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Show 1937 BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. APRIL 29, PAGE EIGHT 350 Bear River Students Twila Meldrum Tn MXAL1 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hinsey of Los Angeles, California have arrived in Tremonton to spend some time. Lou-elMrs. Hinsey was formerly Miss Gorringe. la j Enter Music Festival 15,000,000 MILES OF WRITING PAPER Extension Serv ice Announces Timely Garden Circular Gardening and the family garden and Mrs. Strand and family is treated in a circular just reieaseu fnr distribution bv the Utah State Ag attended the birthday dinner of Pearson of Logan. Sunday. ricultural college extension service, ac cording to Director William Peterson. Mr. Ad-hel- m Mr. and Mrs. Rawl Rice spent Sunday with Mr. Rice's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Rice in Farmington on Sunday. The new circular, No. 93, in entitled "The Farm and Home Vegetable Gar den" by Dr, A. L. Wilson, professor of horticulture and gardening ai me college. The circular begins by pointing out Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Schaffer and census States United reports dinner that the family attended the birthday of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Stocks of Boun- a value of almost $100,000 for farm tiful Friday. They visited in Salt gardens in Utah, exclusive of potatoes and sweet potatoes, and more man Lake Saturday. 137 million dollars for those of the nation. This same census reports that reCarolyn Anderson of Wyoming out of 30,695 farms in Utah only turned to Tremonton Monday to spend or 43 percent, had farm gardens. Summer. EQUALS IN TO NA6 !T6 M S 0 P B J -- AND WOULD RUN THROU 13,-34- 8, - ONE the Convenience, soil and irrigation fafunrished cilities are considered in planning the The Echo Carol Chorus Snowville of the family garden. The cirlocation the at the entire program cular points out that, other things ward Sunday evening. being equal, the plot of ground nearest Mrs. John G. Bennett has returned to the kitchen garden is the best place to her home in Malad after spending for the garden because of accessibilthree weeks with her daughter Mrs. ity both for care of the garden and J. C. Thomas. getting fresh vegetables for the table. The circular treats the amounts and Horton and Julian Miller of Farm- kinds of different vegetables best for fam-th- e ington were business visitors in Tre- mines and good nutrition for the vitalto furnish monton Saturday. adequate garden ity. It discusses the equipment necMr. and Mrs. Will Adams and Mr. essary and the kinds of soil best suitand Mrs. John Forbes of Layton vis- ed for the garden. A two page chart tabulates kind ited Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Green. and variety of vegetable with tables on days to muturity, length of row, . Mr. and Mrs. John C. Thomas en- quantity of seed or number of plants, tertained at a prettily appointed din- date of planting, depth of planting, ner party Friday evening at their and distance apart of plants both in the row and between rows. home, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ther-oSeedbed preparation in next discusW. Johnson, who were recently married. Mrs. Johnson was formerly sed with recommendations in the manAlice Thomas. Supper was served to agement of the soil. The choice and adaption of garden seed are treated fifty friends and relatives. with recommendations on time of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Anderson, who planting the different varieties. Irrihave spent the winter in Tremonton, gation and cultivation with a brief returned to Blue Creek to make their treatment of small fruits and perennials complete the circular which may home. be obtained from the extension service Mrs. Mary Walman and son, Aus- by sending a request to the college tin, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. of tne county extension agents. Robert Allen Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Call, Mr. and John L. Hunsaker of Burley, Idaho Mrs. Ellis Fowles of Burley, Idaho, and at the spent Tuesday Wednesday home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Rulon S. Wood and Mr. and Mrs. John N. Hatch of Ogden Mother and three sisters of Mrs. were guests at the home of Mr. and Ferris Allen spent the weekend with Mrs. Frank Taylor Sunday. her. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor made a business trip to Salt Lake City on n ! Monday. DR. D. B. GREEN and Mrs. Herbert Thomas attended the funeral services of Mrs. Mr. Dentist Tremonton, Utah Office Hoars: 9 to 12 and 1:30 to Y S Elizabeth Fowler in Ogden Sunday. Mrs. Fowler is an aunt of Mrs. Thomas. TS Sax-apho- J fiilmW&L, JttZ ltfccsWi " SpwSS? fP ZlW5lW''VQ ggiij oM mm m BILLHEADS -- u20lffl&& j AP BIU TOR f 1.50 would EQUAL AMOUNT J EACH 4 TIMES , Ta j Of PKDPEWy WORIO WAX j j twenty-five-ye- ar tine. L Cavatina Resignation ... Concerto in G Major Allegro, Adagio, Bondeau "In My Neighbor's Garden" .... Marie Ericksen Hungarian Dance NoN. 7 .... Brahmt Brindisi, Opus 49 Schon Rosmarin ne Grain shipments from Black Sea ports are at low ebb. WE'VE GONE Soft Ball Crazy Too SOFT BALLS $1.10 -- $1.75 BATS ...$1.00 to $1.75 SOFT BALL 19-3- active member in the organized Future Farmers of America. For one of his poultry projects Mr. Morrison was given a Union Pacific scholarship of $100. He was also salutatorian of his graduating class. breeders as possible next Tuesday and urge them to exhibit their dairy cat tle on "Dairy Day." On motion by Leon Gardner and seconded by George Johnson, the meeting stood adjourned until next Friday, April SO, at 8 p. m. Reading of minutes of last meet- n arch support shock-proo- f soles. Ideal foi soft ball players $2.98 TENNIS OXFORDS Those Who Sew It's a good idea to keep a large cork In your sewing basket, You can put the points of the scissors or crochet needles or any other pointed instru ment into the cork, protecting them from piercing the bag or from piercing your hand when you are rummaging through for thread or thimble. 5 TENNIS RACKET 65 PRESS KEDS - with built-i- to Utah State from Bear River high school, where he was an art were asked to visit as many SHOES $3.50 TENNIS RACKETS $1.98 up TENNIS BALLS lege. He came wide-awa- pre- t T LOGAN Earnest Merrill Morrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Morrison of Tremonton, was elected recently to Phi Kappa Phi, national scholastic honorary fraternity at the Utah State Agricultural college, it was announced by Dr. R. J. Evans, president. Mr. Morrison is majoring in agricultural economics and minoring in poultry husbandry. He is chronicler of Alpha Zeta, national scholastic hon orary agricultural fraternity. He is also a member of the Ag club and the Ag council and is president of the Agricultural Economics club. Mr. Morrison will be graduated from the L. D. S. Institute at the college May 30. He is an honor sttident at the col- cross-countr- Meeting called to order and compushed violinist, will lin recital, assisted by Marie r sen, daughter of Bishop and u Ericksen of Beaver Sunday afternoon, May 2, in the S. chapel, commencing a 4 p. . These young artists are local pie and are students of ProfeaJ W. Christiansen and Professors Clark, respectively, and have ant8, ed in recital in other commE' from which has come the highest praise and recommendations. The recital is free and the puMu i. cordially invited to attend. The following program will " dered: Is Elected To A. C. Scholastic Fraternity ir sided over by Chairman N. J. Valen- daughter r.t Earnest Morrison - twenty-flve-ye- Twila Meldrum cipal and Mrs. T. A. MeldrW few-week- s j asks at least once in his life, "I wonder how much EVERYONE in this country" either how much every year, found its or every day, or perhaps since American business really stride during the last half of the last century. on Any such question has as much strlp lt would run , umea rhance of being answered correct and widtn oi minions fifteen on for ly as childhood's old query, "How to go around the sun much wood would a woodchuck fiveenough a half times; it iwo iuiu and of paper chuck" because the uses State Building in In the Empire comare innumerable and the the Merchandise in and York New panies that make It and use It are Mart in Chicago decided to merge, row or many. y and stretch a However, the country's largest between with stenographers desks manufacturer of bond paper for these million two business use has Just released their could buildings, hours a for eight type some figures that help one to real- girls speed for their regular at inday the of paper ize the magnitude more than three years before they dustry in this country. This one company has made, In used up all the paper. producIf this the last quarter of a century, business into made were up tion of its top 788,800,192 pounds and envelopes and grade paper for business use. That w'"ng paper the people of th to out is a hard figure to visuallae, being parcelled soul on earth In astronomical figures, so let's world, every living twenty letsend and write could understandsome translate it into and enpaper In ters. writing able terms. mass this Suppose you were to print bill- velopes, more Bond equals Hammermlll of heads on this amount of paper would go. on business firms all over the country ordinary mall than the New through the average, out for were made do. If each bill flfteett in office York post ana one City dollar the modest sum of fifty cents, the total sum of money years. Or look at It this way: if Involved would be about four business executive, as all the as property much times a letter on a separate stated .hn four War losses la the World minutes for eight times as much as all the houses sheet every five this uae and towns destroyed, all the ships hours a day. tried towould up still be be of amount paper, at the lost all the cargoes sunk, sore dictating (probably with aana bottom of the sea. two of end the at It you started to run this paper throat) tarouga a typewriter in one regu- - half million years! Minutes of "Dairy Day" Meeting Held At Commercial Club Rooms MUSICAL FESTIVAL STUDENTS and VISITORS 0 R E AO N AU 6 H T5 Approximately 350 students from Bear River high school will particibe held pate in the Music Festival 1.toThis inhere April 30 and May deMusic the from cludes students partment under Mr. Nye and the Band department under Mr. Watkins. Seven schools, all of Region One. are expected to enter. These include Box Elder, North and South Cache, RivLogan, Weber, Ogden, and Bear er. On Friday all vocal and orchestra entrants will take part in various contests. The band and their soloists will compete on Saturday. Singers from Bear River include girls boys, and mixed choruses, a double trio, a mixed quartette, a boys quartette, a marching band, the first and second concert bands and all soloists. Soloists from the band include Ruth Snow, cornet; Noel Cook, clarinet; Shirley Beard, trombone; Stanley Castleton, French horn; Dee Hall, Mellophone; Bob Wassom, Bassoon; Mary Jane Davis, Bell Lyra; Dallas Getz, Baritone; Vica Hall, large and Leland Johnson, small saxaphone. From the Glee department the soloists will be Amy Christopherson and Helen Thompson, sopranos; Cleo Nye, contralto; Athlene Mills and Fay Johnson mezzo; Odell Burns and Merrill Wassom, baritones and Golden Adams, tenor. According to the teachers, more students have entered from Bear River than ever before. Last year only one soloist entered from the band section; this year there are ten. All the entrants have spent the past in extensive study and Mr. Nye and Mr. Watkins are confident that the Music Festival will be a success. Give Violin Recital $1.98 CUfi's Glothiery ing. We welcome you and will be pleased to accomodate you, during: your sojourn in our city, at our Hotel and Cafe Make Our Hotel Your Headquarters MIDLAND CAFE TREMONTON, UTAH DAVID HOLMGREN, Prop. Spring Furniture Dress up your home with lovely furniture. I 1 Brighten an unattractive corner by adding a new f piece of furniture. Motion by M. V. Rohwer that the minutes be accepted. Motion passed. Discussed program, judges, testing, premium list, rribbons, advertising, placement of cattle, etc. It was reported by Mr. Stewart that the premium list would be ready to mail out to breeders next Monday and that it would cost $12.00 for three hundred coppies. Also, that the ribbons had arrived. Mr. Emery Reese reported that the Junior Chamber of Commerces would sponsor the big "Dairy Day" dance at night. Noel Bennion reported that A. B. Caseman, director of the Box Elder high school band would put on a band concert on "Dairy Day." Also that Beth Romney, director of physical edT ucation department would have the high school girls put on a posture parade immediately after the band concert. Also that the boxing contest is under way. The secretary was asked by Clifford Hansen to write each member of the Dairy Herd Improvement Association and give him the names of several of his high producing cows; also that one of the "Dairy Day" officials make a personal call as quick ly as possible. Mr. Hansen felt that this would Induce some of these men to bring in their high producing cows. Mr. Rohwer and county agent Stew- - LET US PLACE A NEW R. L. WILLIAMS Sparton Refrigerator IN YOUR HOME Music Festival Visiters it Make Our Store Your Headquarters While Staying In Our City Greet Your Old Friends, Make New Friends Here I' Finest of Fountain Service and Light Lunch- es Served at All Times .... We Will be Happy to Help Make Your Stay Pleasant : CARPENTER and BUILDER; CABINET WORK Box 2041 Tremonton, Utah ! ! -- ill' ! H"Hfr-H--fr-H"fr-S"H--- i4 DR. G. M. EVANS t Dentist Offloe Over J. C. Fennpjr Store Office Iloura: 9 to 12 1:15 to 5:80 rnONB 124 PRESCRIPTIONS ' DRUGS Jrentonton, FQLJMTA Ut a I KJ SERVICE |