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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1935 PAGfi SIX MilOCAXIL AtGepharts Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dalton attend-agen- t, Mrs. Lund, county demonstration on ed conference at Salt Lake City. They an talk interesting gave 'color.' to 84 members and visitors of visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Har- the Relief Society, Tuesday. The pro mon of Provo, while there. gram included, a solo by Mrs. Strand, i Mr. and Mrs. , Mervin Chris tensen a reading by Mrs. Ed'na Henrie, and and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Thomas ata chorus by the singing mothers. tended conference last Sunday at Salt were served with Mrs. Lake City. Theurer as chairman of the refreshMrs. Connie Williams is visiting at ment committee. the home of her sister, Mrs. Quentin Mrs. Dalam Kent of St. John, Ida., Allen, this week. spent the weekend at the home of her Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Allen and La- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Taylor. mont Vance, were Salt Lake visitors N. E. Iverson and daughter, Eulolia Sunday. of Salt Lake City, attended the funeral services of Mrs. George Carter last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Williams of St. By Mrs. Thomax Ault Anthony, Idaho, are visiting at the y Winters L. C. Mrs. Mr. and home of Mrs. Joseph Johnson of Ogden, vis this week. Chris Beck, who has been employed ited relatives here on Sunday and in Mlna, Nevada, spent this last week was a guest of Mrs. Horace Barnard at home with his family. He return- and Mrs. J. W. Spackman. Hugh Davis and Miss Larsen of the ed Monday. M. I. A. stake board were in atten Floyd Stohl returned Saturday from dance at mutual meeting here Tues Detroit with a new hearse for the day night. Stohl Mortuary of Brigham City. Max Germer, in connection with The Daughters of the Pioneers will members of the U. S. A. C. band other meet at the home of Mrs. Don Homer made a tour of the state, visiting all 18. Thursday, April schools. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Walton of Salt the high Mrs. James, Mrs. Horace Gardner, SunLake City, were in Tremonton Emman and Geneve Gardner spent day to attend the funeral of Mrs. Saturday in Ogden. j George Carter. Miss Veda Gardner spent last week Mr. and Mrs. Pari Neely and chil-- 1 with relatives in Ogden. dren of Ogden, were visiting with Kenneth Germer returned home af Mrs. Susan A. Rhead Sunday at the! ter spending two freeks in Detroit. Valley hospital. Mr. Neeley is a Mrs. N. Peter Marble and Mrs. of Mrs. Rhead. grandson Johnson visited relatives in Carlyle Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Stevens, Mrs. A. L. Bennett, Mrs. William Kniefel ' Logan Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Barnard and of Parma, Idaho, were visiting with Lare, and Else, visited on daughters, Folfriends in this city last week. Sunday with their son and family, Mr. lowing a church supper at the Meth- and Mrs. Vearl Barnard at Warren. odist church, they called at the church ' Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ault and daughto greet their old friends. and Dorothy, of Logan, ters, Mary Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stohl and called on Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ault of Lake Salt Marco, City, daughter, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sudburv and H. N. Stohl last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Loveland were in 25 friends met at the home of Mr. on Saturday. and Mrs Clifford Vance last Satur-- i 0den an,d Salt Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Marble. Mr. and day night, delightfully surprising; Mrs. A. R. Burbank and son, Kenthem. The evening was spent playing Mrs. Mr and .and neth, Hyrum Marble games. A delicious luncheon was, were Salt Lake visitors, also attendserved. Junior England entertained several ing conference. Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Marble, Mr. of his friends at a party Saturday Mrs. Louis Germer, Max and and evening. He was assisted by his Kenneth Germer, and Bishop M. G. mother. Mrs. William Bosley and Mrs. Rob Perry attended conference at Salt ert Calderwood were hostesses to the Lake City. Mr. visitsinging mothers Thursday evening at ed Mr. and Mrs. Frank Germer Mrs. on and Oliver Johnson the home of Mrs. Fawn Quinney. A Sunday. very pleasant evening was spent. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Muir and son, Dana, of Pocatello, spent Saturday Swollen and Sunday visiting relatives and friends in this city. Dana remained and will visit here during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen attended conference at Salt Lake Friday and Here is a new treatment. Get a Saturday. They also attended the bottle of clean, powerful, penetrating Neeley reunion while there. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Haight, Mr. and Moone's Emerald Oil. Apply a few Mrs. Frank Taylor, and Mrs. James drops over the affected part, rub Ransom attended the funeral of Mr. lightly till it disappears on its errand L. G. Thim of Loean. Tuesday. of mercy. The first application brings Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Thomas and blessed comfort and relief. (Adv.) son, Odeen, were visiting at the home of Mrs. Thomas' parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Kndson, at Portage, Sunday, it being the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Knudson. Mrs. Knudsnn was asisted by her daughter, Ida, in serve man is the one The ing a delicious dinner. who gets the best of everything. gsg 117 Washer i 626 New DEWEYVILLE to die littU tob. Make fair r properly fitted in I comfortable, sturdy footwea- rto protect their reet. weerequeii- fied end our stock is complete. - ROBIN HOOD SHOES $1.49 A Brand New Style in Tre-Bar- Leather k $2.99 j White Kid 3 Eyelet TIES Boulevard Heels $2.99 Widths A to C A Novelty WHITE PUMP Fancy Trim , ds f 200-pou- nd THATCHER accompanied Christenson to Salt Lake Monday. She remained for a visit, with relatives and friends. Bishop and Mrs. T. E. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Waldron and Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Wight attended conference in Salt Lake City. The officers and teachers of the primary held their monthly meetings and social Thursday at the home of Mrs. Olean Nelson. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Melvin Durfey of Almo, Idaho, and Mrs. Ralph Forsgren of Corinne, enter tained in honor of their mother, Mrs. Margaret Johnson, it being her birth-- , oay. Many mends called during the afternoon and evening. Refreshments J. C. Were Served. . Clyde Borgstrom OXFORD one-six- th THANKS ' trt" ''ilf -- T''if''iin"f-,Tfnri""T4 M WIIIIWHH. m inn i hi nr rj-- - i ' WPWWWWWWWWeM Mi in iiiMinr.f Great For Sore fUI IIMIJ imiii. lriM i nn Under Authority Granted by the District Court The Entire Stock, Fixtures, Equipment, Etc. of the W. E. Getz Jewelry Store Will be Sold! Within the next two weeks we expect to sell the entire equipment, fixtures and stock of highest quality diamonds, watches, silverware and jewelry in short, the ENTIRE STORE! In the meantime, residents of Tremonton and vicinity will have the opportunity of making their purchases from our stock at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES! Select your gifts for graduation and other occasions NOW! TOW W. E. Getz Jewelry Store trade-at-hom- $2.49 has returned home gasoline-powere- pgp Tortured Rheumatic Joints A Real Sturdy White Leather Soled s Miss Lucille Adams Pain $2.99 Tractor The improved condition and increased buying power oi the farmei are strikingly revealed tn figures just amde public by a large agricultural publication. For example, a certain popular sedan, streamlined, costs 626 bushels ot wheat today The same make, not nearly so good, sold two rears ago for 1,453 bushels, the yield from two and one-thiras much acreage. Today the farmer pays Ofty-nlbogs tor a tractor that would bare cost bim 131 lucb bogs In 1933. ne Every farmer who sells or exchanges hog products from hogs slaughtered by him should keep a written rettubaU 712 cord of such sales or exchanges. The tea (Con AAA farm account books which many farmers have, are furnished to make this record easier to keep. These points are emphasized by W. I BwhcU W. Owens, in charge of the corn-ho- g 1455 program in Utah, and the local corn-ho- g committeemen in their efforts to acquaint farmers and commercial handlers of meat products with the facts about the liability and collection so 21 lb. of the hog processing taxes. The producer, in particular, needs the written record in order to prove his eligibility for certain exemptions allowed only to farmers who slaughter hogs of their own raising. 131 In order to take advantage of exemptions allowed him, the producer's written record must show: (1) The date of slaughter; (2) the number Almost startling is the comparison of hogs slaughtered; (3) the live d ot prices in the case of a weight of hogs slaughtered; (4) the washer. Two years ago it weight, price received, and date of sold for 712 bushels ot corn Now. of hogs products sold to or exsale Improved in various details, tt sells changed with consumers, and the for 117 bushels, about the name and address of person to whom 1933 price. So many ol us take tor granted sold; (5) the actual or estimated various circumstances and conditions weight of hog products consumed by surby which we are constantly the farmer's family, employees or rounded, that only when they are household; and (6) the live weight of put up to us in some such interesting hogs processed by or for the producer, or different new way as this do we own family, employees or househis fully comprehend and appreciate hold, together with the name and adwhat if taking place. dress of the producer. The AAA farm account book profrom the C C camp near Springville. vides a convenient place in which to He expects to remain home this sum- enter this information. These books mer. are available free of charge from the Mrs. L. W. Anderson has been vis- - county extension agents or direct ' iting in Ogden as the guest of her from the Extension Service at Logan. Mrs. Ed. daughter, Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harris went to Ephraim Friday. They accompan CARD OF ied Mr. Harris' mother, who has been j j visiting here. Pres. Alfred Michaelis and sister, May we take this opportunity to Mary Andrus, visited the M. I. A. thank our many friends for their here Tuesday evening. kind services and sympathy extended to us in our recent bereavement. Sincerely, CARD OF THANKS W. G. Carter and family. We wish to take this opportunity to thank the citizens of Tremonton and Mrs. Chas. Peterson and son, Elsurrounding communities for their support of the Bear River Musical mer, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scoth-er- n Festival, and especially the Lions of Tremonton, spent Sunday with clubs and business men. Mary Jane Checketts of Providence. BAND MOTHERS Mr .and Mrs. Shipley of Ogden, Rv Mrs A A RronUmnn were Saturday guests of Mrs. Chas. Secretary. Peterson. v3 15 59 mJSiII j . Car d Standard Radio I B Low-Prke- And Paid Two Year Ago Th Farmer Pays Today TofcVyTKi , Jtura they Producers Should Keep Records of Hogs Slaughtered Improved Condition of Agriculture Is Revealed by Impressive Figures RICHARD M. GERBER, Executor PHONE 75.0-- TREMONTON 1 3 czzx M Nothing is Any Neater Than a Plain c T DRUG CO. -- EL WHITE KID PUMP WE CARRY POSTAGE STAMPS Here's a Real Value for Tremonton, Utah $2.99 Fountain Special Prescriptions Carefully and Accurately Compounded - Saturday Only JUMBO ICE CREAM SODA MEN'S All of the Above Illustrated J J ItiJ 4 &a t GOLD CENTRAL'S STAKn Ann simr ' V W - AM. Other Styles Not Illustrated $1 99 $1.98 Others lip to 3.95 and $2.49 Gepharc Stores Co.' e r i r.. ior vosn uuy t unaj ri ay iess SpOng HATS Our selection of the new spring hats is second to none. Snap brims to Pork Pies, they're all here, not onl' in every size, but every pro portion as well. There's no doubt about it the hat you'll look best in is here. $1.00 a- - 5c 9te R 59 89 M SANITARY NAPKINS Pox of Twelve-- - U. S. P. HEAVY M 15 19( 4 49 4 BAYER MINERAL OIL Gallon $1.69 ASPIRIN TABLETS Bottle of 100 0ne White " White. Shoe Cleaner ti nAiT vuni.I,r,iur, aiUAl(U ALAKM CLOCKS BO YER FACE POWDER AND CLEANSING Both for M M ASPIRIN TABLETS (bottle of 100) Pound Laura Bond CLEANSING CREAM CREAM a PR ENS Guaranteed Tu?TI,'1Tr mm M GARDEN SET (trowel cultivator and foria ITALIAN BALM and DISPENSER ST. REGIS WATCHES I 590 25d 98 r 50c |