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Show ii I I J WW WV EY TREMONTON CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, to irtunitf 1940 STEVENS) " m Door Qualifications for It Over Thinko r'""v Sugar Beet Program Given Information has been received from Washington to the effect that there will be no restrictions on beet acreage for 1940, so that beet growers can plant the acreage he desires, according to H. E. Larsen, chairman of the County A. C. A., in a letter sent to the beet growers. To qualify for payment under the 1940 Sugar Beet program, for each ace of beets produced, any one of the following will qualify: 1 One acre of alfalfa, or clover, or perennial grasses or mixture of same, ., Tn trie i"" must be maintained until after July ,,1 olfoT rail mfldp twe altar il"u 1, 1940. I Bible own hands and the 2 The seeding of one acre of clover ' he read. or perennial grasses. ESS- - is a tribute to Embury 3 Seeding of acre of alfa Methodism, yes, but in 1940.- alfa to Americanism. Rejected 4 under during 1940 one lire these early immigrants acre Plowing of good stand and growth of ' were a and York lti m New green manure crop. Win America's growth, 5 Applying during 1940, eight 4 on t have grown great of rmmigra-of animal manure. tons two and From a population 6 Applying during 1940 on land to we are Quarter million in 76, which sugar beets are planted for the . i DflUon of 130 million. Nationals 1940 175 lbs. of commercial harvest, or Jew, her Protestant, Catholic, (.43 phosphate per cent). the Poles, Slavs, Russians, the AH of the above must be on land " as Hun Greeks, Swede, h Italians, that is capable of growing sugar beets rans' Armenians, the Negroes For additional information the comconfhave J dozens of other peoples of county committeemen may munity to the uted their special talents be contacted. J 0PP in Old New York t br7 founded by 03 et1rnin Embury, the first V!f miniver in this country :odi, a band of German "SSained by John Wesley, je5.iinuwri- wpre kick' .id his brave iuwwnliand and Ire- their religious belief, and sought a haven here ' Yae Methodist Church m this -- cSy ; lSt's one-ha- lf : Jung Pot. In the foreign accents disappear. an ardent burns citizens new of its Immi-"jj- s Iition to a new fatherland. 1 of one generation become the of the next. jrs some quarters alarm has been Lssed at the numbers at our door. More thsrn 1650 farmers of Box Elour quotas have not been chang-Eac- h der our county have already indicated than enter fewer year our fe they expect to participate in the 1940 permit. We have not altered AAA farm program, reports H. E. It must secure a Larsen, chemnvan of the county Ag!,ese citizens-to-b- e and cur ricultural Conservation committee. 4 ledge of our language Sign-u- p meetings have been held :utions. They must cast off the the and program presented in all the I to their mother countries before in our country. communities to admitted voting citizenship. ft Farmers have until May 1 to ex( iom and opportunity are offered press their intentions of participating tvhange for loyalty to America. ( recent weeks, bills have been in the 1940 program by filling out and f nted in Congress restricting the signing a farm plan for their farms. Complete participation in the proj i'fts and rights cf these citizen3-As Jefferson said in condemn- - gram will make it possible for a farm the tyrannical Alien and Sedition er to earn: 1 A payment of 19 cents a bushel 'The friendless alien had indeed selected as the safest subject of on the normal yield of his wheat al;it experiment, hut the citizen lotment providing he plants within follow." his wheat allotment. This is divided prive a minority of their into conservation payment of nine cents a bushel and a parity payment l violation of the civil by the Bill of Rights. of 10 cents a bushel. 2. Special payments for carrying ' not violate a cardinal principle nation by submitting to tne out practices such as, ia created bv an exaggerated seeding legumes and grasses, cover-crops'Son. To do so would set a applying fertilizers, an erosion poor County Committees Set May Deadline To Sign Farm Plans : V liber-"irante- soil-buildi- control. these future Americans, 3 Payments on potatoes and comno today present nmMflrvi Vioita Ctrdf rf furor! mercial vegetables in potato and comboard and lodging nor assurance mercial vegetable counties. Potato as. Amenca offers the greatest counties are: Cache, Box Elder, Webil inducements OPPORTUNITY. er, Davis, Utah, Piute, Millard and Morgan. Commercial vegetable allotments have been made in Box Elder, x Elder Weber, Salt Lake, Davis and Utah counties. merators Cooperation also makes wheat loans and crop insurance available. According to an announcement by Farmers who expect to participate ljl R. Holmes, assistant suDervisor in the 1940 program are urged to com 1 8 census bureau, the following plete and sign a farm plan soon, since j'Muiora nave been named tor no conservation payments or wheat s Eider county, and their respec-- ( parity payments will be made on any assignments: farm for which a farm plan is not 'irk White, Willard; Byron Jepp- - completed by May 1. Every farmer inf "ry; wiitord W. Hailing, tending to participate in the 1940 proW. Anderson, Bear River gram should see his local AAA comi'Bemice Anderson, Corinne; Ray mitteeman at onoe, or call at the coun T'H Honeyville and Calls Fort; ty office, if he has not already done p? Ros9 Wheatley, Deweyville; so. A. Adams, East Garland, Last year 1602 farmers of Box ElnDamand collinston; Reginald der county participated in the 1939 I'aker, Elwood; Mrs. Karl Welling, Indications are that the and Fielding; Victor K. program. 1940 sign-u- p in the county will exI f Garland; Daniel W. Bradshaw, ceed that of a year ago. lionton; George Beal, Tremonton llJ0Utside Tremonton City); I prtage and Plymouth. " Gunne11, Howell, Booth atnd On Mission Promontory precincts; UT Pack- Snowville and Cen- mcts; Claude H. Stanford Fonnesbeck, son of Mrs. Pa'k Vallev. RosetteStaccy. nnd Marie Fqnnesbeck of Howell, has been le Precincts; Allen R. Tanner, called to fulfill a mission in the Cen.air Q uuin, ji,ina, etc. ; tral States. Me will enter the mission Clear Crec'k- Stanrod, home in Salt Lake April 15, the same VcSfi i0ltt B- Tlnytime as Jay Gunnell, who is to labor 1 ,Sen' Merle Rldd Grover-Mcin the Argentine mission. 7l Tn' Lcon s- Taggart With the departure of these tw Bock' Brl&ham. young men, Howell Ward will have started to work seven missionaries in the field. ;avUmerators ? bment,;1 WiU comPlete their 80011 M P3sible, to cov- Thursday, March 28, Mrs. Olena Homer entertained the Midland Camp of the Daughters of the Pioneers at the home of Mrs. W. VV. Whitney. After singing "Sunshine In the Soul," j Mrs. Ella Anderson gave the lesson, "The Indians and the Pioneers." Othby Olena S1114 y""? People er Indian stories were given Judith A. I tut Mr r 2 cordially invited Homer and Dora Erough. In Widh mith discuss famGreatest Strand sang "The v re!aon3 n;ff' Gale by AP accompanied the World," during the M, I, A. C r1' asa Tnr. Quinney. Delicious refreshments were 7: seived by the hostess, assisted by Verna Ann Homer and Bonnie Jem I'neoh. Whitney. Invited guests w.iv Ada Paskctt, llenrif, Dorothy Roae Ke:r and Judith Strand. AVva.. it to refugees of i -- Census Enu Are Named . Man-jKena- rd i'a Stanford Fonnesbeck iv J- Called - - tZ 9 - - - - ilCJ as-tL- fmithtoSpeakOn IyReiationship !. Cider-woo- j Gd. Mrs" J- - To reach a port, we must sail, sometimes with the wind and sometimes and not against it, but we must sail, anchor. Thompson drift, nor lie at Oliver Wendell Holmes NUMBER THIRTY 19-1- Seeks Senate Chair CHAIN STORES' REPORTS GIVEN AT PLANNING POLICY DEFINED Public Relations Foundation of Business, Says Safeway Official Good ,,.. - 'is BEING DRAFTED I? IT i BOARD MEETING S. ! it New Industries, Devel opment for County Is Discussed Good public relations are just the opposite of what some people think Of t 1 , , they are, R. W. Doe of Oakland, vice president of Safeway Stores, Inc., told A comprehensive report by the members of the Rctary Club at their heads of the different committees of luncheon recently at the Biltmore. the Box Elder Planning Board was "They have been defined," he said, given to a fair sized crowd in the "as L. D. S. First Ward chapel Wednesnot kind is but that press agentiy,' day evening. The meeting was in the worthy of attention. It is more front charge of general chairman, J. U e common and hones portbWeidman, who gave a discussion of ty about your shortcomings plus a the objectives of the meeting, which sincere effort to correct them. The were to put the program before the place to start a public relations proof the county, hear the comi 1 t people gram of any company is at home- -in ments and approve or reject tlw plan. ABE own MURDOCK wareyour office, factory, Reports were given as follows: house or plant." JOHN S. BOYDEN "Box Elder Land and Water. DevelDiscuss Loyalty opment," Ella V. Reeder; "Health Good public relations inspire good Problems in Box Elder County," Mrs. S. Nellie Northman; "Cooperative Medicompany relations, said the grocery cal and Dental Service," E. J, Holmexecutive, strengthening employee morale and loyalty. Loyalty, he added, gren; "Irrigation Water Develop' John S. Boyden, of Salt Lake City, should not start at the bottom and According to an announcement ment," J. L. Weidman; "New Indusassistant United States district attor work up but the reverse. from Washington, D. C. Congressman tries," Carl Welling; "Farm and ney, i3 being drafted by the young "Loyalty must start from the pres- Abe Murdock will seek the seat of Homestead Beautification, Clean-U- p Democrats as a candidate for United ident and filter down through the Senator Wm. H. King in the primar and Landscape Improvement," J, M. States Senator to succeed Senator ranks naturally with no ies this fall. Senator King has also Gaddie; "Noxious Weed Control," Jos. Wm. H. King. purgative behind it," he said. "It must announced his intention to se 2k re- Nielsen; "Culinary Water," A. P. Young Boyden has made a rapid filter, not gush. When it reaches the election, which will make a real con- Hansen; "Taxation Study," Leland rise since he began politics in Summit bottom it will bounce back up natural- test for the Senate seat. Capener. County, the place of his birth, in 1928 ly and permeate the entire personnel Murdock has been a consistent new It was apparent from the recomis considerable and recogniif it was honestly inspired in the deal getting mendations and the manner in which for voted and legislasupporter tion in many parts of the state. first place." tion in the new deal program and, these subjects were treated that proAdvertising Urged according to reports, will base his longed and intelligent study had been The speaker stressed importance of claims for the Senate seat on the given the subjects and one could not wholehearted support he has given the help but feel the satisfaction of a cooperation with newspapers. deserve "Constructive B. president during his tenure of office. big job well begun as the information R. newspapers , the support of business and industry, The Congressman has proven to be given by the speakers unfolded the live to like an declared. and will be problems and possibilities of this of 'Would state Mr. Mark Nichols, lip you director exceptional not town which a a in did of man a have who also great county. seat E. the E. Mr. and good seeking Education, Agricultural construcin a art of The meeting was truly one of great edited the his has by sane, proven ability Davies, agricultural agents of the U. newspaper, enlightenment and encouragement and P. Railroad for Utah, Nevada, Cali- - tive, honest publisher whose columns vote getting. It is rumored that should awaken a new interest in the to are news, opinions and sugopen foinia and Idaho, will be the special Draper, prominent Salt Lake soul of every resident of the county this Of You enter course not. would will also of the Bear River Valley Young gestions? City attorney, guests in the possibilities of development and Farmers at their meeting Monday, want that editor to always enjoy the race. From now on political developments progress through orderly and systeApril 8, at 8 p. m. in the high school freedom of the press which the Bill of agriculture and a His If him. room. gives rep paper Rights in the state will be watched with the matic, operation Ag effort for the establishconsistent comresents to a definite value the Advance information indicates that keenest of interest, especially with the new ment of industries. He sells inand of some munity. real these gentlemen have advertising, yes, national offices and the governor Following are some of the new in formation pertaining to the oppor- this advertising should be considered the state, dustries an suggested by Mr. Welling: "( investment and for future present tunities of the dairy industry for the manEstablish potato The busia is dividends. a outlet newspaper and farmers possible young sand for in is plant,, a social ufacturing develop it and necessity for a good quality potato which, this, ness freeze gvasa adtown. manufacture, the modern American Your quick plant The ia of producing-capable valley for fruits and vegetables, cooperative market outlt of other crops will also vertising message to your customers milk plant, tannery and packing plont takes on dignity in a legitimate be considered. for meats, cold storage plants for Every young farmer who studied vegetable grading, packing and stripunder Mr. Nichols, or other young At the home of Oscar Hunsaker at ing, stimulation of head lettuce inmen who are interested in a crop or at Honeyville, Wednesday evening establishment of a brick kiln, dustry, One animal enterprise, or who would like 7:30, representatives of the following to establish themselves on farms, are met: town boards, bish- pottery (clay development plant), organizations stimulation cf salt plant gtowth at urged to attend this meeting. T. P. A., schools, civic clubs, West Kosmo. ops, , The Young Farmer organization is Relief Societies, Farm Bureau and ExA partial list of the 1940 program, primarily for young men between the tension service. under the same heading, was: InvesThe Region One band contest will ages of 18 and 30. The meeting was called byMrs. tigate feasibility of erecting a large be held in Brigham this year on April 25 and 26. Schools in this region in- Pearl Hunsaker of Honeyville and central cooperative milk manufacturare ing plant, plant one demonstration C. C. C. clude Bear River, Box Elder, North Earl Anderson of Brigham, who to Planof the chairmen district field each of the following crops: county Cache, South Cache, Logan, Weber, ning Landscape Improvement commit- bush lima beans, mingold yellow toOpen and Ogden. tee. matoes; endive, deep-heafringed; The Bear River band, under chairof the absence the In icana sweet corn, new varieties of poThe local C. C. C. Camp will con- the direction of C. high county C. Watkins, has duct open house activities Friday f mm been J. M. Gaddie, Pearl Hunsaker tatoes; stimulate expansion of seed practicing hard for the past sev- man, 2 to 4:40 p. m. in observance of the at the meeting. Nettie B. beans, including (great northern) po presided eral weeks and hope to make a good seventh anniversary of the establishLund, home demonstration agent ex tato seed, sugar beet and pea seed contest. this at ment of the C. C. C. Major John S. showing plained the State and County Land production; Increase materially proscape Improvement plans and explain duction of Utah celery and carrots Gestring, company commander, has ed that the meeting was called to ef (carload lots) for the commercial issued a general and cordial invitaE. P. fect landscape improvement commit market; assist in the rapid expansion tion for the public to visit and inspect tees in each of the three communities. of the salt manufacturing plant at the camp during these hours. Guides Plans were made whereby all or- West Kosmo; work on the potential will be provided to show the visitors about and explain the functions of Ruth Evelyn Petersen Hansen, wife ganizations would work out a pro- development of industries based o.n the various departments. of George Hansen, of Bear River City, gram adapted to the various land- the chemicals in the Great Salt Lake, A program will commence at, 3 died this morning, April 4, following scape improvement problems. dependent on fresh water facilities; Those present were: Horace Hun- cheap power and fuel, such as eleco'clock, at which Mayor N. E. Shaw, a two years illness. of Tremonton; Major Gestring, Ker-mShe was born June 9, 1904, at Bear saker, Honeyville mayor; A. B. Bing- tricity and coal, low freight rates, Carson, project superintendent, River City, a daughter of Albert J. ham, Honeyville bishop; W. S. Ellis. etc. Also in this report a weed killer and Alden S. Adams, educational ad and Laura LaVina Hitt Petersen. At Rupert Blackham, Emery Wight, Vel-d- a plant and fertilizer plant were advoCook, Maudell Burke, Nettie B. cated. the age of three, she moved with her visor, will talk. The Tremonton Lions club and the parents to Malta, Idaho, where she Lund, home demonstration agent; While all of the reports were interTremonton-GarlanJunior Chamber received her early schooling. She was Conn Fryer, Deweyville Bishop; Dee esting and held possibilities, the above of Commerce will be the honored married to George Hansen at Br igham Ix)veland, James Rasmussen, James report and the one on land and water guests of the occasion. City, November 28, 1922. They have Harper, Mrs. James Harper, Vic la development presents the magnitude since made their home in Bear River Hunsaker Pearl Hunsaker. and the possibilities of development within the county. City. Besides her husband, she ia survivCouple Following is the inventory for land - School a a ed water development: and son, and Pauline, daughter, by S. L. Land - Curlew Valley, approximate Rodney; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Petersen, of Garland, and ly 280,000 acres available irrigation Mrcella Thompson, accomplished the land (Utah); 2. and brothers sisters: following nundn farming The schedule for and beautiful daughter of Mrs. Ed- Wilbur J. Rock Springs, Petersen, approximately 15,000 acres and been drawn up as folward C. Thompson, of this city, How- conferences has John A. available for Tremonton; Wyoming; irrigation; 3. Upper Ford Jeppson, prominent young school Mrs. Clcopha Soencer, Mrs. Lau- lows; Bothwell: 6,000 acres ard, approximately ioacher, son of Mr. and Mrs. August ra Hess, Betty Lou Petersen, all of Tuesday, April 9, at 9:30 a. m. available for irrigation; 4. East PromJeppson of Brigham City, were mar- Garland; Mrs. Maud Jensen, Salt Lake Thatcher, Bothwell, Penrose, at the ontory: approximately 5,000 acres Thatcher Church. ried in the Salt Lake Temple Wedll available for irrigation ; 5. Blue City; Mrs. Lois Flinders, Ogden; Mrs. Wed., April 10, 9:30 a. m., Dewey nesday. Mrs. and Park 7,000 John, Madge City; Valley: approximately Beaver Dam, at the The young couple have been active Winnie acrts available for irrigation. Burt, Virginia City, Nevada. ville, Collinston, Church. in this community in civic and religDeweyville not have Funeral Water: 1. Bear River, 800,000 acre arrangements ious activities, The bride is a talented been Friday, April 12, 9:15 a. m., Por- feet; 2. & Iversrui, Shaw completed. Upper Green River, 1,000,000 tage, at the school house; 10:15 a. m., acre singer, who has delighted the hearts and 3. Curlew Creek: apfeet, this in functions at church. of many in various Plymouth, 16 second feet available. proximately a Tuesday, April 1G, 10 a. m., Fieldand other communities. Each has 1. Cutler Dam, sights Storage to extend will ing, at the church. host of friends who S. B. R. H. 2. Bear Lake, 1,000,000 acre Two feet; Wednesday, April 17, all day, them congratulations and best wishes feet; 3. Bear River below Bear at 9:30 and 1.30, Tremonton acre for a successful and happy married 600,000 acre feet, and 4. CurLake, at Second Ward Church. life. lew Dam, f8,000 acre feet. Two former Boar River high school make their home in Thursday, April 18. nil day, beginThy will students who attracted much atten- ning at 9:30 and 1:30, Garland, at the where Mr. Jeppson is DISTRICT JUDGE LEWIS JONES tion last fall ns members of tin U church. TO ADDKKSS BAR ASSOCIAof U fresh man football team, are out Friday, April 19, 9:30, Elwood, at at TION AT RENO, NEVADA River the Bear the at 1:30, City, school; football for NOTICE spring school, according to lite Armstrong the school. District Judge Lewis Jones, of the White and Tuejday, April 23, 9:30, Corinne, at The Democratic Women's club will coach. They are Hartley tha church. first judicial district, Is ppending Fri Bob Utah Wassom, 11 the at meet Thursday, April and Saturday of this week at Reis playing guard and Was7:30 day April 24, 9:30, HoneyWednesday, White at & Auditorium, Power Light no, Nevada, as tho guest of the Nesom end, according to Coach Arm- ville, at church. p. m. at vada State Bar Association. a 9:30, have 25, good both boys Thursday, April Perry A good program has been arranged strong, and 2 p. m., Willard, at the He will address the convention on the the school; of squad chance varsity making and refreshments will be served. school. the subject "Federal Tax Liens." next year. CARMEN H. WALDRON, Pres. ... . 'back-stair- - John s, catch-as-catch-c- heal-offic- Congressm an Abe Murdock Enters Race for Senate Boyden Seeks Senate Nomination high-power- Mark Nichols to Visit Young Farmers vote-gett- er Del-be- rt Representatives Meet With County Planning Landscape Committee . - Band Region Contest to be Held In Brigham City Camp Hold House Friday rt Ruth Hansen Dies At Bear River City it d Popular Young Married Irt Temple Pre Nursing Conferences Announced Portage-Plymout- h: pie-scho- Creek-Howe- Former Out for Spring Football Tre-mnro- hill-to- p 20,-0- 00 |