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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1931 PAGE TWO I Bear River City ! W. Goodliffe Mr. and Mrs. Claries f Brigham City announce the engage went of their daughter, Alice, to Floyd Jensen, son of Bishop and Mrs. Osey Jensen, of this city. Hie marriage will take place July 22nd at Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holman and granddaughter, Shirley 0 hi man, of Fountain Green returned to their home Wednesday after spending a week in this city with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Arbon and two children spent Thursday and Friday visiting in Snowville, Utah at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arbon, parents of Mr. Arbon. Mrs. Emma B. Checketts and Miss Phyllis Jensen spent the week end in Ocden. Utah. Rueben Arbon, of Snowville, Utah, is visiting with hi3 brother, Ellis Arbon and family. Miss Anna Baldwin, of Salt Lake City is visiting in this city with her 6ister, Mrs. Eli Andersen. Mr. and Mrs." Ray Holdaway and children of Tremonton, Utah, spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rast Petersen. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Webster of Salt Lake City were calling on relatives in this city last week. Miss Elva Andersen returned to ser work in Salt Lake City after spending several days in this city visiting with her mother, Mrs. Martha Andersen and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rasmussen and baby of Sublett, Idaho, are visiting in this city with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jensen and family motored to Mai ad, Idaho, Tuesday to spend the day visiting their daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Budge, and family. Mrs. Orval Iversen i3 confined to her bed suffering with an attack of heart trouble. Friday evening about 20 boy scouts of this ward with their scout master, Lincoln Jensen, motored to the Crystal Springs to receive instructions In life saving and swimming. Five instructors from the deseret gym, under the direction of the American Red Cross were there with Mr. Welsh in Sleepy Feeling After Meals Due to Poison A dopey, tired feeling is ALWAYS a sign that waste food matter stays too long in the bowels. It ferments and form3 gas. It breeds germs. It is sure to poison heart, kidneys, brain. Adlerika washes out BOTH upper and lower boweL It brings out poisons which cause gas, nervousness and a dopey, sleepy feeling. It contains no harmful drugs. Get Adlerika today; by tomorrow you feel the wonlerful cleansing effect of this German doc tor's simple remedy. Sold by Scott Drug Company, TreAdv. monton. Utah. charge. Commissioner Cummings of Brigham was also present. Bishop Jensen also accompanied the boys to the springs. Miss Alice Reese is visiting in Salt Lake City at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Ottinger for an indefinite time. Ray Reynolds, of the U. S. Navy, pf San Diego, California, is spending his 15 day furlough at the home of his sister, Mrs, Leslie Jensen and family in this city. Misses Agnes and Flora Hansen and brother, Lorin E. Hansen, left Thurs day by auto for the northwest where they expect to visit for a few weeks While away they will visit in Canada, Portland and Seattle. Mrs. A. E. Holmgren and family re turned home Thursday after visiting in Salt Lake city for a few days. Mrs. Arnold Dallin is confined to her bed suffering with a severe attack of tonsilitis. Mrs. Ernest Andersen and children spent the week end in Brigham City visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs Thomas Mathias. Jack Jensen of the U. S. Navy, of San Diago, California, is spending his furlough in this city with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jensen. Mr. Jen sen is making a trip from San Diago home on a motrrcycle. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Jensen, Jr., Mrs. Mathias Hansen and Mrs. Victor N. Hansen attended the funeral ser BEAUTIFUL NEW FORD Je Ehrood I Plymouth Mrs. Margaret Packer and children, of Salt Lake visited her brother and family, Mr. Andrew Romer, last Wednesday. Sterling Wyatt, son of Mr. and Mrs WiUard Wyatt, of Logan, is visiting with his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Mor tensen. Mr. and Mrs. George Daily, of was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mortensen, Sunday. Dwayne and Merlin Romer' is touring Yellowstone Park this week. "Aaron Petersen took a fishing trip to Bear Lake last week. He was gone three days but fishing was not in his favor. They just took the bait and went their way. Mrs. Robert Miller and children left Sunday for Ogden to visit relatives there, before returning to California, They enjoyed a long visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J P. Christen sen and all their relatives, here. Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Christensen and son, Aid red, and daughter, Rhoda went to Logan Saturday on business also visited relatives there. J. P. Christenst-- and H. P. Rasmus- s"n were Logan Temple visitors last Friday. J. F. Rhoda, of California, formerly of this place, visited old friends here Lew-isto- n, n last week. Lydia Fridal entertained her friends at a birthday party last Sunday. Spencer Harris of Layton, was guest last Sunday. Dorotha anl J. V. Christensen spent the week end visiting relatives at Hooper and Farmington. John C. Broberg and Niels Bergsho, contractors of Logan, called on sever al friends here last Wednesday. Mrs. Zyrel Wright and children, of Ogden, and Mrs. Victor Hansen ard small daughter, June, of Bear River called on grandma Hansen and other relatives here last Wednesday. Patriarch J. P. Christensen went to Bothwell last week, accompanied by his granddaughter, Dorotha Christen sen, as his scribe. He gave eight pa- triarchical blessings. J. M. Mortensen, W. W. Nielsen and Ed Heslop went to Beaver Dam to ?ive programs Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith of City visited here last Monday with relatives. They were accompan ied back by their two boys, Jack and Charles, who spent a couple of weeks with Mrs. Hyrum Christensen while Mrs. Smith went to California. J. P. Christensen was pleasantly surprised Sunday on his 78th birthday when the band, some 25 pieces, came and gave him a few tunes. His chil dren also came and treatel the band to light refreshments. His children spent the remainder of the day. C. S. Christensen, of Preston, ac companied by Mrs. Caroline VanNoy and children, who will visit Mr. and Mrs. Ira Andersen for awhile. of Erma Hansen vices held in Ogden, Saturday, over the remains of Mrs. Josephine John son. Mrs. Johnson is an aunt of the three ladies. U?o-di&- L When You Think HARDWARE THINK WILSON "Everything To Build Anything" Phone 11 TOWN SEDAN DE LUXE SEDAN CONVERTIBLE We All Want to VICTORIA CABRIOLET The most striking fine car typc9 ever offered at such low prices are now being presented by Ford dealer These are the six newest de luxe creations of th Ford Motor Company. They arc designed aud built Know Where We Can Find Service Fire Insurance All Kinds, Automobile Insurance, Fire, Theft, Collision, Public Liability, Property Damage, Plate Glass Insurance, one-piec- Review """ a our community. There were a number of invited truest oresent and a very interesting lecture was given by Mr. Allbricks on health and how to save the most important vitamins essential for health. 1 Mrs. Hannah Hess and son, Ellis, were Tremonton shoppers Wednesday Mrs. Charles Thornton and son. Bil- lie, of Salt Lake City was Wednesday guest of Mrs. R. JU Mason. Mr. B. L. Mason was in Tremonton on business Monday. Mr. and JMrs. Melvin J. Udy and children were in the county seat rxi dav of last week. Miss I.uella Smith spent the fore part of the week with her coMsin, Nina Udy of Riverside. Misa.Kina and lone Udy of River side were week end guests of Lilly and Luella Smith of Plymouth. Mr. and Mrs. David T. Burnett and children spent the Fourth m Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Archibald and visfamily of Ridgedale, Idaho were in Plymouth. relatives iting Mr. Ralph Rose and Dewain Smith Rivof Plymouth and Newel Udy of at Fourth Burley, erside, spent the Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Thames Udy and famof Mr. ily of Riverside were guests of Plymouth, Alvin Smith, ana Mrs. Sundav of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Orsen Watsen and fam weeK ena ily of Robin, Idaho, were Asenath Udy. ofMrs. Miss lleen Steed is visiting relatives at Robin, Idaho, for an lndefinate capital, employment and business activities and opportunities. Information, from which ,the paragraphs are prepared is from local papers, usually of towns mentioned, and may be considered generally correct. , BUILDING & LOAN Save As You Please, Income Accounts, el Alfred Atkensen. of Clarks Aira ton was in Plymouth on business, Tues dav. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin A. Smith were Tremonton shoppers Wednesday. Mr. David Burnett of Plymouth, spent Sunday with relatives at Maiaa, iaa William Nish of Clarkston was Mr- - Tuesday dinner guest of Mrs. Robert Nish. Mr. Earl Pierson, of Plymouth was in Tremonton on business Tuesday. Miss Lorene Archibald of Plymouth is spending the week end with her cousin, Wanda Mason. Mr and Mrs. Carl Jensen, of Brig ham was in Plymouth on business Monday. r SILVER FOXES when the THE DIAMOND OF THE FUR INDUSTRY The United States Department of Agriculture, in bulletin No. 1151 says "As a fur animal propagated in captivity the SILVER FOX has no rival, and both live foxes and their pelts are in demand... Probably no other k enterprise pays larger returns for the money invested." Special Depression Prices per pair .... $250.00 per pair .... $300.00 per pair .... $350.00 per pair .... $400.00 Oct. per pair .... $450.00 Nov. per pair .... $500.00 June July Aug. Sept. COST SO LITTLE? flRESTONE Savings' Certificates. NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING All of the above together with the best of service can be obtained from JAMES BROUGH Office Tremonton Res. BVR. Tel.- - Utah Bell Tel -- Tfres are the s;.fe; tires in t'le I world, because of inbuilt patented construc- tion features CALL : FRANK MUNNS 59-Garland 134-- W -- Don't Neglect your Eyes They mean too much to you. We have the Experience and Equipment to give you the Best in Optometric Non-SKi- 8 longer flexing life in every cord 50 stronger bond between tread and cord body 20 rr greater protection againtt punctures and blowouts longer wear 31J.2 non-ski- d ft Tirccfonc RICH SPEED HKWY.DI TV TYPE Tb Cold Slaodard f Tlr Value 40, '2Z?0 lo longer tire life Firestone saves millions of dollars annually through economies in buying, manufacturing ami distributing to give these extra values at lowest prices in the history of tire building; We have a complete line of Firestone Gum-Dippe- d Tires for you to choose from. Every Fire-ston- e Tire bear the jrtame "Firestone", and is doubly guaranteed by Firestone and by us. Come in TODAY we will make full allowance for the unused mileage in your old tires. Let us show you how little it will cost you to equip with Firestone High and eliminate the danger of worn tires. Speed Tire Firestone Service Dealers and Service Stores Yow avt Money and Serve You Better UTAH AUTO & WINCHESTER IMP. CO. SERVICE Phone 28 Phone 103 -- 101 Gum-Dippe- d Cords, Patented Double Cord Breaker, a and Tough, Thick i read, which give r : WORLD'S SAFEST TIIEES 2" -- gravel-surface- ho. Surety Bonds, Contract Bonds, Public Official Bonds. Farm Loans, Property Loans, Gravel hauling underway on Milford end of strip of Beaver-Milfor-d highway. Price A. O. Thorne received $145,-32- 1 contract to construct 19,23 miles d highway between here and Emery County line. E. Hostettler purchasJtichfkld ed Lyric Theatre . Salt Lake City $2,00,000 bond issue approved by citizens for improvements and additions to water distri. . buting system. Ogden Plans underway to install new water mains in certain districts . of city. Moab Daily passenger, freight and buses started operations between here and Salt Lake City. Tooele Bakery Dairy purchased bottle milk business of Central Dairy. Hyrum Preliminary work for construction of Hyrum reservoir project at cost of about $900,000 started. Logan Summer renovating work underway at local schools. Castle Dale "Emery County Progress" installed new press. St. George Plans discussed for erec tion of new hospital here. Cedar City General Steam Corpora tion clearing site for erection of power plant in Cedar Canyon. Salt Lake City Auerbach Co. purchased accounts receivable, merchandise, furniture and fixtures of Walker Bros. Drygoods Co. Tooele Plans underway to remodel North Ward Church edifice. Richfield Richfield natatorium ren ovated and remodeled. Cedar City Scotty Thomas purchas ed Chamberlain Grocery Store. Salt lake City Mullins & Wheeler Inc., received $32,353 contract for installation of artesian water wells collection system in Murray basin. Price--Bi- ds asked for construction of 94 miles road between here and Cat canyon in Carbon County, to cost approximately $175,000. Jensen Plans considered for erection of new bridge here. , Ogden Union Construction Co., of tojj city, received contract for construction of 10 miles of Bryce Canyon road. Manti Local plant of Rocky Monn. tain Packing Corporation started sea son run. 100,000-bushgrain wareNephi house here completed. Provo Bids will be opened July 14 for construction of additional dam at Lost Lake at head of Provo River. Ogden Good progress being made on Monte Cristo road which will eventually be constructed from here to Rich County; total of $18,000 being expended on project this year. Monticello Elwyn Blake installed shingle and lath mill on his property nine miles north of here. Brigham City Brigham City Cleaning Co. installed Hofmann press in plant. Construction of proposed Nephi post office building to start in near future. Kaysville Muir Conoco Service Sta tion opened on corner Main ard Locust streets. Salt Lake City W. J. Dean & Son received contract for remodeling phys ical science building at University of ITtah, at cost of $55,000. Clearfield Neilson Service Station operating under management of Burof Ridgedale ton and Short Rhoda C. W. & M. Co. store Farmingrton Idaho, is visiting her aunt, snon a remodeled into service station. ior of being Archibald Flymouth, Extensive Kaysville improvements , period. Miss Vera Pierson of Plymouth is underway at El Monte Springs. visiting her friends, at Aberdeen, iaa Garland LOANS Layton- - Dich's Lunch Stand opened for business. 12-mi- le m at the home of Mrs. Hanah Hess unThe following record of industrial der the direction of Mr. Allbrick, who list items showing investis demonstrating the aluminum sets in activity of labor ment of H. W. LAWRENCE BONDS to meet every need of the automobile buyer whose desire for motoring luxury and outstanding perform-anc- e is tempered with sound economy. Get the facts about these fine cars. Compare their clean-cu- t lithe, style with any you have ever created In your own imagination. Learn about the de luxe materials with which each car is trimmed and upholstered, and how carefully these are tailored. Sit and ride in the wide, restful seats and you will realize that just as no restrictions have been put on mechanical performance, so no limits have been placed on comfort and beauty. 4 There is much to interest the careful buyer choice of sparkling colors, a variety of rich uphol. tery materials, Rustless Steel, safety glass, Houdailla doable-actin-g shock absorbers, e welded steel wheels, slanting windshields, and many other features which make the Ford a happy investment. A very dainty luncheon was given Utah Weekly Industrial live-stoc- SEDAN DE LUXE TUDOR I |