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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY. LEADER, THURSDAY, At At At At At Ogden Tremonton At Elks May 31 Honeyville June 21 Malad May 10 Collegians Aug. 2 May 17 June 21 May 30 May 10 July26 Aug. 30 Aug. 9 Aug. 25 COLLEGIANS May 30 July 12 HONEYVILLE Aug. 2 June 7 June 28 July 19 Aug. 16 SMTTHFIELD July 12 July 5 June 7 Aug. 9 12 May 31 July 9 Aug. 30 May. 24 BRIGHAM May 24 June 28 PRESTON June 14 GARLAND May 17 OGDEN- - TREMONTON MALAD ... 1836 , July 26 May 17 May 24 July July 19 June 28 Aug. 23 June 7 May 30 Aug. 16 T At Smithfidd June 28 June 14' ; 4 May 24 July 5 Aug. 30 At Brigham At Preston July 26 Aug. 16 July 19 May 31 5 July June 14 June 7 Aug. 16 May 17 May 24 Aug. 23 , Aug. 2 May 31 June 7 June 14 June 21 May 10 May 30 July 5 June 21 Aug. 9- 21 H Aug. 9 June May 10 Aug. 16 14 May 17 Aug. 23 I Aug. 9 May 30 July 26 Aug. 2 July July 19 July June 28 May 31 Aug. 30 u 5 For Passengers On Big Flying Boats Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brenkman and sen, Carter England, attended the Philadelphia Symphony orchestra con cert at Salt Lake, Tuesday evening. Miss Mae Quinney is visiting for several weeks with her father, George Quinny. y WAT. WAKE and GUAM, night stops at the island bases. comfortably. islets - tying? in the mwue There ihey-are reaches of the Pacific Oeean, offer housed as if they were in their iell the comforts of home to pas- own homes; Bed and table linens. employes uniforms afld. the .persengers on the great sonal' apparel dt ahianes the' boats that ply hi, are kept fljtaf ' from Alameda to Honolulu and clean with electrical household islands to washing machines,: the same as are thnee from the little ' used by more than 10,000,000 Amerf Manila and Macao. Hotels, complete to ' the last ican families. Each hotel is equipmatchbox and ashtray, went by ped with a washer and an lroner. freighter with a construction crew There is an electrical togenerating men to assemble the plant on each island light the of eighty-sithe and hotel and operate appliances. furniture the set up buildings, make the structures ready for the Nothing has been left to chance.. first guests demanding "room and Guests, and .employes' comfort and appearance are as carefully conbath." Travelers flying the Pacific from sidered as la any California te China make over - four-engine- d x ';,--- ' ; Report Adopted for County Beautif ication The following report was adopted by county beautification of Homes and public grounds program planning John Cash of Pasedena, California, committee for beautification of Box is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. LaVon Elder county: Stokes. Mr. Cash is Mrs. Stokes, Any scheme for beautification brother. should be pursued with a view of final completion so that the various deMarian Brown and Texa Boiling of tails will fit toegther and accomplish Ogden spent the week end with Edith one ultimate purpose, that is to say, Foxley. to make the home with its surroundings, the city and its parks, the high, A bridge party was given at Mrs. way and the landscape in perspective Vaudis Brough's April 29. Bridge was a pleasing panorama to the eye.; To played and a delicious luncheon, was accomplish this purpose, the citizenry served. Mrs. Helen Sandall won high should be made civic minded. Each score and Mrs. Bessie uaiaerwooa citizen should be educated to appre twon cut prize. ciate refinement in nature, and to be observant enough to know when defacement and ugly scars are in evidence, what factors contribute to harmony and refinement and what other factors produce the very opposite" results. Neatness and cleanliness are factors of the first importance in improving one's surroundings whether such be in a city lot, on a farm or a public highway. HOMES We recommend: A more liberal planting of lawns, shrubs, trees and flowers around the home. That all citizens clean up and paint up their homes and outbuildings. Falling down buildings, fences, etc., should be torn down or repaired. Tall growing shrubs or vines may be plant ed to screen off or hide unsightly buildinas connected with the home grounds. That dead trees be removed and others planted in their place if pos- sible. PARKS AND PUBLIC GROUNDS That public buildings have their grounds surrounding planted to more and better lawn?, trees, shrubs and flowers. CITIES AND TOWNS That each city or town adopt some particular variety of shade tree to plant along each side of a public highway, so as to make each town outstanding for the planting of some particular tree CELOTEX HARDWARE ; j Wire and Nails CHINA RADIOS TOOLS Home Power Lighting Plant May Mn 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wilson Lumber Co. Tremonton, Utah iXji for shade or beautification That all streets be planted to shade or ornamental trees. That all vacant lots be cleaned of weeds and put to some beneficial use. That the cities and towns promote a general clean T . , - -- Commission, Washington, D. C. ganae-birde"tha- in an exchange plan of bulbs, shrubs, flowers, trees, etc. To frown on the habit of mutilating trees instead of pruning. Also to include in the clause "Parks and Public Grounds" school houses, churches. Also water taps for children. That this committees recommended Tle Graim Coast The Grain coast Is that part of the coast of Liberia, western Africa, which extends about longitude 8 degrees te 11 degrees west; so called on account of the exportation of grains of First Railroad in Washington The Baitimore & Ohio was the capital's first railroad. It began operations there on August 25, 1835. : er Put These Gifts Together they Mothers Day A Day that Means the World to Her Afternoon Dresses - May Handbags Handkerchiefs Slips Hose Lingerie LaGra Shop Tremonton, Utah t In Cooperation With the McKesson Ogden Wholesale Drug Co., the Uty Drug Co. Otters You a Big Nine Cent Sale with - let IFeoSb 3sa IBkiwIls 49c McKesson LIQUID PETROLEUM 49c RjwI and Two Gold Fish - both for 59 39c McKesson Aspirin Tablets, bottle of 100 49c Bowl and Two Gold Fish - both for 49' 39c MeKesson MILK OF MAGNESIA 49c Bowl and Two Gold Fish - both for 49 39c McKesson RUBBING ALCOHOL 49c Bowl and Two A fW Gold Fish - both for 47y A Large Fancy Acquarium Containing Four Fancy Fish Deposit your coupon at the City Drug Co. NOW! i Cut Out This Coupon Sign Your Name and Address Name ....... Address 49c McKesson Calox TOOTH POWDER 49c Bowl and Two Gold Fish - both for 49c McKesson rfd DV (16-oz- .) ANTISEPTIC SOLUTION 49c Bowl and Two Gold Fish - Ibth for gA 07 Two Tubes 25c McKesson SHAVING CREAM 49c Bowl and Two Gold Fish both for CfW DS 69c McKesson Milk of Magnesia - (full quart) 49c Bowl and Two Gold Fish-lot- h for 7rf iV Many Other Similar Qohibinations Are Being Offered up campaign. Building and maintaining at least one public park in each community. BOX ELDER PARK That Box Elder Park be landscaped by the proper placing of shrubs, flowers, etc., with the thought in mind to make it as cosmopolitan as possible. That a baseball diamond be laid out. That a golf course be laid out. Tennis courts, coat ting and skiing slides and numer. ous other forms of sport be carried out. That a game sanctuary be made of the park to protect the willow grouse, blue grouse, and pheasants that are already there and provide a sanctuary for other may be introduced which will add to the attraction of the park. We feel that Box Elder Park is large enough to provide places and amusements for all organwtioos and ear-arou- nd citizens of the county to enjoy themNo Land Grant in Kentucky selves in. - The general land office says that to the Parent-Teachorganization the federal HIGHWAYS That the dumping of that a government never made be tcprogram adopted give a any land grants In rubbish be prohibited on our highKentucky. Attitude." Beauty ways, and that where- rubbish has been dumped that it be cleared away. . .t. ,g, "8"8".. t. .. .. That suitable places be set aside for .j. .j. ,j. ,t. ,t. . .g. .j..!,.;. ,t. Mt. the dumping of rubbish. ' Spell That the highways be landscaped as far as possible with suitable shrubs trees, etc That in the landscaping care be exercised in the selection of the trees, shrubs, etc., to get those suitable to the different types of soil 10 and location. Native trees and shrubs Let's no have Mothers oil May 10th. We've the forgotten. should be used as widely as possible. Gifts she'll enjoy. Their good looks will reflect your good thoughtful taste, and The hills, canyons, and creek banks prove your excellent training. provide such in almost any quantity among which may be mentioned the box elderr-th- e birch, the hawthorne, wild rose, Indian currents, snow ber ries, elder berry, spruce and, pine, dogwood, cedars and junipers, the yellow willow, and the native pussy willows, service berries, choke cherries, sumac, rhus, aspen, and a host of others. It was suggested that probably an arrangement could be made to write a in Finish and Dimension . Federal agent .for agricultural education, $4,600 a. year, specialist in and .agricultural education (part-tim- e evening.. schools),' $3,800' year, Office of Education, Department of the " Interior. V,; Full information may be obtained from- - the- Secretary of the United States Civil Service Board of Examiners at the post office or customhouse in any city which has a post office of the first or second class, or from the United States' Civil Service x Exceptional Values 1L The United States Civil Service Commission has announced open com petitive examinations as follows: -- j festival. EXAMINATIONS bor. visiting her parents. Friday and Saturday at Logan attend tag the track meets and state music SERVICE . t I! Aug. 30 : '" n, Mr. and Mrs. Vernal Harris spent - disease), $3,800 a year Principal agronomist, and principal olericulturist, $5,600 a year, Bureau of Plant Industry, Department of Agriculture., Assistant architect (industrial exhibits), $2,600 a year, Division of Labor Standards, Department of La. Chris Beck returned to Nevada on Mr, and" Mrs..,"tDnvBenne.tl; Tuesday morning after ' spending four Beth Smith of Salt Lake, visited SatMr. and Mr dxys with .his family. urday and Sunday with :--. v'.-A.. T. Bennett Mrs. J. D. Harris spent the weekend at Smitnfield, with her daughter, Mrs.. Wise was hostess..tp the Tre " monton-Qarlan- d EJterSry cltfb Thurs Ruby, who is teaching there; day of last week. ? The book, 1t The Bear River high school faculty Had Four Apples," by Josephine Law enjoyed an outing at Crystal Springs, rence. was reviewed by Mrs. Mullmer, Monday evening. After a delightful Twenty euests enjoyed a delicious swimf barbacue ham and all its trim, luncheon. jnings werS enjoyed by aU. Mrs. Earl Shuman spent Sunday in Bertha Landvatter returned to her Ogden with her mother. . school Monday morning after spend' President and Mrs. Bickmore of the tog the weekend with her parents, She accompanied Mrs. Gifford Wat- - Hyrum stake, parents of Mrs. Simon-seland to Ogden. have been Tremonton visitors during the last week. Mrs. Eli Winzeler entertained the L. L. Bridge Club Friday. Mrs. Har Mr. and Mrs. George Bergquist of ry Woodward and Mrs. Mattie Stone Ogden, visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shuwere special guests. Mrs. Fred Gep man this week. ; hart won high prize. Mrs. Ernest Conger returned from Mr. and Mrs. Chris Beck were Coalville, Monday, where she has been Mr. and Mrs. Dan Briggs motored tc Ogden, Sunday. - examiner, $2,000 a year. Medical officer (specialist in venereal disease control) and medical officer (specialist in cardiovascular Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Harris left Sat urday evening for Detroit, Michigan. They plan to visit a few days in Chicago. They will bring two new Cars visitors, Saturday. Aug. 2 Junior forester, and junior range s5- ! - Turkeys are becoming more and meat, reports Dr. ay O. J. Wheatley, extension economist at the Utah State Agricultural college, who has just returned from a visit to a number .of -- large eastern cities where he studied the marketing of meat Various meat wholesalers reported a very brisk demand for turkeys for the Easter season and commented on this as a rather unusual condition, but indicative of the unucual interest of consumers in turkeys throughout the whole year. Dr. Wheatley stated that he had an opportunity to talk with many , meat dealers of the eastern cities and found that a substantial number of them are familiar with Utah turkeys Almost without exception they had some favorable remarks concerning the quality of turkeys received from this state. Nearly all of the wholesalers were of the opinion that the turkey business was going to increase substantially for the next few years, due to the consumers becoming more interested in turkeys as compared with other meats. Several of the large chain stores last year experimented by selling half a turkey. This increased the sale of turkeys to small families who could not consume a large bird. At one of the east's most progressive chain stores, both turkeys and other poultry were being cut into pieces and placed in an attractive container ready for immediate cook, ing, Dr. Wheatley said. The chain store manager reported that this practice increased their sales of poultry rather substantially, since it had relieved the housewife of dressing the bird or waitingJEETffie store for it to be prepared. more May 10 CIVIL - home. 5- Aug. 23 July 26 12 Mrs. Ward Shuman returned from The concluding meeting of the Faculty Club was Jield Wednesday even- Ogden, Sunday.so She has been visit with her mother. ing at the home of Mrs. Leo Walker. ing a week or . July At Garland - Hotels On China Air Route Are Lure MM hocal1 Mrs. Walker, Mrs. L. C. Christopner-son- ,' Mrs. Don Sheffield, Mrs. Onetai Shurtz and Miss Ardis Nelson were hostesses. 'The evening was spent in delicious tray a social liour-and- a ' 7 !" lunch was served. ' -Utah Turkeys Get High Rating On Eastern Marts DAC3DAIOIHiI3BULC FCIl GSACOH 1925 UTAH-IDAH- O ELKS AY 7, VISIT OUR FOUNTAIN We Carry a Large Variety of1 FRESH ICE CREAM Your Doctor's Prescriptions Filled Exactly As Your Doctor Ordered At Prices That Are Most Reasonable GIVE - CANDY - FOR - MOTHERS - DAY PRESCRIPTIONS. ' t Tx ' DRUGS FOUNTAIN SERVICE JrentontonCltcik-j- D IIIiIIiliII Txx XX 1 HIIIZIIIXXXX u |