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Show JOIN THE TREMONTON CIVIC PRIDE CLUB tin? A lu TTOTT -- ytiuiA f" lu,ul iLiixi y llu y A lliUfiL EY LEADER CITY. UTAH, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1937 number thirtythres fremonton Welcomes Northern Utah Music Festival ffiVICES WILL LECTURE HELD FORBEAR CITY YOUTH Arbon Is Killed Thrown From Cultipacker jig J. Alien services I of that city, morning at when a team hitched to a on which he was riding, ran Holman Arbon, killed Sunday 1 was cul-Lt- a were under services tt ST ; ' f r: Citizens Congratu late Pres. Beet Grow ers Advises Increased Students, Teachers On Achievements Beet Planting were held in the ' meal Wed- - . Kivei atv ward chattel L afternoon over the remains v " Hljjj jess aiw"i Vm 2,000 Students From Seven High Schools To Participate In Band and Vocal Numbers RIVER the direc-- fSrff er y ft m Bishop Charles Checketts. enters were Joseph Larkin, of Seville, former Bishop Osey Jen- of Bear River City; A. N. Rob and Bishop Uheck- ins, Tremonton; Oftentimes, when I am dreaming In the twilight's gentle glow, And my thoughts make little journeys Back to scenes I used to know, Then I meet, in wistful fancy, Many friends of other days Friends whom I have lost forever On life's long, divergent ways. of numbers were quartette by R. Chris- company; a vioun soio, oy Felt, Brigham City, and Special musical by a male and B. jjiseu by the choir. He accident, which his unites father said witnessed, apparently occur- the boy was driving through as not t as , gate his father's farm. An end on 5-1- 2 Dr. E. V. McCollum, phychemist of John Hopkins siological university at Baltimore, Maryland, will deliver a series of lectures on dietetics during the week of July 5 to 12 at the 1937 summer session of the LOGAN. apparently struck the the horses. The the boy naais jumped, throwing Utah State Agricultural college, acs the ground. His father rushed him the cording to Dr. J. H. Linford, director Tremonton at t Valley hospital to he was pronounced dead upon of the summer session. Dr. McCollum was a member of the a broken aval, having suffered 'aland skull fracture. visiting faculty at the Utah State tte boy was born June 15, 1927 Agricultural college during four previous summer sessions: 1924, 1925, k Tremonton. Besides his parents, Wing are a sister and brother, 1926, and 1933. He is generally recogm and Vanyle Arbon, also four nized for his writings and research on the relationship of nutrition and diet adparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesa Ar and Mr. and Mrs. to growth and disease. il, Suowville, The Isaac Ridgeway Trimble medal aert Holman, Bear River City. Moment was made in the Bear for research with bones, 1923, the Pirer C5ty cemetery, Moroni Lund- - John Scott medal from the city of Phil adelphia, 1924, the Howard N. Potts dedicating the grave. gold medal from the Franklin institute for "distinguished scientific work," in 1921, and the Callahan meLeRoy Bishop Apdal of the Ohio State Dental society, 1935, are among various awards that pointed McCollum has received for his reSchools Dr. search with vitamins. He became a pioneer in the field of LeRoy Bishop, former resident and D research when he recognizvitamin wipal of the district school of ed the vitamin in 1921. He has also Si city and instructor in the Bear developed a method for identifying &er high school, was recently ap- vitamin B in foods. Kted principal of the Morgan Dr. McCollum was graduated from "Ms at a recent meeting of the the University of Kansas with a B. A. M of Education. Mr. Bishop will degree in iau3, ana ne received ms a charge of all grades, 25 teach- - M. A. degree from the same instituand 750 children will be directly tion the following year. He received ste his care. his Ph. D. degree from the Yale uni- Enough the recent consolidation in law turn ui9 ov;. u, iium uic "the schools of that county, all ex--1 vcrsiiy of Cincinnatti in 1920. University '4 40 students, who remain at Devil to 1917 he was associat1907 From ' Sk, are cared for on the Morgan ed with the department of agricul"tool sight. tural chemistry at the University of r. Bishop is at present, and has Wisconsin. He has been associated jw (or the past three years, super-todewith the Baltimore university since of the Duchesne county 1917. He will begin his new duties He is at the present time a member Morgan July 1st of this year. of the advisory board of the National ffe congratulate Morgan county Dairy council. He was a member of securing the services of Mr. Bishop the international committee on vitamin standards in 1931 and a member ton Made of the international committee on nutrition, league of nations, in 1935. j tie machine post, frightening greet them, In these dreams that can't come true And how eagerly I picture All the things we used to do! Yes, the memories awakened By the names that come to mind Fill this twilight hour with longing For the frierjdsj'll never find. Chemist to Give Lecture On Dietetics At U. S. A. C. July r- "- They ""EM now be here beside me Western Newspaper Union. L. tatrican activity in organiz- baseball teams, of which Elliot is in charge. Mr. Legion Junior J" Since the pioneers arrived in Utah in 1847, industry and thrift and a high regard for obligations have been outstanding characteristics of the people of this state. The use of credit in agriculture is have fair b . . , f trt; j bert S. Goss, Land Bank Commissioner, recently said, "Can agriculture use credit advantageously? I have some reservations in answering "yes," because lots of farmers not only do not need credit, but suffer seriously by using it. Before going into detail, let us consider four simple rules which I believe will apply to agriculture and borrowers alike: "One should borrow only when there is a reasonable expectation that the use of credit will improve his position, or earning- nower. ana uius enable him to repay the borrowed money when due. "Credit will never replace lack of income. "The giving of security does not discharge the debt. "The safest loan is that which is best adapted to the borrower's capacity to pay. "It seems simple, but oh, the mistakes that are made through ignoring these rules or in misjudging the ability to repay. The losses which follow such mistakes are appalling. ,AKUL Washington won Inaugurated ai flrit dfal AS convention c wiioiea in to adopt afnuadeiphlq national constitution, 1787. The first medical echool m America founded, '93. Sk --The j - i I i Co-o- I be eliminated. Unpaid taxes for 1935 and subse quent years, however, will bear the 2 penalty and 8 interest and must be paid in order to take advantage of the other saving. In this county, records show a delinquency of $15,025.00 for 1932, for 1933 and $19,103.00 for 1934 a total of $47,762.00, on which a pos sible saving of $8,652.98 can be made. Even greater proportionate savings can be made on property on which taxes are due for 1931 and prior years. "peraong owing back taxes for any r do welJ to see County Treasurer at once. He will gladly fig-- 1 ure in exact dollars and cents the amount each individual can save, said Chairman Irwin Arnovitz of the State Tax Commission. "May I urge delinquent tax payers to' act at once?" continued Mr. Arno-- j vitz. "Permit me to also remind ev eryone owing back taxes that this legislative emergency measure does not iengthen the four year redemption ftnd tnat persons owing taxes for 1932 and prior yea. must pay the May tax deed thelr sa,e ln respective counties or take chances on having their property goId to individual parties, thereby preventing them from ever redeeming Joseph H. Petersen, Brigham; A. V. Smoot, Corinne; S. Martin Rasmussen, Brigham; Lloyd E. Lish, Deweyville; Zenos W. Earl, Brigham; George Tiller, Brigham; James P. Rasmussen, Honeyville; Lewis Siggard, Brigham; Parley Linford, Garland; J. Collin' Wood, Howell; David H. Rosenbaum, -' Brigham; Wayne I. Sandall, TremonR. Norman Petersen, Brigham. ton; Samuel Mortensen, Tremonton R. F. D. No. 1; Wesley Wight, Brigham; W. L. Alder Garland; Howard L. Dalton, Willard; Michael Erickson, Collinston; Wallace B. Simmons, Collinston; Fredj ANNOUNCEMENT L. Nye, Garland; D. Glenn Burt. Brig- f r Ramh Shuman of Penrose, an ham; Serrell Nelson, Corinne; Joseph R. L. Fishburn, Jr., it .. nounces the engagement of her daugh Smith, Fielding; ter, Bessie Ola, to Liana u. numo, Brigham. the stores ln Malad, Tremonton and of Ogden. The marriage will take future. near 'Brigham the in City. place rCCl OCnOSS Schoss Electric Co. are successors to the Maytag. Sales and Service and Of Onenilltr ... , . i a vi. nisi? vaiiy t lun i,iiii v u tint rnlnt Co. Electric a General 4 Fred Schoss announced today that appliance, v other also good many new product, a large Appliance held he is opening Relief Society meeting will be at 335 24th Street, al home appliances, and the m. A good Qrnr in 1:30 p. at 4 Tuesday, May to be one of the best modern appli-- ! home for Maytag washers and parts, w uuuiagti i mc attendance la desired. An interesting Mrs. j. a. utnre-in Utah or Idaho known Is outlined for the Relief Society m the Schoss Electric Co., same as I local store at Tremontoa. meeting, j ft -- Relief Society News of , i nation--servic- " $wemor RoblMon AMniific Announces Ogdeil Store De-de- n e. p. Work Commenced On New Super-Servic- e Station $13,-634.- Be Held On Tuesday District Court Jurors ChOSeil IOr 31 ay lerm, The Stake M. I. A. honor night will ward Recrea- nr j Haymarltet Riot took Place In Chicago, 1&8Q. ..J two-wa- j lor Matanuska, i I Work was commenced the begine ning of this week on a new in the to be erected station location of the Utah Oil Refining station operated by Diderickson and Goldsberry on the corner of Main and First east. According to the lessee's the station will be the last word in modern equipment and building and will be a distinct credit to the city. These popular and well respected young businessmen have been serv super-servic- j and it is with a degree of satisfaction that they are going to operate a service station, which will be second to none, when completed. Cornwall Takes Over Blue Creek Store C. M. Chauncey M. Cornwall and his family have finished moving their household effects to Blue Creek dur-Inthe week and are now comfort- ably located as proprietor of the Blue Creek store. Previous to purchasing the 8tore Mr Cornwall was employed in the Woodward Brothers Pool hall. Chan is a hustling young buslncss- man who has had considerable ex- perience in the merchantile business. His many friends are confident that store fVinn will run an and give the dry farm section a real Vocal Solos o'clock p. m. to 4:50 and Quartets (6 minutes each). Chairman: Mrs. K. L. Stevenson, Tremonton; Facylty Assistants: C. H. Last, Ellen Lund, Edna Burnham. Group V Tremonton Ward Chapel, Recreation Hall, Saturday, May 1, 9 Orchestra and a. m. to 1:30 p. m. Junior High Bands (30 minutes each) Chairman: Fred L. Nye, Garland; Faculty Assistants: Edward Harris, Elaine Reeder, Don Sheffield. Group VI Tremonton Ward Chapel, auditorium Friday, April 30, 6 o'Vocal Groups clock p. m. to 9:50 and Choruses (16 minutes each). Chairman: Dr. D. B. Green, Tremon ton; Faculty Assistants: Mark Nichols, Rhoda Larsen, Mrs. Nathella Griffin, Alma King. Group VII Bear River High School Auditorium, Saturday, May 1, 9 o'clock a. m. to 12:30 p. m. High School Bands. Chairman: A. N. Fish-bur- n, Tremonton; Faculty Assistants: Leo Walker, Earl Hone, H. C. Davis, Joe Whitesides, Arthur Wellinf. There will be a street parade Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The public is Invited to attend any or all events. er - party of 300 settler 1 j - original assemble program, which will include a demonstration of all of the activities accomplished by the mutual during the past year. Following the program, a demonstration of all of the M. I. M dances; will be given. Inasmuch as the program will include public speaking, drama music, as well as dancing it promises to be a very entertaining and instructive cordevening. The general public is to attend. Invited ially leaves, yet bitter T .. po-teni- al that every boy between i and 16 are eligible be held in the Garland commencfor the are invited to 4, were chosen hall Monday May tion Jurors Tuesday, if J"J sign up they play in these junior teams. ing at 8 o'clock. The activities for May term of the District Court . They, the evening will be in the form of an are as follows: a of 9 0 L well The fact that these students are here to compete iA this musical festival is evidence, in and of itself, that they have acquired high standards of efficiency in the departments they represent. Tremonton salutes these young people and extends hearty congratulations upon their success thus far attained and extends every good wish to them for continued success in their efforts. These young people represent the spirit of hope and courage; of the will to do and are entitled to their spot in the sun. This city also extends congratulations to their instructors and those who have had to do with the arranging of the program that will be presented here Friday afternoon, evening and Saturday. Welcome, and thrice welcome may your stay in this city be a pleasant one and may noth-in- e haDDen to mar or molest the peaceful and happy pursuits of your States to grow the maximum acreage this year in order to establish a satisfactory basis under quota legislation for succeeding years. It is pointed out by Mr. Kearney that he is having difficulty in holding up the '..'.'Tax delinquent real property own- continental beet quota due to the fact ers in Box Elder county will have an that this quota was not reached last opportunity to save themselves a pos- year. He points out that the sugar sible total of $8,652.98 in back taxes beet producing industry faces a great festival. for the years 1932, 1933 and 1934, pro- prosperous period if the quotas Following is a detailed program: vided they take advantage of the can be so administered as to estabGroup I Bear River High School liberal concessions granted in the em- - lish a fair continental price for sugar. Cafeteria, Friday April 30th, 1 O'In order for Utah farmers to be clock ergency tax measure passed by the Brass Instrum. to 5:16 p. permitted to continue to grow the ments; Chairman, Orion Snow, Dewmaximum of sugar beets under what Assistants: Sargent by the State Tax Commission, which appears to be a potentially advantage- eyville; Faculty Ruth Johnson, H. M. Skinwith other taxing un- ous period, it is necessary that the Streeper, is ner. its of the state in a drive to reduce maximum acreage be grown this year Group II Bear River High School tax delinquency. to assist in establishing future Utah Auditorium, Friday, April 30th, 1 o'The legislative act permits persons quotas. Wood Wind Inclock p. m. to 4:52 President Rawlins directed that I struments. owing back taxes for 1934 and prior Chairman: Mrs. R. Tt. years (whose property has not gone write you and urge that you take, Anderson, Tremonton; Faculty As to auditors' tax deed and where the the most effective action possible in sistants: A. J. Taylor, Mrs. Oneta certificate of sale is held by the coun- your county to stimulate the planting K. Shurtz. Florence McKay. y ty) to redeem their property at a sub- of sugar beets. This willcuthave a Group III Bear River High School to down the benefit; back all first, stantial saving by paying 30th, 6 o'cost of processing and second, to es Auditorium, Friday, AprilWood taxes Wind clock p. m. to 8:30 AnInstead of 8 interest on taxes due' tablish a high enough quota to per. Chairman: Instruments. Roy exfnr- 1934 nnd xnrinr vears ' these oer-- ! mit the Industry to continue to derson, Thatcher; Faculty Assistsons will be required to pay only 2 i ants: Owen Ward Margaret Wood-sid-e, Your very truly, interest a saving of 6 per year. In Andrew Heggie. Ass'n. Utah Sugar Beet IV Tremonton Ward Chapaddition, the usual 2 penalty for tax Group Signed (Tracy R. Welling) es due for 1934 and prior years will el, auditorium, Friday, April 30th, 1 Secretary Morgan Stake Honor Night To 1 rs' Bank Commissioner Property Owners In B. E. County Will Have Discusses Phases Chance to Save $8,653 Of Farm Credit Is Principal for Junior Baseball Players pro-doce- And it brings a pang of heartache When I drearily recall That I could have saved so many Of those friendships, after all That, if I had been more faithful WTW bert nt 3 Oh, how joyfully I J1 OK.ZMMcCOLUJM Tremonton extends its official and cordial greetings of welcome to its distinguished visitors, students, musicians and officials of seven hish. schools on northern Utah, who am meeting here ln their annual Music Festival. Tremonton hones, in beiner host to these approximately 2000 stu dents and visitors that their time can be made pleasant and profitable and they will find cordiality and the spirit of appreciation for the department of education that they are representing-s- Orson A. Iverson, president of the Garland Beet Grower's Association is in receipt of the following letter from the Secretary of the Utah Beet Growers' Association which is self explanatory as to the importance of making a base for beet acreage for the next few years as seen by President Kearney of the National Association. Mr. Kearney who is at Washington full time looking after beet interests is anxious to see beet acreage held up to the present quota. Unless Utah growers plant enough to use the present quota, it will be cut down and allotted to other states which are clamboring for it. President Iverson urges that the quota at present, based on averages from 1931 to 1934 inclusive, being 12,600 acres, should be held and rec ommends serious consideration of the subject of the following letter and to plant all the beets each grower wants to have as an annual average. Dear Director: Both President Rawlins and myself are in receipt of numerous telegrams from President Charles M. Kearney pointing out the - necessity T 4 1 j i Primary Spring Festival To Be Held May 7 The Tremonton Ward Primary will present their Spring Festival, entitled "Blossom Time" Friday, May 7. Preparations are going forward and it is announced that every Trlmary child will take part ln the festival, which will be a gala affair and beautifully costumed. .. o The festival will be a dramatizai '" cated ln the store and Mr. Cornwall tion of the work accomplished during -the past year. Admission is free. ...v.-w- .. lp rr . |