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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1931 - With at THE : JACKIE COOPER - ROBERT GREEN and JACKIE SEARL PARAMOUNT THEATRE it'; G a r 1 a h d , Utah V m0O)6GMUrm ki i 1 ij- : Atf ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOB TBS ISSUANCE OF REFUNDING , SEWE2 BONDS OF TREMONTON CITY COUNT V, BOX : ELDER STATE- - OF IN THE UTAH, AMOUNT OF FIFTEEN THOUSAND 1 DOLLARS ($15,000.00) FOR to-w- THE PURPOSE OF REDEEMING it: AND REFUNDING AN EQUAL OUTSTANDING AMOUNT OF UONUS OF SAID CITY, PRESCRIB TREMONTON CITY, UTAH ING THE FORM OF BOND. PRO REFUNDING SEWER BOND VIDING TAX LEVIES TO PAY THE SERIES OF August 1, 1931. SAM f$ AND DECLARING AN EM ' ERGENCY. No. $500.00 to resolution WHEREAS, pursuant KNOW ALL MEN BY .THESE and ordinance duly passed and adopted PRESENTS: by the City Council of Tremonton City, That Tremonton City, in Box Elder uojc tMer County, Mate of Utah, on Tuesday, the 28th day of June, A- - D. County, State of Utah, hereby ac1921 and as authorized at an election knowledges itre'f to ba indebted and duly and lawfully held in said city on for value received hereby promises to Tuesday, the 3rd day of May, A. D. pay to the bearer fcpreof the sum of 92t, said city did issue its negotiable FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.-00- ) in Gold Coin of the United States coupon bonds in the amount of numbered from 1 to 15, both in- of America, of the present standard clusive denominations of $1,000 each of weight and fineness, on the first dated June 1, A. D. 1921, due June 1, day of August, A. P. 19.:.., at the Au D. 1941; with the reserved right office of Lauren W. Gibbs Company, and privilege however to redeem said in Salt Lake City, Utah, with interest lf bonds fen or after the first day of thereon at the rate of four and percentum per annum June, A; : D. 1931, bearing interest at the ratf of 6 per annum, payable from date until paid, payable semion June and December annually in like money on the first in each year, which bonds were is- day of February and the first day of jst sued for purpose of providing funds August in each year at the same place, for purpose of purchasing. Improving, on presentation and surrender of the enlarging, acquiring, perfecting and annexed coupons as they become due. adding to the present sewerage works of This bond is issued for the purpose refunding and redeeming legal and and system for the purpose of more valid outstanding bonded indebtedness and adequately supplying distributing sewerage service to said city and the of said city and is one of a series of inhabitants thereof, and to lay addi- fifteen (15) bonds of like date and tional mains to serve that portion of amount, in denominations of $500.00 Jthe city where no sewer system now each, numbered from one (l).to fif"exists,: said sewerage system to be teen (15), both inclusive, known as wned and controlled by said city, and "Tremonton City Refunding Sewer Bonds, Series of August 1, 11)31", for 'WHEREAS, Lauren W. Gibbs Com- the aggregate amount of Fifteen pany of Salt Lake City, Utah, a Utah Thousand Dollars, ($15,000.00) issued corporation has offered to exchange under and pursuant to the provisions $15,000,000 Tremonton City Sewer of the Constitution and laws of the lionds. dated June 1, 1921, due June 1, State of Utah, The City Council of said Tremonton 1941, numbered from one (1) to fifteen (15), both inclusive, in denomina- City shall annually levy a tax suffition of $1,000 ea!h, for a like amount cient to pay the interest on said bonds legally issued refunding bonds of as it falls due and also to constitute tf a sinking fund for the payment of the said city, and principal thereof as it shall fall due. It is hereby certified, recited and deWHEREAS, a lower rate of interest and better terms can be obtained and clared that all conditions, acts, and it being to the best interests of said things essential to the validity of this citv to make said exchange, and which bond exist, have happened and have offer has been duly accepted by said been done, and that every requirement of law affecting the issue therecity council, of has been duly complied with, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORthis bond is within every debt DAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that other limit prescribed by the ConOF TREMONTON CITY, BOX EL- and stitution and Laws of said State, and DER COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH that the full faith and credit of said to . Section 1., That for the purpose of city is hereby irrevocably pledged, refunding: and redeeming $15,000.00 the punctual payment of the princibond according Tremonton, City, Box Elder County, pal and interest of this " ' to terms. its Sewer Utah, Bonds, dated June 1, 1921 TremonWITNESS IN WHEREOF, due June 1, 1941, with the reserved right "and privilege however to re- ton City has caused this bond to be deem said bonds on or after the first signed by its Mayor and City Treasurday of June, 1931, bearing interest at er; and its corporate seal to be affixed the rate of 6 per annum, payable hereto, attested by its City Recorder, on June 1 and Decem- and the annexed coupons to bear the 1 in each year, in denominations of facsimile signature of the City Treasber 1,000 eachr numbered from one (1) urer, as of the first day of August,' A. , .v fo fifteen (15), both inclusive, there D. 1931. hall be issued Tremonton City, Box JAMES WALTON, $lder County. Utah, Refunding SewMayor. er Bonds in the amount of $15,000.00, dated August 1, 1931, bearing interest WM. E. GETZ, at th rate of AV per annum from City Treasurer. date yntil paid, payable ATTEST: on February 1 and August 1 in each LEWIS BRENKMAN, $15,-000.0- 0, one-ha- . fientf-anmial- itemi-annual- (4H) ly ly . semi-annual- ly '.'ft J FOR HEALTHY YOUNG 1( AMERICA! , City Recorder. (SEAL) To each of said bonds shall be attached a coupon fdr each installment of interest contemplated by said bond, which said coupons shall be consecu tively numbered beginning with No. 1, with the several dates of payments and number of bond. Said coupons shall bear the facsimile signature of the City Treasurer and shall be in sub stantially the following form, (Form of Coupon) . to-w-it: ............ $11.25 On the first day of August and Feb, Tremonton City, ruary, A. D. 19 Box Elder County, State of Utah, will pay to the bearer hereof at the office of Lauren W. Gibbs Company in Salt No. Lake City, Utah, the sum of Eleven and 25 100 Dollars ($11.25) in Gold Coin of the United States of America, of the present standard of weight and fineness, being six months interest then due on its Refunding Sewer Boad, dated August 1, A. D. 1931. (Facsimile Signature) City Treasurer I i Um4 boy or fir...Thcy mctttKf your pocket boot nd itfitfy imntm if? 4. .1 KK liT of Nrvicc US tnd yl. SHOW YOU TrttE vv SHOES ' OOOtSO Ml MM -ASK FOR YOUR SCRIP I Miss Ruby Bergstrom, Miss Phyllis Wilson and Miss Pearl Bergstrom gave a program at the Industrial school in Osrden Sundav eveninsr. Mr. Melvin Randall of Salt Lake, Miss Valera Randall and Mr. Charles Long, of Ogden, were Sunday guests s, '- - Thre shall be endorsed on each of said bonds the following: Mrs. L. Bollwinkle of Los Angeles, Mrs. C. I. Goff of Preston and Mrs. N. K. Rassmussen of Elgin, Oregon, sisters of Mr. James Ransom, are visit ing at, the Ransom homo ouu MAKE GOOD OR WE DO rV Fronk Chevrolet Co. Phone Tremonton. Utah .... Bond No . Ameiricaim Wm$l Swires "I hereby certify that the within bond is within the lawful debt limit of Tremonton City, Utah, and is issued according to law. LEWIS BRENKMAN. City Recorder. Ilinic. TREMONTON, UTAH GARLAND, UTAH Said bonds and each of them shall be signed by the Mayor and City Treas urer and sealed with the corporate seal of said city and the said coupons shall bear the facsimile signature of the City Treasurer. The Mayor and City Treasurer of said city are each hereby empowered and directed to sign, and the City Recorder to sign and attest and affix the corporate seal of said city to each of said bonds and the acts and deeds of said Mayor, City Treasurer and City Recorder in so doing are and shall be the act and deed of said Tremonton City. Fri. July 17 - Specials - Sat. July All the covenants, statements, rep resentations, and agreements contain ed in said bonds and coupons and all recitals and representations of this ordinance are the covenants and prpm ises of said Tremonton City, and that the representations and statements therein are the representations , nd statements of said city. And it is further stated and represented "that Tremonton City is a municipal corppr ation and a city of the Third Class, under the Constitution and Laws of the State of Utah. High Patent 48 lb; Section 3. That for the purpose of providing for the payment of principal and interest as the same shall fal) due, there shall be levied a direct annual tax on all taxable property in said city, in addition to all other taxes, sufficient to produce sums as follows: Interest 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941, 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 $675.00 675.00 675.00 675.00 675.00 675.00 675.00 675.00 675.00 675.00 675.00 607.50 540.00 472.50 405.00 337.50 270.00 202.50 135.00 67.50 1,500.00 1,500.00 1.500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 . 675.00 675.00 675.00 675.00 675.00 675.00 675.00 675.00 675.00 2,175.00 2,107.50 2,040.00 1,972.50 1,905.00 1,837.50 1,770.00 1,702.50 1,635.00 1,567.50 ; Section 5. That all ordinances and resolutions, or parts of ordinances and resolutions, in conflict with the. provisions hereof be, and the same are hereby repealed, and after said bonds are issued this ordinance shall be and remain irrepealable until said bonds and the interest thereon shall have been fully paid, satisfied and discharg ed, as herein provided. Section 7. In the opinion of the City Council of said city, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of said city that this ordinance become operative immediately. , Section 8. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that an emergency is hereby declared and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon the date of its passage, ap proval and publication. BUTTER CEREALS Fresh Dinamite Large Size Reg. 25c 1 ....;....... or Dill Each Qw Puffed Wheat Large Size OX 15c, 2 for GROUP ONE OOf Pineapple Broken Slices No.2V2Can 1 Kri Reg. 20c .. . ..... Best Foods :Vv Pineapple 27c Crushed, In Syrup Gal. Can GROUP THREE Fine for Preserving OK Certo 35( Reg. 30c " Corn Flakes! K.K. Large Size 9CJ 2 15c, for FRUIT JARS GROUP FOUR 1 79c Q IT ARTS 95t GAL. $1.29 ICE CREAM POWDER Regular 10c With Purchase of 3 IReg. 9c Pot RoaStS LARD White, Raisiri 5, 2 lba. 23c Bunch Vegetables S for 10c 3 for 10c Choice Heifer, pound BEEF 1 Short Ribs 2 WholeWheat 25c ! Best Grade - Reg. 5c, lb. ..: JELLO lAssorted Flavors Fresh Apricots Picked BREAD FREE! Glass Tops Yt 9c cans 5 oz. .... 'INTS 69c Reg. 85c GROUP FOUR Reg. . GROUP TWO MAYONNAISE GROUP THREE Reg. SALE GROUPS , j 57c bag 4 PICKLES Sweet, Sour ..JU GROUP TWO lb. cloth U. & I. FRUITS Creamery OCw Reg. 43c Section 4. That all of said taxes shall be levied, assessed and collected in the same manner as other general taxes are levied, assessed and collected. Said taxes when collected shall be applied solely for the purpose of the payment of said interest and principal of said bonds respectively, and for no other purpose whatever until the indebtedness so contracted under 10 4 SALE GROUPS Or Oats - Granulated Beet 79c Carnation Premium Wheat $ 675.00 ' Hard Wheat bag 8 SUGAR GROUP ONE Total Principal - 1 Values FLOUR " Year Service Quality Section 6. That said bonds shall be issued in place of the bonds to be refunded in such a way that the debt of Tremonton City is not increased thru the issuance of these bonds. - JULY 16 -- 17 -- 18 of Los Angeles were over night guests of Mr. and Mrsl Ed. Winchester, Tremonton Locals ( '. BIOIttN , PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TREMONTON CITY, UTAH, and U A approved by the Mayor this 15ta dy of June, A. D. 1931. Mr. J. H.' Rhead has moved 'his JAMES WALTON, ; J" . family back to. Tremonton and they Mayor.; will make their home with Mr. and ATTEST; ' " Mrs. W. S. Muir. ' LEWIS BRENKMAN, Mr and Mrs. Ed Winchester and City Recorder. j (SEAL) family returned Saturday from a deCouncilman Holmgren seconded the lightful trip to Provo and Timpano-gamaking the trip over the loop into adoption of the foregoing ordinance, and the same upon being put to a Heber and returning by way of Weber vote, was unanimously carried by the Canyon. affirmative vote of all councilman present, the vote being as follows: Rev. and Mrs. Dichson returned Mon Councilman Thos, Waldron "Aye" day from attending the Epworth Councilman, David Holmgren "Aye" Institute which was held in Councilman, Paul Heitz "Aye" League the Aquirrh Mts. last week. Mrs. Councilman, Odeen Luke "Aye" Councilman, H. T. Woodward "Aye" Dickson is Dean of women each year institute. ADOPTED Aib APPROVED this at the 15th day of June, A". D, 1931. Mrs. J. S. Calderwood and .sons, 'AMES WALTON, r i i- and Curtis, visited James, f i'miZLr'4" Mayor.; with Mr.Spencer and Mrs. W. ATTESTS LEWIS BRENKMAN, "' iity Kecorder, (SEAL) Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Winchester this ordinance, principal and interest shall have been fully paid, satisfied and discharged, but nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent said city from applying any other funds that may be in the City treasury and available for that purpose, to the payment of said interest or principal, as the same' respecti . ely mature, and the levy or levie? herein provided for may thereupon to that extent be diminished. ABCH SHOES, ' . THURS. - FRL - SAT. year, numbered from 1 to 30, both inclusive, in denominations of $500.00 each, due and payable $1,500.00 on August 1st in each of the years 1942 to 1951, inclusive. Section 2. Said bonds and each of them shall be, except as to numbers and date of maturity, in substantially the following form, ' UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF UTAH BOX ELDER COUNTY , ORDINANCE IfO, - i " lbs. 15c HAMBURGER or SAUSAGE, Fresh Ground Per lb. Firm Bananas Per lb. 5e 1 OC 15c Utah Potatoes 10 lba. 12c 21 |