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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, PAGE FOUR Mm CRYSTAL SPRINGS Read the Want Ads 4 Bv : ELWOOD IL P. RanmnsHen - - WEDNESDAY, I Mr. APRIL 17, 155 ADMISSION - - 1935 HIGH The program on Tuesday evening In honor of our lady missionary, Miss A COMPLETE FAMTMG OUTFIT BR i tEaSS"1 A y4lIH 11 ; 1 HUM aH.OOAUTV Mm iJr V HACK MtSTUS mt m tuaau V ISaJSI1 oonrrwiTM '"ij MANY PtCTUMS i Rhoda Christensen, was very interest ing. President Shumway gave a very fine talk. The musical numbers were very good. Following the program dancing was enjoyed by a large crowd Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Christensen had all their 10 children present, which had not happened for eight years. Many other relatives and friends from out of town were present. Miss Christensen received a good purse to help her on her mission. On Thursday evening a group of friends gave a miscellaneous shower In her behalf, and she received many useful presents. The evening was spent In playing games and a lovely tray lunch was served to about 30 guests. Mr. and Mrs. Christensen accompanied her to Salt Lake Saturday where they attended the conference after which Miss Christensen entered '. .4 an Vf " al V . the mission school on Monday morn- 5 ft fSh tMAui J MANtH.ll " make suit Point the taty way your heme brighter,. happier the easy way. This Complete Painting Outfit will help you! This is our offer to help you have brighter home; to tell you about the latest in paints, varnishes and enamRipo-li- n els; about Glidden and other famous products; about new color plans for bathrooms, kitchens and living rooms for furniture and walls inside the home and outside. Jap-A-La- c, COMPLETE OUTFIT INCLUDES A Detachable Handle to lift quart cans and smaller sizes, without a smear on your fingers. Made of polished teel wire. Something you've always wanted! A handle that you can take off or put on quickly and easily. A Booklet that tells how to paint. Read the easy way to apply enamels, paints and varnishes. You will find this Booklet interesting and full of information and helpful decorating ideas. fnch Brush with quality black An 1 bristles set in rubber. A Paint Paddle for stirring paint-alw- ays handy and useful. I GET YOUR OUTFIT NOW Sign the coupon bring it to the Glidden Dealer. Your Complete Painting Outfit is waiting for you. Clip the coupon now do it before you forget. FOR A COMPLETE PAINTING OUTFIT J l il tan. I I I I Name. I, ......Sum.. J Only On Offer to a Family. Adult Only. Offer tiplrri In 1 WVtka I city.. I I I a I t Atao I Would Llko Information On I I laamMlM laraltan I I Palatiaa a kaau Palaliaa Seen ) PalMlaa a tllwa a tamtam ( VaraltkIM PateM I O fatatta natawrk ( NalUoalNaaalatAd I I tO .. I We Are Also Headquarters for AH Your Needs in Lumber Hardware Harness Farm and Home Supplies and 3 I Farm and Garden Seeds In Bulk or Package to KLO Each Thursday Our Broadcast rune p. m. for Farmers' Cash Union "Your Good Will Our Best PHONE 33 Asset' TREMONTON 1 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCHEDULES SENIOR DAY. i3 Community progress with community effort. The senior class has been invited to attend the annual U. S. A. C. Senior Day to be held May 3. Senior classes from all high schools near Logan are invited to this event. The purpose of the Senior Day is synonymus Too many people regard with blase indifference all but what effects their own personal comfort and convenience and give little thought to those factors that make them possible. I fash-Ion- back-to-natur- FEDERAL FARM LOANS e Tru-Pois- e h mid-cal- f. Interest Rate (NOW) 4 Per Cent LAND BANK COMMISSIONER LOANS Not Available After May 11, 1935 GARLAND NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION BROUGH JAMES Tremonton, Utah GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY j ZE2mR3EBmaEgEZSB?. J J (Pleat Print Name.) . r 4 v GARLAND Mrs. Geo. A. Beal The QtidcWn Company I Pteaat civ the Complete Paint in Out- - J Rt to mt lor 7c, without any other obltfa- 1 J ; i ing. 1 il I.Ill f Mrs. Sarah Lowe of Franklin, Ida., and Mrs. Edna Zetting of Salt Lake, An. Kenelm Winslow, prominent spent a few days home visiting relalocially in New York City, waars tives and friends. i Selby Shoe to complete her modII Jay Mortensen, Lloyd Barfus, Gerish Spring costume. ald Heslop and A. O. Christensen have been appointed as junior traffic police pAUIS has paid American women on duty on the highway by the disa tremendous compliment. The slothes her designers have done up trict school here. or us this season are meant for Mrs. Eva B. Hansen, Relief Society women eternally youthful. We have president, and her councellor, Mrs. for authority liea Mathieu, the Dagmar Andersen, and Mrs. Meada famed B.M. of the "Oa and Off the Hunsaker, attended the conference in Avenue" column of the NEW Salt Lake City Thursday and Friday. WORKER. She sends those exasperMr. and Mrs. Joe Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. ating cables weekly from the nerve center of the fashion world, and Petersen and two daughters, Mr. and has just returned to explain herMrs. Owen Rasmusen, Veda Rasmus-sen- , self more fully. Bishop A. P. Hansen, J. M. Mors tensen and son, Jay, Mr. and Mrs. P. The whole trend of Spring a pleated skirt and a taffeta blous looks like the beginning of a W. Christensen and son, J. P., and with matching scarf. Evening; movement. We must Miss Rhea Woods, and others attendoow look young and ingenuous dresses, she says, are to be about ed the conference in Salt Lake Cfcy. rather than sophisticated, and the twelve inches shorter in front than Mr. Mortensen was accompanied ass make-u- p the better. Miss Ma- in back. If you have nice anklea. Mrs. home by Guy Johnson and chil thieu explained all this at a recent this style is a natural for you. Thw dren of Payson, who will visit her how of Selby Shoes and most important part of getting parents, Mr., and Mrs. J. P. Christen new spring fashions. away with these new styles, Mi.' sen, for a time. be will Skirts like Mathieu thinks, is to walk naturally the one3 you Mrs. Fred Barfus left Saturday for nsed to wear in your more tomboy-Is- and gracefully. Shoe manufacturer! Mink Creek where she will visit rela days. They'll be full, pleated, have risen to the occasion by tunt tives and friends for a week. and will hang at about ing out bootery madn to help yo Miss Fontella Hansen gave a party I one She costume to a good omv tr$4. says Uunning Saturday in honor of her birthday. The afternoon was spent in playing When business is lagging is the feel a depression much less than those games. A nice luncheon was served and all had an enjoyable time. Miss the time to spend more money adver- - who cut down expenses by cutting Hansen was assisted by her mother, Using. Business men who advertise down advertising. Mrs. Ephraim Hansen. Mr .and Mrs. Elias Anderson went to Logan Sunday to visit their son and daughter, Milton and Norma An- m . dersen who are students at the A. C. 13 C ftilift MTACHAItl to acquaint high "school Btudents with the functions of the higher Institution while In operation and to set LIGHTS them thinking of higher, education. The morning will be spent In a tour of the campus and departments EDUCATIONAL EXHIBITS and a president's assembly. FollowIS CHEMISTRY PROJECT. ing luncheon and a band concert there The project of the chemistry class- will be a student assembly to show es for the last twoterms of the year the visitors a glimpse of student life. is to obtain and set up exhibits of in- The remainder of the afternoon will dustrial processes. Most of the large be spent in a review of the Cadet athletic manufacturing plants carry an educa- Battalion and intra-murtional exhibit which they use for ad- features. A dance will be given at vertising purposes. They show sam- night. ples of raw materials, different stagIt is expected that many seniors es of the manufacturing process, and from Bear River will attend. a finished products, together with explanatory Information. Many interesting exhibits have all SENIOR PLAY CAST LEARNS SPEECHES ready been received. Changing from a basketball star to a bold, bad man of the Old West is GLEE CLUBS TO SING quite a feat, according to Reed Oyler, FRIDAY NIGHT. who takes the part of the "bad" man The glee clubs have found it neces- in the senior play, "Peggy Parks'. Reed is having some trouble with sary to obtain private cars to transto his Ogden for the Northern trigger finger (figger tringer or port them division meet of the state music ginger fighterh but he has two more weeks to learn to say it before &e The girls have made white uniforms play is presented April 26. The title role is played by Hope trimmed jn red for the occasion. Each glee club will sing two num- Christensen, and Arthur Johansen is bers, one required and one selected. the juvenile lead. The rest of the If they receive high rating they will cast includes Ruth Meister, Helen enter the state finals at Provo next Johnson, Alice Christopher, Jay Bourne, Sam Woerner, Clara Korth, Friday. and Orpha Heppler. Bear River Paris Says "Be Young This Spring" I 500 By Mr. and Mrs. D SUITS AiSX" W. .aH FOR ry?vi EASTER FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN $1 I Jr--4 urn noon. II Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Beal were Salt Lake visitors Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Munns and Mrs. Ernol Nielsen spent the weekend In Lchi and Salt Lake City. Mrs. Geo. Henrle and daughter, Mrs Clyta Gunn, are spending a few days or this week in Salt Lake City. Miss Beth Innes spent the weekend in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kirkham spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Lehi. Their niece, Miss Vivian Lee came home with them and will visit here for a time. Robert Kirkham left Sundav on a trip to Detroit, Mich. The B. R. H. S. Faculty club will meet Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Leo Walker, with Mrs. Arthur Welling, Mill Edna Burnham and Miss Reeder assisting hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stayner, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Winters and Mrs. Wen del Budge witnessed the pageant given by the genealogical society in Salt Lake City Friday evening. The pak geant depicted the life of Rachel Winters, grandmother of Mr. O. L. Winters. Mr. and Mrs. Fashbaugh are Idaho visitors this week. Miss Marion Johnson came up from Ogdcn and spent Saturday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oluf Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Oluf Johnson and daughters Ruth and Helen, were Salt Lake City visitors Sunday. PEE NEW SHIPMENTS ARRIVING DAILY AND ADDED TO OUR STOCK OF Arthur Welling and children, Richard and Estella, attended the recent conference and" also the North Central States missionary re union in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Welling had as their guests on Monday, the following friends Elder Franklin Fish and his father and mother, also Mrs. Burgon of Salt Lake City, who were accompanied by Mr. Sydney Wilson of Sioinc Falls, So. Da., who is a recent convert to the L. D S. church. Mrs. Herbert Stayner and Mrs. Art Felsted and children visited with relatives in Farmlngton and Salt Lake City over the wekend. Mrs. Wendell Budge was a guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L, Winters, Friday night. G. G. Sweeten, J. J. Shumway, Mrs. Sweeten and Mrs. H. P. Swinyard drove to Salt Lake City Friday after tor ' U $T$Si. :rrMm I -- More and more, the 00 d men and young men of Northern Utah are to S DUNDEE in Ogden. No longer is it necessary to be extravaturning in to order the LATEST STYLE . . . SUPERB QUALITY enjoy gant and GENUINE COMFORT and PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP which are char acteristic of all the new DUNDEE suits and topcoats. well-dresse- Included in the big assortment of the newest spring suits at $15.00 you will find every wanted model every desired material in fact, PERFECT SATISFACTION! GRADUATING THIS SPRING? iirltAn1 nnur tinf Coloif I VUJ, nuiv antur iivit cuit j iiv trvavvfj Jvmtt best-ra- nd stocks are service the and is complete I: you'll get a lot of genuine satisfaction out of having a new suit for all the events of April and May! VVKv xm VJ TT 1 1 SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR SELECTION Bur-dic- - 1 2461 Washington Ave., Ogden, Utah T7 |