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Show 4 BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1931 -- Tremonton Society An Eye Witness Gives PEOPLE ARE EAGER TO SAVE Account Board Meeting THRIFT SCRIP FOR THE AUCTION ( Continued From Page One) i Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Winchester entert t tained at dinner Tuesday night in honr- i or of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sommer, of obtain a musical instructor without inPeoria, HI. creasing the taxes, I will loan you "v what little gray matter I have for a .f ; few moments and point out to you at Tuesday, July 14th, the Kings of the least three ways by which you can Kitchen, chaparoned by" the club lead- raise $2000 for a band instructor and er, Miss May Taylor, enjoyed an out- still save the tax payers a neat sum ing at Udy Spring,; of money. First, in the Box Elder High you have 1100 students with a . teacher for every 25 students, requitN. husG. entertained their The P. bands and families .at Udy Hot ing 44 teachers at a salary around Springs Monday evening. After an $2000 each per year. In the Bear enjoyable time in the pool a delicious River High each teacher is required to have SO students instead of 25. chicken supper was served. Now give each teacher in the Box Elder High 30 students and you will Mrs. James Walton was hostess to save the salaries of 7 teachers or pay .the V. G. F. club Wednesday evening. $2000 for a band leader and have ' The time was spent sewing after $12000 left for the tax payers. Secwhich a dainty lunch was served. band murather be without than ond, Mrs. Jay Rhead was present and will sic in school we could sacrifice, one be a member of the' club. week of school which would pay for the instructor, distribute at least Mrs. Herman Landvatter Mitertajn. $5000 among the tax payers to' rattle ed her bride cluh WMimftsdav nffor in their thread-bar- e overalls. Third, noon. Mrs. B. F. Wiftzeler won high Mr. ' President, since you now and pnze, Mrs. js. J. Winseler eutfand would lower the teachers salary ' were Mrs. 0. D. Luke consolation. Mrs. Alma Theurer was special guest of it not too late, why not try this scheme at the first teachers institute. ine hostess. Have the superintendent in his congenial way address the teachers someThe Daughters of the Pioneers met thing" like the following manner; at the home of Mary K. Seager, last "Fellow Teachers, you are reluctant Thursday. The lesson "The First to be in possession of a contract which White Man to view the Great Salt provides for, the same wage scale as " Lake" was given by Helen Allen. Af- past years. With a 87 decrease in ter a short program, delicious refresh- all foodstuff and clothing yours and ments were served by the hostess. my pavings are at least 33 3 greater than past years. "Now when I realize our perioral club The Kitchen Queens of the tax payers are farmers and merchants met at the home of Ruby Harris unable to dispose of their wares at 7th. reviewed the Thursday, July They any price and from such conprevious lessons, after which a delici- scarcely ous luncheon was served., Friday ev- ditions are expected to maintain our salaries. my conscience will ening the K. Q. club went to the" not allow Friends, to accept of the full 'me had time. where a springs they jolly $4800,per year that I am seemingly Club Reporter entitled to. I therefore lead the procession by accepting only of my Mrs. Wayne Sandall was hostess to allowance. I will still have as large the L. 0. H. 500" club Wednesday or larger savings as heretofore and a afternoon. The afternoon was spent clear conscience and recommend you in playing '500 afterwhich a delicious to do likedise." I have full confidence lunch was served. Special guests were in our teachers that not one would be Mrs. Earl Marble and Mrs. Erven found lagging. Morgan, Mrs. Quenten Allen won both gh and cut prizes and Mrs. Hamp. dshaw won low. 1 -- ; . .. ' - 1 , . . . r Merchant's Program Well Under Way; Save Your "THRIFT SCRIP" For The Big Auction To Be Held Soon The Tremonton merchant's good will program and THRIFT SCRIP auction campaign is now in progress. Folks in the trade area are grasping the sig nificance of the plan and are accumu lating all the THRIFT SCRIP they possibly can to be used for bidding at a big merchandise auction to be held at Tremonton, August 15th, The plan sponsored by the retail merchant's group of this community provides for the issuing of THRIFT SCRIP with each cash purchase of one dollar or with every dollar paid on account during the course of the program. The campaign will last 'only a few more weeks.- - The THRIFT SCRIP accumulated by the patrons of the various stores participating in the plan will be used instead of currency . So you see Aonowble board 'mem bers how you can furnish a band masthousand ter 'arid save tut i of dollars besides. 'Vv "'S The meetings adjourned. We are looking forward to the next board meeting for the fmal "answer which cannot help but be very favorable. ' ? An Eye Witness. Jafc-payer- s Bargains Next Wek Another feature of the program w ill be the special value giving event to be announced in next weeks issue of the Leader. This same group of merchants will in a big selling event next week, each offering one or more seasonable items of merchandise at attractively low prices. Plan to come to Tremonton for the Bargain days. In the meantime be sure to ask your merchant for THRIFT Scrip. ... . m m In -- , Announcement is made of a Camp Fossil for all playground children nine years of age and over. It will be on Saturday, July 18th, and we will leave the playground at 5 a. m. so that we can be back before the hot test part of the day. Anyone wishing to go must bring 6c for transportation and whatever you wihh to tat for breakfast. We are going to make a bonfire so that those who want may cook bacon and eggs. If we leave promptly- at 5 o'clock it will be cool and we can be back by 10 or 11 a. m. Next week the Manager of the Udy Springs is giving the playground swim ming classes a free swim. This will Bids will be received by Trcmor.lon give each of us a chance to save seme 24 th without nursing City, Utah, on the following pipe and money for the lesson. our Wf surely apswimming accessories for repairing the Tremon preciate this kindness, aivJ we wish ton Water System: 11927 feet of 4 inch pipe A.N. 3861 feet of 6 inch pipe 1343 feet of 8 inch pipe 6 6x6x4 tees 26 4x4x4 tees The preliminary hearing of A. N. 14 4 inch plugs Grover, charged with a statutory of260 "service connections fense, was halted two weeks ago in 1 machine for making connections Justice Shumway's Court at Garland deduct from the above estimated and continued without date when an The right is reserved to add to or affidavit was introduced as evidence amounts, also to reject any or all of from John E. Lockwood, the bids received. of the ycungr woman. The affidavit Bids will be accepted on cast or alleged that the girl had been induced steel pipe, welded or dresser joint. to name Mr. Grover as a guilty party. Bids will be opened July 20th, 1931 After many delays the case was at 8 o'clock p. m. to a close Thursday afternoon brought Dr. ODEEN LUKE, when Judge Shumway said: Gentle Chairman Water Committee. men, I feel it would not be right to 9 t2. bind a man over to the District Court on such testimony as that given by Viola Stanfield. If a man could be convicted on such testimony then nobody would be immuned. It would be a terrible condition in the world and no one would be safe. I feel the State has failed to establish its case therefore it is now dismissed. According to testimony of sixteen creditable witnesses, Viola Stanfield, Maina girl of twelve years of age, a daughter in a family of four members, who Cemewere living on charity, was given employment by Mr. Grover at the solicitation of herself and mother. She and 1931, a number of girls, women and men, were taken to Grover's farm in Idaho, fifty miles distant where they were employed one day picking turkeys. According to the girls testimony Grover got up in the morning after daylight,, made' the fire and visited her bed where: she slept in the kitchen. She testified Grover was fully dressed and a dozen people slept in adjoining rooms,, but she did not cry for help because sh they wanted to - Grover Exonerated Of Statutory Offense fcy at the same time. vAnyone wishing to enter these tour naments will report to the director at the appointed hour. All those who won first or second place in the last tournaments must be there to defend their titles. Playground Reporter. ' Salt Lake City Salt Lake City Board approved purchase of Erickson Wells for consideration of $110,000. or BARGAINS 5 At Prices That Defy Comparison -- . il. uiuuiw two vii nvim iuiiuid, lua and whether his adherence to Wilson- ian policies is as strong now as in the days of Wilson is debatable. If international cooperation is made the leading issue next year, New York s governor may find himself in a tight ' hole. But Owen D. Young that is a dif ferent matter! The author of the Young Plan for Debt and Reparations whose chief claim Payments, the man to distinction is- - his knowledge of international finance, the alleged "great conciliator, ' can. congratulate himself on this latest spin- - of the political wheel If Hoover is hailed by his party for easing world tension through the moratorium, how logical for the Democrats .to counter the G. O. P. boasts of leadership by revealing the fine hand of MrYoung in debt negotiations. Yet Young scarcely surpasses New ton D. Baker as an advocate of debt and reparations adjustments. For more than a decade, Baker has urged the fulfillment of Wilson's hopes, unti the name of Baker and the policies of the War President have become inseparable. By many, he is preferred to Young. , Some people judge him more sincere. Others like his national as well as his international views, mnch better. The little Ohioan has emerged from comparative obscurity to a leading role on the political stage It is impossible any longer to tag him ' .;.,?., history.- "During the past year, Firestone has placed tire buying on an entirely new basis by making it possible for car owners to see inside tire construction. Cross sections have been furnished so rubber volume, - weight, width, thickness and plies a,tread V could be studied. t y "In tires, as in their other purchases, the public wants to see. the facets before they buy. They recognize thfcfc the only way to get the facts about, tires is to examine cross sections and see how they are made. The resulf of this new plan of tire buying ha; been the establishment by Firestone? of the greatest sales record In Fire.' " stone history." j -- - only as a "favorite son" or a dark horse. ' ' Salt Lake City Actual construction, of local $400,000 Veterans' bureau hoM pital to start in near future. ... f KIM? Ask Your Merchant For a THRIFT-SCRI-P Save M Thrift-Scri- p And Prepare To Look Look! Mclntrre made the fire t o'clock in the morning ' and he himself testified to the same fact A 1 M To Be Held In Tremonton from every- standpoint of dependability and quality. Every make of car some this " year's models at prices that are considerably lower than elsewhere. , Small down payment and monthly installments to suit your convenience - Utah Auto & Imp. Co. Tremonton t.: Join In Folks! It Will Be Great Fun- - . , M Mc-Inty- Looking for a real bargain in cars? Then be considerate of JwUT UU1UUB KIIU DITCHU Minn nunc tc tt iu uiuig j w anwiv value in return. Our reconditioned cars represent extra rahw Saturday August Saturdav. Auc. 15 who was forced to re also he slept wHh testified testify and was awakened ' by the alarm clock and knew that Mclntyre made the fire. ' . Eight witnesses, testified that Grov er was suffering from a bad cold and did not get up until called for break' fast. That the doors were left open between the rooms where the girls slept and that the charge against the defendant was impossible at the time and place designated. The fathers and mothers of a num ber of girls who have worker for Grover in the past, testified their girls had told them they had never worked for a finer gentleman or been treated better by anyone. After the defense testimony was In, the girl, Viola Stanfield, waa surprised and again called to the witness stand. She had forgotten her former testimony and contradicted it and freely admitted she had told a number of falsehoods. She also admitted that the reason she knew that her stepfather was responsible for her condition was because she had never been with another man, and when she named Grover she told a falsehood. To Be Held Auction M hostile witness , AUCTION Thrift-Scri- p M Thrift-Scri- p Big M Eight jritaeesea testified that Grover 'did not make the fire ' arid that all that lour All this valuable merchandise will be sold at the The Other Out-bi- d Fellow At The Big .,, were up two hours' before daylight, M M M THE PLAN IS SIMPLE "Here'a the whole tory fei a nutshell." The retail firma of this' cenntaaity Hated below , FOR will iatoe to you ONE PIECE OF THRIFT-SCRI- P EACH DOLLAR YOU SPEND or CASH YOU PAY ON ACCOUNT daring the period of this campaign. Accumulate all of the THRIFT-SCRI- P you can daring the next few weeks for it is to be used instead of currency in the bidding AUCTION. AU ' the valuable at the big THRIFT-SCRImerchandise listed in this advertisement will positively be pat up at auction. YOU BID AND PAY FOR THESE ITEMS WITH THE THRIFT SCRIP YOU HAVE RECEIVED j. . ' '.Wrist Watch, Ice Cream Freezer . , Wicker Rocker, Stationery Picture Show Ticket Leader Subscription Numerous other valuable ;; Articles ' , & SONS CO. . !..' M M Ask For It. FRONK CHEVROLET CO. M W.E.GETZ SCOTT DRUG CO. LIBERTY THEATRE FARMERS' CASH UNION BEAR RIVER VALLEY IMP. TREMONTON STEAM SHAW & rVERSON WILSON LUMBER CO. . - Ask For THRIFT. SCRIP These Merchants Issue Thrift - Scrip GEPHART STORES CO. M You Can Save All The Thrift-Scri- p M M Electric Toaster, Rugs ' Bakery Goods, Floor Lamps COME TO TREMONTON It. L. FISH BURN ' Suit Cases, Sheets Flash Lights, Alarm Clocks, Aluminum Ware r Auto Tires - Tubes, Kodaks , M V Barb Wire, Glassware, , Sugar, Lace Curtains 290 Lbs. P . -; -- (TOE thght -- Announcement by the Firestone Tire Rubber ompany that more Firestone tires were sold during the months et April, May and June than in any three, month period in history strikingly bw dicates the dominant position held by Firestone in the industry, ays) Utah Auto Implement Co. and Win- -; Chester Service, the local Firestone -. dealers. "The tremendous increase in, demand for Firestone tires", points out the Firestone dealers, "nefsci tates the operation of Firestone factories 24 hours a day, 6 days a. week, to fill the steadily mounting volume ' : of orders. , "Mr. Firestone recognizes that this Is the year the public wants greater . values than ever before. ,TW i particularly true of tires, and Mr. Fie-ston- e is passing on to car owners all of the tremendous savings he ' has achieved through greater manufaet&r ing efficiency, purchase of raw materials at the source, and the most effi cient and economical distributing system, by building the biggest, strongest and safest tires ever made, 1 an4 selling them at the lowest prices, in & rTTTT:iXXXXXXXXXXXlXXXXXXj' Tremonton City Council Phone 28 tal debt moratorium affect the political situation in this country? Briefly, on the Republican side it only en hance the President's 1932 prospects, while from the Democratic viewpoint it changes the entire picture, particularly as respects possible presidential candidates. It has depressed the political fortunes of Franklin Roosevelt and heightened those of Newton D. Baker and Owen D. Young. Roosevelt's biggest playing card is his rrogressivism. His stand on the power issue and farm rel?cf phases Insurgent Republicans as well as Dem news ocrats, and his also appeal to an immense group. But these are ftrictly national matters. 7-- Annual Payments for Care and tenance of Lots in Tremonton tery must be paid August 1st, care of same will be discontinued. ., it How does the Hoover step-fath- NOTICE! if for Jkne second series of tournaments begin next week. One Monday July 20th will be boys baseball. The Vico and Pep team will play at 3 p. m. and the game between the Vico Juniors and Pep Juniors will begin at 4:30 p. Playground' News 4-- H n, merchants. Turn to another page of this paper where you will find the list of merchanlise to be sold and names of merchants. Cr ? Buy. On Tuesday the girls teams, the Mid gets and Giants will play at 5 p. m. . The track meet will begin at 3 p. m. on .Wednesday, July 22nd. 'w'm "' Horseshoe tournament will be held on Thursday at 3 o'clock. hike to Checker tournament will be the next p 1-- A surprise party was held Tuesday afternoon, in connection with the regular work and business meeting "of the Relief Society, in honor of Mrs. Helen T. Wilson and Sylvia H. Christ-tensewho have served faithfully as secretary and treasurer of that organization for many years. A short program consisting of an address of welcome, by Mrs. Catherine Watkins, president of the organization, a, vocal solo by Mrs. Isabella Walton, two poems, composed especially for the occasion and read by Mrs. Dora Brough and a musical reading by Mrs. Wilma Anderson was rendered after which tokens of appreciation were presented the guests of honor by President Watkins, to which grateful response was given by both ladies. A social hour followed and a tray luncheon was served to 50 membeft and guests. at the auction sale of valuable items of merchandise contributed by the .to .thank Mr. Udy Firestone Sales Greatest In April, May and June POLITICT and PERSONALITIES BAKERY BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER KlIIIIITIIIIIIITrmillllf ' M M f fgTggf TTgTTf |