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Show BEAR RIVER VAT T t--v . t v 1 rr--r DEWEYVILLE By filrs. Thorna spent by all attending. Mrs. Martin M. Gardner is improving and will soon kave the Dee hospital in Ogden. Wednesday, a committee went to Clearfield to get shrubs for the of the school grounds. Mrs. Lloyd Gardner spent a week with her sisters and families in Salt Lake City. Lowell, Odell and Luther But bank and Wayne Norr returned home Friday from Nevada and California, where they have betn employed. They returned to their work Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Erne.st Dewey, of Richfield, spent a few days here at their home and calling on relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heusser were 1 Atilt I Lloyd Lish is in the ValW Wnitai receiving: medical care for a broken beau-tificatio- Ted Nielson is improving from pneu monia. He received care at the Clinic in Tremonton. Mr. and Mrs. Con Fryer were in a Salt Lake City, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Etherington were in Salt Lake City Saturday. Thursday nieht the T f on4 r Josepn x. tewey and daughter, Tillie, who have moved to Bngham City, consisted of program, iu u.ne aance music and the Girls Orchestra. An enjoyable time was T ' j. X MS r t tiVA i m'l i J din . 7 AW r '5Mf,J ., 1 m (i f At ' ! Ra vf ears, f X ' p ,'s"k , - '(t' Z ii - i- i rortions, 5!r. ude. nerited i by Golda ivor J Meivl Ste Hep! Iansa M person and her parents in Fielding. Imis will join Mrs. Peterson in two ieks for a visit with relatives and fends. Dan McCoombs, of Og-s- f, and Mrs. Carl Peterson of I!r.and Mrs. Mr. - Utah . . . Phone 155 , d and Mrs. Floyd families were Sunday dinner Kts of their mother,' Mrs. Rose Pet-l- a and Mr. Gar-ian- Morrison, daughter of Mr. Henry Morrison, who has J very ill with pneumonia the past veeks, is reported to be impro:Jean pos- - GUARANTEED Ham-Chicke- n 21c ut T.:.. Pie Dorothy Greig CHEESE OVEN' baked foods have the happy ilty of always looking appetizing. They're usually either browned on top or else sizzling as they emerge from the oven. And In either case the mere sight and smell of them rouse appetite and keen anticipation. Oven baked foods live up to their looks, too. They taste good, and no mistake. W$ m I EATS "ELLIS" PAIL 10-L- LARD SLICED BACON 9c CARTON 9e 19c 15c 15c LB. Beef Shoulder Lb ROASTS PORK CHOPS I MB A T VPV Lb. Milk Fed FRANKS SS CBS'S 25c 23c 29c Lb Assorted LUNCH MEAT 59c 29c B. 2 Lb. 16c lbld HONEY Mrs. Fvl Whole or Half Pound Butter Pork- - Beans P-N- POTATO PUFFS is Irvine Garfield were and Mrs. Lake an, CLEANING Garland- , Pound Under these TREMONTON visitors Saturday. Jlln. Burnis Peterson, of Culver Mrs. Rose ty, California, is visiting :t ALL TYPES OF J OUTSTANDING VALUES "tut; rtwiUfc me, if Pay -- Less Cleaners in every deportment made ARSHMALLOWS Tremonton Utah EAST Lb 2 Lbs. I?E3& lb. 0 4 1 ved Mrs. Joseph Searle, of 3n Fork, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed sand children of Burley, Idaho, iitiday and Saturday guests of t sister and aujit, Mrs. Ada C. TAD M Smith, Whole Kernel DP AC FLIO p.and ES! ia wereMrs. Floyd Garfield and Sunday guests of Mr. Henry Garfield in Brigham. Edna Brough, Dona Bowcutt Garfield motored to iWon to celebrate the of their daughter and H Mrs. Francis Hill. H Qara H. Fridal and Ada C. field attended the Relief Society I'mmce in Salt Lake City Wed-j-- ij and Thursday. $ Haas seeds. Stohl's Warehouse. SK Dinn- - make? Not Barn-Chicke- n No. niTT A nilT P Hillsdale No. Can can condensed cream of mush. room toup 1 can condensed chicken soup 1 cup chicken, diced 1 cup boiled bam, coarsely chopped 1 cups diced carrots, cooked Mix the chicken soup into the 2P TUNAirc2 33 PENROSE w and Loaves Mrs. Perry L. Stanf ill spent at Ogden on business, and Mrs. Charles Jensen and Martha, Mary Lou and ptc, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hun-baby son of Ogden, called on tes1 mother, Mrs. Sarah Shu- Mr. and Mrs. Hunter had rec- M returned from California, where I bad spent the winter months. Hunter and son remained for a 1 If; 4im Mrs. Jesse Petersen are the visit of Mrs. Petersen's Mrs. of Blending, Friday. 's;wmes Lawrence Petersen, Per-;.rJJe m Starlin Stanfin accom- II Schol hand to Logan on Ci' !bere they visitei important over ra(Uo sta" 5 rplayed . iney played very well. - She Perkins, arrived --v- 3.00. NEW BUS SCHEDULE S0UTH BOUND '10a.m. 10:30 a. m. 7.1 fol- : ear ;car uP.m..8:35 p.m. j711 AXD WEST BOUND "artd 10:20 a. m. wa P. m. irflj f-- n Fall, ? "edule AVID m' p. m. near telephone. HOLMGREN Agent Pail 29 59 AMAT7A cream of mushroom soup. In the bottom of a buttered casserole pour one-hal- f of the soup mixture. Then cup put in 2 cup diced chicken, coarsely chopped ham and cup diced carrots. Add the remaining soup and ingredients and cover with Potato Puffs. 3 11 Golden Syrup 10-l- JELL-WEL- L COCKTAIL b. Pkgs. FRUIT - All In One No.l Can Potato Puffs: 4 medium sized white potatoes H teaspoon sait pepper 2 tablespoons butter 1 eg?, (separated Peel and cook the potatoes In boiling water until soft. Ma&h or put the potatoes through a ricer and add the butter, seasonings and egg yolk and mix thoroughly. Beat the egg white separate and fold Into the mashed potatoes. Drop by spoonfuls on top of the pie and bake in a moderate oven (350F) 1 pinch of 25-3- minutes. Mrs. William Bosley and son, Kenneth, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Titus Shuman to Salt Lake City Monday. They returned the same day. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Miller returned Saturday from spending from Wednesday to Friday at the Logan Temple. They met the people of the enBurley Stake Friday morning and with the Temple joyed going through them. While there they also enjoyed the pageant. Miss Althea Miller returned Thursday from a visit to Brigham City, with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Petersen. We wish a speedy recovery for Mrs. Effie Tetersen of Brigham City, the mother of Mrs. Jack Leek, who fell recently and fractured her knee. She is at the Pearce hospital. Mrs. Marjorie Staples and daughter and friend, of Ogden, called on Mr. and Mra. C. E. Milkr Thursday. Rolling, cJeantag, grinding. Stohl's. 2 fll '....i, ....a .i - i. - CI TDT IR R oUi UllD ......... Wlth hand tion Ingre. 50-o- C. W. P. & G. TIT A ... - .u.- .- : li,.,,...,....,.,.3,..jl- -. ..i 3-l- b. Bunches GREEN ONIONS LETTUCE CARROTS 2 Bunches 23 2 Bunches CABBAGES: LEJIONS'S360': GRAPEFRUIT 7 u. - ORANGES mmsasmS!!l 5c 5c 13c 5c 2c 13c 19c 29c 5c 17 TOWELS 8 hper NAPKINS !:xVe.. 8 PARD Food 3 Cans 25 CTARPH Kingsfords 8 0 iillljll Corn Package ros 1 - Pwd. or Brown 20c LBS CLIMAX Paper Cleaner d Cans 7 9 Cans Monarch 5 Tie - Each 25 45 Can SUNBRITE LYE Seal 3 BROOMS 15 WINDEXjwu. DRESSING CASCADE QUART CHUM SALMON TALL CAN 2 ibs. U3c Anp&tfgm 2 QQ OO 4 TISSUE m FRUITS and VEGETABLES RADISHES l0" z. t( Bars 30 II71IITP PI f Bleach 10 nmiEiitmuii; Quart CATSUP 'Soz. Bottle 9 SPRY Snowdrift 51 Can Crisco SOAP 10 16 .a,- -. 15 sugar 20-o- z. SLEEPY HOLLOWS Cans Cans Julia Lee Wright Bread at all! Pie: Meat TANG Luncheon 12 oz. Can TVJ MP AT A Libbys ' 16 2'2 15 17 ram mvv uuys Can Q 2 QCJ O Jy erette Hershey Lb COCOA IP IP Sifted Spring Garden - Can - GR. BEANS For instance, take the one pic- - f tured here. As the serving spoon 1 dips down through the tender puffs of potato on top, it reaches smoking hot ham, chicken and carrots, simmering in a savory mushroom gravy. A dish to make any man contented with his lot! Difficult to 25 Cans 1 ra, . Seed cleaning. Stobl's Warehouse. tf I J spir- ?l e millions will The objects we pursue and the it we manifest reveal our standpoint, and show what we are winning. ' Mary Baker Eddy b 7 j these hours"- -t J. J. Becker, of Ogden, called on, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ault and Mr. ami Mrs. Duett Loveland on Monday. ft Jf0f I vU War a ' ' MX nt;i n Sunday. hes , . f J massages and exercises the with every 4:-c- ? l tt ; The secret it a springy leather silank that gently '. lltfe1 sjjfY ih "gap&.Qlexed" i jog a V you'll love 1 gX guests of Mrs. William Heusser, of Weston, Idaho, Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Barnard and children, of Ogden, spent Saturday and Sunday here with relatives. Vernon Hansen and Mervin Holt, of the Bear River Stake Sunday School, attended our Sunday School on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Horace R. Barnard had as their g"uests on Sunday, relatives from Ogden. Ray Loveland spent the weekend here with his mother and other relatives, returning to Las Vegas, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Jensen and sons spent Sunday with relatives in Ogden. Charles Burbank is ill at his home. Mrs. Lloyd Gardner returned fiom visiting relatives in Salt Lake City, iS 2223 their Zi'srAtoess.. .their snug you'll revel in their yeteasyW-a- nd imwinglr buoyant flexibility that teems to give wings to your feetl I I I l jtaVSl 'le ft j W I i AttUKJSUAX, APRIL 4, ld40 Shred. Wheat . 2 CALUMETS: 20c Kitchen Craft i, H23 Pkgs. I 19c 11c 15c .TD AIRWAY !D. GUM BARS 12c! 3d l |