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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1938 WART, the Speed Cop The MARCH OF TIME Edltors of prepared by he (Coo teCt 1X1 fc pro- - r nation. . not on aggression iu he based 7 QZt reasons was Airai nfher U3 Chief oi Leahy. in hearings on William D. V. WASHINGTON The highest Japanese officer in China's former capital Nanking, His Highness Lieutenant General Prince Yasuhiko Asaka, last week expressed his apologies to Third Secretary John M. Allison cf the U. S. Embassy. In Nanking, where outrages by the Japanese soldiers had continued for over a month, Third Secretary Allison and Charles Riggs of Nanking University, a U. S. citizen, went out last week with a Chinese woman to try to identify Japanese soldiers whom she had accused of having raped her thricel. Since Japanese soldiers had taken the weman from the agricultural implement shop of Nanking University, Mr. Riggs had applied to Third Secretary Allison for help. Mr. Allison, according to his official report, was escorted by Japanese gendarmes who advised him not to enter a building into which they had agreed to take the Chinese woman so that she might point out the rapists. Then they pushed her roughly through the gate, and as Messrs. Al lison and Riggs impulsively moved to follow, a Japanese sentry shouted in English "Back! Back--" "I backed up slowly," cabled Third Secretary Allison in his report, "but before I had time to get out of the gate he slapped me across the face and then turned and did the same to Mr. Riggs." Mr. Allison, who speaks Japanese, diplomatically confined himself to adding that the sentry, "livid with rage. . . shouted at us in a most offensive manner," grabbed Mr. Riggs, tore the collar and some buttons from his shirt. President Roosevelt spent two hours conferring with State Department officials, then U. S. Ambassador Jos. Clark Grew at Tokyo was ordered to obtain an expression of regret from of Foreign Japanese Affairs Kensuke Horinouchi. This Washington officially accepted as "satisfactory," closed the case. Wheth er the Chinese woman identified any rapists, what happend to her or them, remained unknown to the State Department. pro-ha- f j MCKEL - - - Since the design be I WASHINGTON any U. S. coin may by law Changed after 25 years, and the fof buffalo-- head nickel will be 25 hears old on February 21, Secretary f the Treasury Morgenthau last week announced that the Mint would coin d ho more after that date. A jury of Mint Director Nellie Tayloe tnree scuipcors aiuney Ross and 'Vaugh, Albert Stewart' and Heinz Hrameke will pick a new design from those submitted by artists. ' But the New Deal has already ticked the subject of the winning Indian com--pose- It must bear a portrait of Thomaon the obverse, of his Jefferson s home, Monticello, on the reverse. ngn by the coincidence that Dem-crJefferson will be commemorat-- 4 m an Election year, Republicans eiertheless held their peace upon only overdue design change 'is the penny, from which Republican tkraham Lincoln could have been at Struck n: re-'in- ed in 1934. o ;,ih i Nominated by WASHINGTON Vice-Minis- I President Roosevelt and confirmed Gen-ferr,y the Senate, former Solicitor week Stanley Reed was J sworn in "by Chief Justice Hughes as J the 77th Justice of the U. S. Supreme al 'last Court. o I "IFFY" j what V . k - f7li -- N "V- 0 -- lrXu - S O, 11 BIG idea-- ) O I isl C-- O itma lleater f mogc I XVT 7T. Vnttl unT nc oppootonities Jahd Vuauc rue L.n(oua WwMiuirl k order : $395.00 ' vir I am Badia 1933 PONTLVC SEDAN Reconditioned $295.00 1931 FOKD SEDAN A Snap No shrewd buyer passes up our used car bargains o - - - Corn-eti- il and sons dashed for the stable, firing as they went. In the stableyard a second rolice-ma- n was killed while an soigry crowd chanted: "Ivill them! Burn them out!" When gasoline was tossed on the brown straw of the stable roof, the Corneuils stumbled out, black shadows against the crackling yellow flames. The Widow Corneuil and one Eto son were instantly killed. The second son escaped to, the shadows of the woods behind the house, to be captured next day, the 200 francs still unpaid, two charges of murder against Movie People. May Mann to Talk On Movies At Bothwell M. I. A. Feb. 15th May Mann, Hollywood The meeting commences at 7:30 p. m. and all are invited. This is the only time she will appear in this end of the county and surrounding wards are invited to participate. commenta l. C J t::c c".. ravens-.- t'.icv ;c: tu"2; and chatter and .:sh ini pet anry all in public. I've" .i a S luiii tor for the Standard Examiner, will the calm e" of a storm t: 2 'the speak in the M. I. A. assembly at rr.. of high center very in the Bothwell ward Tuesday, February En;3 Ic winds. HeM 15. Her subject will be Movies and .. ', .:;.:-(..-- t I . : 1st BB2 E Your Jeweler Robert Olillons WASHINGTON Tossing his head S31 GREETING - - from side to side, President Roose- -' FALLS CITY, Nebraska Called to velt last week read to reporters gath- the phone from his 44th birthday dinered in his office for a press conf er-- , ner last week, Bulgaria's little Tsar er.ee a statement against reducing Boris III heard the voice of an old Treraonton, Utah breed to Raise Cash to Pay His Honest Debts fee Bold at to Stock Beamifis! This M Every thing Walls Bare the to and Cost of Regardless wages - "... I 1 mass-produ- ri 0 T c- ! s All of the Finest Quality and Nationally Advertised I jl well-man- -I self-defeati- ! I is? mil and Will Continue for Three Days P 1 1 ul Endin g Monday Night, Feb. 14th Special Notice A Beautiful Diamond Ring Mounted In Solid Gold FREE - At Each Sale - No Obligation to Buy TWO SALES DAILY - 2 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. as-U- khaki-coate- - . Not Going Out of Business Just Going After Business Bsriag This Ad at $150.00 him. I have said so frequently. . . clearly and uneauivocally . . . that 1 am opposed to wage reductions. . . If we want to restore prosperity, we ! must increase, not decrease, that pur- - 1 the ter Locomotive friend, Bulgarian-bor- n Engineer Gus Phillips of Falls City, Neb. Mr. Phillips had met the Tsar, an enthusiastic locomotive driver, on a trip to Bulgaria in 1932. After exchanging $31 worth of pleasantries, chasing power." Tsar Bori3 rang off. Previous gifts f "Now as to prices. A that have passed between the Tsar tion industry depends on volume for and the Nebraska engineer include i profits. . . The only way to get vol two miniature locomotives from Gus ume ud is to nroduce eroods for a Phillips, 16 bottles of choice wine and Price the public will pay. . . But that a diamond stickpen from Tsar Boris. I does not mean that such price reduco tions can come out of wages. Those who believe in the profit system must REFUND - - J recognize that those who get the pro-- i WASHINGTON In a list of tax fits when business is good must bear sent to Congress last week refunds f the losses when business temporarily was an item: $1,029 the Treasury is slack. by Those who get the profits D. Roosevelt, Washington. Franklin when are volume industry gets the the ones to bear the risk of such j Price reductions as may be necessary DEATHS AND TAXES to stimulate and restore volume. LA FLECHE, France French tax "Those in charge of a aged and solvent Industry should no es are high, but Frenchmen are more f more consider casting the burden of expert at evasion than their Govern temporary business recession upon ment is at collection. Shocked there their workers than upon their bond- - fore is many a Frenchman if he finds folders. . . a tax cannot be evaded. Shocked last which "Industrialists kill the goose week were Widow Corneuil and her a the I two strapping sons when a tax colwhen keep they golden egg Prices up at the expense of employ- lector came to their farm near the 165 miles south Hent and purchasing power. Indus-- I village of La Fleche, on the pay trialists kill the Insisted and of east the Paris, which lays goose of long BoWen 200 francs ment ($6.40) of egg when they cut wages and and slammed taxes. overdue They J thereby reduce purchasing power, man's Either in the impudent and locked the door j policy is suicidal." face. Back to town went the tax colTien thn asked the lector and returned with a locksmith President If he meant to do something The locksmith had no sooner set down a shot from a j about prices, he said with a wave of his bag of tools than his him wounded severely. j long cigaret holder that the con- window nation was trettintr too "iff v.' Mayhem is more serious in France j Businessmen muttered that it was than tax evasion. By evening me Corneuil house was surrounded by orange they should be asked to d the burden of high wages in gendarmes with rifles flcPression after the undistributed searchlights, tear bombs. All through PWits tax had been to keep the night they besieged it. Every time n from collectingImposed blue cap appeared, the surpluses. But a policeman's President apparently agreed with Widow Corneuil or one of her sons least one businessman, for in es- took a shot at it. Next morning one pousing high wages, low prices and brave gendarme volunteered to make o ume the Widow production Franklin Roose-J- 't a last effort to persuade had taken his stand on the very rnmeuil to surrender. Again a snoi on his heel and dropped PaUorm occupied for over 20 years He twisted y Henry ,i,.f.ri The seice continued. Ford. At dusk, the second evening, police at3hUgh Henrv Frd can alter wages Melinite charges snauerca prices at- will t7n tttrll n T?rw"icu attacked. "ill, i'lOiinilit vvvwv y.i. cannot. tear bombs were tossed rtrnr This made the President's bombs ment rather Iffy, espec- - through the windows, sulfur ally his vy crumney the concluding senUment: "If In- dropped down 'tncs reduce wages this winter and liceman who swung himself up on I v. host of vour o?pornwif.s CCMS Bc'TONCE. the eaves. Finally the Widow SLAP J VEff Standard Sedan vn-le- ss :"e 1 ,J " e''y Keusmo'azine n 19S4 CHEV. BUYING SAFE n me regular ieftr,. whether the Atlantic ':iVt muld be defended with almost Jire fleet in the Pacific, No. 1 m. rhV reolied frankly: "In l nvi (v mn1a . maiic nf an aiuitiv ucuig on the coast States United the be brot atic side the fleet couldsufficient in Ocean Atlantic w the 70 prevent any real success on But he lifrart of an enemy. . as well as the President that ?3Bi, Naw means a Big Navy in 4e pacific (Japan) and nowhere else. w a Recession measure to create s i the construction piovment, little immediate significance luse it will be spread over a per-- . of years. What isolationists, who L, dominated U. S. foreign policy iice the War, feared most was that men and ships iht president wanted cany out the collective security 4licy be enunciated in his Chicago speech last October. -- WHO MAKES USED CAB Co, . demolished last week by Vretty LINCOLN WAS A GREAT GREATEST PP.EStDE.NT- MAN VHO ROSE FSOM A LOG C3iN TO THE WHITE HOUSE - A V.'KO MADE THE MOST OF HIS - I Ufc52 YOU TO DO , t'Ni:-fci'.' ' -- iCC3 LIKCC'--N 6 MAK;N6 MAH-OU- - at the same time to defense- ,t on f the President's 3 By Fronk Chevrolet - ABRAHAM spring they will be deliberate'.-,- encouraging the withholding cf tuyic? they will be fostering a downward spiral, and they will make it neces.. sary for their Government to sider other means of creating purchasing pcwoi-.The phrase "other means of creating purchasing power" cou'd mean only oue thing spending. Warshinp-toobservers therefore felt thr.t business picked up in the spiinr the Administration program for dealing with depression would finally emerge as pump priming. A shot of inflation had worked once, and the needle was still in the medicino chest iinued From Page One) r f3Cf 1 PAGE THREE Robert Cimonsen 1V Jeweler , Wifa You U Is Valoafsle! |