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Show BEAR RIVEI VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 10, 1838 Highlights Bear River Scho Journalism (Ey Bear Kiver Department) ;SXOCK OFFICIAL RIVER. S BEAR : of the South San Livestock show at P.P. A. boys an Fredmiller, Mr. m exhibit. lJ exhibition last week vis the f rficial -. TRnv Bunnell. the local cupthe interest TZr Rr 111 Sfof at the San Francis-io- WWW W "AU-America- Social News Cake Largest in World n" Mrs. Calder r va3 hostess to the Happy Valley Ccv.icg club at her home Friday ttt. X .2. " 'ffW Several communities have already been visited and the rest will receive programs in the near future. Manager Noel Cook and Quarter Master Bob Wassom are assisting Mr Watkins with this work. The programs are sponsored by the local P. T. A. organizations. 'J Me i ' s ' , " y t"'' s , ?" , if rrt xx the beef projects which shown Saluting PAGE FTVB ''V v v - ' 4 . i ' ' t Mrs. Wayne Club al her Eddie Frcnk home Wednesday. and Mrs. Eill Se.v.'.'.:l were awarded and Mrs. prizes. Mrs. Tor . Eddie Fronk wci :"c:i:ii The fourteen mtmbei tvo guests were served a dc :t:v.'. r f f"jc-sts- n. SENIORS UNDECIDED - v. SO K i '. v. ; f ; i z :. nwoftivi.iif "7 COSMCNlTy CONCERTS. are being given by the River high school class A band all of the surrounding j DrtCtically Director C. C. Watkins JmmunJiie Concerts or-a-r mnounced. ifhe schedule jeek includes jhatcber and for the following They are considering a neon sign to be placed over the main entrance but difficulties arose when the school board refused to furnish any money and the council in charge of funds accumulated from past years expressed a desire for a loud speaker to be placed in the auditorium. At previous meetings the seniors decided by vote on a neon sign and several drawings have already been concerts at Deweyville, considered. Bothwell. reiceived conf u Mrs. Glen her afternoon L Z. J Recipes for St Valentine's Day g ' 1 com-Sbe- m FIELDING I fs i A la periods of business recovery, new opportunities are constantly arising where the use of ready funds can be of distinct value to individuals and industries in this Community. This Bank is ound banking prepared to loan money in line with principles to those who will find credit 1 By BETTY BARCLAY Orange Cherry Valentine Dessert Magic Chocolate Peanut Butter Roll 2 squares unsweetened chocolate Gay days call for gaiety in foods cup sweetened condensed milk and this intriguing dessert with 1 cups confectioners' (4X) sugar 3 teaspoons peanut butter a heart motif is particularly gay teaspoon vanilla In red and gold for a St. Valentine Melt chocolate in top of double party. For the orange slices with which the heart mold is surrounded bp'Uer., Add sweetened condensed California Navel oranges with their milk and blend thoroughly. Remove seedless characteristic are especial- from fire and add sifted confec- ly easy to prepare. Their firm tex- tioners' sugar (sift before measur-- i ture also adds to their attractive- ing) gradually. Add peanut butter; ness as a garnish. Oranges are es- and vanilla. Blend thoroughly. Form pecially valuable in the diet at this into a roll. Place on buttered sheet. time of year when other fresh fruits Chill. When firm, cut in slices. Vanilla Rennet-Custar- d are scarce. with Grenadine Topping To make: Make a cranberry mold 2 cups milk (or 1 cup milk and with or without gelatine. Pour 1 cup cream) 1 package vanilla rennet powder mixture in heart mold and put in 1 et,-white a cool place to set When ready V cup granulated sugar to serve dip the mold in warm J4 cup grenadine syrup it i g water (never hot) and turn out on a large serving plate. Surround with orange slices which have been dipped in honey and chilled. Decorate the plate with candy hearts. This may also be made in individual molds (fills 6 molds) or in a star or hatchet shaped mold for .Washington's birthday. And here are some other Valentine recipes that you will find equally delicious: Set out 4 or 5 sherbet glasses or custard cups. Warm milk until just lukewarm not hot, (120 F.). A few drops on the inside of the wrist should feel comfortably warm. Remove from heat and quickly stir in the rennet powder. Pour immediately into glasses and let stand until firm, about 10 minutes. Chill in refrigerator. Just before serving, beat egg white until it holds peaks; add sugar and syrup by tablespoons, beating well after each addition, Valentine Squares and continue to beat until mixture d 1 package gelatin is very stiff. Drop a puff of the 1 pint hot water mixture on each dessert and trickle 1 sheet cake a little grenadine syrup over the cup cream, whipped Dissolve gelatin in hot water. top. New Card Game Craze inch layer into shallow jPour Crossword Lexicon is the new 'square pan. Chill until firm. Cut squares from e ke. Cover card game craze that is the hit of 'tops with plain sweetened shipped the season's parties. It's a com'cream and sides with h;ppvl bination of crossword puzzle techcream into which bits of gelatin nique and anagrams with extra !have been folded. Dace on luce ppeed and excitement added. Boake paper doilies. Cut hearts from gela- Carter's Star Reporter is another cutler new game favorite that gives everytin with small and place on top of cake. Serve at body the thrills of reporting big news events. 'once. Serves 12. 111 III HI III III III III III III III III III III III III f ' Mrs. Frank D i c:'.L:'i tr.ined eft ::;u)c:i Bridge High prize was awr rc" to 7'."- -. Guy Johii-:- r. son and cut o Winscler. A Valentine th; vac vas cirri el out in delicious refi e?;'..' en tn and decora- tions. teen ladies at ; party at her ho av. V,V'!-.crd- F.-.- The new T oy M. E. churc'' c I Trcup of the . their pnrt-5- U 6 o'clock dinner ners at a dcUs" Valentines day is only one week at the church 7 cCx: even'r. The to sc. '.he hoy scout away, so we are going to make a val parents remain entine box to put the valentine in so activity under "upervision of not Valen will Frazier. Robert Saint get dirty. they 8 tine was a christian martyr of the : :: falls The Interrc.: whose feast day Third Century, Vcz'.'.y and ct the Metho-r.da- v on February 14. This is why we cel- lowship Tea w to memoration dist church Tt:( ebrate St. Valentine's Day. of The 7th Roche John Westiy. grade Marjory rrcjrrara consist- ed of a clarinr ro'.o :r; Noel Cook, . Constitution Finished Last Mon accompanied ci the picno by Miss' day we started to write a constitu' Ruth Snow: r. : review of the bookj tion for our school. It gave us an "John Westloy-.'Awckening," given, idea of how hard it was for the men by Mrs. Goff. c d the grcup singing. who made the Constitution of U. S. Refreshments v. :ie served. Of course it is not as important, but Mrs. Rose Pr' rron had a3 her diBH it was a good sized job. It has three branches, the executive, which has a ner guests last Zvvlvr efternoon, Mr. president, vice president, secretary and Mrs. M. K. Lex and treasurer, librarian, boy and Mrs. Guy Ba'.'nrd "'as hostess to the girl sport leaders, etc; the legislative, has two senators from 'each G. S. S. Bri.'.rr c :b at her home room, and one representative for ev- Friday aftemi :;. i'rizes were won Mrs. Howard ery ten students; and the judicial has by Mrs. Re.? jroty-htwo judges, one from the 8th grade Glenn and Mrs. L. S. Hendricks. Dainand one from the 7th. We hope to ty refreshment j were served. have it going within a week. Donna Stokes 7th grade e , EAST GARLAND Program on Utah and Dance Last Friday Miss Holt's room furnished the program. It was about Utah and very interesting. They had By Mrs. -- -' L?a Oyler motor;-t- Salt Lake City on business day. The Relie-- f 1.': :.iet:' ladies Mc: quiltc an attractive f.,..ik Monday at tl than any Newspaper in State 1 1 "' ! home of Mrs. I ?.c::-.- Oyler. It is t. be sold and t.c pveeceds turned iaV the building fui '.. Gilt Lake City, Farley Jan;c:. visited last Su ,! : - with his daughand family. ter, Mrs. Paul L Mrs, Luelja On Tuesday Pierson entcrtRlr tu Y, W. M. I. A. Junior class at h home. Miss Clarissa spent the weekend home f:o..i Henager's business College. The infant on of Mr. and Airs, Vernon Shaff; wis c.uite badly bum --.ail rister fcttcr.iptec' ed when : ' v.dercd h::-.to feed lye with c ;: i3 c. The faWratiy r..:,cv r?oon. ering. Men ar,.! v;.'3 fiient Wed.. : :iound the chape up cleaning tt cover low hauling ;: near the b !. i cvf-r.to- A band concert Band Concert will be presented Monday, February 14 at the Thatcher Church house. The high school A band, under the direction of Mr. Watkins, will play. Our school band will also play one number. We urge everyone to come. It is free. The time will be 8:30 p. Lai-ro- . m. Mildred Bailey Messrs Lafayette Grover, Gus Vern Oyler and Lorenzo Soren son took auto loads of boy scouts daughter for to Ogden Tuesday evening. -- ' d visiting with another the past several weeks. Wallace C. Bourne spent Sunday m Fairiiington with relatives. His wife, who has spent the past week in Farraington with Mr. Bourne's mother who has been ill, returned home with him. Mrs. Charles Bourne, his mother, was sufficiently well so as to be able to come back with them, where she will spend a month or six weeks, with her sons, Wallace and Vern Bourne. Mrs. Fred Coombs, Jr. was hostess to the Social Development club at her home last Thursday. A large crowd was in attendance. A program was given. During the social hour luncheon was served by the hostess. Pawl Iatsou Mr. and Hs Indian dances, folk dances, songs and readings. Next Friday Mr. Jackman's room will present the program, which we hope will be as interesting. We had our regular dance afterwards, but after this we are going to learn new dances so we'll enjoy our Friday afternoon entertainment even more. Florence Christiansen 8th grade cherry-flavore- $2.00 a Year 1 1 1 1 1 1 III III III III III '. ; l J Worthwhile Savin Suites FOR CASH YOU MAKE A SUBSTANTIAL BEAUTIFUL, MODERN SAVING NOW SUITES FOR LESS THAN YOU WOULD EXPECT TO PAY Come In Make Your Selections More County Correspondence Bear River STATE BANK 1 I : THE LEADER We Welcome All New Business ""''WHWWW III III III J ton-Garla- Subscribe for profitable bridge to opportunities. 4 1.1 Mrs. "ctkins guests. Fel-':c'- - were served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Holt spent Sunday in Brigham City visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Viola Stokes, who has been quite ill for sometime. However at this writing she is improved enough to bo able to leave the hospital. Mrs. LaVell Haskell spent last week in Brigham City at the home of Mrs. Stokes. Mrs. Haskell returned home Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Holt. Mrs. Owen Johnson, of Bryces Canyon, i3 spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Coombs, and other relatives. She accompanied her parents home when they returned last week from Southern California, where they have been BRIDGE TO OPPORTUNITIES I'l 1 ' - heart-shape- I III hos'ecs to :i;r tl-.- ar-iig- ed e, ill 111 We have two more new band students in our school. One has a violin and the other ha3 a comet. The violin is the only one of its kind here. They are eager to stait learning and hope to be able to get on the road to success with them. This makes seventeen band students in Thatcher school. At the first of the year we had about three. Leo Adams 8th grade Hel-jjPixto- n, 'J 111 f,iest 1 v.;:.. r.cfrerii the Tre Club the ItwyWalton at last home of Mm. Thursday evenir v. The brok report was given by M s. L'oio.hy Capener. Mrs. Fiisby and lrr,. A. 12. Euchanan were special :ts. Luncheon was served. TUATCHER SCHOOL NEWS Well-ing- . i Mrs. Jay Rl.es mon n" Salad Tre-monto- n, Strffen - J. Frank Grimes, president of the Independent Grocers Alliance of America puts the finishing touches cake while little Jackie Banning, and her fair assistants salute at Baking on famous Products Marketing Conference held in Hotel Knickerbocker, Chicago.' The cake, weighing more than ton, was baked state by state from a recipe. chosen by 1,500,000 housewives in IGA stores throughout the cjDimtry as America's favorite. a i'.ca, .wviitinontal and Western Air Inc. plane took off from Chicago to deliver to Governor cake Largest cake in world. Hcniy H. Blood at Salt Lake City.Utah's portion of the A counterpart of the i" cake was delivered to Pres. Roojevelt in time for his birthday. re-C:- :n cior Ilaight day. Mrs. Jt- t Brough received and Mrs. Stcff?r Refreshments wr (1. j Family Diet Advises Expert Satur-da- " hrzler was Mre. Kenr et ments were st. rv "all-Ameri- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Richards, Use Apple who are in California. In Job Weling and family spent Saturday in Plymouth, where they at's tended a birthday party for Mr. Mrs. Phebe Welling, mother to a include twice salad "Serve day who celebrated her 8Sth birthday at p abundance of raw fruits and veget- the home of her daughter, Mre. L. ables in family meals," advises state home demonstration A. Rose. Tuesday night titer Mutual, a agent of the U. S. A. C. Extension basketball game was played between Service. the M Men teams of Mondon and i "Perhaps next to lettuce and other Fielding, with Fielding taking the jlad greens, apples lend themselves as a use in as any game by a score of 33 to 50. The I great variety jtier food product. While apples are game was well attended. Mrs. Owen Archibald was called use fresh raw apples in ivailable, , itandance; and latter canned apples to Burley, Idaho, Tuesday morning-one of of on account death the ;of jay be used for mellow richness of her brothers, A Mr. Buttars, who was javor in combination with other vegetables and fruit3 in salads." accidentally killed. ' Salads should be made as Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Hansen spent attractive week $ possible, Miss Pixtcn says. Simple two days the fore part of this in Salt Lake City. florful combinations, artistically Miss Barbara Anderson returned and not overdone, are the jbrite salads. The "Book of Salads" Tuesday from Ogden. where she hzs e:'as to the salad aa "the Chef relatives and friends. A family birthday dinner was held tiaevre of a dinner, the one dish can be so made attractive that Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. tit will enhance the value of all other Joseph Smith, honoring the birthday Ne dishes." of Mrs. Smiths Mrs. McFarland, of I i high percentage of the recipes Logan and Miss Nona Smith of k'ie "Book of Salads" include ap-- a daughters of Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. to add crispness and fragrant were in attendance. .tm to the salad. Henry Ashcroft and children of Tou don't need a recipe for an Fielding, were also dinner guests. Ippte saad.iThe apples can be diced, Miss Morrison, local school teacher, Uced or julienne (cut in long narrow has been visiting in Franklin, Idaho strips). The apple can be peeled or for the past week. not. It can be combined with fruit Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Welling and vegetables and even with chicken Mr. and Mrs. Oleen Garn spent Wedid other meats. It makes no differ-4c- nesday in Salt Lake City on business the type of dressing you use, and visiting relatives. jjist so it blends with the foods d Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Richards left and is a favorite of the family," for Los Angeles, California, Monday. 3ie state home agent explains. They were accompanied on the trip by Mr. and Mrs. Watkins, of Brig-haCity, they will visit in SouthI ern California with relatives and I friends, William Laub, Sr., father of By Enid Welling Mrs. Richards and Mrs. Watkins, Miss Wanda Johnson, of Logan, who has spent the past several weeks $ent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. in California will return home with krvis Johnson, and other relatives. them. 1 family dinner was held, the occasiMr. and Mrs. Gene Earl and small on being Wanda's of Out son, Tm, of Parker, Idaho, visited birthday. town members of the family who Monday with their parents, Mr. and were present were Mr. and Mrs. Ursel Hrs. J. L. Earl, Sr. Mr and Mrs. Boothe of Honeyville, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Earl were enroute to MilwauSert Dakin and children of Blue kee, where they will visit with a Crok. Also Mr. Alton Sorenson and daughter, and then on to New York &iW of Logan were guests at the City to visit other relatives. Inner. Mrs. Vernon Hansen was hostess f Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Richards, of to the Literary Club at her home, Brigham City, are spending a couple Wednesday night. The book "The weeks in Fielding, looking after Rolling Years," was reviewed by Mrs. In the absence of their par Carl Wilcox. Light refreshments v:t at tne The B. B. home of Mrs. afternoon. rir- ceived high p:iz received cut, f ;c t GIVING ;B E BAND rKje Hrr. .id w - ON PRESENT TO LEAVE. were viewed by Mr. FredSeniors of '38 are yet undecided as Sructor Bunnell declares the pro-L- b to what present they will give the to visit school when they leave this which the boys intend spring, and that a according to Homer Shurtz, class pres nicely orogressing is expected. ident. deal of competition entert'Jned r.'andall her afternoon TrrtT |