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Show . - PAGE EIGHT 1 . 1 1 H-- H 1 1 H H-H-- H MI j-H 1 1 H"H"H I 52.a-- Mrs. Willard Hansen, of Los Ange Dr. and Mrs. Stocks, of Bountiful, spent the Fourth with their daughter les, California, is spending the weekDr. and Mrs. Jay M. with her mother, Mrs. Caroline Jacoband sen at Salt Lake City. Mrs. Hansen Schaffer. has been in this valley for the last weeks with her husband and Mr. few Calof Mr. and Mrs. Bert Norton, who have been ifornia, are visiting this week with Ralph Walde ElJedge, oil leases. Mrs. securing Mrs. Norton's parents, Mr. and N. T. Spangler. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brenkman and Theodore Sumsion, of Salt Lake Wayne Beebe spent a couple of days City, is at the home of his sister and at Bear Lake. brother-in-laMr. and Mrs. RegiMr. and Mrs. Cecil Haskel were nald Summers. Mr. Sumsion, accomalso Ada Miss Malad visitors Monday. Forsworth, by panied of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Dwain Compton and Cole and Norman Winzeler and Bobby, Patsy and Dale spent the 4th Paul HeiU returned to their home at Bear Lake. Friday evening, after spending ten Mrs. C. A. Hill, of Smithfield, spent days in Southern California. Saturday with her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Winzeler and Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Hill. family spent Sunday and Monday at Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Poltons and Logan canyon. sons, Wyne and Gerin, accompanied Miss Anna Watkins, who has been by Mrs. Abbott, of Portland, Oregon, attending summer school at the L. visited with Mr. and Mrs. William T. D. S. Business college, at Salt Lake Bennett, Saturday. Sunday they went City, spent the weekend with Mr. and on to Miller county to visit with Mrs. Mrs. C. C. Watkins. Poltons' family. son-in-la- I T7Tff 'V-- It JVwI A r hi t ' M 1 1 . 1 EVANS Dentist Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Harris visited with Mr. and Mrs. Vernal Harris at Brigham, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. R. Fosgreen, and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Harris were visitors and Twin Falls Monday. at Bur-le- y Laurine Homer is spending the sum mer at Soda Springs. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kerr were Yellowstone Park from Sunday till Thursday. In home of by 31 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor and son at Burley, Idaho for the were week end. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Lower and Mr. and Mrs. Burgess spent a few days at Logan canyon this week. Jon L. Williams of Portland, was here on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Ruth left Saturday for their home at Huntington Park, California, after spending a week with their daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Goff. Mrs. N. E. Shaw entertained the G. O. G. Bridge club Saturday. Mrs. Waples and Mrs. Sargent were special guests. Prizes were presented to Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Winchester, Mrs. G. H. Watland and Mrs. Kim Mann. Tremonton, Utah Office Hoars: 9 to 12 and 1:30 U Y m44"M it ii unit 1 1 it Mi "rnnin 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 Announcement Mrs. John Richards of Garland represent the Charm of HoIIjti cosmetics in Tremonton and Garj She will service all patrons or pai interested. Mrs. Richards has been with! company at Ogden before movii Garland. 3 LM&imii& .dri ,. i Parking space for 12,000 auta biles will he available at the Golden Gate International ExposU Many local people enjoyed the end at beautiful Lakota resort at Lake. Swimming, boating, surfb riding, dancing and roller ska were enjoyed by the large crowf Ev( vacationists. enthusiastic Roche helped make the days enjoyable with a handsome boat. Mrs. Edith Purser and daugl Roma of Garfield, are spending1 week with Mrs. Alice Burgess, j Mrs. Leland J. Hansen, family; 1 DiIniiTQ.r tirsro in Snlt" tf Thursday. Miss Lois Thompson came Salt Lake City, Friday and st&w till Monday with her parents. The Bishop and Mrs. James tnn were in Yellowstone Natl Park this weekend. Harry Taylor and Home Coming celebr, attended a at Ephriam, Sunday and Monday Mr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. E. H. WTiite and ilv returned home Wednesday spending the first part of the fshing at Bear Lake. jHfS!"!l!E SAVINGS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY CHECK YOUR NEEDS AND BUY NOW 25c INSTANT WHITE SHOE CREAM for all white shoes 14c 60s ALKA-SELTZE- 23c J & J BABY 49c large R, TALCUM 39c HOSPITAL COTTON 19c -- 1 lb AGAIN AT OUR FOUNTAIN Reg. 25c Banana Splits SATURDAY ONLY 29c GENUINE for Sunburn and burns $1.23 VANTAGE 10c ..... 39c THERMOS BOTTLES 89c PINT SIZE $1.00 St. Regis Pocket Watches $1.35 Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound M 10c Lifebuoy Soap - 3 bars 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste M 25c Fitches Shaving Cream 59c Sof Perfumed 79c 790 $1.00 Challenge . 98 17( ALARM CLOCKS 79C Guaranteed 34 14 Registered PHARMACITS Water Softener 39 PRESCRIPTIONS DRUGS . FOUNTAIN To Serve You At All Times Mrs. Lund, of Brigham City, dem onstrated with pressure cookers at the L. D. S. church Wednesday. Great Car Builders! Dentist 1 w 50c McKesson BURNTONE DR. D. B. GREEN 1 I The Tremonton ward Primary ofMr. and Mrs. Tom Carter, Miss Jaand teachers held a delightful ficers net Ault, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ault were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. party at the Udy Hot Springs Friday, E. Ault Monday. July 2nd. After several hours of swim ming a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Garfield and other officers, to LuOdessa Wyatt, Lillian Morris, cille Cropley, Ruby Landvatter, Shir- seventeen ladies. ley Watland, Bertha Landvatter, HelThe people of this community who en Winzeler, Mrs. N. E. Shaw, Sophie Worner, Mr. and Mrs. Gdff, Capwell enjoyed the many attractions were: Jenkins, Harold Brewer, Norman Mr. and Mrs. Everett Roche and famShaw, and Kenneth Shaw went up ily, Mr. and Mrs. Jones and Melba Logan canyon Sunday after church and Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Briggs and daughter, Yvonne, Mr. and Mrs. and stayed till Monday. Melvin Robbins and children, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shuman and sons Mrs. Lichtenstien, Marie Elison, GorBilly and Waren, and Mr. and Mrs. don Hood, Max Laub, Velma Dallen, Ward Shuman spent Sunday and Mon Mr. and Mrs. Christensen and baby. day in Lava Hot Springs, Soda Spring Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen, and and Bear Lake. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Calderwood left Mr. and Mrs. Evan Rasmussen, of the city at 5:00 o'clock Monday morn Logan, and Mrs. Andrew Rasmussen ing and took breakfast at Como of Redman, Utah, spent Sunday with Springs on the Weber, and after witMr. and Mrs. Chris Thompson. nessing two baseball games, motored south and took a good view of the William R. Parley and son and Echo dam, then traveled on to Coaldaughter, William Jr. and Christine, ville and up Silver Creek canyon over of Los Angeles California, visited in to Park City where they witnessed this city, Sunday. bicycle contests riding up the steep city street, and how those , muscles Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Johnson, of Salt did expand! Then ran on and took Lake City, visited with friends here lunch in Parley's canyon, then on ' down the canyon and around the east Monday. and north boulevard, from which you Miss Wright, of Salt Lake City, su- get a real good view of the Salt Lake pervisor of Religious Education for valley as well as of the city. They the Methodist church in Utah, is con- spent a little time at the State Zoo ducting a vocational Bible school to and at Fort Douglas also at Memorbe held every morning from nine till ial Park, returning home by way of noon. Young people from kindergar-de- n Ogden. The day was an ideal one for age to seventeen are invited to such a trip, no wind nor storm. Mrs. Thims, of Logan, is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Duane Lower. ' . 1 i Mr. and Mrs. Duane Lower. son-in-la- Choose PHILCO . . . your choice is confirmed - Mrs. George Brentzeg Anderson of 4 Whenever You Drive . . . Take Along All That a Radio Offers With a PHILCO! employment Committee of Box E? county, held Tuesday evening 1 in the local office, Mr. John Adf County Commissioner of Brigham! Otto Schenkel, prominent businj man of Tremonton, were appoif representatives of Box Elder cofi to meet in regular session with 1 gan ana weoer county Keemploy committee. ' Salt Lake City, are visiting at the Shirley Beard won a weeks trip to Yellowstone National Park Tuesday. The contest was to see who could get the most subscriptions for the Salt Lake Tribune. All expenses were paid by the Tribune. "Installed in any car." - Special dials for 1936- 1 37 automobiles, that match interior of the car y3mf ' son-in-la- Mrs. Carl Nelson. selectivity, sensitivity and quiet operation! the first Friday of each monttf tween the hours of 1 and 4 mj p the purpose of taking applications renewing cards. If desired, appii may renew their registration 4 either in person or by mail, to 24th street, Ogden, Utah. At a meeting of the National! nt i attend. Salt Lake Mrs. D. Sparrey Thomas of Ma Mr. and Mrs. Craig Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Bennson, of daughters, Leslie and Kay, of San Idaho, is visiting this week with j City, is staying this week at the home Mr. Seattle, Washington, spent Wednesof her daughter and Diego, California, spent Wednesday son and family, Mr. ana Mrs. and Mrs. W. E. Kerr. friends in with this city. in this city. Thomas. day Mrs. Chris Beck spent Wednesday The new 1938 PHILCO RADIO is now on the market . . . The last word in power, volume, J i Mrs. L. R. Burton, of at Brigham City meeting her mother, ATTENTION! 51 'tJl - .- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Conger, and Mrs. W. H. Miller, of Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dalton spent Mr. and Mrs. Aramon Tollman and D. C, and Miss Caroline Kanz, also the weekend at Provo and Salt Lake. baby spent Saturday and Sunday at of Washington, D. C, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kramer, of Syracause, N. Cove, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Gephart Y. visited during the week at the at Brigham, Monday. F. C. Hordy and sons, Donald and home of Mr. and Mrs. E E. Brenkman. Rodney, spent Wednesday here on Miss Colleen Hormon, of Provo, and business. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winzeler and Darleen Christiansen, of Richfield, are Mr. and Mrs. Ted Christnsen were at with Mr. and Mrs. Frank staying Mr. and Mrs. Howard Getz, Pearl Yellowstone Park this week. Con-yaloug- h, . , I PORTtANO, ORC of the truly great riven of the world, the Columbia finds its rise ONE the giant mountain peaks of Canada before crowing the border to reach the sea at Astoria, Oregon. The 460 miles that the Columbia runs through British Columbia are turbulent miles and much of the distance is paralleled by the motor highways which follow the spectacular Columbia Valley. The actual source of the river, Columbia Lake, can be reached from Spokane, Washington, or by driving north from Yellowstone Park. The road leads directly to Canada's famous i national parks, Yoho and Kootenay in British Columbia and Banff in Alberta. The photograDhs show three of the scenes along the route. Upper left, Takakraw Falls, Yoho National Park; upper right. Giant's! :.sL&ilt. 5tepi, Bans National Park, and lower right, typical scenery along the route of the upper Columbia River. son-in-la- w Due to the limited number ct ? jects in Box Elder courtv aTk ent time, the local Nationafp? ployment office is being cIoJTi the cards of the J transferred to the applicant, district r r 1 Ogden, Utah, according to t 3 ment of J. H. Hickman. Field H visor of Utah. La Preal Wight, who has be charge of the local office for thTj two years will assume her dutiJ receptionist in the district off lQ Ogden, Friday morning. A representative of the Natl Reemployment Service will be inl ham at the County Court HousJ REVEUSTOlce - (ft and Daniel Bradshaw returned from family were Brigham visitors Sunday. Camp Kiesel to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Willard, Mr. Bradshaw. and Mrs. A. J. Prince, and Hans AnRobert Myhauffer and son, Gordon, derson, of Wendell, Idaho, spent SunMr. and Mrs. Fred Lund and Dent day and Monday visiting with friends from Lork, Utah, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Earl this weekend. and relatives in this city. Black and Mrs. Coffrey, of Salt Lake City, spent the Fourth with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Parley Archibald and Stone. Mrs. Lund was Mr. and Mrs. Art Jensen, of Magna, formerly Faye spent Wednsday at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Londy Harris spent the Stone. Dent Black is Mrs. Stone's and Mrs. Ernest Woodward. and Mrs. Coffrey is Mrs. holidays at Yellowstone Park. Stone's sister. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Stanley and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Robbins and daughter, Roberta, of Salt Lake City, family and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Miss Gloria Dalton spent last week visited with friends in Tremonton this Lechtenstein were at Bear Lake this as a guest of Miss Peggy Palmer at week. week. Logan. They also spent the weekend together at Bear Lake. Miss Glenna Richards, of Ogden, The Reverend Baer of Peoria, III., in visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Philip has been visiting this week with her Dr. and Mrs. D. B. Green were in Getz. cousin, Miss Alice Winchester. Yellowstone Park this week. re ar.i1 SJPK -- ' t r'-- wj.' Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Watkins Jac-qui- n. At Brigham City MovedTo Ogrf v A l Johanson, Chuck Nelson, and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Pack spent the week end Wayne Fronk, Dallas Getz, Alfred at Franklin, Idaho and Bear Lake. Landvatter, Parker Fronk and Frank Landvatter spent Tuesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Reed Cannon and at Lagoon. daughter, Joy, and Miss VaLene Tag-ga- rt were in Salt Lake City, Friday Mrs. Tompkinson, Dale and Billy and Saturday. spent Saturday and Sunday in Miller county visiting with Misses Helen and Mr. and Mrs. James O. White and Nelda Bennett. Jimmy, Bill Henery, Marilyn and of Los Angeles, California stopMr. and Mrs. T. E. Sandall and Mr. here ped Friday enroute to Max Inn, and Mrs. Jay Rheed spent the weekIdaho, where they will make their end in Yellowstone Park. home for the summer. The following persons were city visMr. and Mrs. Edgar Winchester at- itors this week: Mr. and Mrs. M. F. tended the funeral of Mr. Winchester's Dorees, of Salt Lake City; C. B. aunt, Mrs. Erickson, at Salt Lake City Whitney and son, of Salt Lake City; last Thursday afternoon. F. C. Knowells and R. G. Dilley, of Twin Falls, Idaho; C. L. Croley, also Mr. and Mrs. Leland J. Hansen and of Twin Falls; Dale H. Bennion, of family, and Miss Carole Slddaway, of Magna; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Finland, Vernal, Utah, and Dr. and Mrs. T. E. of Mitchell, So. Dak.; Merlin Lund, Betenson and family of Garland, spent of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Jess the weekend at Bear Lake and Afton, Bailey, of Butte, Montant; Vernie GaiWyoming, ner, of Salt Lake City; Carol of Seattle, Washington; Harand son, of Los Angeles; Smith vey Mr. and Mrs. L. S Miller, of Chicago, DR. G. M. 111.; and Henry Larson, of San Francisco, California. Office Over J. C. Penney Store Office Hoars: 9 to 12 - 1:15 to 5:30 Dr. and Mrs. Grant Evans, and Mr, and Mrs. Vern Watkins were at Lo PHONE 124 gan canyon over the weekend. nv "OL' MAN RIVER" OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST f;-;- Phone m o. ReemnlftvmAnf t'H'W4"'WW ilOCAXIL Marjorie Hansen, Correspondent mm BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, J S tremonton, Lita k SERVICE o 1 |