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Show BXAR WVEK VALLET TAGS Tt?9 RJVER VAIXET LEADER mt the Pcstofflce M xre-Utah m Second Ctass Matter. flushed at TremoatoB, Utah, oa Xlansasy of each week, pf a , SulMcripOon Rates nTu in advance) Cts Months (In advance) Three Months (In advance) --- NATIONAL - J2-0- 0 11.00 50 --- IWTORIAl MAa. 193 5 Public Report has it that they didn't fight with words nor rend each other's flesh. Possibly George and James Cole, LEADSt, THURSDAY, MAT 7, StSt Civil Service Conmiasion WHOAREYOW Tfct cf Ytxr tzzz man got their idea of separate maintenance with only a dividing line befy VV WAKINt 11t.lt tween them from the peaceful relations of Canada and the United ' ' States. rt7HEN Captain Newport salted and France Would that Germany VV up the James river for the first might take a tip from the chalkline time he found upon Its shores the 'genbrothers. tle savage to welcome him, We still have the 8avags with us after 800 but sot the dusky sons of the years, PEACE GESTURES OF YOUTH. forests." ForOil ReaMrclua of most ONE of thesciential diseoveriea the "alloying" of oil to tf-- 1 the is life of automobile engi credited in large part by to L. I Davis, unassuming yonng chemist in the laboratories of the Continental Oil Company at Pones City. Oklahoma. . With Bert H. Lincoln, the company's chief chemist, Davis patiently tested a thousand obscure chemical compounds to find one that mixed with oil at the refinery, would establish an independent and permanent protective film on motor metal and thus permit the oil to do its work satisfactorily, eves under the higher stress of modern lubricating conditions. No such chemical substance existed, so Lineolo and Davis synthe-slse- d a chlorinated ester which they called diffraction tests conducted by Professor G. L. Clark of the University of Illinois showed Its behavior . . . LSnonlo and Davis pot together Jfcl compound with a bow to .Sir wiUiam Brace, an English physi Slot who tea years earlier, while powtag soap bubbles, made obser- litIoM tsdleauag that the presence a )f as .ester might bringof about oil par- gMrehto,,rse1meeutlon Ylretrfevealei te the sdenUflc wfM St U Mt meeting of the WserlaM itreietiBi tastltate. the UvssUsmm srnns -- was a fee-- . methyldt-eblorostearat- fx V, ""''tf'-'t- . Lowest Priced 16 Months Old The old time vaudevillian used to say, "I'll sing you a song entitled, 'when my shoes wear out I'll be on my feet again.' " That will be a long time for some of us for it has been estimated that even a postman who keeps, the leather hot several hours a day must walk 371.9 miles before needing: a new pair of pants-polishe- walk-on- 100 Proof MNTS-C- Ho. 55 ode FIFTHS Code No. 54 ftjffi) IJjJj s A BIT OF STRING UNSTRUNG HIM. out-sma- rt the law? TUT! TUT! SOMEONE HAS MONEY! 1? fe. The fact that Purdue 8f " University could dig up $50,000 as an endowment fund for Amelia Earhart's flying ex perlments proves that someone has or certainly had some money. The tax. gathers or communists or someone better look into this! 7 Glimpse of Auto '111 ry L. L. Davis. Continental Oil Com-- ; pany chemist, whose recent discoveries in the field of friction and lubrication have attracted estion-- , wide attention, . tared topic of discussion before the American Chemical Society mem-- : bership la iu annual .iwenaa, a fact that information concerning examinations may be obtained at any time, witkovt cost, front the Secretary of the CM! Service Board" at "TnelUflhboW "Bridge ."Monument iuiylrirBt or seccnd-cl- s jcjt titneo in or from Valley Expedition was organisedfurthe Commission's office in 19S3,' Ud each summer pushes' - .' Washington, D. C, ther into the vast territory to Wotw vfcaa been scientifically As an incident of n Scientific ex explored; 'Scare S.UW scjuat infleif in mom ec ploration trip; the Rainbow Bridge extentrPMwny" seroea,- no unpw a Monument Valley Expedition which ductlve f eltfaer mineral or sgricuL 'tbeai located to Bhode Island, Joss Th Barafe wsTa each summer enters the Indian ter- tural 'wealith,' the territory is said to ritory In southern Utah probably IhclUck some sections which rival the WfAolSet ef Mlddlttows, Conn. Zion'e and Bryce Canyons Savage was of Dorchesttr, Mass made history" when it introduced the modem automobile to a remote band i natural scenic beauty. ' "r':. ,'T 'm JOWL'' of Piute Indians living in the San . ttwas as early ai'lUlol'wlienibts Geolgists, archeologists, biologists, TboBMt Satsge, fro Chester, Bng. Juan river country, " and university scientists surveyors, land, settled at Boston, bringing with This band ct Piutes is believed to make up the expedition wnicn was hlM the family arms reproduced abore. be the last of the American aboriorganized by Ansel Franklin HalL smlMu PnbUe Ltw. gines to be introduced to the motor chief of the field division of educacar. Some of these Indians, at least, tion of the National Park Service. had never seen an automobile until Notable among the recent discoverthe expedition's Ford 8 trucks and ies of the party is the fossil Plesio-saHints To Cardtntrt station wagons broke trail into the or "sea serpent", found last year roadless wastelands of the river val- by Dr. Daniel T. O'Connell of City bylymanWhlto : "":;fs- Colleere. New York. Other discoveries ley Flower Expert As the expedition pushed on thru of popular interest include a cave in. " Terry Seed InttUmti trackless valleys, over rocky hillsides which were found the remains of and through bridgele?s streams into giant sloths, rodents, and birds of previously unexplored territory, as- the ice age. More than 150,000 bones tonished Piutes glimpsed from their were removed from the cave for labbrush "wikiups" for' the first time oratory study. The difficulties of transportation' in the white man's answer to the trans portation problems of their native this rugged region may be imagined from the fact that Rainbow Bridge ranges. csn' eprsstlw power 'Wo baigus anil beauty amd brolstBd majesty of tt0U 'wt where man cowers, said grows strong- g.ntmti - 4bMt-r- "pl rB-wa- far-fam- ed "What have I done to keep in mind My debt to her and womankind? What woman's happier life repays Her for those months of wretched days? For all my mouthless body leecher Ere Birth's releasing hell was reach ed." John Masefield radiance of its quenchless fidelity like a star in heaven E. H. Chapin. r i i"if you would reform the work) from its errors and vices, begin by enlisting the Mother. C Simmons. Im-W- V-- '. V-- 8s - , Itself can be reached only over a rough trail from the road's end some 13 miles distant. Beyond that, the of the expedition are for. Ford ced to make their own trails. ; During this summer the automobiles will again be put to severe tests as the expedition moves into Monument Valley and surrounding "monument" country just north of the Arizona-Utah state. This region has pre. viously been practically inaccessible, and certain sections have never been seen by white men. : ur - ' Soils Flowers Prefer ! I flowers by planting' GROW better in the kind of soil ini which tbey can perform best. Even' though your soil may be good and' rich, there are certain flowers which' will not do as well in it as they might in poorer soil. Some of the flowers that do best; in a rich soil are the zinnia, petunia, portulaca, snapdragon, stock,; heliotrope, marigold and salvia. Soil that is heavy and which con-taiclay is good for sweet peas,' pansies, stocks, carnations, scabio-sasnapdragons and most of the popular perennials. In general,, a heavy soil retains more moisture and is cooler than a light soil, so that the same plants that like a heavy soil also like cool, moist ( weather. Flowers that prefer a light soil include petunia, portulaca, celosia,: annual hollyhock, phlox, calllopsis, nlcotiana and all' the climbers. This type of soil is good tor the varieties that like warmth aud do not require much ' water. For flower gardens that are partially ehaded. calendula, balsam,1 mignonette, pansy, vinca and many of the perennials are advised. The following, which require comparatively little moisture, can M grown well in gardens which dry; out quickly: Little Gem alyssum, African daisy, cosmos, petunia, kocbia, sunflower, verbena land vinca. .They will often thrive j during drouths. j , The most satisfactory flowers for., soil that Is generally poor are na-- ! Joseph's jturtlura. coat, celosia, alyssum, California sad poppy, calendula, hollyhock. "Mi X fit ;fi v froM 295,QM If He who speaks unwisely to his neighbor and then worries about it, wrongs himself twice. Largest Distillery in Kentucky T 1 s, s C'v nil il J mnlrAfl n WTAnelsTl VP t rx) s os A ainerencei" ( a, , - Just Ring Logan Enterprise ANIMALBY-PRODUCT- S We Also Buy 30 CO HIDES - PELTS - WOOL About iy2 Mile South of Logan t ti wmmmmmaiUt&mm lowest priced and most economical can ONE the the world today stands in a class by itself for of j Gas is fine in your stove or fur- nace, but it's both painful and embarassing in your stomach. Why don't you use for the relief of ACID INDIGESTION, Colds, Headache, Alka-Seltz- er Neuralgia, Fatigue, Muscular, Rheumatic Sciatic Pains? East of the Suorar Factory sheer performance and driving pleasure. Over two and a half million American motorists have swung to it in less than four years. Over one million chose it in 19S5 alone. That car is the Ford V-- Now we urge you to drive this great new 1936 Ford V--8 before you decide on any car at any price. We urge you to know for yourself the "feel" of Ford V--8 engine performancethe almost effortless ease of handling the remarkable stability under all road conditions the true fine-criding comfort which have "taken hold" so convincingly with the hardest-buyin- g audience that ever tested America's cars. Ask your Ford Dealer for a car to try. You don't really know a Ford V--8 until you drivt one. And you can't judge modern car values until you know the Ford V-ar Perfomuuiee) with EeoBemy- - a month, after down, Temu a low as payment under UCC )i a month plans. 1510 and up, FOB Detroit, including Safety Glass throughout in every body type. Standard acoewory group extra 8! makes a pleasant drink and an unusually effective medicine. Alka-Seltz- 00m00 n!ivmu j ii urn timmi 8. This is 6ur Private Long: Distance Number the Operator Already Understands That We Pay for the Call. t MHiut FLASH: Bor- ah Knox out Hoover to Landon presidential chair. John Edwin Price. We Will Call for and PAY CASH for DEAD or WORTHLESS HORSES & COWS V 'Lid j". i WHCI WOO Fit) MS NTS AND CASK RISC TAKt JUST EN0U0H TO ALKALIZE NOTICE TO FARMERS COLORADO ra FfaKXZW "rr-a- Js st GLENMORE DISTILLERIES CO., Inc. Louisville Oweosboro ow the er1 where r mlui"fsintaV' s wastes of -- worldly fortune ends the rd "''ZT'' ' t A service" courses. No school can "guarantee" Government employment and none is given information regarding examinations, or any other information, which, is not available to the general public. The' Commission stated that it does not recommend any school, and exfor plained that; it is so-- r a course with a to take anyone in order school service called civil to compete in a civil service examination. A special point was made of the rs John Fiorenza could call up his sweetheart and calmly date her shortly after murdering Mrs. Nancy Evans Titterton. His nerves were fine. He thought no one would find out. But a bit of string unstrung him as it led police to tie the job to him. That bit of string may be a death-dealin- g thing to John. Again people ask, 'Why do these fellows think they can Whiskey I: . f e. t- nwatvi -- L . greatly exaggerated. it was made clear that no school has any connection whatever with the Civil Service Commission or with any other branch of the Government, and also that the Commission has no a- gents who solicit applications for civil service positions or who sell "civil y ., i'f'.r? m eoaci-magnet- To Your Town :rrr? The United States Civil Service Commission has sent a notice to post offices, warning that misleading information is being given the public corby representatives of some of the respondence schools which sell "civil service" courees. For a long time, the Commission has been receiving complaints from different parts of the country which indicate that opportunities for obtain ing f ederal employment nave aocu e&b-nee- unknown English parish registers of Somerset An editorial writer recently deplor ed the peace day strikes and parades county record s number of Savages of youth as being futile and possibly during the reign of Queen Elisabeth, harmful as they broke down school discipline. nn::;ii niixniurumii .,-- : fecssn - This writer has evidently never studied advertising nor observed great publicity programs as they are con ducted today. He might, readily agree that human beings will never cease to shed each others' blood until they develop more patience and more con sistent humane mental attitudes Time was when public thinking was swayed principally by oratory and the printed word. Today Italy sends a gswejl as to your Country flock of planes to a Chicago fair to impress the world with her new-fe- lt power. France builds a Hauretania and England a Queen Mary. PATRONIZE YOUR Great induse tries put on city wide pageants. y With all the propaganda of the munitions makers to keep the pot of su ; boiling and suspicions ,1L cast on any word of international good will with the cry of "Red, it Is well that lovers' of peace dramatis their messages so that people: will at least mrwi&wJ ."eV have to stop and consider, ?nnore concenuvfTBe Wars, Ray Murphy, HattoeAT Commander of the American Lejiott recently asidi; They're doing a 'job, whether they realise it or not. They're making all TAKING ATlPR0M TUB war lbcle rtdiculouaV and CHALK LINE BROTHERS. greatest minds in the world have tried George Washington Coleman-an- d to do that and failed. They have Jamea Philatua Coleman, the brothers launched a good peace movement, and who lived to a ripe old age separated if they're sincere we'd like to have ' by chalk line in their cabin at Ba-- them join us." era Gulch near Hornell, New Yorv were a erood example in some re WOULDN'T DUCK. spects. ,. When a giraffe being transported on They had evidently had some dif ferences of opinion years ago which a truck refused to duck so it could go caused the chalk line to be drawn through the Holland Vehicular Tunnel across their little cabin, aftef which, in New York, the driver had to give each lived his separate life on his it a longer ride via Ferry across the own side of the line. Hudson. If giraffes can laugh, this The art of agreeing to disagree one must have had a good chuckle at agreeably is one which homes and na man's expense. tions could often acquire to an advantage. SHOE MILEAGE. Warns Against Misleading Information Conoco Chemist Wins Renown er Non-laxati- does not depress the Ask rear druggist heart BORROW A CAR FROM YOUW FORD DEALER TODAY AND GET THAT V--l FEELINCf . CALLHSTTEEi MOTOEL CO. Trcmsnton.' Utah ' |