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Show EAR RIVER VALLEY LEADEH TREMOMOX CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1937 MARCH THE EDITORS OF TIME jfTIM Wttkly Stwtmatazin "" Sl4U oiRRISBURG, Star Governor !Tin5t week REPORTED OVER I like to sit and ponder On the joys of yesterday; NORTHERN UTAH So certain is the gladness To Pennsylvania iuniu uwio a statement: Sunday evening while they were returning from Yellowstone Park the car of Howard Glen ran into a rain storm fourteen miles out of Pocatello making the highway very slippery causing the car to slip off the road and overturn twice. . The car was badly damaged but the occupants escaped with minor injuries.. It is reported that the fenders and the top of the car were badly damaged but that not a glass was broken in the car. Occupants of the car were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Glenn and son, and Mrs. Glenn's mother of Salt Lake City. Inches Rainfall Accompanied by Severe Electrical Storm 2.8 That such reveries conveyl I like to view, in fancy, Many scenes I used to know, And wander down the pathways Where fond recollections grow. - FORTY-THRE- E Mr. and Mrs. Howard NORTHERN UTAH Glenn Escape Injuries As Car Overturns ROADCONSTRUC- - HEAVY RAINS ayg OF TIME NUMBER , TION UNDER WAY" Logan-Collinsto- High n way To Cost More Than $225,000 L The heavy rains which visited the The Intermountaia Association, of northern Civic Clubs advocated the building of part of the state Monday 'J A The happy days of childhoo- dnight and Tuesday morning did much the highway as one How delightful it would be good in Box Elder county and brought of its first objectives after the organiIf memories could truly smiles to farmers and business men. zation was completed, and now the WiUll liljf pUDiUUU UC1- 1940. It was very refreshing after the hot them back to you and me! construction work is under way, a Bring lisitely unaersiouu. !days of the past week, and will re to cost $225,000 and more. So thoughtlesslywe lived them, project vive vegetation in all sections of the Here are many leaders of inteiliW. W. Clyde, of Springville, who Always eager for the dawn Lceand honesty in the Democratic state. It was not so good, however a has contract for eleven $149,890.82 no men Regretful of Weir passing for the hay that was cut and still on farty. There are, however, miles of grading from Beeton Crossx 0.1. ui Only after they were gone! . . . the fields, but ideal for the dry farm jtflC ytlllWiat ing, two miles south of Collinston, to the Logan river bridge eight miles grain and growing crops of all kinds. 1.inilv and morauy. to trankiin So much of all the gladness west of Logan, has begun his work. According to government reports Igoosevelt. there was 2.8 inches of rainfall WedThe second contractor is Reynolds-El- y That we find along life's way I "Between the third term precedent nesday night, which was accompanied company of Springville, whicU Is gained through contemplation I,) the welfare of the country, can has by a severe electrical storm and lasted the oiling contract for the disOf the joys of yesterday; several hours. citizen hesitate as to tance from Madsen to Logan, with Jmy patriotic And so, I like to ponder, Lcb course he will take? There was some damage done over the exception of the Clyde contract. 11 In the fireside's friendly glow, 1 SSlSHfflf )W the county by the overflowing of canThe oiling job will cost $55,993.74. 1 am for Franklin Roosevelt for On scenes of home and childhood 'resident in 1940, unqualifiedly and als which couldn't hold the downpour The third contract went to T. G. sEHD some and of Salt Lake City. He will and Rowland fjiily. were In grains crops heavy 0i Ag f laid quite low. construct the concrete bridges on the this 1 1 have never discussed A number of people in the residen the President, and this state- job, to cost $19,499.97. tial and business section were busy Lions ijfliis made without his permission. club was luncheon Regular this morning pumping or bailing wa- held Wednesday evening at the M. E. I lius came the first real 1940 Pres- ter from their basements that had church, with the W. C. T. U., serving To jjntial news. Not only as an ardent run in when the sewer failed to take the luncheon. it as a potent New Dealer, Govercare of the sudden surplus. far Earle's announcement was sigAfter taking up some business matters and the club's decision of allow While B. E. think many people pcant. t either Franklin D. Roosevelt or ing $50 for representatives who will attend the Lions International con The services of Hervin Bunderson m L. Lewis wants to run for Pres-a- 4 vention at Chicago and the awarding as superintendent of school in Box Elin 1940, others think they don't. of pins to members who had a perfect der county will be retained for anJit there is no difference of opinion Western Newspaper Union. Governor Earle who. observers attendance record for the past year, other two years. At a recent meeting Demo-M- c tree, would the the love meeting was turned over to the the board of education complimented dearly recreation committee with R. D. An- Superintendent Bunderson for his nomination in 1940. Remarked U.-Producers of and fruits, vegetables, I. TO work and renewed his contract gator Wheeler ironically: "Gover- daily products really run their own derson as chairman. Lion Anderson introduced Coach for another two years. Mr. BunderEarle reminds me of John Alden. show when it comes to the marketing TO 7:y don't you speak for yourself agreement program provided in the Whitesides of the Bear River high son is also president of the Box Elder DR. E. senior?" new marketing agreement act of 1937, school who talked on recreation work stake and has many friends and suplithe largest sense Governor Earle to Dr. O. J. Wheatley, ex- for the summer months for the chil- porters in this section of the state. The Utah-Idah- o Prices of most grades of slaughter according Sugar Company is ni doing nothing else, and he had tension economist at the Utah State dren of Tremonton and of the need for more playground equipment and 3 food reasons for his announce-a- t preparing to conduct the annual tour cattle during the summer and fall Agricultural College. besides getting off an immed- - of the beet district on July 22nd, it is months probably will average, higher Under this act, which is being ad-- ! wtiat was bemS done in "s direction t3a political hot spot: It is a rule stated by company Agricultural Su- than in the corresponding months of ministered by the Agncultural Ad- The matter was turned over to the 1936, the Bureau of Agricultural justment Administration, the produc- - finance committee tor tlitVr considera Mtics that any man who wants perintendent Orson A. Iversen. Besides visits to particular fields Economics said In its June report on 1ks have final say as to whether the tion and what the Lions club could president must deny that he David Douglas, 74, Grouse Creek now stand, if any demonstrating important "cultural the Teef cattle situation. provisions of a marketing agreement do toward helping in the financing of farmer, died Friday at an Ogden hosE. of The this for beets, e has to take the nomination practices and experiments project. expectation higher prices shall apply to all the handlers of their . a long illness. pital, following A discussion followed in which it smaller product in the producing or marketrf from Franklin Roosevelt in 1940 J. Maynard, firmerly Dean of Agricul is based on prospective was He in born June Grantsville, 4, was move decided to would be a fool to do so if ha ture of the Utah Agricultural College slaughter supplies of cattle during the ing area. the band stand vote of By a n Jd f or he would not have a chance in this county for his last half of the year compared with those producing the commodity in- from its present location in the park 1863, son of David and Janet McGhie and to a section of the Wilson Lumber Co. Douglas. He lived in Grantsville until I election with Roosevelt nursing a work in promoting feeding of live- a year earlier and probable continua- volved, or those representing he was 16 years old, at which time he raconsumof feed of a tion favorable of the volume of the commod- property on main street donated by sdge against him; since Franklin stock and experimentation relatively to Grouse Creek. moved rlxr tViat tions, will be present to discuss this er demand situation. jiir14- Vina ity produced, producers may enable them for the erection of a band stand. was He a member of the L. D. S. will not be a candidate there is important branch of fanning with the Lion President Dewey instructed A third price supporting factor was the secretary of agriculture to issue and served a mission to the church Lion one safer for another candidate music in headed an the attendance. farmers order to accompany the marketcommittee, by reported to be the strong demand northwestern states in 1917. He had stump for; and by speaking up, Tentative plans call for assembling which is expected to develop for ing agreement, making the program C. C. Watkins, to prepare a band con- been active in church work in the vemor Earle got himself the early at 9:00 a. m. at a central point in the stocker and feeder cattle if feed crop binding upon any minority group of cert to be presented Saturday even- Grouse Creek ward. ilicity every candidate most needs. south Bix Elder district, wending conditions are about normal this sum- shippers or handlers refusing to par- ing, July 17, at 8:45 p. m. He married Margaret Shaw in 1882. cam- - about The public is cordially invited to ata third-ter!ally, though through the district northward mer. But the average price of all cat ticipate in the cooperative marketing Surviving him are his wife, one Roosecontemconcert. this tend mieht wreck Franklin It is also and concluding with a luncheon as tle in the last half of 1937 is likely, movement. James Douglas, Grouse Creek brother, if he pressed it, acting as its Under the law, Dr. Wheatley points plated to have these conceits continue company guests. Discussions by beet the Bureau said, to be lower than in one and niece, Mrs. Mary Jorgenson, H sponsor could not harm George growers and company officials con- the first half of the year, because of out, the marketing agreement and or- throught the summer. Idaho. Moreland, ale and bringing it into the open parts of a cerning successful beet growing and the increase which occurs seasonally der comprise component services were held in the Funeral sinclA nrnpram n mnrlrcimr ncrroo. might be the best way of problems of the business, will be part in the proportion of cows and heifers Grouse Creek ward chapel Tuesday It off ment program which is designated in the slaughter supply. of the program. two p. m. Burial was made in the at to or control Definite plans will be announced regulate certain phases Cattle prices rose steadily since last TInlJo ATppfinrr cemetery there. later. summer until April; since then, prices of interstate commerce in an aeTiculS1 1 THINK" of choice and prime steers have de- tural commodity for the particular The United Prosperity Club held or marketing area for which -after Washington Emerging clined, but prices of other grades of region Box a meeting Friday evening in which a the program is developed. The martour's interview with Franklin to continued have cattle was slaughter and a board of Be keting agreement is a voluntary con- program was given of selt, Ladv Nancy Astor. vislt- rise. Marketings elected. governers a of handlers tract between particular jjtheU. S. briefly, interviewed hercattle thi3 summer and fall grain-feThe program consisted of a song Pioneers of Box Elder county will for the benefit of newshawks. are expected to be much smaller than commodity and the Secretary of Agri- by Donna Allen, accompanied by Mrs. instances where those culture. it In be feted at a banquet and entertainopinion of the U. S. Press: "What in some advance prices usual; hence is desirable to regulate all the com- Clifford Beard, two trombone solos by ment by the Daughters of Utah Pioof the American press would the is of the better trees who probable, grades originFarmers planted Beard, accompanied by Mrs. neers on do to modity in the marketing area, the Shirley and July 21. print. . . I can see your ally furnished by a government agen- Bureau said. three solos by Dick Beard, is authorized of The pMtaes now. 'Ladv Agriculture Secretary guests will be provided eligible Astor Slams cy, or who themselves provided the of the in decline seasonal The prices furnishing his own accompanito issue orders. The order is in the to Brigham City and prica.' . . But don't say 'British in transportation maintenance tree lower occuring earn normally the on ment grades the guitar. trees, may nature a the of Tamo TJonlf Box of Elder county. A all regulation rvnfMo making points less than The board of governors elected payment of $4 an acre in the 1937 summer and fall will be of the agreement applicable will be held in and provision F8e it aint true.'" program of banquet Pethe because prosthis William year average AAA program, Director were A. N. Fishburn, chairman, Jas. the to of all the handlers will be followafternoon and commodity. Aator's opinion of Franklin terson in early charge of the AAA program pective strong demand for cattle forif On connection with putting market- Brough, Lewis Brenkman, Wm. Ben- ed with a show. yvelt: "WTiat did I talk to the in this picture state, says. The payment for feeding and restocking purposes, A committee meeting under the diing agreement programs into effect, nett, Oscar Strand, Kerstina Parker, (Please Turn to Paee Three) maintainnig a planting of trees ap- feed crop conditions are above normal. the Act continues the requirements E. E. Brenkman, Robert Allen, Dan rection of Mrs. Emma Hansen, presiplies only to trees planted between as to signature of an agreement by Taylor, D. W. Jenkins, Eli Hawkins, dent of the county company, was held January 1, 1934, and January 1, 1937. handlers and determination by the and Mary Seager. THE LOW Wednesday at the relic hall in Brig-haThis does not conflict with the proof producer's approval of secretary City, where organization memvision that no payments will be made Low-Co- st As of orders. out, issuance the to further arrangements. met pointed bers from YAMATO NISEI CLUB ENJOYS for a practice for which labor, seed, the marketing agreement act authorOUTING AT LOGAN CANYON HICKORY or materials are furnished by a gova referendum among producers to Progress of several of the western izes ernment agency, Director Peterson states, notably Wyoming, in develop- ascertain their rentiment. Under this (By Ruby Tanaka) says, as the cost for the maintenance inaddition provision, if the results of members of the Yamato Nisei tlio rf ar lav anH Via in 1937 would have to be borne by the ing roads with limited highway Forty come, is being watched by other the referendum disclose that the per- club, of Honeyville, enjoyed a very a comlcal duck, and he says farmer. states seeking to lighten the heavy centage of those producers participat- pleasant outing at Logan canyon, on Jo, he says, you know the way The practice payment is thus availtax burden on their motorist citizens, ing In the referendum who favor the July 4th. 7"fQ ttlc "in run aown mere able to any farmer who maintains apto the American Petroleum order is equal to or greater than the I The party left for the canyon at 8 H, D, C it mftVM m think of proved tree plantings by proper care according Committee. In Wyoming required persentage, then the approv- a. m. where they explored the "Ice Industries with lui!?2er8 wh0 was driven' a car, and trees dead of by replacement the stage contsruction method of road al requirement is met. Cave," after which luncheon was enuaa iaKen maybe an extra live ones so that the total number of building The first marketing agreement prohas been highly delately among the trees, shutting out joyed "Cast no mud into the well from tvhu acre. 200 per living trees is at least This method also is being grams were made available to Ameri- the terrific heat of the sun. They renaa never heard veloped. ansthou uut drun. in made I, been has This decision anything numerous other states. At can agriculture under the provisions turned via Sardine Canyon to Mantua row y drlvln' a car and 1 wer to questions from farmers who adopted by bituminous treatments are of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, where a wiener roast ended a day of small cost, 9 Nat Democratic Convenof time the at received the trees free is approved May 12, 1933. At that time road tion nominated Horatio The each a road and fun. year. given hilarity Seymour for Pre., 1669. render- the Act authorized the Issuance of planting, but w?;o wish to participate being immediately, improved 1937 a' &lonS at a pretty in the maintenance part of the tH eiu!P! 10 President Jacbon vetoed ed dustless and mudless, and a sub- marketing agreements and licenses. keWPulust rt the bill reAartenna the around, and all program. as traf The amendments to the Agricultural road-beis built up stantial United States bank. 1332. 6 a qulck turn - Adjustment Act, approved August 24, bout bituminous pavefic increases. As the 11 The United Statos Serw of paint on a teie- tola ment thickens and Improves, mainten-- 1935, provided for the issuance ato expelled tea southern Ana the fel er ridln" PIANO RECITAL WILL BE agreements and orders, ROUNDY Mr. and Mrs. Reese Roun marketing members. 1961. decline. costs ance EVENING ,, s we driver h.a half FRIDEY GIVEN nn various the out and provisconstrucspelled the 26. BURNS Employees of Smith and stage States adopting il Wesson BY MISS MAttY dy, a girl born June , hlf 6 vhollered at tne feller at Co. tf of road improvement are ions which could be Incorporated in a BARFUS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bar- method tion strike k you bl& loon. why 14m. The the program. agreement Wi marketing can provide fus, a boy, born June 27. Miss Mary Burns will present a finding that they WW toaease, 1914. Vln'r"Kwnere you're goln And marketing agreement act was enacted GOLDSBERRY Mr. and Mrs. S. B. at the farmers with satisfactory he said evening n.v.i recital 13 nni Friday The Orea. Eattern piano roads at low cost. By spread- into law to clarify the legal position a boy, born July 2. ctartod lay (he third Goldsberry, al the time that it Tremonton L. D. S. chapel commencfunds in that man- of marketing agreement provisions ecus. lA available out Atksrtt assisted be will She ing 8 o'clock. " drivin'- ing at reader. ner, instead of concentrating them on which were in the agricultural adjustTrsneh Bastille Mrs. Lois Chrlstensen entertained by Mrs. Wilma Anderson, selecwrote! by reteHlsa limited stretches of expensive high- ment act, in keeping with recent court The program will consist of L. home L. ' ut thls duck wh0 club at her efthe K bov v Bridge peasant, rulings. program is knows how they run tions from Emma Rae Anderson, ways, a t of imevening. Prizes were presented Friday made with west-- . a mileage and Tssaf fected greater FranII Mrs. and Alma to Watland Mrs. Ruth Henry, Maryln Nichols, Madge at rratrW As tribes ere, with existing Yurt with the low proved roads provided mm ces Landvatter and Noane Mason. CMm. im Theurer. down, ., funds, The public la cordially iarited JO SERRA "I've xu. icu- W J 101 01 WUin. w i'nia and I'maboutgetting weary of my candiancy 'jese questions read I vwsii-- AM .' i Logan-Collinst- on LIONS LUNCHEON HELD WEDNESDAY AT M. E. CHURCH fi Steh mat-avri- th J M Summer Recreation and Moving Band Stand Is Discussed p Hervin Bunderson Remain Superintendent of Schools , - Producers Have Say In Issuing Orders On New Marketing Act SUGAR BEET CATTLE PRICES TOUR FEATURE AVERAGE HIGHER J. MAYNARD THAN LAST YEAR nt GROUSE CREEK RESIDENT DIES , two-thir- well-know- two-thir- a ds 1 m !y United Prosperity Club Ificeilllk Fridiv rilUtiy AAA Offers Tree Upkeep Pay On All well-finishe- Pioneers of County to d Elder Honored d Approved Planting f f Fish-bur- "SfeSS n, f- - DOWN Interest Grows In m Roads GROVE Vi - hi 5& d I t 1 RECENT BIRTHS Sprtna-field- ,y farm-to-mark- et liz?,ht ttl? i U-- The well-balanc- Subscribe for the Leader i |