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Show 192S BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, TJLCE TWO C-- ETVEB VALLEY LEADER AB Entered at the Pustoffiee at j Tre-- I mo ton, Utah as Second Class Matter, rubii-ihftat Tremonton, Utah, on L d fhanday of each week. j a a. J abCUZUiewcnaoaier . k t! Y cxiejsiori ivc Subscription Kates J2.00 One Year (in advance) $1.00 8ix Months (in advance) 50tf gfcree Months (in advance) --- --- M --- lipumir K ft i ' Free to Puulifc "TKeon! nlaee in tha U. S. wWe catalog, and iverti.mB martyr emrerinir nyl Jie o( buinM and Without or prod urt can be obtained InduMnml Library. the Aimikm Obiisatioa you ara Unia or Euimtu Advertiaioa- Matter forwarded. will be aama promptly interested in; 7 'l0tj- fl - j fre AMERICA! IM3USTRIAL LIBRARY NATIONAL rvtTvtj4-- IDITCPIAl - Scotchman Shaves Expenses Whit Chinese Boy New York Fung Kwok white boy has returned to Keung, his foster father. Dr. Fung Dong, wno aaopiea A him at the age of bur years. Interstate commerce hearings on the railroads request for 15 per cent increases in freight rates went into their second stages on January 31, 193 5 cannot ; word when oral arguments were begun. The 03 To Your Town rate increase petition would affect almost all farm commodities. Briefs were ordered to be filed by February 83 well as to your Country II Bom Rinehart, Joseph Fung was brought up in China ana speak a AroTCot Dependable, cf ILiown Hardiness. n i lock Scott, of ock. Scotland, Green ard Child of the OF SYPHILIS Lektro-Shav- er Sun-- It's cnnsi cnristensen, Mrs. Mcroni Lumberg, Park Stilus ... Emil Anderson left Saturday fa ifornia vith several carloads of ca A. C. Anderson ha.s been coife to his home for several davs " flu. Paul Holmgren, son of Mr. andb Aicerx of this dtv oir ard Dc.rwin Ccoley, twin m ur. ana Airs. a., d. ccoley of ham City, were pledged to the Afr Tau Fraternity this week at ttet versity of Utah. Quite a number of couples fr here attended the maried folks L. held in Brigham City Saturday, ing at the old First Ward hall Hi was furnished by the Henry Cfe! I son orchestra. Mae Mrs. Anderson was hostess 4 shown ' . f MS Z' VvTW uM fuAlUAl . ' discussing their objection to the silk boycott. They are among the millions who refuse to join in the campaign lest America be harmed far more than Japan. Experts say that the raw silk represents only about 10 cents of the purchase price of a dollar pair of stockings, the other 90 cents going to American workers V I urday afternoon. Pinochle was after which a luncheon was se'f eti-e- d Jack Harbert, Iowa farm boy who von the Gruen award of a Curvex wrist watch in a nationwide dressmaking contest, is sewing his way to fame. Barred from athletics by a heart ailment he play3 the baritone barn in the school band. In high school be took up sewing and now plana to be a dress designer. He made the clothes be is wear-in- g fax the picture. J and industry. products and from government payments during 1937, the bureau of agricultural economics report released recently indicated. The income was almost divided between Ccntir.ued forest service campaigns sales equally and income from crop the receipts d forest fire; ar.d sale of livestock. against efficient work in handling fires helped the United States forest service to chalk up the lowest recorded burn and Utah farmers icceived $7,167.03 in d a new low rccoid of fires, rental and benefit payments between preliminary service records show. The July 1 and December 31, 1937, through 193S burn wa:i only 50S acres per milthe agricultural adjustment adminislion acres of forest lands. Next lowest tration, a recent administration report record was in 1930, with a loss of 800 states. A total of $6,4.50.65 was reaces per million. Highest turn came ceived in wheat benefits, $136,95 in in 1919, when 25,642 acres per million corn-ho- g payments, and $579.43 in burned. sugar beet grants. ' andArewiimnq, TTI TO PAY fOR man-cause- Vv'estcrn and shcu'.d prepare riovthwestem Utah for severe attacks from cricket infestations during 1938, a pamphlet published by the depart- ment of agriculture, bureau of entom- ology and plant quarantine and issued week states. Federal funds will made available to fight the cricket plague-- the pamphlet stated. j ! ' AtKA-JILTZE- A MAN! j R FAN va-th- is - OU- - JUR6 ! I'M AN MIO-16H- Tt rieginj in England England Hoggins probably reached its heyday after the mon- asteries, where the poor had been free meals, were abolished, sur.e This ed to a great increase in rancy- The punishment was whip-b- e ps- In many places the law pro- vided that a vagrant be carried to some market town "and there tied to the end of a cart, naked, and beaten with whips throughout such mar- iuwu mi me ooay snail De bloody." Queen Elizabeth changed the law so offenders were stripped only to the waist. She also substituted the whipping post for the In , j ii R- MAKE GOOD OR WE W U Fronk Chevrolet - Thone cart. Trenmnton, Utah PLAN NOW y- -J nia ay-- ACID STOMACH, GAS ON STOMACH? HEARTBURN, ALK E TZ 7 ONe wT ORIVE RJ6MT! AS IF J fJz? Tl 7 ItPfflr tv fcMAlUV1' VhU W lJMLJ R? er makes a sparkling alkaline solution. As it contains an analgesic first relieves the pain of everyday ailments, then by helping to restore the alkaline balance, tends to remove the cause when due to hyperacidity of the (acetyl-salicylate)- ,it G OH .,. 0 " ' Alka-Sel- ttf m ' r.iuic tin m a A 60 Wm! - Let us help figure with you for the new home you want to build or remodel NOW IS THE TIME! Have you tried Alka-Seltz- 3 A man-cause- j I COULD DRIVE OR THROUS-AWAY- SHOPPMQ GUIDES ARE FREE BECUZ WBOOi'P one-ha- lf WHAT o!wo! THAT ADVERTSM6- - SHEET?, PAVF&Z 'MBUTTW JTIAK,AT 's MICKIE SAYS Farmers received mere than 8j bil lion dollars from the sales of farm The Utah Livestock and Utah Farm Production Credit associations had million dollr.rs about two and wcrth cf loans outstanding at the be ginning of 1938. j jfT. e " Silk Stockings Lend Allure to these lovely women American I iflflVkHJLMJiX k E- j I their . j "Tl family. Mrs. Norma Gilmore, and at bean. ! BOY OlDYA SEE ( OH THAT? A TWO WHEELS iM&A( TURN AT PIFTY.SOME j Thorsen, and home Sate morning after visiting in Ogdrar" his two sisters, Mrs. Rose Ora,.' Lucille Cope, refugee from ice and snow, suns herself beside the Canb j THEADVENTURES OF OZZIE- Sir--a of osien Eei Grant returned s - CITY r-- tached to portable batteries, using, of all things, a barber shop window for his mirror. always tennis weather in balmy Puerto Rico, where THE SPREAD j By Mrs. C. W. Brail Sunday evening the program M. I. A. conjoint meeting Wac by the Vanguards and the Boy sT with their Scout Master Aii, Trthnonn in q vera who has walked from Lon don, Eng.; to Cape-- I town, South Africa, a distance of 15,000 miles, is in this coun- -' try to make a walking tour of the U. b. He is shown here as he started his hike from New York City, tak ing a last minute shave with his Pack' 9th. The income from farm marketings in December, 1937, is estimated at PATRONIZE YOUR $675,000,000 in a recent bureau of ag ricultural economics report. GovernLOCAL MERCHANTS ment payments to farmers made up only a small part of the income, the HonS. FanoaiCharles report said. Government payments toLough taled only 8 million dollars in DecemSeabis-cui- t, Howard's. STOP ber of last year, as compared with 36 the handicap million dollars paid to farmers by the king of last year, government in December of 1936. The pictured recently at TV Anita. income from Santa in decline farm seasonal (by D. D. Carr, M. D., Director November to December was very Division of V. D. Control) slight, the report stated, estimating The chronicles of history thrill read it at one per cent of the average era with their tales of martial courage when dread enemies were halted. But in all the record of military his- teen per cent of all blindness is due tory there is none so wonderful in it; and it causes ten per cent of all such marvelous results for human insanity. as the battles fought happi.-iesThese and other facts are appalling. against disease, battles fought in the They are entirely unnecessary, belaboratoiy, in the hospitals, and at cause, unlike some other infections, 1 '4 Mv lonely bedsides. syphilis can be conquered. No one, beor cause contracted she has he syphSmallpox, yellow fever, diptheria, typhoid, tubercuosis one after an- ilis, need go through life fearing its ? ,f- other these enemies of the human untoward horrors, for self or children. race have been or are rapidly being It has been estimated that if a vicconquered. Knowledge has found their tim of syphilis geeks treatment early weakness, and unlike some martial and continues faithfully, the disease victories, these battles are forever can almost always be rendered noninnca Til. iKannllv rnn irtfari r;r, hp won. It is important then to know someCan the same victory be won that Doctors say thing of the symptons, for often the against syphilis? of syphilis can be determinwon. The been has it presence scientifically great fight is still ahead and the vic- ed in advance of, the well known blood test. Readers should mark these tory is yet to be won. and remember them: First, symptons most a has that helper Syphilis sore in the so called the suspicious other diseases do not have. It has rash in the secondary the first stage; eson in and stealth its side, syphilis muccus patches in the mouth pecially, stealth is a foe that must s'.ase, sore a and throat; pains in the joints, monthly income for the period from do can before science be vanquished fever. The physician will recog- 1924 to 1920. Docer.it?r's inccif.e.is its work. Doctors tell us that syphi- ard lis could be practically wiped out of nize the signs. If he wants to make 72.5 per cent of the average' for the the United States in a single genera a microscopic examination or a blood- median period, and November's 13 73.5 tion If every victim of it sought medi- test, let him. If he prescribes treat- per cent of the average. cal attention as soon as the disease ment, take it. Treatment scon stops the spread even in the most dangermanifested itself. The total balances outstanding cn The great consideration, therefore, ous cases. The surest thing in the fight against discounts fiom production credit asis not how to cure syphilis, for that is known, but how to awaken those syphili3 is that it can be won, if til sociations r.nd other Utah, financing 1 who have syphilis to the need of seek- will do their sham Their best help mf.titi'.f.cns on jc cc;r.br medito is seek all the with aid Intenr.ediate Credit Fedeial that cure. The possible present day physician ing 3.S32.C00. knows how and is usually ready and cal science has to offer. Since the Bank of eager to do his part. One of the pres- spread of syphilis can be stopped our This was approximately f 100,000 more ent great needs is to get the public slogan must be "FIND IT, TREAT than at the end of last year, according enlightened and desirous of doing its IT, PREVENT ITS FURTHER to R. T. Evans, executive The Scandinavia:! coun-- ! dent of this organization, part. The nation, working together, can do far more than stop the spread tries have done it, Great Britain is Range and breeder sheep operations of syphilis it can stamp it out. The doing it, America must do it. present the major portion of this need was never so great. Syphilis is These articles on syphilis are be-- 1 amount with balancer? of 4,565,000. spreading at the rate of half a million ing released by the Utah State Board Range and breeder cattle were next new cases each year; it kills about of Health in cooperation with the with over $600,000 and feeder cattle one hundred thousand each year; fif- - American Social Hygiene Association, followed with approximately 5345,000. BEAR RIVER t of English. tiffi n . BE READY WHEN WEATHER PERMITS Build with Quality Building Material THE BEST AT THE RIGHT PRICE COAL - HARDWARE CHINA AND GLASSWARE FARM AND HOME SUPPLIES ana packages for home use. ask for a glass of Alka--ltt- tr at the soda fountain. HOME OF QUALITY MERCHANDISE Farmers' Cash Union "YOUR GOOD WILL OUR BEST ASSET" |