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Show PAGE TWO EEAR PJVEH VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1935 BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER "While the desire to ride ia instinctive ia every person, the automobile business would not be what it ia today had it not been for the tremendous glamour which has been built up the pleasures of ownership of a motor car through automobile shows, Rates Subscription millions of dollars worth of ADVER One Year (in advance) $2.00 filx Months (in advance) J 1.00 TISING, and automobiles enthusiastThree Months (in advance) - - - - 50tf ically presented directly to the pros pect by the retail salesman," so says Roy H. Faulkner, president of the Auburn Automobile Company. Tre-mont- ..... Free to Public THe only place ia tka U. S. what, catalog, and aichrertinrife mattercoverinc any line of bu.tnc. or product can 0 obtained Fraa tad Wit bout OUtuatioB ia the American Industrial Library. V rite (or Buaineea Advertinng Matter you are later eated in; aaina will be promptly forwarded. AMERICAN IRDDSTRIAL LIBRASV KUeeriu Bnildlnt, CaUMa.IUlaoi- - WX?i COCM'TINC VotfR. S7ILU To B ASAiH t ; Po GLM OUSrlT TO S6 Join Faculty of B. Y. U. Summer Session ' "rttf'Re GoH6 Yl AFRM Dr. Edward Davison to By, DWIG SCHOOL D Entered at the Tostoffice at Utah as Second CI&m Matter. Published at Tremonton, Utah, on Thursday of each week. 4&r A sJt8!f f PROVO, Utah. Intermountain lov era of literature will be interested to learn that Dr. Edward Davison venturous young English poet' ad and critic, will join the faculty of the Brigham Young University summer session. Dr. Davison is now Visiting-Poeat the University of Miami Sp vZ. ti jfttj&ZTy XgJh I ' t X Classified !Ad Column! Althougrh only 37, Dr. Davison has lived an exciting and colorful career At 16 he entered the British navy i fight through the World War. 4 BRING IN YOUR ARTICLES for the Public Auction every Saturday, before 1 p. m. 4 tf . To Your Town 4-- as well as to your Country FOR SALE Three bred sows, of May. rowing about the Call Fred Welser. t3p. PATRONIZE YOUR LOCAL MERCHANTS FOR SALE 12 ewes ana iz eoocn lambs. Call C. W Summers, 7.y-- far-middl- e 4. I tl. 4-- FOR SALE-Sprt- ne frvers. See La Thair Pederson, phone 39.0-t2p 2. EARLY AD COPY f The home-tow- n advertiser is unfair to himself when he sends his advertisement to the news paper office lust before the dead line, points out the Daily Record at Wyandott, Mich., in a display promotion ad, headed: "Why Newspapers Ask for 'Early Copy.' " An effective comparison Is made by setting side by side the advantages of early copy vs. disadvantages of late copy. The late copy problem is the bane of many publishers, as some merchants persist in postponing, preparation of copy until the laat nour ana me puDiisner nas 10 worrv about unnecessary over time and hasty workmanship. The publisher often fears to push the merchant lest he offend mm and ihereby lose the ad. The Michigan daily adopts a clever strategy by emphasizing the fact that the merchant benefits himself by his early copy and penalizes himself by getting it in late. A convincing argument is presented also bv this statement: "Early copy insures early deliv- ery or the paper and more reading hours for the advertiser." And now for the pros and cons. we present them with credit: 11 FOR SALE Large size rug and good wicnen range. See John Rauber, Tremonton. 4 tf 4-- FOR SALE Certified Bliss Triumph and Irish Cobbler seed potatoes. LeGrande Hunsaker, Honeyville, ts. Utah. 3-- WANTED-Porta- ble 4-- typewriter. Must f'" - be good make, in good shape, and very reasonable. Call Leader office. - . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS FOR SALE 225 ' mil lets, see Ferrell Wood. Thatcher. 3-- vrmmm? I Sealed proposals will be received bv tf the City Council of Tremonton at its office in Tremonton for the labor in 7 I . II 1 Charity Football Fiesta TTfnri 17 f 1 4- - 1 LOST A gray ranee horse, weight SALT LAKE CITY. Plans for the connection with the construction of about 1250 lbs, with shoes on front. andor "football fiesta" to be held at the to waterits improvements Call H. A. Hawks, Blue Ridjre works system, all in accordance with University of Utah on Saturday, ranch. tf the plans and specifications as pre- April 20, are nearine- completion, ac cording to I. J. university CASH PAID for dead and useless pared by C. O. Roskelley, Engineer, football coach. Armstrong, Proceeds of the game and until up the hour of 11 a. m.. cows and horses. Call Manle Creek will be April 12, 1935, Tremonton, Utah, at dren's donated to the L. D. S. Chil Trout Hatchery, Brigham hospital and to the Shrine hos wmcn Reverse Charge. tf will be time and at which place they pital for Cripled Children. publicly opened and read It The feature of the special day will CHICKS AND HATCHING We are is the intention of the City Council to be the football game between the Unithe labor segregate and material prepared to hatch your turkey and awards. of Utah varsity and alumni versity hen eggs. Most modern and un-tteams. In addition to the dem date equipment made. Quality Leg Plans, specifications and nronnsal onstrations of football's game, fine points horn chicks, bred for profit, $10.00 blanks may be examined at the of win be made under Coach Armper hundred. All hatchine on our fice of the City Recorder. TYmnonrnn strong's direction. Methods of tack own piace .from breeding hens from Utah, or they may be obtained at said ling, blocking, and punting will be ' irapnestea stock, disease resistant, office upon a deposit of 10.00. Said shown. low mortality. Hanson strains, v. deposits will be refunded provided the The annual intersororitv relavs. in ' B. Barlow. Tremonton nhnn 71 .. 0.9 pians ana specifications are return Early Copy S"m which ' fraternity men will wear the to the City Recorder in good order colors of the various campus sororiNo errors. noi later man April 12, 1935. ties, will be held. The Shrine drill Time for corrections. Proposals must be made in strict squad and a program arranged by Good typography. ' accordance with all the provisions of Miss May Anderson, Prompt dellvry to reader. primary superthe plans and specifications, and must intendent of the L. D. S. church, will Fair to mechanical staff. be made on the blank forms ' Advertisement well written. provided be included also in the day's program. ay uie engineer. To be considered, It is hoped to raise $10,000 to be diIllustrations correct. ' must be accompanied hv a they vided between the two charities. to ads first the column. Among tified check, Cashier's check or Bid ' Bond, in an amount at lea.t mi mi fn to Late Copy , Bidders." five per cent of the following sum: Risk of typographical errors. Specific attention is called to the The base bid, plus all additive alterTrade-I- n fact that not less than the minimum No opportunity for corrections nates. , Risk of poor typography. All bidders are hereby notified that wage rates prescribed by the Federal Most late copy is "slapped up" Emergency Administration of Pnhiin this is a P. w. A. .1931 FORD CABROLET project and all to use office term. work contemplated thereunder must Works must be paid on this project. 1932 CHEVROLET COACH ue aone unaer Risk of late delivery. ine right Is reserved to acppnt or the rules and regulaUnfair physical and mental strain 1929 CHEVROLET COACH tions of the any or all proposals or alterreject National nates. Advertisement hurriedly written. covery Act thereto pertaining. (See 1931 ESSEX SEDAN THE CITY OF TREMONTON, xusk or misplaced cuts. wmuutuon regulations, P W A 1928 ESSEX COACH a Municipal Corporation. Bulletin No. 2. March 3 1031 The Daily Record continues: ISRAEL HUNSAKER, Jr., 1930 Pick-UCHEVROLET p Without exception rtn v "While this newspaper is a mar. , nr. fc'.v, win urj of Tremonton City. Mayor t.ouS.aerea vel of mechanical efficiency, unless 1926 BUICK SEDAN by the First Publication, March 28, 1985. bidder's Certificateaccompanied of rr juast there are limits on what can, be 1931 Oldsmobile Sport Sedan S. Government Publication, April 11, 1935. r- Form P w a done by a given force of printvised March 1934, to the effect 'that ers, sterotypers, and pressmen in the bidder is comnhrtnwO Hf. a short, crowded period of stress. ouu nxu TRUCKS j continue to comolv with There is plenty of time to give Dr. Wm. Eli Hawkins cable Code of Fair Competition ,or, in every advertiser good service v 1933 Chevrolet lj-to- n CHIROPRACTOR long the absence of such CoHa when early copy is sent In. n l'2-towith the ord President's short iyzy MAKE AN APPOINTMENT "Visitors to the mechanical de1930 Ford 1' Agreement. Copies of this Certificate short partment are invited so that the HOME PHONE: 7.3-- 5 1929 Chevrolet l2-to- n short will be included with the "Instructions process of handling advertising 1934 Chevrolet Vi ton long may be thoroughly understood and the mechanical problems fully realized. "Your will be 1934 CHEVROLET PRATT and LAMBERT PAINTS and VARNISHES greatly appreciated by the entire Master Coach and KING WALL FINISH of the Leader. personnel , jWHXM"M BRITTAN'S - S 493-J-- T! ..mm Then he entered Cambridge University. As a freshman he published his first book of poems. He became a varsity debater and editor of the "Cambridge Review." Leaving college, he published another book of verse and served as editor of one magazine and general manager of another. Then an American girl, traveling in England, upset his plans of following an editorial career. Hp fPn in love with her, followed her to the Umted States, and married her in New Yorte He taught at Vassar a year, then entered the lecture field. In 1930 he was awarded a fellowship of the Guggenheim Foundation", an honor never before conferred upon an ungusnman. mrough this award he was enabled to study in various Europeon countries and to write a third book of poems, "The Ninth Witch." Besides lecturing before the entire "Y" student body, he will teach "English Poetry Since 1890" and "Figures in Modern Literature." The summer quarter begins June 10. Several oth er visiting professors of prominence win augment the regular faculty. Invites You to Ogden 2. 6-- BRITTAN'S Ogden's newest and finest store for women invites YOU to view the most exclusive apparel at popular prices You'll like our new store You'll be thrilled with the newest in . . EXCLUSIVE apparel with Brittan's in NEW LOW PRICES! Ogden . o- .... 1 -lf Fronk Clie vrolet ! Exclusive New SUITS, COATS, DRESSES and HATS Arriving-.Daily- - t for EASTER ra , Offerings ! Fur Coats Vz off 13 .... A group of our finer fur coats selected personally by Mr. Brittan each one bespeaking individuality, style and quality Now 13 OFF as an introductory special A small deposit will hold your selection in our fur storage vaults until next fall. .... .... .... r-ri- 0-- 1 r-- rf pi -- OPENING SATURDAY Plan now to attend the opening of our new Downstairs Store Saturday A down- stairs store that is DIFFERENT featuring the most popular styles at $2.95 to $10.00 .... Our New Downstairs Store We Sell 1934 The surest way to get results in any undertakingsatisfactory tn the best method of doing the job and wen gei ousy ana ao it. OUR iremonton Harness & Accessories Co., Inc. Manufacturers CHEVROLET Standard Coune 1933 CHEVROLET Master Coupe 1934 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Sedan 1933 CHEVROLET Sport Coupe 2459 OF QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICES Washington Ave., OGDEN NEVER UNDERSOLD SATISFACTION Fronk Chevrolet Co. GUARANTEED V J Armstrong Lineoleum, sq. yd Felt Base Floor Coverings, sq. yd. 9x12 Felt Base Rugs 2-Pi- FOR ICE Beverages & Coal SEE BESSIN6ER BROS. TREMONTON, UTAH : 36:- r-H-O-- nW i New Location IN THE STATE Tremonton, Utah . Phone 28 mmmT of High Grade Harness PRICES LOWEST MAKE GOOD OR WE DO mmmi('vmMitmxt(m f ft tf 4-Pi- 9212 40 $5.50 Living Room Suites, as low as $37.50 Walnut Bed Room Suite - only $43.50 MONARCH RANGES - PHILCO RADIOS AND WALL PAPER Notice to Farmers ece We Will Call for and Pay Cash for Dead or Worthless Horses and Cows JUST CALL LOGAN, ENTERPRIZE 30 The Operator Understands That We Pay the Call We Also Buy Hides, Pelts, Wool and Furs COLORADO ANIMAL CO. BY-PRODUC- 2 Miles TS South of Logan Logan, Utah |