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Show I aam 3 a Word "Crash" THAT 0 .. BEAB RIVER VAIXET LEADER, IBLHSDAY, JULY 8, i 7i Vy? Toi TO Do You Know That- Strawberries get their name from the fact that the old custom was to cover the plants with straw in the J 5L Quite A TabU Model savs "Linen Crash dresses popu- the Friday woman's PaSe And the degression. 6 CteiP0"5 started its lusty youth with what was at the temples, m..noA .The Crash.t" been to a crash, if irt not as simple as the a very personal starting with ih SNAPSHOTS TWELVE says a paper on Monday. FAMILY CBASH KILLS Trt FIVE DIES EN CRASH says another on Wednesday. RELATIONS HEAD FOR CRASH Thurs-GERM C I ffren f? nil da TWelonments in the Nation's Battle Against ' the Reckless Driver PACE SEVEN 1S3T fall. Francis Scott Key, author of the Star Spangled Banner, could neither sing or play any musical instrument. a fetching costume tand lor this time oi year as shown by Sjmone Simon, film player. i f "iH ' f T The so called white ants which bore into wooden houses, are not ants but neurotoid insects. '5fej; J pAmr. on the pave-l.fl- Most stutters are vegertarians or small meat eaters. m the second move- f shuddering, bump- Wo the lighter 6las8' screaming music of licking. 11 Baby rabbits are born blind; baby hares are able to see at birth. melo-fMtnkll- S .f.;:: jt v. W.1- ! I f. v.'. T l - didoes it. and speed alone a. student of naval out that If a l1 It hits somefnnfast. hits more than PZrA 4v There are about 150 different kinds of animal life found in Death Valley California. "v - Speed every year, it hits f'trtbard and kills them. logIc In theworl2 'Get rid of speed fCd Crash will soon be as two-thir- f&lest Pjr. Speed did it again. zone might have blue, and a sixty-mil- e zone, out in forty-five-mi- ft is like le the weather every-- f man the open stretches, green. dislikes It. but the only That wouldn't make bim behave the n do anything about it any more than anything else to Lr doesn't. date; so on his car, according to fWi easy, too. because if he the Minnesota Plan, goes a gadget li'ido anything to help himself. ldy will have to do some-- like a light switch, with three conSpeed cops can tacts on it. One says thirty, one jor him. and one sixty. When he him part of the time, and forty-fivthe most blatant offenders, hits a zone, he turns his switch to Sines before they kill some-g- , the right place and his car, though fcliflfel 5 A I fT,' sometimes after. But the accelerating and acting perfectly Clsus of opinion state, local, normally, just won't go any faster fj Federal is that if these than it's supposed to. 4 fin-ochildren are going to Logic shows that we still can't by running their make him throw the switch every , ft themselves S'iKars too fast, the kiddie-iil- l time, and we haven't gotten anyhave to be fixed so that where yet, but here's the tie-itoo great for conditions is and the thing that will make it 5jjot there. In other words, work. On the front and rear of that holds his car are three lights like stopPanical control 'Q the driver at all times. lights, colored to match the zones, and when he enters a zone and HI p W '111 Star Rooki. With! if III 1 4pII i 1 f th Plul Morns ICfflSIW J'li'iJ rWft Arnovich, first year ' M"lsJ' If OfIL'SWI MI outfaelder with the ?-t- lA&if fTrfI ff ' Speed did it. they have a plan, and more of the other ; . "itt especially where they have ,sf ' J to! crash casualties, think the a, iu itaota plan is pretty good. The at Jrereaulslte is a color ioning wben a driver can go he sees !d8; Impunity, all over the fences, posts and everything else. A Minnesota ssimore a iERYONE READS throws the switch, the matching light goes on. It he doesn't he advertises for as far as his car can be seen that he is just looking for trouble, and makes himself liable for arrest before he even breaks the law. Down In Washington they think a lot of the Minnesota Plan, and of the gadget, too, because of course the two are inseparable. What will happen to it no one knows at the present time, because the three million miles of Ameri can highways win take a lot or colored paint, and a lot of regulation will be necessary to get the gadget adopted universally enough to start painting. But it looks like an out to a problem that started by being nasty, then turned tragic. and is now in the worst state of all, when the basic word CRASH is becoming something as common at breakfast as scrambled eggs something that a man will flip over with his newspaper page as casually as the latest report on Peggy Hopkins Joyce and then discover an hour later to be the ultimate experience of all. THE CLASSIFIED ADS GIBSON H?T REFRIGERATORS VTT A TAT? Kerosene 1?T?T?T?TT7T? A TADC ELECTROLUX REFRIGERATOR See Them at Hepp's Shoe Shop VALENTINE APPLIANCE CO. JUNE HANSEN, Sales Mgr. T ' TTTVVVVTroTYVV I Jis, T1 ' VViV 4 1 fe. 1,1-- ' V E?'"lr'C.t i . il ' , W fPf WT11 J Philadelphia JLtoJ" Phil- - averaa earn m5 him the repu- tation of tTi?i a 'find" -- 1 :4 liwl jfffwK I She's As Lovely As Her Voice Beautiful Jane Froman, star of stage and screen, has returned to her first love. Radio, as star ot the Sunday night series that has replaced comedian Jack Benny for the summer months. Jane sings over the NBC - Red Network with orchestra. Don Ross is D'Artega's ul There are three times as many Arabs as Jews in Palestine. The longest life of a fly is DEVVEYVILLE By Mrs. Thomas Aolt 1 Those attending the Dewey family reunion at Emmett, Idaho, June 24, from Deweyville were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I. Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dewey, Miss Tillie Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dewey, Mrs. James Gardner, Mrs. O. W. Snow, and Mrs. M. A. Lish. $ Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Gardner and family are spending a few days touring Yellowstone National Park. Mrs. N. Peter Marble .and daughters entertained at a birthday dinner, in honor of their husband and children and father. Twenty-on- e grandchildren were seated, a large birthday cake centered the table. Special guests were A. M. Nielsen of Brigham, and Grant Erickson, of Beaver Dam. Bonday, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson had as their visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Irvil Boothe of Honeyville, Mr. and -"- - ) Elephants live to be 200 years old. All animals except man and are natural swimmers. Fish suffers no pain when caught a hook, as they have few nerves around the mouth. on or Laura Gilbert of Brigham. The marriage took place at Malad, Idaho Sat- spent Sunday visiting at Salt Lake City. The marriage of James Barnard, of Deweyville, and Inez Barret, of Men-dowas solemnized in the Logan tem pie on Tuesda'. A wedding dance and shower was held Wednesday evening at Mendon. A number of relatives and friends attended. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lish announce i, the marriage of their daughter, to Glen Dummner, son of Mrs. n, urday. The bride is a graduate of the Bear River high school, the groom a graduate of the Box Elder high school and has been employed at the Beehive plant in Brighahm City for several years. Mrs. Grant Marble entertained her Sunday School class at her home on Monday evening. Friday afternoon Mrs. T. R. Ault and grandson, Darrell Loveland went to Ogden to spend a few days as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Becker. No-om- ..woo -- at SUBSCRIBE FOR THE LEADER I Jul' II I I f NERVINE Is "Did tht work" saya Miss Glivar The Time To Build foNT DELAY ftr Materials Prices Are Rising .... ktUs Help You Plan Your Home With Our .QUALITY BUILDING MATERIAL The Best Is the Cheapest Quality Merchandise -I- N FARM AND HOME SUPPLIES Farmers' Cash Union TOUR WHY DON'T, YOU : , TRY IT? mnrm than three months a of suffering from a nervous ailment, Miss Glivar usd Dr. Milet Nervine which gave her such splendid results that she wrot GOOD WILL OUR BEST ASSET us an enthusiastic letter. Jf you mffer from "Nerv." If you lit awake nights, gtart at sudden noises, tir easily, are cranky, blut and fidgety, your nerves art probably out of order. Juiet and relax them with th me medicine that "did the work" for this Colorado girl Whether your "Nervas" hav fo troubled you for hours orfea-tested this find you'll years, effective. remedy At Drug Stores 25c and $1.00, x days. A queen bee lays about 2000 eggs a day. Dr. Miles NOW 62 Only female mosquitoes bite. The male's mouth is not equipped to enable it to such blood. T Mrs. Marcelle Johnson of Fielding and Lavor Johnson of Brigham City. Mr. and Mrs. N. PeteT Marble had as their guests on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Christensen and daugh ter of Minneapolis, and Arthur and Stella Welling of Garland. Mr. Christensen has charge of the L. D. S. Mission Home in the North Central States, where Miss Sdyth Marble is a missionary. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burbank percent of the people Alaska never saw an igloo. Ninety-fiv- e of yf Mac-Greg- t at a rate Fonck of France, Capt. Rene-Pabrought down 75 planes in the World War. Mac-Grego- I the Nero did not play a fiddle while Rome burned. The violin was not developed until centuries later. r, Polar Beer Instead of Water Commander Clifford J. head of the Arctic expedition bearing his name, at the helm of the General A. W Greely, anticipating the zestful taste of beer, 500 cases of which will be used in the North, instead of the soft water ordinarily obtained by melting fee and snow. The soft water lacks mineral content, which the beer will furnish. Commander and a crew A Playful Young Trio A bloodhound puppy, a duckling of 15 will be gone The kitten and a kitten have formed a firm friendship. between 1.8 tries tickling the duckling much to the amusement of months and three the puppyj years. I REFRIGERATORS fi "ll S iLw 1 n, b The Duck Hawks can fly of 200 miles an hour. e, fj of ds A pigeon flew 600 miles in 9 J houis in 1932. Pigeons are not the fastest flying birds but they are able to fly at greater speed for longer distanct3 than any other bird. nt K I Brazil furnishes world's supply of coffee. Chanc Play Dwells In Beauty Fa mous veteran of the turf, leading sire of the 1935 season, purchased by Warren Wright of Chicago, Miami Beach. Fla., and Lexington. Ky.. in pasture at the farm in Lexington. Al ways ready for a frolic with Chance Play is "Bozo." the farm pet. The equine aristocrats live in the security and safety afforded by asphalt shingle roofs on the stables, which enhance the beauty as well as safety oi the quiet Kentucky scene. - |