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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER,, THURSD A T. APRIL 29, 1937 i Ma For Pressing Clothes At Home PAGE FIVE- PENROSJE j Cooperative Bank Makes Study of Are Easily Made - T On Monday evening of last week a i are well party was sponsored bv the M. I. A. for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Muir r , and Mr. Allen Blain, who are moving Sotting, curved seams and to Huntsville, Utah. A program, games needs board large ironing and stunts were the diversion of the or three two implemented by A Rift was presented tn !La that will fit into corners evening. them. Delicious refreshments were of Lois Holderbaum, ' 'narks the sD fn,. pnrt.. fUvOaa clothing Sile department served. and Irl Rohwer of Paradise, Utah, a Stab State Agricultural col- former resident here, called on some these of some 7fiat (tut make 7,11s bow to of his mends last week. is she says, pad, A pressing Mr. and Mrs. Perry Stanfill and two . canvas, f ill- of ticking or heavy and Beverly, spent Sun Jed children, She suggests th sawdust. in Ogden. While there, they vis and narrow for sleeves day Mother somewhat in the shape of ited the Pine View Dam in Ogden can seams. yon. By BETTY tnr armholes and curved Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Petersen to Next tastiness tanor and a make novelty, a hostess' most important duty is to pieces and daughters, Marie and Faye, spent died, cut two serve plenty of everything. This is bunday visiting in Brigham City with Sticking or canvas, each about Mrs. not always easy. Guests will pop mother Petersen's sister. and in f, graduating teles long and in unexpectedly from time to time Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Miller were vis inrhea fit.itr.h thes and unless care is taken, the at itors . of Brigham City Wednesday .:ry an" nwninp'o -for thp Icebox and pantry will not meet f leavuis last week. the occasion. rtuff tight with sawdust or Miss Alta Grover left Monday for a ccraDS of cloth, and close. Fortunately, one need not keep elaborate steaks or roasts on hand fr. ith outing flannel, then have an indefinite stay at Ridgedale, Idaho. Mrs. Starlin Stanfill is quite ill with at all times. Many of the most washable cover of mus- , movable delicious imaginable , can the mumps. an at inst&nt'i notice pe prepared We are to Lenard a is roll for report that glad Vther pressing help from handy little bottles and jars of Berchtold was able to leave the hos Jessing open seams that might packed meats, preserves, or pickles. BecaoM class hag no reaction on if pressed on a board. pital last week and left Monday with his wife and two small sons for the Its contents and the containers may small sleevetooard has its place, too, a variety of L Holderbaum says, in the collec- Bird Refuge, as guests of Mr. and be resealed, can be kept on products Leo Mrs. accessories. It should Young. band with no fear of spoilage. One ts of pressing likeErson was Berchtold a to the visitor the m4 nnverpd repii" jKpaau peek at a row of sparkling gUus County Seat Monday. board. Containers may offer sadden inUr ironing The M. I. A. held its ward honor or if your imagination spiration seeds nudging, here are two night Tuesday evening'. A verv inter. Gland fturry-up- " dishes' that will tore Action of Thyrou esting program, under the direction of you from becoming that gruesome lie thymus gland ordinarily disappAlice R. Miller, was put over. Dempot marked "X", ears at adolescence and there Is some onstration on dancing and a dramaIn Indicate its persistence (ridence to Piquant Tongue Mold tization on the theme was presented. 2 package ritlt life may be one cause of eplMrs. J. Brooks Shuman is entertaingelatin I pint boiling water ing today (Thursday) at a shower in honor of Miss Bessie Shuman, a bride Mrs. Van Peterson visited her par of the near future. ents of Plymouth last week. She reMr. and Mrs. Ed Younger of is visiting with Mrs. Young-er'- s turned home Sunday. Donald Pack, who is attending the parents, Mr. and Mrs. William M. U. S. A. C, at Logan, was at home Miller. The writer understood that our com for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. DeLamar Cutler and munity ranked among the highest in the sanitation program that is being daughter, Doris, spent Saturday in the TREMONTON, UTAH Logan temple. carried out through the state. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arbon were call Following the proclamation issued, to Bear River City Sunday by the ed "Clean-up" be the that April month, is doing its bit to do death of their grandson, a son of Mr. our community Friday and Saturday its part. Even the church house is and Mrs. Ellis Arbon. April 30th - May 1st Ruth, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. getting a coat of paint. Lawrence Anderson, is confined to her home with measles. "MAN OF Mrs. Martha Peterson returned to. her home Friday after spending two weeks with her daughter in Brigham. By Miss Annie Hurd THREE Mrs. Golden Peterson visited her sis in MESQUITEERS, The Ladies chorus of Tremonton ter at Tremonton, Thursday. "GUN Ward presented a most enjoyable program Sunday evening at our sacraui in in in in in in in in in in in i in in ment meeting. The program was unmi. i der the direction of Mrs. James Wal"flobinson ton and consisted of numbers by the chorus; two violin solos by Mrs. Reed in m in in in in in in in m la m ni'iii m Cannon; a solo by Mrs. Steffen; a solo Sun. - Mon. - Tues. Week's Best Recipe by Agusta Brough; two readings, "The Angeles and the Shepherds," May 2nd - 3rd - 4th STUFFED HAM SLICES 18 two- "The House by the Side of the Road,' inch an squares thinly sliced cooked ham ; ERIC LINDEN and by R. B. Taylor of Salt Lake City, white cream cheese; 2 tableI cup and of a Mr. uncle Cannon; reading CECELIA 3 ripe olPARKER, in by Mrs. Wilma Anderson. Bishop spoons minced pimientos; ives, 18 teaspoon celery ladies chopped; HPTDT T fTT?G DAV Walton, who accompanied the salt; 14 teaspoon minced parsley. to Snowville, spoke a short time. The program was really the best we Place ham on a flat surface. Spread TEX have had in our town and was enjoy- each slice ' with rest of ingredients, RITTER, in ed by a large congregation. We hope combined. Roll up, holding in place with wood picks. Chill until serving "TROUBLE they will come again. A number of people from Stone, time. TEXAS" came to enjoy the program, also a number of people from Tremonton. Spring Style Hint We were sorry the accompanist beWednesday and Thursday came ill and was unable to attend the Soring dresses are simple and even severe in design, but the new hats are meeting. May 5th and 6th Misses Mildred and Mary Hurd were more ornate than they have been for visitors Saturday. many seasons. The shallow crowns Ogden "HOUSE (tall ones are completely out) are ov j oval-shap- ed " Aere -- yo ""as found! - lemon-flavore- d Tre-monto- n, Orpheuon Theatre THE SNOWVILLE i t me leaner a Weekly Scrapbook IN OF SECRETS" "GIRL OF THE BARCLAY 2 tablespoons vinegar teaspoon salt teaspoon scraped onion 3 cups boiled tongue, chopped fine cup dill pickles, chopped fine xh cup mayonnaise Dissolve gelatin in boiling water. Add vinegar and salt Chill until cold and syrupy. Place in bowl of cracked ice or ioa water and whip with rotary egg beater until fluffy and thick like whipped cream. Fold in onion, tongue, pickles and Turn into loaf pan. mayonnaise. Chill until firm. Unmold. Garnish with lettuce and radishes. Serves 8. ',4 1 UMBERLOST" EE Salmagundi potatoes oups boiled ham or pork, diced cup cooked peas 1 cup diced boiled i V4 I plmientoes, chopped cup celery, diced sweet pickles, finely cop mayonnaise diced-- OVENWARE NITES hard-boil- ed ct erloaded with fruit, flowers and feathers. Plums, peaches, cherries and even minature pineapples adorn the crowns of the new hats. For the Gardner .... se-ve- ry Young, tender parsnips may be scraped like carrots, but old parsnips should be boiled until tender and then Slipped out of their skins , . , Cayenne pepper sprinkled on pantry shelves is sometimes effective in keeping mice away,. . . . A half teaspoonful of baking soda added to boiling frosting will Too much keep it from running water will make pastry tough . . . . Onion juice will remove rust from tableware. and his Old Mill Orchestra M T.h. ONIONS Green - 4 5 Bunches .... CHRISTENSEN PRODUCE NATURE'S MOST HEALTHFUL FOOD FRIDAY, MAY 7th BEAR Emission STUDENTS - 75V, Couple; Extra Ladies, Per 5c Pound Can Market Lee WITH STUDENT BODY CARDS . . 50c FOR SATURDAY - MAY 1st Attractive Wearing Apparel Indies' DRESSES, COATS, SUITS, HATS iust the proper accessories ... in the season's most Popular styles and colors and at reasonable prices. WE WELCOME MUSIC FESTIVAL VISITORS TO OUR STORE LaGra Shop Tvcmcnton, Utah iMIMIMMIMMMI'Mimi I Jar ... 5c Head lb 16 201 181 1 Q0 1 J PORK STEAKS Per Pound 00$ tt, OVEN ROAST POT ROAST Baby Beef Best Cuts - Lb Lean, Tender Pound - , Baby Beef Pound 20 LUNCH MEAT Assorted Pound 25? . CHEESE 19c Pound SOAP Palmolive Bar 5c ORANGES Sweet, Juicy Dozen OO j tmtOV' QUALITY MEATS GROUND BEEF 29c Quality, Sb'ced Pound OQ CJ 5c Each BEEF ROASTS Choice Cuts Pound Beef Pound 19c Pound .IP. FOOD 10c SIRLOIN STEAK Per Pound ... 25c BOLOGNA SAUSAGE Pork 16c SHORT RIBS BACON CHICKEN LEGS PORK ROAST BEEF -- U A lUC Mild 23c Quart Mock POT ROAST 1 SALAD DRESSING 2 Pounds 25tf I1 1 Libby's 3 Cans CORNED BEEF , Aj 1UQ Vanilla Lb. Pkg DEVILED MEAT PRUNES Bright Lean RIVER HIGH SCHOOL GYM , JL No Ups or Downs, But Constantly Low Prices During the Entire Week FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY Ol C Can 5c WAFERS LETTUCE SPINACH . Flavors Package 6 SALMON den. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young and I POTATOES OVU JELL0 M. J. B., Hills Maxwell House, Schillings O 7w Lt 4 C Lb. Can ... DelMonte Rex Miss Virginia Smith of Salt Lake visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith over the weekend. Hart Bourrne of Farmington and Evan Ellis of Layton spent Tuesday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Bourne and family. Mrs. Marcelle Johnson spent Wednesday visiting and shopping in Og- SALE COFFEE Welling Large, Solid Head TTtah AND VISITORS SATURDAY, MAY 1st FIELDING Enid By IB IF .... (We Reserve the Right to limit Quantity) Moie Direct Distribution Brings a Saving to Each Customer! 12-pie- ce BAND CONTESTANTS In the Kitchen FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES JOE KIRKH AM GREETINGS Sow a row of marjoram to dry for poultry dressing. Likewise winter will come in handy Hunt up poles and grow some pole lima beans this year. You can get more beans to ives. a pole than you can to six hills . . Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Hansen of Inspect perennial borders and order Logan spent Wednesday afternoon seed of plants you want. Get them visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Dwight going now and you'll have plants all Hansen. year. 12-o- z. LETTUCE ey UTAH CAFE Tom Ingredients together lightly. Arrange on erUp lettnee. Garnish with additional mayonsaiae. lection! of egg, ta4 bee siloes. Berree t. Anglo Now $49.50 Schnss Electric Co. Brailsford p. tt't rnrrnn T tty VACUUM - WITH ALL PARTS REGULAR $79.50 V. j a- SMOKE RANCH" Crusoe" By Mrs. C. Mrs. Emma Ohman of this city announces to the marriage of her daugh. be service farmto of Designed ers cooperative organizations in Utah, ter, Esther, to Clyde E. Merkley, son as well as to those in other states, the of Mrs. Nellie Merkley, of TrideJ, Farm Credit Administration of Ber- Utah. The marriage took place in the keley is now conducting a survey in Logan temple Tuesday, April 20th. this state. The Berkeley Bank for Co- The young couple will make their operatives, that unit of the Farm home in Roosevelt, Utah. Credit Administration which finances Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Anderson of farmers cooperatives and counsels Bothwell, Utah, and Mrs. Augusta them in matters of organization and) Iverson accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Hall to Portage Sunday where . operation, has charge of in the eleventh district, comprising Mr. Hall was called due to the death the states of Utah, California, Nevada of his grandmother Mrs. Eliza A. and Arizona. The work is being done Hall. under the direction of E. A. Stokdyk, A parcel shower was given Friday president of the Berkeley institution. at the home of Mrs, Emma Ohman, In order to be of the greatest pos- in honor of her Mrs. Clyde daughter, use to sible existing and contemplated E. Merkley, formerly Miss Esther farmers cooperatives, the survey will Ohman. During the afternoon about take into account types of organiza- forty relatives and friends attended. tion, location, number of cooperatives, The young couple received many useservices performed, size of association, ful gifts. Refreshments were served. success of cooperatives and details Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Dallin and concerning their legal and financial baby, also Miss Arva Dallin, were set-u, shopping in Brigham City Thursday. A baby boy was born at the Valley family of Logan, spent Sunday vis- hospital in Tremonton Tuesday eveniting with Mrs. W. K. Welling. ing to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Simpson, Bud Earl and children,. Noreen and which passed away. Burial was in the Emerson, was accompanied to Salt Bear River cemetery. Bishop Check-ett- a Lake with Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Bow-ou- tt dedicated the grave. of Riverside Sunday. Thep spent the day visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Marcelle Johnson and family spent Friday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Deason of Blue Creek. The closing program of the M. I, A. was held in the Fielding hall Tuesday night. Helen Mar Burns sang, FORMERLY FRED'S CAFE talks were given by Thayne Packer, Lemuel Earl and Bishop Garn, after which a one-aUnder New Management of play "Wild Hobby Horse" was presented. A dance was Mr. and Mrs. given afterwards. Lemuel Earl, who has been with CHESTER A. COWLEY the Navy in China for the past three years, returned home Sunday for a formerly of Garland months furlough. Mrs. Oleen Garn returned home from the L. D. S. hospital Tuesday, where she has been' undergoing treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hansen spent to the Sunday in Ogden visiting with relatthe-surv- glass-packe- d PEOPLE" BEAR RIVER CITY State Finances , t I - Stick Pound 15c SESft(G STORES 1 |