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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. MAT 7. 1936 t m m w m m m w w m in t u im w ; Economic HighUghts ; i m in m im CO in in in hi di m in in m in in BCD FATC.T CF COTS GIVE ME AIR! ratERS I ' Natural with of Congressmen in an election year is to wind up national business as soon as possible and return home to apply themselves to the serious game of politics. This year, with all forecasters holding that the warfare waged by the major parties will be unusually bitter and relentless, Congressmen have been more than eager to say goodbye to Capitol HilL But a crowded legislative calendar long ago dissipated hopes for an April or May adjournment At this writing, there is a reasonable expectancy that Congress will write "finis" by mid. June but don't be at all surprised if the session continues into the swel. tering weather. For little, has been and done in the way of a large number of important bills will have to be either passed or rejected before quiet falls over our legislative V -' 4 1 - - S::r.,.4. 'Vs" ft' )Wt f L gft - A.' V i SJS if j ballS. I precision, concentra- pass easily in just about the form asked , by the President. However, there has been something of a, shift of sentiment, and a number of leading Democratic representatives seem very cool to his ideas. Business is making felt its belief that such a tax would be ruinous. Upshot is that the House bill is likely to be relatively mild, though what the Senate will do to it is still in the realm of conjecture. One thing to eertamr There will be a great deal of debate and plenty of nard feelings, before a bill goes to -- ...... Jl . tion and exhausting patience, and so these men in the photograph, working in an American-- firm is New York City, have found that they can handle the precious stones with less fatigue and more dexter-tt- y i when they have the musical set Background of a Phllco to relieve the tenseness of , their First forecast was that this tax would the White House. i. DIAMOND setting is tedious work TAX: SURPLUS CORPORATION pro- , , all-wa- oeconatloa. Diamonds worth thou-of dollars are set . la this very day .f to , the lilting rhythms of music broadcast from all parts of the world,. v -- " t- . BUILT-I- CHAIN STORE BILLS: A number of these are pending in one branch of Congress or the other, and some have been entirely Tost to view. Bills dealing with "price discrimination,"- rebates, etc;, have" met "the opposition of powerful groups which believe them basically unsound and unnecessary, and inimical" to the consumers' "" interest. N TRUNK ASSURES This, however, is just another application of radio to the industrial principle developed by experts, that in certain types of work requiring high concentration, musical background increases the efficiency of the workers. . Students in the arts have also found radio an Inspiration while, working at their tasks. One professor of architecture recently wrote to The Radio Institute of The Audibl Arts that he is connecting creative . design with imaginative music by allowing his students , to use tht radio in the drafting rooms. KOriFDN ' Photo : AT THE BEACH f no-msj- rs i 'frt,'"' i ArfrL - Hf- -- IV- () A - ... . Turkey growers of the state will be aided in keeping accurate and complete records of their business by an account book just issued by the Extension Service of the Utah State Agricultural college The new record book, which was prepared by Carl Frischknecht and Byron Alder, extension poultrymen, also contains suggestions on brooding and rearing turkeys. Space is provided for a simple yet complete record of inventories, expenditures, and receipts in connection with the turkey enterprize. One page has also been provided to summarize the turkey business at the end of the vear. A record card Is included to list poultry mortality in the brooder as well aa the growth of the turkeys after they are placed on range. General Blectrio - Records kept by Utah turkey growers in 1033 and in 1934 indicate that the net receipts per bird were 44 cents and 79 cents respectively. "By keeping complete and accurate records, it will be possible for the turkey growers to determine the amount of feed used, cost,, and the average weight per bird in addition to the percentage of the' birds marketed in the top grade;, mortality, and net receipts at the end of the year," Professor Frischnecht said.. The Extension Service is preparing; to enroll a large number of turkey, growers in (he project again this year. Copies of the account book may be obtained from any eoun- ty agricultural agent or. by writing to the Extension Service at Logan. .r . IV. CURIOUS of air j conditioning is perhaps what jOne would least expect complete rehabilitation of the cellar of the house.:' This seemingly unreasonable tact : comet about because, ; when a system. lf installed for an entire house, not Just Jor a single iroom, it is usoally operated from ,j the" oil foraaee;i and , when oil, or . - gas It -- uied for, central heaUng, ' amfrtns transformations can take - 'pUoe-i- a the eella in moat homes land for storage today a land" A - -- A This is really a cellar! IU owner decorated it to remind him of c happy hours. ,. Mt. i in ' law-makin-g, Here is the status of major posed legislation at present: f h i 0 - ..y.i- College Issues Accent Book for Turkey Mea The cellar lounge Is a characteristic of today. Restoring the cellar to living use adds 30 to the space of the home; and It can be j more original than any other part' of the home. Apparently it is safe' to take chances and be "difterent" In furnishing the cellar lounge, game r room, studio, . or. what, yon! wUL New York baa witnessed several social parties given ta eel-- ' lars because the cellars were more amusingly attractive ' v than the drawing rooms! ly record-keepin- g- , . have greater ambitions, finer ideals and increased powera of by wanting to, willlnf; ? : j to and keeping at You--can- ; on it ,; !,-- If the heavy weight of an adverse thought is pulling you down, laugh it loose. You'll find that even swimming in rough water isn't then so bad. - .;.- THIRTY-HOUWEEK: A bill to force this on business has been pend ing for several Congressional sessions, has a certain amount of support. But, unless all signs are wrong, it has no chance, to. pass, .may not even come up for a vote. It's a ticklish subject, either way Congressmen vote they will offend powerful interests. They'd ' rather just forget it. WHEELER-CROSSEBILL: This act would make it just about impos. sible for the railroads to dismiss any employes without large compensation. It has the unified support of labor, the unified opposition of railroad managements. Outlook for passage bighly uncertain. SHIP SUBSIDY: The merchant marine is vitally interested in regaining lost mail subsidies, claims they are essential to operation. But many Congressmen are on the other side of the fence, and it is doubtful is shipping lines will get pay in line with old levels. . R R , ham fef :w3 mm "Down to the sea in cars!" is the slogan of these attractive outdoor misses, Audrey Olson, left, and Lillian Bell, right, who carry their beach equipment in the capacious built-i- n trunk of this 1936 Chevrolet Master De Luxe sport sedan. The girls dress in the rear eompartment of the car, then lock up their clothes and valuables d and an uncluttered day of In the trunk, and enjoy g tan. The sport sedan is one of the most popular of the RURAL ELECTRIFICATION : This like all power legislation,-- is close to the heart of the President. Seems sure to pass both houses. Some of the 1036 Chevrolets. points business thought objectionable in the original bill will probably be given much chance of becoming law eliminated or changed. Odd fact is that Federal backing of BETTER HOUSING: Chaos seems more and better, homes was one New to have struck the housing movement, Deal idea that had wide support, and and the proposed bill to carry on isn't was critized to a smaller extent than 1934 CHEVROLET peace-of-min- : . fast-sellin- 1935 CHEV. MASTER time. You'll be proud of its appear ance and performance. And at this low price you can pay for many months' operating costs with the savings. $12Q special equipment. Radio and heater. duced for quick sale to tC QaO FORD COUPE This clean coupe is just the car for a traveling man. Its large rear deck will seclude many cumbersome packages. Its appearance is 1930 er Capitol. very smart and attractive. Hurry on sale for two days $ only at this low price .. 200 -- ' ; ' . The 1936 Studebaken are "easy to look at" because of their graceful linei. They look youthDelh trti, Equips ful and responsive and they are! That's why they're Meaiy to drive." On hills they stop sad restart without rolling back an Inch. That is because of the automatic Hill Holder, exclusive with Studebaker. Over 40 miles per hour they fairly glide, because of the overdrive. The motor works 2 miles to speed the car $ miles, Before you buy a car at any price you owe it to yourself to drive a 1936 Studebaker. Siui$bkttt ii0w ikm Ogtrt t Ntw Uw h Cm U tht Tim Bmym UTAH AUTO & IMP. CO. it it ij i 1932 CHEVROLET TUDOR SE. DAN Entire car has been thoroughly reconditioned. To see this excellent buy will convince you the price is right. To the $Q AA first lucky buyer for onlysJVJ If 1933 CHEVROLET SEDAN bargain you are looking for a real see this in a small, attractive car Chevrolet today. Its finish, new tires and upholstery show no wear."" Its motor and transmission have been carefully checked for depen dability, ana auraoiuiy. Special sale price 395 Just 1930 FORD TUDOR SEDAN nt Nay DELUXE If you want a coupe, grasp this 'opportunity of a lifeCOUPE two-thir- time-payme- SE- '495 most other controversial proposals Congress ia going to have to move fast if it covers its calendar and is home in June. About the only thing completed so far has been the Sen ate's impeachment and removal from office of a Federal judge one of the very few impeachment trials on re cord where an official has been round guilty by the necessary vote. So, the newspapers of the next. few weeks should carry considerable volume of important news from the The extremely conservative "An nalist" forecasts that business im provement will continue throughout the second' quarter, and in this is seconded by other financial and in dustrial periodicals. The Annalist adds that "on the basis of economic factors alone the logical expectations would be two or three years of generally active conditions. But the presence of artifical elements suggests the likelihood of intervening peaks and valleys, the timing of which can. not be readily foreseen.". One of the artifical elements is the veterans' bonus, which is believed to have had a strong influence in stimulating business, particularly businesses whose products are sold on the plan automobiles, kitchen appliances, real estate, etc. Concerns throughout the country have widely advertised plans whereby veterans can buy now, pay later when they get their Baby Bonds. Irrespective of that, basic conditions seem favorable to continuance of business betterment Wholesale held to a stable levpriea have longvast unfilled market el Tbre la a to? sJt matsmm of goods and services. toKDutory is reviving. Interest and show signs vatws aw xwy 96 oiuinjf AM tft purchase of goods, wfttft&iiif a xacwsraa cleaner, a car or a ftwnft, euuu get what he wants on oawifc swr terms than ever before MASTER Read that price! See this practically new Chevrolet compare appearance, performance and reliability and you'll prefer it to anything the market offers at anywhere near this price. Completely equipped, ready to ; drive, for only ........ DAN traded in on a new Chevrolet Six, and is in excellent condition. Body and upholstery like new. For sale "with an OK that counts" to the first lucky buyer at - JL this low price 1929 CHEVROLET Big car com- -, "O fort at small car cost Careful life K" reconditioning assures long and dependability. Beautiful finish Is almost like new. Special sale price for .... X Jl QJ ' Ii AA Ul 1934 CHEVROLET MASTER SEDAN Original Duco finish, clean tires that show little upholstery, wear. Thoroughly reconditioned and backed by 'an OK that counts' Completely equipped with radio, steam heater, spot light and bump, er guards. Special $C sale today only f 3 ij SPORT CHEV. MASTER SEDAN Read the price! See this practically new Chevrolet compare appearance, performance and reliability and you'll prefer it to anything the market offers at this price Completely equipped, with tires and trumpet horn. Ready to drive away, A? for only Da5iO 1935 ly OC 1930 CHEV. MASTER SEDAN Grasp this opportunity to enjoy Chevrolet's famous beauty, performance and economy at this un precedented low price. Just like a xew car. A real bar- gain at only 235 This is just the car for a traveling man. New motor and new finish ....? 1932 FORD TUDOR .'. Only 325 COACH Act today if you want to buy a slightly Chevrolet Coach used, at so low a price. Many "extras" such as seat covers, special horns and radio. Only one car $ offered at this low price 1929 CHEVROLET SEDAN This slightly used motor car is in perfect running condition upholstery cannot be told from new.. A car that any family will surely enjoy. Don't fail to see this remarkable bargain at once. Reduc. ed at only 1985 DELUXE CHEVROLET. Carry over from 1935 Only 7000 miles If you are looking for a real bargain in a small, attractive car see this Chevrolet today. Its finish, tires and upholstery show no wear. Its motor, transmission and axle have been carefully checked for deP pendability and dura - g billty. Special sale price 1929 CHEVROLET 1929 CHEVROLET SEDAN d that counts." '195 ........ Today only 1934 CHEVROLET PICK-U- P duced $75 to sell at once. '215 q QCO Re- Motor has been carefully tuned and check ed; body, finish and upholstery $ give proof of its fine value. Only 1934 CHEV. STANDARD jaN fcjlj COACH Act quickly for this great value. In fine condition just nicely broken in Motor is smooth, powerful and economical. ? O If ..".....:... Special price 4a3 1935 CHEV. TRUCK, 11 Ton Long Grasp this opportunity to enjoy Chevrolet's performance and economy at this unprecedented low price. Just like a new car. A real bargain 1935 CHEV. $r?Tf at,5jljlj H TON LONG Just traded in on a new Chevrolet; Six, and In excellent condition. Like new. For sale "with an OK that counts" to the first lucky buyer at this low Price .: er 185 This beautiful, practically new. car has $75 the lowest price at which we have ever been able to offer this model Sold with "an OK been-reduce- 1931 CHEV. 1 innf JjQ TON TRUCK If you want a truck, grasp this opportunity of a lifetime. You'll be proud of its performance.. And at this low price you can pay for month's operating costs with the savings Reduced for quick sale to 1931 FORD SEDAN This wean, sedan is just the car for a traveling man. Its large rear deck will seclude many cumbersome packages. Its appearance is very smart and attractive, Hurry on sale at this low price 1930 FORD SEDAN Entire car has been thoroughly reconditioned. To see this excellent buy will convince you the price is right To the first lucky buyer for only '295 four-passeng- er $0 (J (AAA . "Mother, is the chlldrens name for CMeridge. Qud rx1 gtve yourself up Just because oc- you have weak moments and slip VIOIT UO FOH BETTER VALUEO-TODA- Y! FRONK CHEVROLET, Inc. TrcziontCH, Utah Phone 20 n |