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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL FIELDING By Enid Welling Buxtom's orchestra. Mrs. Cora Woods left Sunday for California where she will visit for an indefinite time with her daughter. Rulon Cannon, who has been attending the L. D. S, Business college at Salt Lake City, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank I Miss Viola Woods who has been spending the past month with her parents Mr. and Mrs. David Woods, returned to her work in California Sunday. Mrs. Hyrurn Krause and small son of Salt Lake City, spent a few days of last week visiting with Mrs. Kraus' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cannon. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Archibald are happy to announce the arrival of a new baby girl born Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Johnson, Sr., spent Wednesday visiting with friends and relatives in Logan. Mrs. La Vern Wilcox and small daughter of Salt Lake City, have been spending a few days of last week visiting with Mrs. Sophia Petersen and Mr. and Mrs. Eben Wilcox. Mrs. Basil Nish went to Salt Lake Wednesday where she will spend the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Welling and her brother, Jay weiiing. Sday the mutual presented a one act play entitled "Tea pot on the Rocks," after which a program was given consisting of readings, music and tap dancing. A dance completed the evening's entertainment Music was furnished by A. R. Cannon. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cannon are happy to announce the arrival of a baby girl, born Sunday. Mrs. Grant McFarland of Loeran. has spent the past week visiting with ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Smith. Miss Virginia Smith, a teacher in one of the Salt Lake City schools, is spending her spring vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Smith. Several people from our town, in cluding Bishop and Mrs. M. A. Garn, W. C. Boume and wife, attended the general conference held in Salt Lake City. Word was received Saturday morning of the death of Sherman Halver- - j T ; where he was taken Monday, follow ing several days illness. Death was due to paralysis of the throat and pneumonia. Sherman was senior in the Bear River high school, and a very promising young man. The sympathy of the entire 'community goes IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN A Finance Plan for Turkeys - - GET IN TOUCH WITH THIS SUMMER Art Feisfed GARLAND, UTAH 11, 1935 out to the bereaved parents. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon Economic at the Deseret Mortuary, with Bishop M. A. Garn of the Fielding ward, conDuring the first year of the Roose-- ! ducting. Burial was in the Farming-to- n velt Administration, the spectre of cemetery. j inflation presented a constant topic The boy scout court of honor was ' for conversation and comment Then held in the Fielding ward Sunday it dropped out of the headlines, and in connection with conjoint i little was heard of it save in the sernight meeting. 12 wards of the stake were ious economic reviews. Now infla-- i represented. Merit badges and honor tion has returned to the public eye, badges were awarded to the various and promises to be a major political scouts. Max Reese of Fielding was ' awarded a life membership badge. and economic issue, There are two kinds of inflation. The Fielding boy scouts, under the direction of their lader, Maurice Lar-se- jThe most obvious is currency inflaand Rudy Bowcutt, gave a camp tion, and it is never resorted to ex cept when a government is in the fire program. direst financial straits. It consists of R. T. Lake Coe of Salt Master City, is spending his spring vacation with turning the printing presses loose to his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Da- produce paper money .irrespective of gold backing or any other security. vid Wood, Sr. The result of this kind of Inflation is to drastically lower the value of monCITY ey the prime modern example is f post-wa- r By Mrs. C. W. Brailsford Germany. The German government, bankrupt because of war Funeral services were held in the costs, turned out currency in unlimitBear River ward chapel for Nels C. ed and the which quantities Anderson Sunday at 2 o'clock with had been worth about 50 mak, cents in forBishop Osey Jensen in charge. Music depreciated to the was furnished by the choir with spec- eign exchange, where millions of marks were point ial numbers by Florence and Dorothy required to purchase a loaf of bread. Gardner. Invocation was offered by The sufferers of the German people Willard H. Anderson. Speakers were those with investments, particularly Bishop Orsen A. Iversen, Moroni savings accounts and insurance poliMortensen, Albert S. Thorsen of cies were almost indescribable. Deweyville, Dr. Schaffer of Tremon-to- n More subtle is credit inflation. This and Bishop Osey Jensen, bened- consists of constantly expanding the iction by Vernon Johnson. amount of business credit available, in in was the family plot Interment the Bear River cemetery. The grave and makes it possible for industry, and individuals to spend grave was dedicated by James P. government more than they earn for a long period Jensen Jr. of time. The eventual Sunday afternoon a few friends and of course, is a financial consequence,In explosion. relatives met at the home of Mrs. this country, the post-wa- r witMary Ipson in honor of her birthday. nessed a tremendous amountyears of credit A delicious hot dinner was served to inflation and its culmination was 14 guests. the crash of 1929, which heralded defriends a few afternoon Thursday pression. Rasmet at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Now a number of economists are mus Hansen in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Ray Moore. The afternoon forecasting that the United States is was spent in social chat after which well on the road to another era of credit inflation. The group believing a luncheon was served to 11 guests. Mrs. Anna Zinck and Miss Carrie this is led by famed commentator Zinck spent Monday in Ogden on Willard Kiplinger, who has published a book on the subject, and his camp business. exMrs. Johanna Johnson arrived home is filled with other think 8 inflacredit perts. that They after spending Tuesday evening months in Los Angeles, Calif, with tion will bring the United States pros- her daughter Mrs. Sam Ungerman perity during the next year or two, which will be followed by a vertible and family. boom, similar to that of 1928. After Mr. Mrs. Buzukis, Mr. and Peny and Mrs. Hanahbold Mansen and fam- that another crash. Some businesses want inflation. Reily of Salt Lake City attended the funeral servlcs held Sunday for the tail trade, for instance, would benefit, inasmuch as there would be much two ladies father, Nels C. Nielson. Misses Afton and Zula Hansen who more money in circulation to spend are attending school at the B. Y. U for perishable goods. Businesses and in Provo, spent the weekend visiting individuals with fixed or regulated in-- 1 come are bitterly opposed to inflation. their father, Hyrum J. Hansen. A short time ago the Analyist said Mrs. Tom Poletz of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. M. Rasmussen, Mrs. C. that the recent general decline in on the Fosgren and two daughters, all of wholesale prices casts doubt Citv. attended the funeral theory that inflation is inevitable-obser-ved Brie'hp-that the present movement of Iv.- - C. Nielson on Sunday. Highlights Sparry Feeds I Custom Chopping at Farm Call 137-- Bell Phone W, CLUB NEWS 4-- H Soldier Poet I Dr. Eugene Merritt, extension economist of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, acClub companied by D. P. Murroy,, State Specialist, and Myrtle Davidson, assistant state club specialist, spent one day, Wednesday .April 3, in Box Elder county. Separate and Joint meetings of club girls and boys were held at in the Lions club rooms. A at all three meetings, attendance good was reported. The purpose of the meeeings was to Interest girls and boy3 10 yeals to 25 years in Home and Farm Science club work, who would like advanced work in Home Economics and Farm work. The meetings were under the direction of the Extension Service, County Agent Robert H. Stewart, County Home Demonstration Agent Ethel B. Lund and Assistant County Extension Agent John Stewart assisted the visiting specialists with the meetings. The boys and girls in attendance at the meetings were from the various communities in the county and will return home and assist in the organclub ization of Home Science groups In their respective 4-- H , 4-- H Tre-mont- j " ss n, f 'I 4-- H t BEAR RIVER well-know- A Complete Line of PAGE FXVZ , vr - , Though only 37, Dr. Edward Davison fought through the world war fo England, and has been editor, pro fessor, and Internationally know poet for years. He will teach at 4-- H Brlgham Young University, Provo. Ctah, this summer. "When to stop advertising V thus: "When every Mrs. Chas. Peterson and son Elso thoroughly become man has mer, visited Mrs. Dan McCoomb in creature a of habit that he will Ogden, Friday. certainly buy this year wher he in stocks is of the "bear" variety, and bought last year." there had never been inflation during the present generation ivithout a "bull" movement One of the inevitable results of any kind of inflation, of course, is to force commodity and stock prices upward. Thus, there are two schools of thought on the subject but the first school, consisting of those who forecast inflation next year or the year after, is by far the largest. It is a notable fact that many businessmen likewise belong to this school, and are now taking steps to prepare for inflation as best they can. n See Our New WALL PAPER SAMPLES Sun Tested - Washable Painting - Tinting Paper Hanging SATURDAY BARGAINS Pickles Sweet Large Bottle 23c i Salmon Lilly Brand Fancy Pink 1 Large Flat Can .... 1 O )C Pork & Deans Quart Can ...... WILKINSON & SON PHONE 4 10c 3.a-- 3 n POWDERED Lbs 15c Sour Kraut 2 Talkntt 'mi Pay SOMETHING SAVED ON EVERYTHING Hartley Stokes - ji ... "Just Home Folks" Don't be Misled by Specials. You Will Find that You Can Save Money Every Day at Your Pay'n Takit Store. Every Price a Regular Price. Shop the Modern Way. Matches So-call- ed TOMATOES, No. 22 Can 10c EXTRACTS, Lemon, Vanilla, 10c PEAS, Good Grade, No. 2 Can CORNED BEEF, Can 12-o- z. RED SALMON, Tall Can 18c DEVILED MEAT, 3 Cans PINK SALMON, Tall Can 10c ALL-BRA- N, Large Pkg CHAD Crystal White 15c I VP 10c riTArei?BHony 3 Cans 10c 19c SOAP 27c 3 Cans 25c PUFFED WHEAT, Pkg 9c 35c COCOA, Pilgrim, 2 Lbs 19c MATCHES HILLS COFFEE, Lb. Can 30c MACARONI, Hard Wheat, 3 Lbs 25c WHITE KING AIRWAY COFFEE, Lb 18c POWDERED SUGAR, 3 Lbs 19c 19c MARSHMALLOWS, Lb 15c PAR, Cleanup Price, Large Pkg 28c STRING BEANS, 3 No, 2 Cans PEANUT BUTTER, CRACKERS, Jar 2-l- b. Box 2-l- b. FLOUR, High Patent, 48-l- $1.41 Bag b. SOAP, White King, 10 Bars 3 CLEANSER, Sunbrite, Cans - MOP STICKS, Each Carton MATCHES, CHEESE, Mild, Pound PEPPER, Schillings, SALT, Triangle, Can z. Bag 5-l- b. 10c CLOROX, Pint Qt RED SEAL LYE, Can PINEAPPLE, No. II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 III 2'j 1 1 ROLLED OATS, 10c CALUMET Baking Powder, Lb 10c CHOCOLATE, Baking, 23c GERMADE, Big J, 9.8-l- 16c MUSTARD, Quart Jar 10c JELL-WEL- ' AH L, LEMONS, Juicy, Dozen 10c 8c LETTUCE, Large Head 6c 1 1 1 1 SODAS A- -l GRAHAMS 2 in 1 iJ C Pound Package 2 Pound Package 25c 23c 25c . 19c 19c T V TPJfl? 7V JV ( illV Large, Firm Heads 2 CJ Large 1 Dozen J Golden 4 Ripe Pounds Fresh 10c Pound Lettuce Large, Solid Each 8c Oranges Perfect Flavor Large, Dozen . 19c QUALITY MEATS Pot Roasts Beef Pound 18c Fancy Picnics Fancy Pound . 25c Veal Roasts Shoulder Cuts 18 c Pound . L .:nb Stew Per Pound 12c WILL BUY FAT VEAL PRODUCE 25c IHHIIIIIIIIH5 TZl A--l 25c UJ 11 Pound Bag Hartley and Stokes rnrn7I? lUrrLIIj Special - Pound 4c Cans 4 Pound Bag 36c 17c 2 45c 22c 29c Carton SPAGHETTI 15c Kinds, Pkg ORANGES, Large, Dozen PRUNES 3 10c Bag S'L.. wg2!r PORK AND BEANS 24c SPAGHETTI, Van Camps, " " " " " "H 1 rl. b. BROOMS 43c Bag 9-l- b. 23c 10c 18c Can f""" 31c 33c 25c 10 Bars .... Red Seal CREAM OF WHEAT, Lge. Pkg Can Vi 22c Asparagus btl. .. 6c 10c TUNA FLAKES, No. 1 1 z. High Quality Carton PORK and BEANS Van Camp, Lge. .... 10c CORN, Standard White, No. 2 Can ...... 10c 1 2-o- lie Quart Can WE WILL SMOKE YOUR MEAT 15c 25c 25c O.RSKfoCCa ffftflffffiH WOON. Surtty ySTOPiS 0 Purity I |