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Show " 1JLGE FOUR . cr ip -I II Geography History GEOGRAPHY QUESTIONS 1. How does an out going Bhip prove to us that the earth is round? 2. What part of the earth's surface is water? 3. How sun? How moon? 4. far 1 is the earth from the far is the earth from the 137 Deadline Near For Assignment of Social Security Acc't Cards By DWIG SCHOOL . DAYS Says Wlalen 'Everyman's Fair -- JULY 8. RTVTO VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY. Arr-m-- 'i 1 Hav-war- What is the earth's orbit? What are the two principal gases in the air? 5. 6. 7. Which one of the two principal proportion of forms the largest the air? 8. What is the instrument called that measures air pressure? 9. Where are the Pennine mountains? gases GEOGRAPHY ANSWERS 1. We lose sight of the hull before we lose Bight of the masts. 2. Two-third- s. 3. 93 million miles. 4. 240,000 miles. The earth's path around the sun. NEW YORK, (Special). Grover Wha-leOxygen and nitrogen. President of the Fair Corporation, Nitrogen. announces that official support and forBarometer. eign participation in the New York World's Fair of 1939 are reaching new Center of North England. "highs", and that here is an already obvious opportunity for every state to HISTORY QUESTIONS advantageously its accomplishdisplay 1. Who was Sir Edmund Andros? ments and future possibilities and to join 2. The charter of which colony was in making it one hundred percent "Evannulled in 1684? eryman's Fair." 3. For what was Hudson seeking when he discovered the Hudson 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. n. river? Who finally came into possession of New Ntherland? 5. How did New Netherland come-tbe called New York? 6. Who was the first leader in the Popular party in New York ? 7. What was Captain Kidd commissioned to do by Lord Belmont ? BEAR RIVER CITY 4. HISTORY ANSWERS 1. Andros was sent by King James from England to govern all of the northern colonies. 2. Charter of Massachusetts. 3. A strait through which he might sail to the Pacific ocean. England. 5. In honor of the Duke of York, to whom King Charles had given this province. 6. Jacob Leisler. 7. He was put in command of a powerful war ship in order to overcome the pirates of the high seas. m EAST THEMONTOT Mrs. Annie Hemmings of Ogden, is spending the week at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Orson Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. John P. Holmgren. She is the daughter of Olie Nelson, an early pioneer of Bear River City. f Lucinda Jensen returned Saturday from a week's visit to Boise, Idaho, in the intrest of the United Prosperity Club, where she filed the corporation papers with Secretary of State, preliminary to beginning their operation in Idaho. The first of a series of open-ai- r conjoint meetings, under the auspices of the M. I. A., in. the form of a sunset service, was held last Sunday evening. The speakers were Senator Albert Holmgren, who spoke on "The Heavens Declare the Glory of God"; Bishop Chas. Checketts, whose subject was,, "Watchmen, What of the Night." The musical numbers were as follow: VioUn oio by Zula Hansen; duet by Dorothy Gardner and Gloria Johnson; community singing. The invocation was offered by Mrs. Lucinda Jensen, and the benediction by Mel vin Johnson. Taps were sounded by Minnie Checketts. Classified j Ad Column I t J 2WL EAST GARLAND HEROES OF AMERICAN HISTORY By Mrs. David Larson 5J 1 T .flans and specifications for the new ward chapel have arrived and it is hoped that in the near future the ground will be broken for beginning the building. Quite a number of townspeople spent Monday the 5th in the nearby canyons. Miss Marie Larson spent the at home from the L. D. S. Mission Home in Salt Lake City. On Sunday she, with her parents and other mem bers of the family, visited meeting at wasnaki. Her sister, Miss Rhoda, ac companied her to Salt Lake City early Tuesday morning. The family motored down Thursday to visit with Marie and in the evening saw her off on her mission to the Eastern States. There were nearly 100 in the company. Mrs. E. S. Hansen visited for several days last week in Salt Lake City with her sister, Mrs. Francis Sheffield and family. On Friday E. S. and W E. Hansen motored to Salt Lake City where they attended the wedding reception of Miss Lucile Sheffield, daughter of Bishop and Mrs. Francis Sheffield. Mrs. Hansen returned with them. Members of the Oyler and Shaffer families spent the weekend fishing up Blacksmiths Fork canyon, with good returns. Mr. and Mrs. David Larson have as their guests this week their son, Glen and Harold Swensen of Los Angeles. ,Miss Maud Adams is visiting at home while working in the cannery. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. King, of Brigham City, were Tuesday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Grover. A new son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grover Friday morning. All concerned are doing nice i A MAN AMONG MEN iff. I'. Iheodorb JU OOSEVELT Roosevelt came irom o Dutch family Ihat has lived in America almost 300 years. A Yery weak boy, he could not go to school but was educated by tutors. Living on a Western ranch, working hard, he gradually grew strong. He became Assistant Secretary ol the Navy, but with the outbreak ol the war he resigned and went to Cuba to Ugh! at the head ol the "Rough Riders." At one time Roosevelt was Police Commissioner ol New York City. Spanish-America- T reputation as a. tearless fighter against crime and corruption. In order to shift him out ol the way, he was of th elected United States. With the death of President McKinley. he came to the White House, the young-es- t President In the history ol the country. Roosevelt was blind fa one eye, the result ol a boxing match with a young He earned a officer. 4 BALLET GIRLS GET TOUCH OF "HOME LIFE" l 8 WHEN THEY SWIM IN ATHLETIC CLUB'S POOL 4-- H 4-- H l. tf. 67-0.- 5-- 493-J-- d, i , Miss May Fridal accompanied Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fridal and family to Idaho Falls where she spent the weekend. Miss Dorothy Lucas of New Haven, Conneticutt, is visiting with Mr. and home of Mr. and Mrs. John O. Mrs. John Garfield and family. Miss Dorothy Jones, of Malad, Ida. Mr. and Mrs. John Barnard and ho, was a Sunday dinner guest at the son, Mark, of Heber City, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Toone of Pleasant Grove, spent Saturday with Mr. Toone's sister, Mrs. O. L. Brough. Miss Dona Brough left Monday for a two week's trip to Seattle, Wash., where she will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Deonigi. Mrs. D'eonigi was formerly Miss Phyllis Bates of Tremonton. Miss Fae Fridal was a Salt Lake Sleeping room. P. O. Eos City visitor Saturday, where she gave Health talk over station KD the club work in YL, representing NOTICE Our patrons can use choice of state the Utah. Call and beef, mutton,, pork poultry. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Dewey and son, at the Locker Storage. Phone 52.a-Jude, spent the weekend at Grace, FOR SALE Reconditioned Maytag Idaho, visiting friends there. Day Garfield spent the Fourth with washer, like new. Cheap.. Schoss friends at Pocatello. Electric Co. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Snyder and FOR SALE 400 pullets. Starlin daughter, Dorothy of Farmington, were Wednesday guests of Mr. and Stanfill, Penrose. Mrs. LeLwis Abbott and family. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Ault had as HIGHEST PRICES paid for livestock. their dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and C. Richardson, Elwoed, Phone 2 tf. Mrs. Harvey Ault, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Carter and Miss Jeanette Carter. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Brough and Mr. CASH PAID for dead and useless cows and horses. Call Maple Creek and Mrs. Ray Hill left Tuesday for a trip to Yellowstone Park. Trout Hatchery, Brigham Reverse Charge. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Seager and tf. Madelyn, Nelda and Connie Andrea-so- n spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. OUR Austin Seager at Logan. 7-- SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, July 7 Employees in commerce and industry who have not already filed appuca tions for Social Security cards were urged by William B. manager of the Salt Lake Citv office of the Social Security Board to do so at once. All employees have performed services for pay commerce and industry, no matter how brief the period or how small the pay, must have Social Security Account numbers, and such numw should be reported promptly to an employers, both past and present, for whom employees have rendered ser vice during lVil. Under Treasury Regulations vr Hayward explained, employers must list employee account numbers 011 their information reports which are due during the month of July for the first six montns ot ia37. If an employee does not file for an account number himself, his employer is re quired to do so. The only way an employee can be sure that he is currently credited with the correct amount of wages he earns is by making sure that he has an account number and that the correct number is reported to every employer Mr. Hayward announced that the! Salt Lake City office of the Social; Security Board will be open from 8:30 the assignment of Social Security Aci to 5:00 p. m. during July to handle? count Numbers. All employees in Salt Lake City may obtain application1 forms at the Social Security BoarjJ office. The Salt Lake Post Office no longer distributing these formsl Employees residing elsewhere in Utalf may obtain application forms front local Post Offices as formerly. Completed applications should bf mailed directly to the Social Securit Board office in salt Lake City. Tb address of the Salt Lake office is thi Union Pacific Building, 19 West Si Temple. WHAT use Is there for a vacuum around a swimming poolT The question is natural for the average person who does not know how pools are made clear and clean, yet the same principle by which millions of housewives keep their homes and free of unpleasant, harmful dust and dirt, is used just as successfully where swimmers like to congregate. SNOWVILLE Miss Annie Hurd By Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Webb and Mi and Mrs. Alfred Scoffield of Kayi ville, were guest at the home of Wn Hurd, Wednesday. Lucille Pack spent the Fourth July with Rosa elson at Sublett A number of our people celebrat e the Fourth at Park Valley. The TaA the baseball team played Valley team and brought -home Ite & victory. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pack spent Saturday in Brigham with her brother.. Mrs. Nephi Larkin returned frcp Woods Cross Tuesday. She attendp her brothers wedding while away. Mr. and Mrs. Golden Peterson were Tremonton visitors Tuesday eveninf. Larkin and Miss Harriet Larkin lef: Mr. and Mrs. Wells Sanders, Jamfc Detrcfe Wednesday of last week for to drive home some new automobil Mr. and Mrs. William Anderst and daughter, Erma, spent the d with their daughter. Mrs. A. P. La- kin, Friday. Wendell and Gerald Hurd can home from Oakley, for the weekenfl Mrs. Martha Peterson is visiun her sister in Ogden. Mrs. Orian Peterson went to Tw Falls Sunday to attend a family union. Enof-vill- The famed San Francisco Frei club will act as host to visiting new no nnrm ar or the 1QM fiolden Ij Internation Exposition, according present plans. E. Cadorin, famed Italian sculpt a recent visitor to Treasure land, site of the 1939 Golden Gate t an A process whereby minerals can be was well-conduct- extracted from the sea will be demonstrated at the 1939 Golden Gate nnoinn International Exposition. red-hair- splc-and-sp- ia one 01 Italians in San Francis CsiAnrin ed - " i 3' 2. "WO" 6-- can turn to More than $152,000,000 was expended for the Golden Gate and San -Oakland bay bridges and the 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition, which is being created to celebrate the completion of the two great Francisco- MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Fronk Chevrolet Co. Tremonton, Utah - Phone 28 structures. NOTICE TO FARMERS We Will Call for and PAY CASH for DEAD or WORTHISS HORSES & COWS Just Ring Logan Enterprise 30 This is Our Private Long Distance Number the Operator Already Understands That We Pay for the Call. COLORADO ANRIAL BY PRODUCTS CO We Also Buy HIDES - PELTS WOOL About iy2 Mile South of Logan : East of the Sugar Factory Wh i M,r--: ' uW :rvt rrS YHS" h To some ' requests for loans, every bank has to say "No." But in this Bank it is never a flat refusal. With every "No" goes a reason n a discussion of how we can change that answer into a "Yes." Come in and let us explain our simple requirements for granting loans. man-to-ma- rrs-- v , The picture shows, left to right. tbe water system. It Is moved, too, Bono Otato, Irlna Baronovn ar.d along the tile walls, brightens Lubor RofltOTa, three of tbe finest them Just as easily as the house artisU In. the Internationally fa- wife freshens her floor coverings mous Ballet Kusse. It was made with her own particular model ot when they visited the Lake S! ore vacuum cleaner. Athletic Chd In Chicago. The Eleanor Holm and many other' vacuum cleaner quickly famous American swimmers and pool's trooMd their Interest. divers have been seen In this pool, It It directed to the spots on the where eleven feet of water appears bottom of the pool where sand set- to be not more than four, because tle after foreln Itself through ot its constant clearness. ' We Welcome All New Business Bear River STATE BANK mm 1 1 1 1 1 h in h 1 1 iMinn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 11 1 iH4itft . |