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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEASER, THURSDAY, MAY 0MMMM il.TnHe-p- s 1 for Dairy SCHOOL DAYS Day Announced 1 7, 1936 Ivan Loughry, extension dairyman of Idaho; Lyman Rich, newly appoint. ed extension dairyman of Utah; and Prof. George B. Caine, professor of the Utah State dairy husbandry at will be the judgCollege, Agricultural annual Dairy Day which the es for FOR SALE Nice potted plants for will be. held Saturday, May 9th, at Mothers Day. Tomato, cabbage, egg Brigham City. cow win De seieciea pepperyl, cauliflower, brusselsprout A "aueen kohlrabi plants. Flower plants for again this year., Mrs. A. R. Capener, . the garden. Call at Ganana vice president of the North Box Elder House. Farm Bureau; Mrs. Emma Facer, vice W. president of South Box Elder Farm FOR SALE--- 4 bottom disc plow. J. Bureau; and Mrs. Nettie Lund, county Earl, phone 34R2, Fielding, home demonstration agent, will select this queen cow for the show. FOR SALE Singer sewing machine. The cattle will be shown this year Leland J. Hansen. on Forest Street, between Main and First West streets (the same place as ' LETS ' TRADE Hammer mill for a was used last Hanyear). L. J. four bottom disk plow. As indicated by the list of entries, tf . sen, Phone 52 a-Dairy Day this year promises to be a FOR SALE A house and lots. See larger and better show than previous Mrs. Gilbert Parker. Phone 76.0-- 2 years. , Box Elder County will be representIAWNMOWERS SHARPENED on ed by a county herd at the Black and the Ideal Sharpener. Prompt ser- White show in Plain City Friday, May Leon Gardner, Clifford Hansen vice, work fully guaranteed. E. S. 8th. Leon Jensen are in charge of arand Utah. Sercomb, Tremonton, kt. 60s, I MS.fe& ! Ad Column GROUP FORMED FOR NEW MAIN WEST HIGHWAY By DWIG w- - - au. .4 HAtrf I mcAXA lU ifiT Continued From Page One) I WW groups in Tremonton and Garland are on. record in fajror of the road. OGPEX SUPPORT 'E. J. Fjeidsted, secretary of the ; Ogden chamber of commerce, said be was authorized to pledge the support of that organization. J F. McElroy, secretary of the Wells commercial club; J. B. and Albert Supp, also from Wells, expressed that community's strong interest in the movement. Assemblyman John W. Oldham of Elko spoke eloquently in favor of the new road. Speakers at the dinner conveyed the information that organizations in California and Wyoming are very strongly interested in a north of the lake road, and the meeting went immediately on record to line up all possible support from those states. The Immediate program calls for communication with the congressional delegations of the four states with a view to obtaining federal aid for the highway. The association also will conduct an educational campaign designed to obtain support from legislatures and also from all civic organizations in the four states. "- J P- Me-Dan- . w tl. 1. Cream separator. 56.0-- 4. Call tf. Wanted livestock C. Richardson, rangements for the county herd. Committees reported that plans were moving along in excellent shape for this event The program of the day is as fol- lows: 9 a. m. Assembling and entering. 10 a. m. Judging dairy cattle (3 FOR SALE Big discount on $150 rings) credit on Dodge or Plymouth. In12:30 p. m. Luncheon. quire at Leader Office. 1 p. m. Educational dairy meeting, TOR SALE OR TRADE Small radio Box Elder Commercial Club, (a) Adwith carrying case, for typewriter dress, Bang's disease control, Dr. D. or small trailer. Inquire at Leader E. Madsen; (b) Address Dairy Herd office, Improvement Program, Lyman H Rich; (c) Musical number; (d) LaCAd PAID for dead and useless dies demonstration on Use of Dairy cow and horses. Call Maple Creek Products. , 2 p. m. Band concert and marchTrout Hatchery, Brigham '49&-J-2- . 6-Reverse Charge. tf. ing demonstration B. E. H. S. band. 3 p. m. Milkmaids Milking contest 4 p. m. Boxing contest at Blue NOTICE TO CREDITORS Slwood, Phone 67-0.- 4-- 2. " Tis the set of the sail in the blowing gale" .that decides which way you gobut if you don't know where you want to go, what's the use in worrying abo the sails or wind. And jected tation worst tion. " LEWIS JONES, Attorney for Administratrix. . 4-- 5-- Clubs Organ Two ized In B. E. County 4-- H The Word "Slave" Apparently the word "slave" was not applied to the African negroes imported for servants and sold, until many years after the practice originated' in America. It was a common custom for white persons to .be brought to America either as prisoners or emigrants and their services were sold for a varying term, either to fulfill their sentences or to pay for their transportation. For many years it appears that the status of the African was not greatly different from that of white servants and both were called by the latter term. The ' transition from servitude to slavery was made when the servitude became hereditary and de scended to the offspring of the orig inal servants. r; organist 4-- H was organized. This is the fifth year of this club's organization. Thomas C. Woodland, the club lead er, reports that this year the club is using as its project the parking of the Relief Society lot in Willard. The new officers of this club are as follows: Gale Keyes, president; Ronald Whit aker, vice president; Dwane WoodWilliam land, secretary-treasure- r; Dial, song and cheer leader; and Wayne Graser, reporter. Other members of the club are: John Dial and Monte Zundd Crummy; Shindy The use of "crummy," meaning "cheap," Is a natural outcome of its original sense. The dictionary records that "crummy" means "full of crams or littered with crums." Hence, any thing that is "crummy" shows an un tidy or neglected appearance. The ex tension to "cheap," In the sense of "mean, poor, disreputable," Is a logical step. The old slang term "shindy,1 meaning "a riotous conflict; a rumpus or a row," has been In use since 182L "Shindig," first recorded In 1892, Is probably a modified form of "shindy," and designates a party somewhat less riotous than a "shindy." Literary Di " . a little bet- ter than anyone else. That's one rea son you're in the world. As I figure it out, ability plus hu mility plus patience plus perseverance adds up to SUCCESS. ' ' A man with ability minus character can sure raise the devlL A man with " ability plus character and courage should be able to get raise even from a devil of an employer. OUR gest Invented the Banjo The banjo as we know It today Is scarcely one hundred years old and Is distinctly an American Instrument since It originated among the negroes of the South. They developed it Info. or "Dixie, banjo which g the has been replaced In most dance orchestras by the "tenor" Instrument with s shorter neck and but four strings. Original banjos were undoubt edly patterned after primitive Instruments of the African west coast ne groes. Similar Instruments with grass strings are still used on the Oulnes const Pathfinder Magn.ine. - five-strin- 1 8 MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Fronk Chevrolet Co. Tremonton, Utah A' Phone 28 FOR ICE Beverages & Coal -- SEE BESSIN6ER BROS TREMONTON, UTAH Ml-O.Nr- E UN 36 -- Rioifcals. lis toa oi cm an cient Holland lamiiy. was fccm,In Brooklyn, N. Y. WMe goingto college, he worke alter noun as an errand boy to earn his JtLJ J. m He finally! exoenses. West Point entered and became an army engineer. As head oi the Canal Zone, Goethals proved that he was a great wBaagSl meat enaineer. Han- - Jul. SI xi-- t 2u.BL I -- I I I' While the Panrma Canal is the conular monument yjio his genius, Goethals' name is connected wttn many .other, engineering exploits oi our tune. He built the Muscle Shoals ;" canal and was con-Vj- suited on the Fort Lee Ing the war, Goethals held the position of 92A dling a iorce oi 29.000 men, he cut throucm mountains and luiiules to build the Panama Canal, and ioin together the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans! " Mr. Loren Anderson is club leader. . ..Meetings, will be held and demon atratibns" given ori "sheep" subjects. Thursday evening the Willard BonClub neville Planters Forestry OCEANS ; ft&yi ) disease. - A girl's 4.H sheep club was organ ized in Corinne Wednesday evening. Connie Nelson was elected president; Joyce Adney, vice president; Ruth Olive Anderson, secretary-treasureNelson, reporter; Helen Holley, song and cheer leader; and Betty Adney, The naval conference in London nowhere, because everybody" Orchardists should immediately wants as much Navy as anybody else. make preparations for a lead arsenate It turns out to be 'a conference for spray on peach and apricot trees for naval imitation. The New Korker. control of first brood worms of the peach twig borer, says John E. Blaz dropping from the small peach. zard, district agricultural inspector. High pressure and thorough appliThis spray should consist of 3 lbs cation, so as to cover all parts of the of lead arsenate and j lb. of spreader foilage and fruit, is essential to sucadded to 100 gallons of water or, if cess in controlling this insect. desired, 1 gallon of summer oil may be combined with the water and the spreader omitted. DR. WILLIAM ELI HAWKINS If peach aphis is appearing on the CHIROPRACTOR trees 2 pint of nicotine sulphate per Offices at 100 gallons should be combined with ROBERT SIMONSEN the above spray to control this insect JEWELRY CO. V , : The proper time to apply this spray Office Honrs: 2 p. m. to 6 p,fe is just "as the last of the husks are Office Phpv7Mgl'jBSBa.;:785 RECOMMENDATIONS Bird, Red Peterson, promoter. It was decided that Box Elder County would exhibit a county herd in the Black and White show at Plain Leon City, May 8th. Clifford Hansen, ' Gardner, and Leon Jensen are in charge of this exhibit at the Plain City show. Since all animals shown on Dairy Day must be tested for T. B. and Bang's disease, it is important that those who intend to show cattle contact the Extension office before Monday night May 4th. It is also suggested that truckers t5. who bring livestock to the show clean and disinfect their trucks and trailers to avoid any chance of spreading George Allen, Deceased. when the early Americans obto taxation without representhey didn't realize how much it would be with representaDallas News. PEACH SPRAY Kstate of George Allen, Deceased, Creditors will present claims with Touchers to the undersigned at 3289 Adams Avenue, Ogden, Utah, or to her attorney Lewis Jones, Attorney at Law, 1st Natl Bk. Bldg., Brigham City, Utah, on or before the 16th day f June, A. D. 1936. JUANITA C. ALLEN, Administratrix of the estate of 5 4- - 9 ; You can do something iel .. tf. FOR SALE ; Actinsj Quartermaster-Genera- l lor the United States armies. The business man with iniative, ually lives to hear the count of on his inactive competitor. n us-te- Age may give a certain weight to an old man's words, but continuous results under present conditions are what tip the scales. "There is a word the angels know And speak to one another The highest name The holiest love , On earth we call it 'Mother,." - It is Fortunate that mothers can usually forget the sometimes savage meanness of little boys who don't know yet what it is all about "No joy in nature is so sublimely affecting as the joy of a mother at the good fortune of her child." Your old iron any. kind of an old value" of $1 .00 iron has a on the purchase of a new 1936 model Electric Iron! trade-i- n Mc rJUL IN LOVE JN WRBt,-AWSfttr3CUTW- Richter. E We Buy and Sell ..-.- i teCAL (nSyEift II M Jl? THIS REMARKABLE OFFER IS FOR MAY ONLY! Take advantage of it! Grasp this opportunity to. enjoy new ironing ease! ON CASH BASIS The new irons bring you such i features as speed, light weight and automatic heat control. We Have A Complete Line of FEEDS - CLOVER ALFALFA - BARLEY AND OATS EASY DON'T DELAY! ST0HL ELEVATOR CO. ACT NOW! See Your Electrical Dealer or Utah Power & Light Co. Formerly Owned by Lars Anderson & Co. PHONES: Office. 41 - Residence, TREMONTON, UTAH TERMS! 92.a-- 2 Elsctricity Is The - " Bisst Urpk In Ths Y.:zi ' |