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Show BEAR RIVER VALLET LEADER, THURSDAY, AiriUU , PAGE FOUR AN" Classified Ad Column i ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN CONTIGUOUS TERRITORIES AS HEREINAFTER DKSCRIJi ED TO TIIE CITY OF TREMON- TON. law By DWIG: (SCHOOL DAYS" ricture Enfnn Of Hum One million JT4 m man-hou- City Recorder. Tre-mopito- n, FIELDING . i WE WANT 'EM DEAD OR ALIVE We Pay Top Cash Prices for Dead or Useless HORSES, COWS.AND SHEEP Also Highest Prices Paid f or . . . HIDES, PELTS, FURS AND WOOL Call Collect - Logan, 49 COLORADO ANIMAL soma btat Uoad BY-PRODUC- TS CO Logan, Utah I it I v I i Ii?h, U, I th: rs a mm A a 'm:j?. R. S. CALDERWOOD, I s and Olivia de.Haviiland: Victor Fleming, and nearly WiOm pciauiis wuo nave worked si see r picture began. Lengthy Preparation Of this time, according to Rav A. Klune, production mM.: 000 were account,! paration, and 750,000 as actual duction. These United States years to toss off the tyranny j British king, and the Civil Wa J self, some exciting scenes from are seen in "Gone With the l lasted more than four years tl three million engaged and 600$ N. E. SHAW, Mayor i Vivien Gable, Attest: - 1 ": 1940. Seed cleaning. Stohl's Warehouse. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Deceased U. William Estate of Keele, W. C. T. U. NOTES Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Utah, or at the office of The afternoon session of the W. C. George M. Mason, First National T. U. Institute held in Tremonton on Bank BWg.. Brigham City, Utah, on Thursday was in charge of Mrs. P. or before the 31st day of May, A. D. E. Ault, president of the local Union. 1940. Devotionals were conducted by Mrs. J. W. KEELE, Adm. R. F. Goff, who read for her scripture Estate of William D. lesson from the Acts of the Apostles. Keele, Deceased. A quotation from a speech of Queen Date of first publication, Mar. 22, 1940 Wilhelmina was read: "Since I have been asked to give my opinion on the present needs and value of greater AN ORDINANCE spiritual contributions in a world sit AN ORDINANCE RESTRICTING uation of great distress, I should like THE SALE OF BEER IN ROX to express my deep conviction that ELDER COUNTS' OUTSIDE OF in our present time the very first need THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF is that of a radical renewal in the TOWNS WIT1UN SAID COUNTY life of every individual. This only can FOR CERTAIN HOURS OF EACH be the fruitful source from which DAY AND PROVIDING FOR A flows the necessary Btrength of the realization of practical and construc, PENALTY FOR ITS VIOLATION tive achievement without which our of today will go to ruin. world COMCOUNTY BOARD OF THE "May mankind learn to see thru MISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY . OF BOX ELDER, STATE OF the eyes of Christ, and by so doing overcome all ideas, sentiments, and UTAH, ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: conditions that keep men at present . SECTION 1. so widely apart from each other, and when exposed to the light of It shall be unlawful for any person, which of Christ, appear to have the Spirit or licensed firm, corporation legally of no existence as cause of sepright t6 sell beer outside of the corporate limits of all towns and within Box aration." Splendid temperance talks were- giv Elder County to sell the same at any en by Mrs. A. L. Cook, who stressed of said outside place incorporated the fact that the mother of today towns and within Box Elder County or come to realize that in order to has to be consumed upon tq allow beer their premises between the hours of protect her home she must go outside1 12:00 o'clock midnight and 5:00 o'clock of it and study the influences that a. m. following, whether the beer was are about it and the enemies that and security. She purchased previous to the hours here- threaten its peace also said, "that the influences that in restricted or not. prevail at the fireside are the influ SECTION 2. PENALTY. ences that measure the level of civ Any person found guilty of violat- ilization and also that young people ing the provisions of this ordinance have more need of models than crit shall be punished by fine in any sum ics.". Mrs. M. K. Witmer, of Salt Lake less than Three Hundred and no100 City, talked on the subject, "How Can Dollars ($300.00) or by imprisonment the Youth's Temperance Council In the county jail for a period not Help." exceeding six months, or by both such A practical demonstration of the fine and imprisonment. effect of alcohol was made by Rev. This ordinance shall take affect R, F. Holt of Tremonton. Alcohol upon the 20th day of April, A. D., kills everything alive and preserves 1940. everything dead. Passed and approved in regular sesSpecial music was rendered by Hel sion this first day of April, A. D., en Winzeler, accompanied by Shirley 1940. Watland, and little Miss Christensen, JOSEPH A. NIELSEN, accompanied by her mother. Chairman of the Box El j der County Commissioners. T. L. DAVIS By Enid Welling OSEY JENSEN, County Commissioners of Box Mrs. Jarvis Johnson and daughter, Elder County. (Seal) Beth, spent Monday in Logan. Beth Attest: remained there to spend the week C' HENRY NIELSEN, with her aunt. 4 4 tl Mr. and Mrs. Smith Richards and County Clerk. children, of Hyrum, spent Sunday at AH kinds seeds. Stohl's Warehouse. the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burns visited in Malad. Idaho with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans, Tues day. ' gnimlnMrdoipoolqMnlBa Cl( tt ifcivef ottai ctorot tn Last Friday evening the Social Development club members were extended by their husbands, at a banquet and social in the Fielding hall. The dinner was served by the Junior Guild in jjiv-lui- c 4 tf . ! s sinXI 8 8 I n,.a4-nt.- '' s 4-- t 1 ,IJ)y! But it dof-- ow piciure :j nitude of what is ; UiM the most tremendous tion task ever attempted in u jnuusiiy. i tie ngure of a million I was reached bv adding ffa,k total time for all persons emDlt ' the picture, including the staV'r 3-- Hatchery, Biigham Reverse Charges. 1J1 . . . uuuia nave .vii David O. Selzniek. woS-houra day, 310 days a L Utah-Idah- Trr-u- 4 - nrnman ture in an hour. Nor does it 4-- CASH PAID for dead and uete&s c. ws and horses. Call Maple Creek 1 Mitchell, which Capitol Theatre Manpower, of course out like mechanical horS the estimate of doesn't mean that a J,, n 4-- 4-- 1 ofneWiththeWin'd; of the celebrated 'k Sti ".,1 4 to-w-it: 8 .f novel tl 14.1-5-- I k Techl TO-WI- T: 3-- man-hou- r, proximate amount volved in the BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TREMONTON, OF ELDER COUNTY, UTAH, AS BOX LOST Purebred Alrdale iup. Call FOLLOWS, 34.0-1 tl Warren Hyde, Phone SECTION 1. the That following described proGood, blocky young FOR SALE situated in Box Elder County, perty or unbroke. Broke team. Percheron Utah, Call 88.0-1- , Midland Hotel Beginning 3960.7 feet West from the Northeast corner of Section LOST New canvas, south of Tremon-ton- . 10, Township 11 North, Range 3 4 tip West, Casper Andreason. SLM; thence West 390.3 South 396 feet, thence feet, FOR SALE or RENT House with 390.3 East feet, thence thence basement, furnace. Mrs. Parker. the to 396 feet North point of 4 Phone 990-2- . tip beginning, is contiguous to the City HEMSTITCHING done at Cowlcys'. which land of Tremonton, be and is hereby annexed as part and parcel of the said started FOR SALE Baby chicks, City of Tremonton, and the extension all of the limits of the City of Tremonand roosters, breeds; pullets, o sows. ton are hereby extended accordingly. Weiner pigs and brood SECTION 2. Ut. City. Hatchery, Brigham tf In the opinion of the City Council of Tremonton, it is necessary to the Alfalfa seed. Starlin peace, health and safety of the inFOR SALE tf habitants of the City of Tremonton Stanfill, Phone that this Ordinance shall take effect FOR SALE Choice Gladiola bulbs, upon its first publication or posting. Walter Wuthrich, and Tarnorix. Passed by the City Council of Tret2. monton this first day of April, A. D., Phone 66..a-2- . 4-- j i killed. Artesian Well Owners Cooperating In Repairing Leaky Wells Artesian well owners in five countries of Utah are cooperating with the state engineer's office in repairing leaky wells, which will result in saving of millions of gallons of water in the underground pressure areas of the state. Work is now under way or has recently been completed in Davis, Salt Lake, Tooele, Utah and Box Elder counties. The well repairs, besides saving water, have eliminated numerous nuisances caused from improper drainage of the continuous flow from the wells. Wells are being repaired by driving of oversized casings over the old wells or by forcing clay into the well under high pressure until the clay is forced up the outside of the casing, closing the leaks. Several repairs are under way in the vicinity of WiUard. The cooperative attitude: of .thc?e well owners and their interest in conservation of the state's water supply is highly commendable, T. H. state engineer, said. per, Utah on Tuesday, returning on j Such historic events as these cupied the attention of millions! men for billions of hours. Yetifj? tistics of the Selzniek masterQ w. f are translated into I ' ' w.i.j nuu HI picture multiplied by time it will them the figures assume, if those astronomical proportions, 111 least geographical magnitude. l:t Awards Are Made for Misfit Day High Wednesday. School Dr. Carlson, of the U. S. A. C. Extension Service, accompanied by stuMisfit day was held at the Bear dents, was preparing for experimental work in the community Saturday. RivcT High School in honor of April A largely attended M. I. A. dance Fool's Day. Virginia Erickson of Beawas successfully sponsored by the M ver Dam and Glen Stumm from TreMen and Gleaners at the recreation monton each won a box of chocolates for displaying the most original coshall Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Grover and tumes. Miss Burnham won the faculsmall son, of Coalville, were Sunday ty contest. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette By acting as well as looking the Grover. Dean is teaching in the Coal- part, Virginia passed as a real hobo, ville high school. even among her best friends, most of Miss Rhode Larson invited as the whom failed to recognize her. Glen guest reader for the Bear River High was dressed as a woman with bright School Ladies' Faculty club meeting, red curls. Mrs. Rhea Winters Budge, of Others who took part in the finals Logan, who reviewed the book "What a Life." were n Elsie Bowen, l half wo Miss Larson had as her special guests man, Bernice Saunder, a gaudy show Mrs. Wilma Anderson and Miss Ar-dgirl, Emerson Earl from babyland, Adams. There were forty who Virginia Miller, dressed as an old man and Max Conley as an old dry farmer. half-ma- "fan-hours"- -t g t "f k umer costumes that merited r cial attention were worn bv Ms; Reeves, Jack Anderson, Golda Std in quist, Ann Spencer, Annivor : wair uunn and Delores Hansen. -- es k Hep!-- h 'Sir. Oriental Creai ...... lit cream te ust before No the evening dance. touching rubbing off-- no convince. up. A trial ML ' .' i'Th r 3 OUR PAPER AND 5 MAGAZINES Hum-phery- s, EACH FOR ONE YEAR A TOTAL OF 152 ISSUES! EAST GARLAND By r Mrs. David Larson The Primary officers and teachers enjoyed a social time, Thursday evening, at the home of Mrs. Luella Pierson. Mr. and Mrs. John Oyler Jr. and small niece returned Wednesday from California, where they spent the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Rhodes and Mr. l and Mrs. Keith Rhodes visited at Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Larson entertained informally Sunday evening after the stake musical festival, complimenting Mrs. Boyd Olsen, of Salt Lake City. P. A, Justisen, of Magna, was calling on friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Grover announce the arrival of a new daughter at their home Sunday night, making the second daughter in a family of five children. Ned Shaffer accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Gleed of Garland, to Hel- - OMAN'S WORLD PATHFINDER Ne-ph- club. The tables were beautifully dec- Here's What You Get! BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER PATHFINDER (Weekly) isss FARMER'S WIFE served. George Coombs acted as toast OUR - MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Fronk Chevrolet Co. Trfuwonton, UUb - Phon 28 12 fas If you prefer, you can have TRUE ROMANCES, or MOVIE MIRROR, instead of rathib.der. master of the evening. After dinner was completed, the evening was spent Munslngwoar fthort. xhlrts, hosiery CLIFFS CLOTIUERY FOR ONE YEAR WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION WOMAN'S WORLD i2 AMERICAN POULTRY JOURNAL .... 12 Issues FARM JOURNAL and orated and a lovely hot dinner was in social games, musical numbers by the group and everyone had a verv enjoyable time together. Mrs. W. M. Welling spent last week end in Salt Lake City with her daughter. Enid Welling. Mr. andMrs. M. A. Garn attended the funeral services held in American Fork for Mrs. Ben Halliday on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Oleen Garn were in Salt Lake City last Saturday. Mrs. Klea Roundy, of Ogden. has been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Standing, for several days. ALL SIX Issues 52 Issues 12 Issues 52 VALUE $5.00 Iri W f7AKLv f S YOU SAVE $2.00 pubIlcflt!ons for 0NE FULL YEAR, and if you are already a sub- n J your present subscription will be extend-FTV- Potions, iiJ mrlctteI,toaur ONrfw8 ? :uell-kflow- ORDER AT """ office AT 0NCE wffl receive NEWSPAPER 152 issues n aland.T"IS for only $3.00. we have to withdraw this offer, or advance the price. HiHIIIIIHMMlMMtlllMtHnmiMIMIIIIHMi l- Bear River Valley Leader, Tremonton, Utah S PAYMENT for a ONE YEAR'S subscription to the 1 year year 1 year 1 year Instead of PATHFINDER send me: ( Town $2.00 Date lowing six BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER PATHFINDER (Weekly) WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION" WOMAN'S WORLD . My Name Is niiinm""'"'"1""" iilllliiillllliitlMiiiiiiiiiiiitliiiimiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirniHmiiliMiimiliiniiiii USE THIS COUPON AND SAVE ft AMERICAN POULTRY 1 JOURNAL 1 FARM JOURNAL and ) 1 Jcar FARMER'S WIFE True Romances, ( ) Movie Mirror. Address State ....... |