m . ir, ver d, when you jcal ..... raitr vin,, Letter tu: hay : TRACTOR: c 01 'jidi . ; ct ice ich "od1 I m bili i ier m jfirt I PLANTING TIME y, s ':4c .tii '.Ul Your Out-of-tow- n Grown" TESTED SEEDS 0 1 'Bra - OrpheumTheatre COWLE "OH, JOHNNY, LOVE" New Dairy Foods test for . C 'IK In m Sill "ers. h ".Xl 1 BUILDING a NEW HOME? 4-- H THE "LEGION LAWLESS" REPAIR 111 Girls I Tractor 3 M ;ad 4-- H 1 d NEW "NORTHWEST V PASSAGE" 12-1- We Have QUALITY el GREEN HELL" JESS GARFIELD GONE WITH THE WIND TfcU production will not b price hown wiywhere except Wist until . . . T II mt KELVINATOR dvMced 10 a. m. - 2 p. m. - 8 p. m. ADMISSION Wwk Day Mauncc 2 p. m. - - We have a complete assortment of In bulk or package 6 cu. ft. Look at the name 'Kelvinator5 Look at the price - - $114.50 .c . Evening and Sunday All Seats Reserved $1.12 p. m. MAIL ORDER SEATS WILL BE RESERVED Sunday, - 8 it HARDEN PI ANTING TI -23 Wek Day Each '0i EAT R SHOW STARTS constructive ideas as materials. M KKIGHAM CITY, UTAH APRIL lOVaft'O offer 1911 Look at the size 19-20-21-22- Poneti Yyrtf II We will be glad to E7T r . ; I TSShT ki i M tl I iTtTt.'.VUti fT SEE ,;P r:; QUALITY MERCHANDISE GLASS HARDWARE . . . COAL . . . AND CHINA WARE lT tiT Farmers' Cash "YOUR GOOD WILL OUR jj Phone 35 3 : SE Ui Union iccTrT" r0T |