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Show KSS Of J (XV 7 J(V l Of v-nuui J l NUMBER, TWENTY -- TWO TREMONTON CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1938 Bear River Meet South ELDER CHARLES Cache Friday To Determine First Place A. CALLIS VISITS MRS.W.T.BENNETT DIES FOLLOWING OF TIME CONFERENCE (B. R. IL S. Journalism Dept.) Friday night in the local high Fourscore and Seven Years Ago Our Fathers Brought school gym will be played a game OF TIMB I that in all probability will decide the Forth On This Continent A New Nation, Conceived In LiberIT TBS EDITORS CreMen Are All champion of Region 1; at least it That ty and Dedicated to the Proposition By will give either Bear River or South and that Government of the People, By the ated time Closes the for Equal being. first Cache place ui SECOND TO the Earth. The game will be one of particular People and for the People Shall Not Perish from "As Commander interest to everyone, because of the One of the largest attended and I ASIPr,L Armv and Navy of of President Lincoln at Address situation it presents, as both teams one of the most inspirational conof wife Bennett, Elizabeth ConstituenSibley are rated on even terms for the States it Is my Gettysburg, November 19, 1863 ferences ever held was concluded Sun peacefully counter. A capacity crowd is expect to report to the Congress William T. Bennett, passed this this in day evening following an interesting home her at awav city out for the game. to turn ed SfoS national defense is. in the and Instructive musical program put brief armaments of afternoon (Thursdav) after a The Bears were defeated early in over of increasing which of two by the M. I. A. Uf - nations, inadequate for pur- illness of three days, season when the two teams prethe A. Callis, a member 0 and requires she was bedfast. These two days met, and are determined to of Elder Charles of the twelve and one viously of national security illthe bed a fast quorum sum total of i P08 even the score with the highly rated for that reason." With these make the of the most fluent and impressive 1 ness that Mrs. Bennett has had dur has Coach T-th- e quintet Tripp's meat of his Spartans. of the church, was present -- ing- her entire life, with the exception c-r proved to be very tough when it plays speakers pearmament mesMgof the conference, desessions to all at birth she when gave i on their home floor, as shown against BPvelt last week asked Con. of the times inspiring addresses and exI naval construc- - her twelve children Weber, and this Friday is to be no livering the fr the greatest saints to be obedient to to this came line-up will horting Mr. and Mrs. Bennett the days when exception. The starting !m program sinceWilson's of God. commandment the eleven from Holdon, Utah, Assistant community consist of Wassom, center; Manning J"w woodrow He rigidly defended the constituI L,,arv of the and Castleton. forwards: and Hess years ago, during which time they Navy. of the hearts the into tion of the United States, saying and Fryer, guards. in Congress for have grown To grease the way are and thi3 nf iwini community to lost Weber, there is no place in a Latter Day South Cache recently of a huge naval pro-- ! the launching es this highly numbered still are city's among heavy Saint's mouth for communism or any that showed but they the President shrewdly proposac- the been have residents. as teemed title They they other ism not In keeping with contenders for the region L t hand th.i Army $17,000,000 over constiof the ana fundamental Civic in relisrious aiiaiis 14 five, to last 41 principles 1 ammu-Box Elder back for turned J it3 regular appropriation Saints. The de Sum Tuesday. To Cele- B. E. They are coming over with tution. equipment, tools faithful Latter Daymember of the Re iiltton a been has ceased Mark Austin, who accompanied of nothing less than a vie thoug-htthe enlisted Of $21,896.71; and dies; for building up the entire time Societv to lief be practically are Elder Callis, spoke p.t all the ses and particularly torv going men. re3erve to 75,000 its active in been and has life Towns mat of her sions and devoted most of his time $6,430 to give tough to beat. It is expected To the Navy he proposed Evan to the church security program. send work. will Baugh Naval Watts Coach to boost the 1 nearly $800,000,00 Bennett were married Glen Mrs. and with of Mr. cities the as time a a forwards; to For Nelson and larger long ',900 planes Reports were heard from Aaronic fBv Correspondent) Air Force from Sorensen and and Melchizedek priesthoods in the in the old Endowment House fifty-fiv- e and a center state have in the portion requested Maughn I tiundering 3,000; to increase person-- I a for banqu&t are under way be returned Bradshaw at the guard posts. inis morning sessio.i. Elder Frank Haw to years ago. To them twelve children andPlans to be held in the East Gary of the gasoline money Mi by 1,200 officers, 20,000 men; dance survive. whom of ten been state road com- is the same line-u- p have that beat the kins, who recently returned from the born, the to cities the t and compli-by haU recreation most expensive build the land ward chapel and sea as came ildeath Bennett's to be declared Mrs. was This mission. before. Bears British mission, reported his labors. 11. cated machines ever devised, modern vere shock to her husband and chil- Friday evening, February board which point Bear River nosed Other speakers included the stake federal the Last Tuesday legal by warships. The chapel and class rooms, the ed out that all gasoline funds must out the Bulldogs from North Cache dren as up to the beginning of her J Tn his messaere the President urged presidency and Charles A. Walton, of which was begun in Aug-- 1 be been had win 22. comshe The enjoying to 24 building road of brief state score the illness, a close laid bv whom Elder Callis requested to speak, be expended by com-- , I mat two more battleships health. Only a short time ust of last year, is practically friend and mainten ner was not determined until late In Mr. Walton being a the mission for building 1 down this year in addition to the her usual Salt pleted. In spite of light grain and ance of to the seconds made 50 no had she for last trip before and the $70,-and acquaintance. the game. During I two now building at a cost of i public highways the reLake to see one of her granddaugh- other crops, low prices andhas other purpose. the lead changed three times, at this The Bear River High School chorus, 000 each; recommended that work gone the building turn depression, noor Rivpr led 21 to 20. but under the direction of George O. Nye, fees license and on two more ters leave for a mission. Motor lie started immediately The sympathy of the entire com- forward without delay, under the collected registration in Utah for years have been Phillips, North Cache center, scored furnished the music for the morning I Mt cruisers. To keep abreast ot tne of Contractor and Bennett Mr. to in out supervision splendid goes Tremonton Choral 1 u:?ed to pay off state bonds of long a lontr shot to put the Bulldogs torpedo motor boats de-- munity of their beloved Leo Oyler. a session and the loss with the in scored his then family Castleton front. were direction of C. C. all he bonds the These under paid standing. Society, veloped abroad, notably in Italy, which is modem to put tne mother. The earth, too. is new and corner The wife J building, near the - on. on from shot ciKnnn the music for the sum of -a furnished 1937 $800,000 in leaving r onrivni rf a noble character, one in every respect, contains a chapel, j also asKea ior a. sjjcum The other Watkins, for front good. in several re con some Bears to I allocated to be good pur session, afternoon giving hand for experimental propriation filled her mission well and kitchen, eight class rooms, including on has who was made Callis J straction weuing or by Elder me compli so tne last session suiie point quest numbers. of "small vessels." left a monument to her name in her the Relief Society and Bishop's room, pose, memoers ana oi allocations foul directors the authorized I The President's pitch. mented the Policy Big Navy sons and daughters, who are dressing rooms, shower and store legislature on and cities recommen-- I splendid to of organizations the towns, each of this singing a short in money ms summed up j room. The modern furnace and stokexemplifying her ideals. streets and roads, but the beautiful music they had furnishMion for a flat 20 per cent increase deceased was born etruary er operate efficiently to heat both counties for The E. under the ed and invoked the blessings of heavbe to supervision expended Blithe "existing authorized building 26 1865 at Bristol, England, a daugh the new chapel and old recreational of 1 commission. road en upon them. the state program for increase and replace-ter of Thomas and Mary faiDiey. n hall. commisthe road law cent the Under 20 bigger The conference was pronounced an Bents" a Navy per to this country The kitchen and dressing rooms are sion has the power to disapprove of Naval parents immigrated Social success from every stand the expired allowed five was outstanding by to for the gospel when she mountain watei with pure none or supplied the to of Callis calling program, complimented county second big Elder any city treaties and point. years of age and settled in Holden,to from the town's culinary water sys- for an expenditure which might be Bureau social President Smith and the people of Annual Farm The oaviea now building. where they resided until coming tem. The old building is being retain- regarded as a diversion of highway was indeed a grand success, manj the Bear River Stake, saying, "You Well aware that a big Navy is this community. ed for recreational purposes. The in- funds under the definition contained marveled and mentioned the possibil are a good people." bound to arouse loud Congressional Besides her husband, she is surviv- terior walls are newly decorated and in program the federal highway act. opposition, President Roosevelt in ed ity of giving a banquet, acema. by the following sons and daugh- it is planned to veneer this building were and uct towns and all for cities dance The a Tuesday iirty formed Congress: "It is with the ters, Aarl, of Tremonton Edith El- with brick to match the chapel, as urged by the state road commission me say the affair can be accomplished I deepest regret that I report to you and Fillmore; Lawrence soon as financial conditions will make to submit as soon as possible their only by the donation of many nours I that armaments increase today at an of Carey, Idaho; Ellis it mer Bennett, women possible. program as the money will be avail- of unselfish work by faithful j unprecedented and alarming rate. It Smith Bennett, Idaho Falls, Idaho; L. M. able on March 1. con due is Bishop the credit men. greatest one. Much and Perhaps I is an ominous fact that at least Verda Pymm, Clinton, Smith, Jetta been and the has success building the financial The 1937 legislature provided that tribution to our I fourth of the world's population is in Salt Lake City; and Thore Holman, Lynnford, members President of ward the and on the concent of the $800,000 annually 70 part kindness I volved in merciless, devastating per two sis- committees (B. II. II. S. Joumalinm Dept.) Poulsen, who have loyally supported the cause. be allocated to counties and tne re- Smith, who has permitted us to use 1 flict. . . Tension throughout the world was received today by LeRoy Word , . no -mainder to the cities. Cities' funds the main rooms in the high school is high." For support of his program ine project, wijiui6 vi."-v..that Leonard Miller, Bear Bunnell Emma Brown, Lakeview, uian, o hesitate 000 and $17,000, has been paid for will be divided on the basis of pop- without charge. We almost he appealed to almost all apathetic grandSchool Future Farmer, and three great grandchildren ges- River High ! or with the exception of the benches, niatinn and that of counties onanda to mention his kindness lestthethefuture first place In a awarded opposition groups except pacifists, children. been has is basis of road mileage, population, will be withheld in It ture dark Sunfurnishing. and with held To chapel inland be chairs the will States, conducted contest j by the Salt Funeral services which wouia stiffle any attempt to poster I hints of air raids: "Adequate defense He will re m. in the L. D. S. hoped that the scheduled social for homestead exemption. Yards. 12:30 Stock Union at p. Lake day alloted to Box Elder put on so successful an occasion at amount will The I means that for the protection not together bring evening Friday ceive a prize of $7.50. chapel. so little cost. only of our coasts but also of our' many former residents ana menus countv outside of cities is $21,896.71. for is affair and towns Twenty posters from the to the The amounts allotted Though we realize and also aid the financial committee communities far removed from the we region, were entered in the near of the in people, y the follows: common as good the cities, Delos coast we must keep any potential in making final payments of these were made by afcontest. Seven school of 264.00 $ want those in charge Bear River City future. many hundreds, of miles from 3,144.00 fairs to know we appreciate their F. F. A. boys, while the remaining our continental limits." club memThe ward population is 240 souls. Brigham City 216.00 kindness and generous attitude to- 13 were submitted by Corinne To each seaboard: "We cannot asAttoris made by bers. 120.00 ward the Farm Bureau. Announcement sume that our defense would be limit. Deweyville v, Via Vina v Club girl of mai. and 144.00 generous ueios was uayues J. ney meal tasty Georgianne Flores, The Elwood " ed to one ocean and one coast and Ttnnv 11. IL second me movireceiver The wim connections 216.00 his Torrington, Wyoming, and served with dispatch. Fielding: that the other ocean and the other severed of Absa-roki-e, will set up a and the at Bank David Thatcher, and State of River o04l,u "highlights ng- pictures City Garland place coast would with certainty be safe Open in the offices over uie 312.00 school" by Mr. Ward were interesting Montana, was awarded third To liberals: "I believe that the time law office Honeyville 192.00 view. to bank L. Peterson building. and pleasant place. Mantua Countv Assessor Fred has come. . . to enact legislation aim216.00 Louis W. Larson, of the Mr. Davnes formerly practised law announced from his office Thursday The nrotrram was very informal, ed at the prevention of profiteering Perry Tremon to entertainment 192.00 before coming Ray W. Marsh, of the Western with features amusing, tax commission wouia Plymouth in time of war and the equalization in Logan worn ior uic that theanstate in HolbrooK some 216 00 do President Co., and C. M. Carter, of the Process bureau special to ton license instructive. and automobile of the burdens of possible war. set up Portage of the of told & citizen a 96.00 Co., were the judges. is Jex repuie hign Bird .at Brigham City, Snowville his usual genial way. To isolationists: "It is our clear bank. He establish-- h in the court house will be used to adverhas Bureau here 600.00 Farm This of the since poster and coining achievements Tremonton which would open Monday, February duty to further every effort toward Junior LiveMrs. Intermountain unthe with 360.00 public. himself well tise the and asked for our support. Willard 14, and remain open for business (Please Turn to Paee Three) 120.00 Mouer asked farmers to join in the stock Show at Salt Lake June 8, 9, Tremonton. for many years, nas iea til February 28. The hours will be Yost B. E. Journal cause of cooperation and not expect and 10. thA need of a law office here, wnere fmm 8 a. m. to 5 P. m. advise and transactions may oe to "thumb" a free ride on the efforts are warned that they MntntHstji rQriA without incurring a travelling must have auto license plates by a very few willing members. of SHOP THRU THE LEADER ADS The public gen ovnon and Evans impressed farmers of delay. Dr. 1. March from p'rallv will creet the announcement the importance of pure seed. Especial iorwith approval and wish Mr. Daynes ly did he guard us against tenas HICKORY us snowea lie seed, alfalfa success in his profession. eign true value of Utah raised alfalfa seed Around a farm, you will find roos for Utah. ters flappin' their wings and percn m,n manv unties recitations and can tog on the highest places they W. dances were excellent and deserve' imd and showin' off. But if you nap- much praise. The dance was a great Pen to be lookin' for something for f a gradu-oof success, due to the fine music and 7 becomn not a fcito maker to In a law Fielding, an Harold Smith, omelet, you do not waste your Uni of the fellowship, at breaker." the good feeling chemistry "me up there on any roof. LOCAL BOY SCOUTS selected as ..r FEBRUARY The onlv disappointment perhaps And in getting business revived and versity of Utah, has been in manuscript ol SCOUTING decrease was the fellow C wo can mention receive teaching ' fawy going again, it is gonna be the same, one of four to Washlnglon'. 1 schol of chemattendance compared to other years. Address told for $2,300, scouts in unison. whatever gettin' ahead is bein' ships in the graduate of Wisconsin. lyr 2,000 the leaders' for answer U many must by 185a The recession Scout committeemen, the University done, it will be Scouters and scouts returned by the average kind istry at it should be accused River high all over the Bear and sins Bear Society forth scouts from perhaps lJMAmerican former and a of person who is still at Mr. Smith, home enthused with the impetus of Temper- gettin' up affair. M. A. this Promotion TJ an the attended fewer receive of attending will stake River 6;30 a. m., and not tTt l had been givthat ance" organized, 1825. and Gateby the fellers up school student, inspiration his and will begin program of the Ogden there in the tree tops. degree in June en in the gathering. 14 Joseph Ruffner dug th in the fall, way Council at Ogdcn Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Roundy, Mr. And the commotion in the high work for a doctor's degree to Boy Scout lint salt well. 1769. climax a As of fitting member mr- - Smith was elected to F. A. Childs, Mrs. E. R. Roundy, Vess Roundy night. This was in observance and Places, it just keeps people upset and Women permitted to pracweek. Superintendent 15 Thi fraternity, the 28th anniversary of scouting of the Industrial school at Ogdcn, law before th Mrs. Afton Christensen returned and tice confused, and not knowin what is ship in the Phi Kappa - in America. An elaborate program for students Supreme Court. 1879. Monday night from attending Ruth will deliver an address to the parcoming next. Like when a hawk flies a national organization dovh, o the for anu B',...-twvisited Plymouth had been prepared over the chlrkrns run under the of high scholastic ability, worldiner ceremony of Miss ents and boys Sunday evening at in the colony with aretmj, of Mr. ana Mrs. jos. which included as a preliminary the of services sacrament house, and do not come out till the daughter Milne, year teaching fellowship in regular "Welcome Englishmen." the UniverJohn to the program an hours swim 1621. Milne, of St George, and K. chemistry department at ger i3 over. the L. D. S. church. and he when pool F. L. swimming the Weber gym Rnimdv. son of Mr. and Mrs. But one of these days, people will sity of Utah two years ago is considered one of Hardee burned Childs Mr. in beans. nane-toshort a from the U. honeymoon After ?et fed up, as you evacuaiea reand and Roundy. graduated in included talks by the outstanding authorities nroe-ramight say, Thf. make 1865. will the couple Los toey will mosey out there and pick Angeles, the lation to boys problems. Tarents prominent scouts of the state, NOTICE home In St George. tt a few roosters from the high 'iMelleraon DavU Inaugu their includwhich of and rated presiaeni oi badges, their boys awarding Bureau to bring branches and Invite In the neighbors The are urged Confederal awards. scout The East Tremonton Farm two ed eagle of Mrs. Ada benefit of the expersome fricassee. of the ceremony receive the wiU meet at the home SUBSCRIBE FOR THE LEADER part 16 at impressive noted speaker. of this ience February oath taken Garfield Wednesday, Yours, with the low down, was the . 2:30 p. JO 5ERRA 1 BRIEF ILLNESS Inspirational Addresses Esteemed Mother of Twelve Children Long, Useful Career - Church Given Leaders 1 ! long-await- ed - I HIGHWAY BOARD EAST GARLAND TO HOLD SOCIAL 1 IN NEW CHURCH REQUEST PLANS FROM COUNTIES 1 anti-aixra- County Banquet, Dance to ft brate Completion of 1 s And Modern Chapel 1 Get Cities 1 1 life-lo- ng 000 : 1 . " Pres. J. Holmgren Reports Farm Bureau Great Success 1 Tom-kins'o- n, iT'uS; Leonard Miller Is Awarded the First Prize For Poster . - T- f 1 Inter-mount- 1 en-m- Daynes to Open Law Office Here - 4-- H - . . d. License Plate Office to 4-- H At Brigham THE LOW DOWN GROVE Humid Smith Given Fellowship to U. of SUM aft OBSERVE 28th ANNIVERSARY OF jlnal cr -- fr t 1 totJ ain |